How can I reinterpret a RefMut<T> as a RefMut<U> - rust

I have a collection containing elements wrapped in RefCell that I borrow. I have a wrapper struct to make the api usable like so:
pub struct RefWrapper<'a, T> {
inner: RefMut<'a, T>,
impl<T> Deref for RefWrapper<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T { &self.inner }
impl<T> DerefMut for RefWrapper<T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { &mut self.inner }
Foo and Bar have the same memory layout, so I can safely transmute between references of them, however RefMut is not repr(C) and transmuting would be unsound for other reasons, so I can't safely transmute RefWrapper<Foo> into RefWrapper<Bar>. is there any way to convert from RefWrapper<Foo> to RefWrapper<Bar>?

If you can get a &mut U from a &mut T, then you can use RefMut::map.
Here as a code example:
use std::cell::{RefCell, RefMut};
struct Foo {
a: i32,
b: i32,
struct Bar {
a: i32,
b: i32,
fn convert_foo_to_bar(foo: &mut Foo) -> &mut Bar {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(foo) }
fn main() {
let foo = RefCell::new(Foo { a: 42, b: 69 });
let foo_ref = foo.borrow_mut();
let mut bar_ref = RefMut::map(foo_ref, convert_foo_to_bar);
println!("{:?}", bar_ref);
bar_ref.b = 420;
println!("{:?}", foo);
Bar { a: 42, b: 69 }
RefCell { value: Foo { a: 42, b: 420 } }
Be aware that his requires manually keeping the memory layout of Foo and Bar in sync. This will create very subtle and hard-to-find bugs if Foo and Bar are not 100% identical.
Of course one could generalize the concept by implementing From/Into for &mut Foo and &mut Bar instead of using convert_foo_to_bar. You can then use this trait to for your RefWrapper to convert between the two.


Late type in Rust

I'm working with two crates: A and B. I control both. I'd like to create a struct in A that has a field whose type is known only to B (i.e., A is independent of B, but B is dependent on A).
pub struct Thing {
pub foo: i32,
pub bar: *const i32,
impl Thing {
fn new(x: i32) -> Self {
Thing { foo: x, bar: &0 }
struct Value {};
fn func1() {
let mut x = A::Thing::new(1);
let y = Value {}; = &y as *const Value as *const i32;
fn func2() {
let y = unsafe { &*( as *const Value) };
This works, but it doesn't feel very "rusty". Is there a cleaner way to do this? I thought about using a trait object, but ran into issues with Clone.
Note: My reason for splitting these out is that the dependencies in B make compilation very slow. Value above is actually from llvm_sys. I'd rather not leak that into A, which has no other dependency on llvm.
The standard way to implement something like this is with generics, which are kind of like type variables: they can be "assigned" a particular type, possibly within some constraints. This is how the standard library can provide types like Vec that work with types that you declare in your crate.
Basically, generics allow Thing to be defined in terms of "some unknown type that will become known later when this type is actually used."
Given the example in your code, it looks like Thing's bar field may or may not be set, which suggests that the built-in Option enum should be used. All you have to do is put a type parameter on Thing and pass that through to Option, like so:
pub mod A {
pub struct Thing<T> {
pub foo: i32,
pub bar: Option<T>,
impl<T> Thing<T> {
pub fn new(x: i32) -> Self {
Thing { foo: x, bar: None }
pub mod B {
use crate::A;
struct Value;
fn func1() {
let mut x = A::Thing::new(1);
let y = Value; = Some(y);
// ...
fn func2(x: &A::Thing<Value>) {
// ...
let y: &Value =;
// ...
Here, the x in B::func1() has the type Thing<Value>. You can see with this syntax how Value is substituted for T, which makes the bar field Option<Value>.
If Thing's bar isn't actually supposed to be optional, just write pub bar: T instead, and accept a T in Thing::new() to initialize it:
pub mod A {
pub struct Thing<T> {
pub foo: i32,
pub bar: T,
impl<T> Thing<T> {
pub fn new(x: i32, y: T) -> Self {
Thing { foo: x, bar: y }
pub mod B {
use crate::A;
struct Value;
fn func1() {
let mut x = A::Thing::new(1, Value);
// ...
fn func2(x: &A::Thing<Value>) {
// ...
let y: &Value = &;
// ...
Note that the definition of Thing in both of these cases doesn't actually require that T implement Clone; however, Thing<T> will only implement Clone if T also does. #[derive(Clone)] will generate an implementation like:
impl<T> Clone for Thing<T> where T: Clone { /* ... */ }
This can allow your type to be more flexible -- it can now be used in contexts that don't require T to implement Clone, while also being cloneable when T does implement Clone. You get the best of both worlds this way.

Why sized trait is required for a builder function to generate Rc<T>?

This code works fine (playground):
use std::rc::Rc;
trait Foo {
fn foo(&self);
struct Bar<T> {
v: Rc<T>,
impl<T> Bar<T> where
T: Foo {
fn new(rhs: Rc<T>) -> Bar<T> {
Bar{v: rhs}
struct Zzz {
impl Zzz {
fn new() -> Zzz {
impl Foo for Zzz {
fn foo(&self) {
println!("Zzz foo");
fn make_foo() -> Rc<Foo> {
fn main() {
let a = Bar::new(Rc::new(Zzz::new()));
but if I make a wrapper to generate Rc like below, the compiler complains about missing sized trait (playground)
fn make_foo() -> Rc<dyn Foo> {
fn main() {
let a = Bar::new(make_foo());
in both cases, Bar::new received parameters with same type Rc, why the rust compiler reacts different?
By default, all type variables are assumed to be Sized. For example, in the definition of the Bar struct, there is an implicit Sized constraint, like this:
struct Bar<T: Sized> {
v: Rc<T>,
The object dyn Foo cannot be Sized since each possible implementation of Foo could have a different size, so there isn't one size that can be chosen. But you are trying to instantiate a Bar<dyn Foo>.
The fix is to opt out of the Sized trait for T:
struct Bar<T: ?Sized> {
v: Rc<T>,
And also in the context of the implementations:
impl<T: ?Sized> Bar<T>
T: Foo
?Sized is actually not a constraint, but relaxing the existing Sized constraint, so that it is not required.
A consequence of opting out of Sized is that none of Bar's methods from that impl block can use T, except by reference.

How do I clone a closure, so that their types are the same?

I have a struct which looks something like this:
pub struct MyStruct<F>
F: Fn(usize) -> f64,
field: usize,
mapper: F,
// fields omitted
How do I implement Clone for this struct?
One way I found to copy the function body is:
let mapper = |x| (mystruct.mapper)(x);
But this results in mapper having a different type than that of mystruct.mapper.
As of Rust 1.26.0, closures implement both Copy and Clone if all of the captured variables do:
pub struct MyStruct<F>
F: Fn(usize) -> f64,
field: usize,
mapper: F,
fn main() {
let f = MyStruct {
field: 34,
mapper: |x| x as f64,
let g = f.clone();
println!("{}", (g.mapper)(3));
You can't Clone closures. The only one in a position to implement Clone for a closure is the compiler... and it doesn't. So, you're kinda stuck.
There is one way around this, though: if you have a closure with no captured variables, you can force a copy via unsafe code. That said, a simpler approach at that point is to accept a fn(usize) -> f64 instead, since they don't have a captured environment (any zero-sized closure can be rewritten as a function), and are Copy.
You can use Rc (or Arc!) to get multiple handles of the same unclonable value. Works well with Fn (callable through shared references) closures.
pub struct MyStruct<F> where F: Fn(usize) -> f64 {
field: usize,
mapper: Rc<F>,
// fields omitted
impl<F> Clone for MyStruct<F>
where F: Fn(usize) -> f64,
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
MyStruct {
field: self.field,
mapper: self.mapper.clone(),
Remember that #[derive(Clone)] is a very useful recipe for Clone, but its recipe doesn't always do the right thing for the situation; this is one such case.
You can use trait objects to be able to implement Сlone for your struct:
use std::rc::Rc;
pub struct MyStructRef<'f> {
field: usize,
mapper: &'f Fn(usize) -> f64,
pub struct MyStructRc {
field: usize,
mapper: Rc<Fn(usize) -> f64>,
fn main() {
let closure = |x| x as f64;
let f = MyStructRef { field: 34, mapper: &closure };
let g = f.clone();
println!("{}", (f.mapper)(3));
println!("{}", (g.mapper)(3));
let rcf = MyStructRc { field: 34, mapper: Rc::new(|x| x as f64 * 2.0) };
let rcg = rcf.clone();
println!("{}", (rcf.mapper)(3));
println!("{}", (rcg.mapper)(3));

How can I expose a safe wrapper around an owned pointer?

I'm wrapping a C library that has two structs: one has a pointer to the other.
struct StructA {
void * some_mem;
struct StructB {
void * some_mem;
struct StructA * some_struct;
Both of these structs own memory, so my wrapper has constructors and destructors for both of them.
struct StructA(*mut c_void);
impl StructA {
fn new() -> Self {
impl Drop for StructA {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let StructA(ptr) = self;
There's also a function that takes a pointer to StructB and returns its pointer to StructA:
const struct StructA * get_struct(const struct StructB * obj);
The user of this function should not free the returned pointer, since it will be freed when the user frees obj.
How can I wrap this function? The problem is that the destructor for StructB frees all its memory, including the one for StructA. So if my wrapping of get_struct returns an object, then the wrapped StructA will be freed twice (right?). It could instead return a reference to an object, but where would that object live?
I could have separate structs for StructA based on whether it's standalone and needs to be freed or if it's a reference, but I'm hoping that's unnecessary.
I could have separate structs for StructA based on whether it's standalone and needs to be freed or if it's a reference, but I'm hoping that's unnecessary.
It's necessary. The difference between an owned StructA * and a borrowed StructA * is precisely the same as the difference between a Box<T> and a &T. They're both "just a pointer", but the semantics are completely different.
Something along these lines is probably what you want:
use std::marker::PhantomData;
struct OwnedA(*mut c_void);
impl Drop for OwnedA {
fn drop(&mut self) { }
impl OwnedA {
fn deref(&self) -> RefA { RefA(self.0, PhantomData) }
struct RefA<'a>(*mut c_void, PhantomData<&'a u8>);
struct OwnedB(*mut c_void);
impl Drop for OwnedB {
fn drop(&mut self) { }
impl OwnedB {
fn get_a(&self) -> RefA { RefA(get_struct(self.0), PhantomData) }
In particular, it's worth noting that lifetime parameter on RefA lets the compiler make sure you don't use a RefA after the backing structure has been freed.
I could have separate structs for StructA based on whether it's standalone and needs to be freed or if it's a reference, but I'm hoping that's unnecessary.
I believe this would be the accepted pattern. For backup, I'd point to the fact that this is a normal pattern in the Rust library. &str and String, &[T] and Vec<T>, Path and PathBuf, and probably lots of others I can't think of.
The good news is that you can use similar patterns as these pairs, leveraging Deref or DerefMut to call down to shared implementation:
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
enum RawFoo {}
fn c_foo_new() -> *const RawFoo { std::ptr::null() }
fn c_foo_free(_f: *const RawFoo) {}
fn c_foo_count(_f: *const RawFoo) -> u8 { 42 }
fn c_foo_make_awesome(_f: *const RawFoo, _v: bool) { }
struct OwnedFoo(Foo);
impl OwnedFoo {
fn new() -> OwnedFoo {
impl Drop for OwnedFoo {
fn drop(&mut self) { c_foo_free((self.0).0) }
impl Deref for OwnedFoo {
type Target = Foo;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 }
impl DerefMut for OwnedFoo {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 }
struct Foo(*const RawFoo);
impl Foo {
fn count(&self) -> u8 { c_foo_count(self.0) }
fn make_awesome(&mut self, v: bool) { c_foo_make_awesome(self.0, v) }
fn main() {
let mut f = OwnedFoo::new();
println!("{}", f.count());
Then, when you get a borrowed pointer from your other object, just wrap it up in a &Foo:
use std::mem;
fn c_bar_foo_ref() -> *const RawFoo { std::ptr::null() }
// Ignoring boilerplate for wrapping the raw Bar pointer
struct Bar;
impl Bar {
fn new() -> Bar { Bar }
fn foo(&self) -> &Foo {
unsafe { mem::transmute(c_bar_foo_ref()) }
fn foo_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Foo {
unsafe { mem::transmute(c_bar_foo_ref()) }
fn main() {
let mut b = Bar::new();
// Doesn't work - lifetime constrained to Bar
// let nope = Bar::new().foo();

How would I create a handle manager in Rust?

pub struct Storage<T>{
vec: Vec<T>
impl<T: Clone> Storage<T>{
pub fn new() -> Storage<T>{
Storage{vec: Vec::new()}
pub fn get<'r>(&'r self, h: &Handle<T>)-> &'r T{
let index =;
pub fn set(&mut self, h: &Handle<T>, t: T){
let index =;
self.vec[index] = t;
pub fn create(&mut self, t: T) -> Handle<T>{
Handle{id: self.vec.len()-1}
struct Handle<T>{
id: uint
I am currently trying to create a handle system in Rust and I have some problems. The code above is a simple example of what I want to achieve.
The code works but has one weakness.
let mut s1 = Storage<uint>::new();
let mut s2 = Storage<uint>::new();
let handle1 = s1.create(5);
s1.get(handle1); // works
s2.get(handle1); // unsafe
I would like to associate a handle with a specific storage like this
//Pseudo code
struct Handle<T>{
id: uint,
storage: &Storage<T>
impl<T> Handle<T>{
pub fn get(&self) -> &T;
The problem is that Rust doesn't allow this. If I would do that and create a handle with the reference of a Storage I wouldn't be allowed to mutate the Storage anymore.
I could implement something similar with a channel but then I would have to clone T every time.
How would I express this in Rust?
The simplest way to model this is to use a phantom type parameter on Storage which acts as a unique ID, like so:
use std::kinds::marker;
pub struct Storage<Id, T> {
marker: marker::InvariantType<Id>,
vec: Vec<T>
impl<Id, T> Storage<Id, T> {
pub fn new() -> Storage<Id, T>{
Storage {
marker: marker::InvariantType,
vec: Vec::new()
pub fn get<'r>(&'r self, h: &Handle<Id, T>) -> &'r T {
let index =;
pub fn set(&mut self, h: &Handle<Id, T>, t: T) {
let index =;
self.vec[index] = t;
pub fn create(&mut self, t: T) -> Handle<Id, T> {
Handle {
marker: marker::InvariantLifetime,
id: self.vec.len() - 1
pub struct Handle<Id, T> {
id: uint,
marker: marker::InvariantType<Id>
fn main() {
struct A; struct B;
let mut s1 = Storage::<A, uint>::new();
let s2 = Storage::<B, uint>::new();
let handle1 = s1.create(5);
s2.get(&handle1); // won't compile, since A != B
This solves your problem in the simplest case, but has some downsides. Mainly, it depends on the use to define and use all of these different phantom types and to prove that they are unique. It doesn't prevent bad behavior on the user's part where they can use the same phantom type for multiple Storage instances. In today's Rust, however, this is the best we can do.
An alternative solution that doesn't work today for reasons I'll get in to later, but might work later, uses lifetimes as anonymous id types. This code uses the InvariantLifetime marker, which removes all sub typing relationships with other lifetimes for the lifetime it uses.
Here is the same system, rewritten to use InvariantLifetime instead of InvariantType:
use std::kinds::marker;
pub struct Storage<'id, T> {
marker: marker::InvariantLifetime<'id>,
vec: Vec<T>
impl<'id, T> Storage<'id, T> {
pub fn new() -> Storage<'id, T>{
Storage {
marker: marker::InvariantLifetime,
vec: Vec::new()
pub fn get<'r>(&'r self, h: &Handle<'id, T>) -> &'r T {
let index =;
pub fn set(&mut self, h: &Handle<'id, T>, t: T) {
let index =;
self.vec[index] = t;
pub fn create(&mut self, t: T) -> Handle<'id, T> {
Handle {
marker: marker::InvariantLifetime,
id: self.vec.len() - 1
pub struct Handle<'id, T> {
id: uint,
marker: marker::InvariantLifetime<'id>
fn main() {
let mut s1 = Storage::<uint>::new();
let s2 = Storage::<uint>::new();
let handle1 = s1.create(5);
// In theory this won't compile, since the lifetime of s2
// is *slightly* shorter than the lifetime of s1.
// However, this is not how the compiler works, and as of today
// s2 gets the same lifetime as s1 (since they can be borrowed for the same period)
// and this (unfortunately) compiles without error.
In a hypothetical future, the assignment of lifetimes may change and we may grow a better mechanism for this sort of tagging. However, for now, the best way to accomplish this is with phantom types.
