Get ARNs of subnets and iterate over them - terraform

I have created some subnets. I want to share those subnets with other accounts. For that I need to retrieve the ARN of the subnets.
I am able to get a list of ARNs like this
data "aws_subnets" "dev_subnet" {
filter {
name = "vpc-id"
values = [module.vpc.vpc_id]
tags = {
Environment = "dev-*"
data "aws_subnet" "dev_subnet" {
for_each = toset(data.aws_subnets.dev_subnet.ids)
id = each.value
output "dev_subnet_arns" {
value = [for s in data.aws_subnet.dev_subnet : s.arn]
This results in
+ dev_subnet_arns = [
+ "arn:aws:ec2:ca-central-1:0097747:subnet/subnet-013987fd9651c3545",
+ "arn:aws:ec2:ca-central-1:0477747:subnet/subnet-015d76b264280321a",
+ "arn:aws:ec2:ca-central-1:0091747:subnet/subnet-026cd0402fe283c33",
Now I want to take the list of arns of the subnets and associate them with the resource_share_arn
What Im trying is something like this
resource "aws_ram_resource_association" "example" {
for_each = toset(data.aws_subnets.dev_subnet.ids)
resource_arn = each.value
resource_share_arn = aws_ram_resource_share.share_subnets_with_dev_account.arn
But this fails since it only gets the subnets ids and thats wrong
error associating RAM Resource Share: MalformedArnException: The specified resource ARN subnet-0c4afd736c18b3c28 is not valid. Verify the ARN and try again.
This also fails
resource "aws_ram_resource_association" "example" {
for_each = toset(data.aws_subnets.dev_subnet.arn)
resource_arn = each.value
resource_share_arn = aws_ram_resource_share.share_subnets_with_dev_account.arn
since arn is not an attribute. What am I missing here ?

You need to loop over the ARNs of the subnets and pass the ARN value for the resource_arn:
resource "aws_ram_resource_association" "example" {
for_each = toset([for s in data.aws_subnet.dev_subnet : s.arn])
resource_arn = each.value
resource_share_arn = aws_ram_resource_share.share_subnets_with_dev_account.arn
Or another solution would be:
resource "aws_ram_resource_association" "example" {
for_each = toset(values(data.aws_subnet.dev_subnet)[*].arn)
resource_arn = each.value
resource_share_arn = aws_ram_resource_share.share_subnets_with_dev_account.arn


Terraform - Reference a for_each resource from another for_each resource

I have a terraform file with the following contents:
resource "aws_iam_group" "developers" {
name = each.value
for_each = toset(var.groups)
resource "aws_iam_group_membership" "developers_team" {
name = "Developers Team"
users = [each.value]
for_each = toset(var.group_users)
group =
I would like to reference aws_iam_group from aws_iam_group_membership. How would I do that? The current terraform file is not working.
I tried this:
group = aws_iam_group.developers[each.value] //This will not work since it uses the for_each of
its own code block
The variable file is as below:
variable "groups" {
type = list(string)
default = [
variable "group_users" {
type = list(string)
default = [
I tried the below, but it is not working
resource "aws_iam_group_membership" "developers_team" {
name = "Developers Team"
users = [for group_user in var.group_users : group_user]
for_each = toset(var.groups)
group = aws_iam_group.developers[each.key]
Apparently, this is working:
resource "aws_iam_group" "developer" {
name = "truedeveloper"
resource "aws_iam_group_membership" "developers_team" {
name = "Developers_Team"
users = [for group_user in var.group_users : group_user]
for_each = toset(var.groups)
group =

Creating subnets and assinging rout tables to them

I am new to terraform and I'm trying to create a VPC with multiple subnets and adding route tables to all those subnets in a for loop manner.
There's number_of_subnets which will create subnets like this: 10.207.x.0/24
This code works fine:
variable "region" {
default = "us-east-1"
variable "availability_zone" {
default = "us-east-1a"
variable "cidr_block" {
default = "207"
variable "number_of_subnets" {
default = 5
provider "aws" {
region = var.region
resource "aws_vpc" "test_vpc" {
cidr_block = "10.${var.cidr_block}.0.0/16"
instance_tenancy = "default"
enable_dns_support = true
enable_dns_hostnames = true
tags = {
Name = "test_vpc_${var.cidr_block}"
resource "aws_subnet" "test_subnets" {
count = var.number_of_subnets
vpc_id =
cidr_block = "10.${var.cidr_block}.${count.index+1}.0/24" # start from x.x.1.0/24
availability_zone = var.availability_zone
map_public_ip_on_launch = false
tags = {
Name = "test_subnet_${var.cidr_block}_${count.index+1}"
Now if I try to add this code to the bottom of the same file (everything is in one file called to get the subnets and add route table to each:
# get all subnet IDs
data "aws_subnets" "q_subnets" {
filter {
name = "vpc-id"
values = []
# add route table to all subnets
resource "aws_route_table_association" "rt_assoc_subnet" {
depends_on = [aws_subnet.test_subnets]
for_each = toset(data.aws_subnets.q_subnets.ids)
subnet_id = each.value
route_table_id =
and run terraform apply it will give this error:
invalid for_each argument...
The "for_each" value depends on resource attribute that cannot be deteremined until apply,...
which doesn't make scense. First create vpc, then subnet, then get all subnets...
I also tried depends_on and didn't help.
How would I write this to make it work?
Any help is appreciated.
I tried to use aws_subnet.test_subnets.*.id instead of data and it still gives depencendy error:
variable "region" {
default = "us-east-1"
variable "availability_zone" {
default = "us-east-1a"
variable "cidr_block" {
default = "207"
variable "number_of_subnets" {
default = 5
provider "aws" {
region = var.region
resource "aws_vpc" "test_vpc" {
cidr_block = "10.${var.cidr_block}.0.0/16"
instance_tenancy = "default"
enable_dns_support = true
enable_dns_hostnames = true
tags = {
Name = "test_vpc_${var.cidr_block}"
resource "aws_route_table" "test_rt" {
vpc_id =
route = []
tags = {
Name = "test_rt_${var.cidr_block}"
resource "aws_subnet" "test_subnets" {
count = var.number_of_subnets
vpc_id =
cidr_block = "10.${var.cidr_block}.${count.index+1}.0/24" # start from x.x.1.0/24
availability_zone = var.availability_zone
map_public_ip_on_launch = false
tags = {
Name = "test_subnet_${var.cidr_block}_${count.index+1}"
output "subnets" {
value = aws_subnet.test_subnets.*.id
# add route table to all subnets
resource "aws_route_table_association" "rt_assoc_subnet" {
depends_on = [aws_subnet.test_subnets]
for_each = toset(aws_subnet.test_subnets.*.id)
subnet_id = each.value
route_table_id =
is there another way to pass the subnets to aws_route_table_association without getting dependency error?
Since you are using count, it is very hard to make count work with for_each. It would be better to continue using count for route table association as well. If you decide to go down that route, the only change you need is:
resource "aws_route_table_association" "rt_assoc_subnet" {
count = var.number_of_subnets
subnet_id = aws_subnet.test_subnets.*.id[count.index]
route_table_id =
This will work as intended. However, if you must use for_each I would suggest defining a variable that could be used with it in all the resources you are now using count. If you really want to use for_each with the current code, then you can use the -target option [1]:
terraform apply -target=aws_vpc.test_vpc -target=aws_route_table.test_rt -target=aws_subnet.test_subnets
When running this command, this will be shown in the command output:
│ Warning: Resource targeting is in effect
│ You are creating a plan with the -target option, which means that the result of this plan may not represent all of the changes requested by the current
│ configuration.
│ The -target option is not for routine use, and is provided only for exceptional situations such as recovering from errors or mistakes, or when Terraform
│ specifically suggests to use it as part of an error message.
After the targeted resources are created, you could re-run terraform apply and it should create the route table associations.

How do you pass Terraform count from a resource to a module?

How can I pass a list of values created from a resource to a module that expects a list of items? I've tried running [count.index] and reffering to the first item in the list [0] but I get the message that you can only pass a count object to resource & data blocks.
resource "aws_subnet" "private_subnets" {
count = length(data.aws_availability_zones.available.names)
vpc_id =
cidr_block = "192.168.${10 + count.index}.0/24"
availability_zone = data.aws_availability_zones.available.names[count.index]
map_public_ip_on_launch = false
tags = {
Name = "private-subnet"
module "my_module" {
source = "../../"
cluster_name = local.cluster_name
subnets = aws_subnet.public_subnets[count.index].id
Terraform version 0.12+ has all the goodies!
I updated my call to the resource to loop back like the following:
[ for subnet in aws_subnet.public_subnets: ]

Terraform on Azure - Deploy multiple subnet

I'm trying to implement a Terraform script to create multiple subnets.
resource "azurerm_subnet" "test_subnet" {
name = "testSUBNET"
resource_group_name = "${local.resource_group_name}"
virtual_network_name = "${}"
address_prefix = ""
Is there a way to do a for-each or a loop on a variable in order to create them at the same time?
You can achieve this using a variable and count index as follows:
variable "subnet_prefix" {
type = "list"
default = [
ip = ""
name = "subnet-1"
ip = ""
name = "subnet-2"
resource "azurerm_subnet" "test_subnet" {
name = "${lookup(element(var.subnet_prefix, count.index), "name")}"
count = "${length(var.subnet_prefix)}"
resource_group_name = "${local.resource_group_name}"
virtual_network_name = "${}"
address_prefix = "${lookup(element(var.subnet_prefix, count.index), "ip")}"
There is also preview feature available for-each in the new version
If you are using Terraform 12 this can be achieved using the for-each capability or the count capability
count should be used if you are looking to create almost identical resources.
for-each should be used to create multiple of each instance based on a different map or set of values.
Using an list of strings and the toset() function to convert this is a neat way to achieve this
variable "subnet_ids" {
type = list(string)
resource "aws_instance" "server" {
for_each = toset(var.subnet_ids)
ami = "ami-a1b2c3d4"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
subnet_id = each.key # note: each.key and each.value are the same for a set
tags = {
Name = "Server ${each.key}"
Or you could achieve this by using something like the below:
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
for_each = {
a_group = "eastus"
another_group = "westus2"
name = each.key
location = each.value
If you are looking to achieve this with Terraform 11 the count and variable capabilities are the only way other than code duplication. (Rajat Arora has mentioned)
I would strongly recommended using Terraform 12 as the providers for Terraform 11 will be unsupported in the not to far future and if you can save yourself from refactoring now, you should!

Iterate over nested data with for / for_each at resource level

I am trying to work out how to iterate over nested variables from a complex object given in the following tfvars file using Terraform 0.12.10:
virtual_network_data = {
1 = {
product_instance_id = 1
location = "somewhere"
address_space = [""]
dns_servers = []
custom_tags = {"test":"test value"}
subnets = [
purpose = "mgmt"
newbits = 4
item = 0
purpose = "transit"
newbits = 4
item = 1
variable "virtual_network_data" {} #Data comes from example.tfvars
variable "resource_group_name" {
default = "my_resource_group"
variable "virtual_network_name" {
default = "my_virtual_network"
resource "azurerm_subnet" "pool" {
for_each = var.virtual_network_data
name = format("%s%s%02d", "subnet_", s.purpose, s.item)
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
virtual_network_name = var.virtual_network_name
address_prefix = cidrsubnet(each.value["address_space"], s.newbits, s.item)
In I can use each.value["address_space"] to get to the top level variables, but I can't work out how to get to the items in subnets (s.purpose, s.item & s.newbits).
I have used dynamic blocks, as part of a parent resource (below), which works but in this case, I need to move the subnet into its own resource. Simply put, how do I get the first for_each to behave like the second for_each in the dynamic block?
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "pool" {
for_each = var.virtual_network_data
name = format("%s%02d", local.resource_name, each.key)
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
location = each.value["location"]
address_space = each.value["address_space"]
dns_servers = each.value["dns_servers"]
tags = merge(local.tags, each.value["custom_tags"])
dynamic "subnet" {
for_each = [for s in each.value["subnets"]: {
name = format("%s%s%02d", "subnet_", s.purpose, s.item)
prefix = cidrsubnet(element(each.value["address_space"],0), s.newbits, s.item)
content {
name =
address_prefix = subnet.value.prefix
Cheeky bonus, is there a way to replace s.item with something like each.key or count.index?
The technique in this situation is to use other Terraform language features to transform your collection to be a suitable shape for the for_each argument: one element per resource instance.
For nested data structures, you can use flatten in conjunction with two or more for expressions to produce a flat data structure with one element per nested object:
locals {
network_subnets = flatten([
for network_key, network in var.virtual_network_data : [
for subnet in network.subnets : {
network_key = network_key
purpose = subnet.purpose
parent_cidr_block = network.address_space[0]
newbits = subnet.newbits
item = subnet.item
Then you can use local.network_subnets as the basis for repetition:
resource "azurerm_subnet" "pool" {
# Each instance must have a unique key, so we'll construct one
# by combining the network key, the subnet "purpose", and the "item".
for_each = {
for ns in local.network_subnets : "${ns.network_key}.${ns.purpose}${ns.item}" => ns
name = format("%s%s%02d", "subnet_", each.value.purpose, each.value.item)
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
virtual_network_name = var.virtual_network_name
address_prefix = cidrsubnet(each.value.parent_cidr_block, each.value.newbits, each.value.item)
There's a similar example in the flatten documentation, as some additional context.
As alternative to flatten trick, you may for_each resource by first parameter inside nested module, then for_each this module by second parameter.
