Sync Microsoft 365 data to Netsuite - azure

I would like to sync data from Microsoft 365 back to Netsuite. For example, you can create customers by entering information into Microsoft Excel. In my imagination, Netsuite would call API or something similar to access 365 data, and then we can extract data from that.
P/s: I do not know Microsoft Azure much. Recently, I successfully sign in to Netsuite using Azure SSO
Any comment would help a lot. Thanks


regarding Outlook 2013 API.

Would it be possible to obtain, create, update and delete the events on the calendar with REST API for Office 2013 Outlook?
It seems it is possible by integrating On-premises and Azure AD that is written in this link
(, would you confirm if my understanding is correct.
Or should I use API for to synchronize with Outlook 2013?
Overall, I would like to learn if there is an API for 2013.
And if there is not, how can I synchronize Office 2013 with
Thank you very much for your help on this.
I’m new to Outlook and please advise if my questions are not clear enough.
It depends on where the mailboxes are located.
If they are in Office 365, then you can use the REST based Microsoft Graph APIs or the Outlook REST APIs.
If the mailboxes are located in an on-premises Exchange server, then you can only use the Exchange Web Services API. Since you mention Outlook 2013, I'm also assuming Exchange 2013. The EWS API documentation is here.
If you use .NET, I recommend to use the EWS Managed API to implement an EWS client.

How to pull SharePoint data in Outlook add-in?

I am developing an add-in for Outlook that needs to pull data from SharePoint. Unfortunately I haven’t found any definitive approaches to how the add-in can take a session (Exchange) and make a request to SharePoint without having the user sign on again (to the SharePoint).
It should work in the following configurations:
On-Prem: SharePoint & Exchange 2013 & 2016
Hybrid:  SP Azure & Exchange 2013 & 2016
O365: SP & O365 both in cloud
Any suggestions/pointers would be greatly appreciated.
At the moment there isn't a way to grab a token for the current session.
The most effective way to accomplish what you need is kick off an OAUTH workflow from within the add-in. Once you have that token, you can use it against either Graph or SharePoint APIs.
Thanks Marc
Tom, the functionality is expected to be in limited preview by mid-may so not suitable for prod deployment till late in the year however keep in mind it will only work with
O365: SP & O365 both in cloud because it depends on Azure AD. For Hybrid and on-prem you will need to do as Marc suggested.

Is there any Node js or REST API to create new users in office 365.

I have purchased office 365 essentials plan. I have got an admin account. Office provides user interface to add new users under this main admin account.
What I need is I want a Node js or REST API to create users on this account. I have googled well, can't met anything like this. Anyone can provide any samples on this. Any help would be appreciable.
Office 365 Users are hosted in the background by Azure Active Directory. I believe you should be able to create new accounts for your Office 365 programmatically using the Azure Active Directory Graph API, or probably even better, using the Microsoft Graph API.
Check out the documentation here:
You should be able to get a jump-start using our public samples located here:
I hope this helps!

how to access Excel API through Graph Explorer with personal account

Trying to access the Excel Api using office 365 personal account through microsoft graph explorer. But it is not working. we tried this in graph explorer after login in with office 365 personal account
Please suggest how to get this working.
Excel REST API is not supported for consumer accounts at this point in time, but we do have this on our roadmap and hope to enable it soon.

How to create a new user on Dynamics CRM Online through calling APIs

I want to design an application to sync user information between local system and CRM online. I found we can't create user in CRM online through APIs directly as CRM on-premise. System said we only can add user through office 365 admin portal. But I have no idea about how to use office 365 APIs to create CRM online user. Did you guys encounter the situation before? Please help me, thanks!
Ok, let me answer my question. Right now if we want to operate Dynamics CRM Online User or License information, we need to operate Active Directory Graph Service associated with CRM Online. This Service is a web api based service. We can get the example code on "", and current there is one helper library can be used you guys can download it on
