Why Azure DNS Zone create afdverify subdomain automatically and how to stop? - azure

I create a CNAME record in DNS ZONE (e.g: site1.example.com). And then, afdverify.site1.example.com and site1.example.com will be created.
I just want to create site1.example.com only.

• #Kyakya, from your query and the screenshot, I can understand that you are trying to create a CNAME record for the ‘site1.example.com’ URL. But when creating a CNAME DNS record in a DNS zone, you will have to mention its alias FQDN URL, i.e., that original URL which you are trying to mask or associate with by creating this CNAME record. Thus, I can understand from the screenshot that you are trying to create a CNANE record for the Azure front door URL in DNS zone in Azure.
As a result, when you create a CNAME record with a custom domain name for an already hosted URL, you need to ensure that the original hosted URL is reachable and available as the CNAME record created will only redirect the DNS requests to the original hosted URL only.
• Since, in your case, you don’t want to create a subdomain regarding ‘site1.example.com’ in your DNS zone, i.e., ‘afdverify.site1.example.com’ so in that scenario, you will have to create an ‘A’ host record for the ‘site1.example.com’ in your public DNS server where your basic custom domain ‘example.com’ is registered. Once done, then create a CNAME record for the inbuilt Azure generated FQDN of that resource in your public DNS zone in that DNS server with ‘site1.example.com’ that you want.
And if you don’t want that too, then you will have to verify your custom domain in Azure, and then create resources in Azure based on the records created in DNS zone provisioned.


Binding custom domain for Azure Virtual Machine?

I want to bind my custom domain to my Azure VM.
The DNS name of my networking is, for example, xxx.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com (here I use xxx to replace my real DNS name label)
I have followed the answer from this link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/62185398
Azure VM has a default FQDN that you only could change the DNS label. If you want to add your own custom domain for that Azure VM, you could add a CNAME type DNS record like somename.my.domain.com CNAME myvmname.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com or A type record like somename.my.domain.com A your Azure VM public IP address in your DNS domain my.domain.com provider.
But when I click my custom domain, it directs me to the following weblink. This is the same link when I click my public IP from AZURE. How can I make my custom domain directs to my xxx.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com?
Thanks for your help.
To allow the website on your Azure VM to be accessed with a custom domain, you can add A or CNAME records in your DNS provider to map the public IP address or FQDN of Azure VM.
For example, you want to access www.contoso.com, you can add CNAME record www in the contoso.com zone.
www CNAME xxx.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com
It usually takes a few hours to wait for DNS propagation worldwide. You can verify it via this website https://www.whatsmydns.net/.
Let me know if you have any concerns.

Azure app service wrong redirection for new domain

I acquired a new domain name in Azure (let's say mynewdomain.net), assigned it to my app service, bought a certificate also in Azure and made the bindings. Apparently both the domain and certificate are properly configured.
When I invoke the domain in any browser like https://mynewdomain.net, I get redirected to https://mynewdomain.net/mynewdomain.net, and of course fails.
The problem must be very simple, but I have no clue! Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
To create a CNAME mapping for the www subdomain, create two records: CNAME and TXT records.
After you add the CNAME and TXT records, the DNS records page looks like the following example:
To map an A record, you need the app's external IP address. You can find this IP address on the app's Custom Domains page in the Azure portal.
After the records are added, the DNS records page looks like the following example:
For more details, you could refer to this article about mapping an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service.

Root domain in Azure FrontDoor configuration

I am trying to set up the routing for the Apex/root domain of my website(myrootdomain.eu) in Azure FrontDoor.
Reference :https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/frontdoor/front-door-how-to-onboard-apex-domain
Crated the Alias record with #.myrootdomain.eu in Azure DNS against the Azure resource as FrontDoor. A CNAME was created like this : afdverify.myrootdomain.eu
When i try adding the custom domain(myrootdomain.eu) into the frontend host of FrontDoor, it is giving the error CNAME record is not found. What additional step is required here .
Is there any setting or mapping to be done in my DNS 123domain or frontdoor for this domain : afdverify.myrootdomain.eu
What should be the mapping in domain provider (123domain in my case) for the naked domain(myrootdomain.eu) ?
Could not find any thing about that in the reference doc.
If you have hosted your domain in Azure DNS, (that is to edit the NS records and replace the NS records with the Azure DNS name servers in the registrar's DNS management page), you do not need to map in your original domain provider. It takes just a few seconds on my side to wait for the DNS taking place for the Apex/root domain in Azure Front Door.
After creating an alias record for zone apex, it creates a zone apex record pointing to your Front Door resource and also a CNAME record mapping 'afdverify' (example - afdverify.contosonews.com) to afdverify.<name>.azurefd.net.
If you have finished the above steps correctly, it usually takes some time for DNS propagation, you could check it via whatsmydns or viewdns. As the comment said, you can check if the CNAME is effective or not using nslookup or google dig tool.

How to create custom wildcard domain in azure

I'm having an issue with setting a custom wildcard domain on an Azure Website.
The azure website is demo.azurewebsites.net
And my custom domain is tenant1.demo.azurewebsites.net
I have done following steps : --
Step A:- Login into the portal.azure.com
Step B:- Then created zone with the following steps.
In this I filled all required information and select resource group as use existing. Because I have existing resource group. And click on create button.
C) After click on create button of above image it will show following image.
D) After that I crated record set. Please refer following image. I filled all information that required.
Name = *
Type = CNAME
TTL = 1
TTL unit = Hours
Alias = my existing domain
E) after that I created custom domain.
When I am going to create custom domain it show following error.
And my custom domain is tenant1.demo.azurewebsites.net
We can’t add subdomain to azurewebsites.net, because we are not the owner of azurewebsites.net.
Step B:- Then created zone with the following steps.
Until now, Azure doesn’t provide domain register service. Azure DNS Zone is used to host the DNS records for a particular domain. Azure DNS Service will answers DNS queries for records in the zone. It works as a name server. The prerequisites to use Azure DNS Zone is that you must be the owner of the domain. Please check the following note from Azure DNS Zone official document.
You do not have to own a domain name to create a DNS zone with that domain name in Azure DNS. However, you do need to own the domain to configure the Azure DNS name servers as the correct name servers for the domain name with the domain name registrar.
After you create a DNS Zone, to let the DNS record works, you also need to delegate your domain to Azure DNS by adding name server record in your domain register portal. Though you can add DNS record for demo.azurewebsites.net in your DNS zone as you mentioned in your post. But it won’t work until you have the right to configure the name server record in your domain register portal.

WWW domain on azure

I am trying to configure a www domain on azure. I want to have website under this domain. My domain is "legia.fitness". I have created the DNS zone as follows:
On this picture you see 4 DNS servers. I have delegated my domain that I bought at home.pl to those servers:
And this doesn't work. When I try to browse legia.fitness I get "ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED" error. What am I doing wrong?
Your Azure DNS zone does not have any A or CNAME records for www or # so the name cannot be resolved to an IP address.
Add a new A record with the label # set to the IP address of your Azure website, and another A record with the label www also set to the same IP address.
Alternatively, create CNAME records (both # and www) and set them to your Azure Website's name (e.g. yourwebsite.azurewebsites.net). CNAME records are aliases of existing A or CNAME records, but are slower to resolve which is why I prefer A records.
You haven't directed the domain anywhere yet.
You have a DNS zone that works. I can see the SOA records on Dig web interface.
Now you have to add CNAME/A records to the DNS zone to direct the traffic to where you want it.
Here is a guide for Azure Web Apps: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service-web/web-sites-custom-domain-name
If you use something else, you'll need to find its guide.
