Hosting Nodejs Mongodb website with frontend but not React - node.js

I'm very new in MERN stack development, I made a blog website with backend used HTML CSS JS NODEJS & MONGODB. and I want to host in netlify and heroku.
Tried So many times but got error.
My Github repo link :
Can any one completely explain how to host ?

If you're just getting started with hosting your apps, try a newer generation app hosting platform where you just connect your GitHub repo and it does everything else for you.
Node.js and Mongo is perfect for The free tier includes a Mongo database. Here's the guide to deploying a Node.js App with MongoDB. You could also try Render but they don't have MongoDB.


How to deploy vue cli project to aws lightsail

I am a beginner at deploying web apps, however I have some experience developing them. I just finished a project I amde using node, express, and vue. I am trying to deploy it to AWS Lightsail. So far what I have done is create a nodejs instance and a MySQL database on lightsail. I have a backend folder connects to the database as well as some API's that are used in the front end. I also have a front end folder which contains the entire vue project. How shold I go about deploying this to lightsail? Are there any good references or videos I could use? I tried following the AWS documentation but it wasnt very helpful. Any help would be appreciated.

How does hosting a website work when using a Backend/Database?

I have hosted static sites before and here;s how it worked:
I have my HTML, CSS, JavaScript files ready
I upload them to a hosting site
and the website goes up
But now I'm starting to work on backend development with Nodejs and using Mongodb for databases.
I'm currently running my Mongodb database on a localhost.
Do I follow the same procedure as before when trying to host the site, or is there something I have to do differently?
(I figured It's different, but I don't know how to approach it)

Deploy Nodejs + ReactJs to Heroku

I'm learning how to deploy a web site to heroku.
My web app has a nodejs project and one mysql in the server side, a reactjs in the client side.
Can you show me the steps that I need to do? Because I'm new to this.
Thank you very much
Here is a step by step guide.
Put your app aside for a few moments and follow these:
To learn how to deploy a nodejs
Now learning how to add a mysql database
This will teach you how to deploy a 'raw' react app
Now, it's all about how you want things to be. You can have a route on your nodejs app that serves the index.html with the react app or a separate app for nodejs and for react. You should probably make them separated, just to keep things organized, but since it's your first deploy and you're probably using it as a hobby or to learn, any way is correct as long as you get it to work. Then you can build on top of that, split the apps into two, or maybe host the react app on aws s3. Who knows?

How to Deploy MERN stack application on heroku

I have made one MERN (i.e-Mongo,Express,React,Node.js) application and wants to deploy on Heroku. I created the react App using create-react-app and folder structure is given below.
Here I have other project for NOde.js and MongoDB operation and its instance (e.g.http://localhost:8888) is called from React-frontend to deal with the database. I need steps to deploy the total application into Heroku.
You'll want to deploy the app using the Heroku Node.js buildpack:
It sounds like you're pretty new to Heroku, so read the README for that repo thoroughly, including the documentation for Getting Started on Heroku with Node.js.
Using Mongo with Heroku will require using one of the several MongoDB add-ons.

one cloud server and running multiple node and mongo project

I bought a cloud server from digitalocean. I have a problem
I wrote a project that using node js web services and mongodb database I'm trying to setup node js and mongo db its okay but my problem is how can I deploy my node js app which will use mongodb and using my custom domain.
Now my domain at I can't complex with all of them any tutorial that you have known or something else can be helpful?
I don't know much about server management.
My server can be ubuntu or debian, doesn't matter, depends on tutorial or some blog post.
First step is add your domain in Network area of DigitalOcean Panel. Use this tutorial.
Now, follow this tutorial for deploying your nodejs app with nginx
