I have a small issue, but I cannot find the code for it. For simplicity I made a simple example.
I made a validation userform with a modeless listbox (lsb_dataval_man). This listbox is populated with named ranges with only the names that have an error or are empty. Because there are many tabs, the user can navigate quickly to the sheets and cells which need attention and modify or populate them.
When you doubleclick a named range in the listbox, it will go to that reference and users need to enter data directly. See the simplified code for this double click below.
With the command Application.Goto ThisWorkbook.names(named_range).RefersToRange it will select the cell, but I am not able to type in the cell directly as like when you would do a select. A user needs to click the cell again or click in the formula bar and enter data. How can I change my code so after going to the cell of the named range, the user can type directly? Perhaps this is related to the modeless form which is still active?
The code:
Private Sub lsb_dataval_man_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim named_range As String
named_range = Me.lsb_dataval_man
'select the named range cell
Application.Goto ThisWorkbook.names(named_range).RefersToRange
End sub
This should work:
Private Sub lsb_dataval_man_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim named_range As String
named_range = Me.lsb_dataval_man
AppActivate ThisWorkbook.Windows(1).Caption 'switches focus from userform to workbook
ThisWorkbook.Names(named_range).RefersToRange.Select 'selects cell
End sub
I've got two buttons on a worksheet that I've named "RemoveButton" and "AddButton". I've also added hyperlinks to both shapes and both shapes will point to the same cell once clicked. When I click both buttons, they point to cell A1 as expected, but the FollowHyperlink code does not recognize that a hyperlink has been clicked.
I wanted to use the FollowHyperlink worksheet event to recognize the shape that is clicked. I created the macro as below:
Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Debug.Print "Clicked!"
End Sub
When clicking on the shapes, they just point to A1 and "Clicked!" never shows in my Immediate window. However, I created a test hyperlink that is text only and when selected, "Clicked!" appears. This indicates that Excel isn't treating the buttons as hyperlinks even though they have hyperlinks added to them.
The reason for the hyperlinks on the shape is for them to run code. I could use the assign macro feature to the shape, but in doing so I wouldn't be able to add a ScreenTip to the shape. I really want the ScreenTip as this will help future users know what the button is for.
Can someone please help me understand if this is possible?
Screenshot of buttons
There is a workaround for this problem. Instead of the Worksheet_FollowHyperlink event, you can use the Worksheet_SelectionChange event.
To do this, you need a cell that is completely covered up by your button. If the button is too small to cover up a cell, you can just hide a row and a column and place the button at the intersection of the hidden row and column.
Now, we link the button with the "hidden" cell, C5 in this example:
Now the hidden cell can only be selected by clicking the button.
So if the Target in the Worksheet_SelectionChange event is the cell C5, we know that the button has been clicked.
To leave the previous selection unaffected, you can use the following code in the worksheet's code module:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Const HIDDEN_CELL_ADDESS As String = "$C$5" '<--Set hidden cell address here
Static previousSelection As Range
If Target.Address = HIDDEN_CELL_ADDESS Then
'Make sure the linked cell doesn't stay selected, otherwise the next
'click on the button may not be recognized
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not previousSelection Is Nothing Then previousSelection.Select
If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then
If Selection.Address = HIDDEN_CELL_ADDESS Then Target.Offset(1).Select
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
Call ShapeClicked
Set previousSelection = Target
End If
End Sub
Sub ShapeClicked()
MsgBox "The button has been clicked"
End Sub
GWD's answer correctly solves the issue. I also found a slightly different way to work around this as well. Please see below:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B11")) Is Nothing Then
Call dispatchLink(Target.Address)
End If
End Sub
I have a sheet with a bunch of ComboBoxes(form control) and I want to detect when a user changes any one of them and write text in a cell. Using Worksheet_Change on the target cells doesn't work. I have tried a bunch of things that don't work. I'm not sure what needs to be in the private sub line or the if statement.
Private Sub DropDowns_DropButtonClick()
If ActiveSheet.DropDowns.Value > 1 Then
Cells(13, 5).Font.Bold = True
Cells(13, 5).Font.Color = vbRed
Cells(13, 5).Value = "!!! Selections have been changed. !!!"
End If
End Sub
I have tried
and anything else I could find. I've also tried a few different things in the if statement with no luck.
I appreciate any help.
If I'm reading you correctly, you're comboboxes are in a userform. If I'm correct, simply open your userform in 'Visual Basic' and double click on the relavant combobox. This will open the code pane and create an empty Private Sub routine called 'Private Sub <Combobox Name> ()'.
Enter your code to place your data in the sheet (or whatever else you want) into the subroutine and Bob should be your uncle.
Apologies in advance if there's something I've missed.
OK, my mistake, it's a form control.
My first comment is that it's easier to use an activex control if you can... however, with a form control, should (a) Use the cell link box in the 'Format Control' drop down ('Control' tab) to place the result in a cell... however, that result will not be the content of the box but an integer equal to the position of the selected entry on the list of entries in the combobox. You then need to (b) assign a macro to the combobox which will pick up the result and use it to get the required information from the range containing the list of entries. Like I say, much easier with an activex control...
Here's how you can do it by assigning a macro to the combobox (right click on the combobox>assign macro) as #BigBen mentioned in the comments section:
Option Explicit
Sub DropDown1_Change()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim dd As DropDown
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Name of your Worksheet") 'Name of the worksheet in which the combobox is located
Set dd = sht.DropDowns("Drop Down 1") 'name of your combobox
sht.Range("G1").Value = "The selected value is: " & dd.List(dd.Value) 'dd.value returns the index of the selected value
End Sub
You can use the same code for each one of your comboboxes.
For demonstration purposes i have used the following set-up:
You can easily modify the code to best fit your needs.
I want to take a "list of name" data sets from excel and use it for an Combobox Userform. The user uses a dropdown menu from the Combobox to make his/her selection of a name.
My problem is that I don't know how to apply the "list of name" data sets to the combobox. The range for the list of names is in cell C2:AU2 and its in a worksheet called "DoNotPrint-Names". Once the name is chosen by the user I want it to output it to a cell in "DoNotPrint-Setup" worksheet when the button "Next" is clicked.
Screenshot Part of the Names list:
Screenshot of Userform:
I tried the code below which asks the Userform to prepopulate cells from "DoNotPrint - Names" worksheet by transposing it first since its a single row. Not sure how to proceed afterward.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
ComboBox1.List = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(DoNotPrint - Names.Range("C2:AU2"))
End Sub
Select your list and give it name,
Then load that list on your ComboBox1
Code Example
Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim vList As Variant
For Each vList In [MyList]
Me.ComboBox1.AddItem vList
End Sub
Addendum to found solution
Just in Addition to #0m3r 's valid answer, you can use the array Approach to assign the entire named horizontal list to the comboboxe's .List property in a one liner:
Me.ComboBox1.List = Application.Transpose([myList])
Alternatively you can use the control's .Column property which seems to be rather unknown:
Me.ComboBox1.Column = [myList].Value
Trying to use excel vba userforms to automate many tasks in a spreadsheet. There is a Button1 on Sheet1 that has two commands.
sub Button1_click()
end sub
As an example there is a data entry worksheet (sheet2) that we want to switch to to input data values to a list.
To simplify in this example and to show my issue the userform has one button
sub CommandButton1_click()
userform1.hide ' hide the form
end sub
What I want to be able to do is use the user form button to switch to sheet2, select b2, and be able to enter data starting there immediately.
What I've been getting is a selection box on sheet2.range("b2") BUT I show color starting at sheet1!a3, then sheet1!b4,... I have entry occurring on sheet1!b2 etc.
Shows beginning and entry
Entry colors from sheet1 showing on visible sheet2 - data not appearing
Actual data is entered on sheet1 not sheet2 -
The problem seems to be (as you mention in the comments) that, at the end of Button1_Click, the focus returns to the sheet containing the button even though the ActiveSheet is now a different sheet.
For the moment (until someone comes up with a better solution) a "workaround" is to allow the Button1_Click event to finish running before showing the Form. That can be achieved by changing Button1_Click to something like:
Sub Button1_click()
Application.OnTime Now(), "BypassBug"
End Sub
Sub BypassBug()
End Sub
I have this code which fills a combobox on Sheet1 with the Name column of Table1 on Sheet2.
Public Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Me.ComboBox1.List = Worksheets("Sheet2").ListObjects("Table1")_
End Sub
Works fine but it has a weird effect when I click off the combobox onto the sheet. The selected entry in the box quickly flashes to the previous entry. For example, the currently selected item is "b" and then I select "c". If I click on the worksheet the entry in the box quickly flashes to "b" before going back to "c".
I've put this code alone in a new file and I still get the same effect. Has anyone else seen this?
Edit regarding reason for Public Sub:
Forgot to include the Workbook_Open code so that Sheet1 is considered Activated when you open the Workbook. But it doesn't matter if I keep that code or not, I still see the effect.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call ActiveSheet.Worksheet_Activate
End Sub
Adding a LostFocus event with code that selects a cell on your worksheet should cause the flicker not to happen when you select a cell after changing the ComboBox's value.
Like the following:
Private Sub ComboBox1_LostFocus()
End Sub