FFMPEG Audio stream/layer and SRT from one mkv to an other - audio

I have an FFMPEG question for you!
I have 2 files(x265)
01.mkv with multiple audio steams and multiple subtitles (with exactly named layers)
02.mkv with multiple audio steams and multiple subtitles (with exactly named layers)
I would like to add specific audio layer(GER) and specific subtitle(GER)
from 02.mkv to 01 mkv at the same time if it is possible.
(The metadata positions almost always random in file 02.mkv so I can't say it is "-map 0:s:2 for ger subtitle"...)
I have already searched and tried multiple solutions ...
This kind of worked with multiple steps but loses audio and subtitle metadata(Title) during process.
German audio layer extract from 02.mkv to aac
ffmpeg -i 02.mkv -map 0:a:m:language:ger 02.aac
German subtitle layer extract from 02.mkv to srt
ffmpeg -i 02.mkv -map 0:s:m:language:ger 02.srt
Adding extracted audio to 01.mkv
ffmpeg -i 01.mkv -i 02.aac -map 0 -map 1 -codec copy outputfinall_1.mkv
Adding extracted srt to 01.mkv none of this works
ffmpeg -i 01.mkv -i 02.srt -c copy -c:s mov_text outputfinall_2a.mkv
BUG: Subtitle encoding currently only possible from text to text or bitmap to bitmap
ffmpeg -i 01.mkv -i 02.srt -map 0 -map 1 -codec copy outputfinall_2b.mkv
works but does not show subtitles while playing only that is there.
Please if you can help I would like a less jumbled mess code for this problem.
With keeping the metadata (titles) of the moved audio stream and subtitle.
Thank you for your time!

Try this:
ffmpeg -i 01.mkv -i 02.mkv \
-map 0 -map 1:a:m:language:ger -map 1:s:m:language:ger \
-c copy outputfinall.mkv
I'm not sure what you mean by "metadata (titles)", posting the log of the above command with clarification will help understanding your situation.


ffmpeg - add 3 audio streams to video

I have the following problem.
In the folder there is video.mp4 file (contain 1 audio stream). There are also 3 different files audio1.wav, audio2.wav, audio3.wav. These files I need to 'attach' as multi stream to the video file - so the user can choose the audio language in VLC player or similar. Result must be one audio at the time - no mixing it all together.
Now, I've done it via Premiere Pro with multitrack (quicktime export to mov), and then I run a script to change audio stream names to correspond with the audio language (iso 639-2 ) and output the mp4 file. All works well, but I wonder if there is simple way to do everything via ffmpeg ( .bat script ). I have a working script for replacing audio in the video, but I need to add few additional .wav to the video file as separate audio tracks.
Any help will be appreciated!
To add a new audio track into an existing video with audio, use
the -i parameter to specify all the input files (original video and additional audios)
the -map option to manually select the tracks of each input (https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Map)
in your case,
-map 0 to copy all streams from the input #0 (video)
-map 1:a to include all audio streams from input#1 file (audio1)
-map 2:a to include all audio streams from input#2 file (audio2)
and so on
-shortest to crop the output to the shortest input
and additionally you may want to use
-c:v copy to copy the video stream without reencoding.
so, try this (line split for readability)
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i input1.mp3 -i input2.mp3
-map 0 -map 1:a -map 2:a
-c:v copy -shortest
and (addording to your comment) adding metadata for the audio tracks
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i input1.mp3 -i input2.mp3
map 0 -map 1:a -map 2:a
-metadata:s:a:0 language=eng
-metadata:s:a:1 language=ger
-metadata:s:a:2 language=fra
-disposition:a:0 default
-c:v copy -shortest

Concat mp4 videos and merge their audios to the final output

I have several videos and photos and need to merge them with the cross-dissolve effect. The algorithm is next:
Create videos from images and add silent audio to them (so they will also have a sound stream):
ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i anullsrc -loop 1 -i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/ea5c93fd-d946-4742-b8f7-ea9ae4d43441.jpg -c:v libx264 -t 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf scale=750:1280 /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/ea5c93fd-d946-4742-b8f7-ea9ae4d43441.mp4
Combine all the videos and audios into one using this command:
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_68d437c0-f5e2-4651-b07e-91533480b6ef.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_48f3c111-610d-40c7-ac71-6ce2fbb16184.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_1593b5d8-7e16-417d-9372-2267581cd504.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_1ac7f6be-1b12-4e31-b904-1491cc9b9494.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_ea5c93fd-d946-4742-b8f7-ea9ae4d43441.mp4
[A3][4:a]acrossfade=d=10:c1=tri:c2=tri[audio] "
-vsync 0 -map "[output]" -map "[audio]" /tmp/media/final/some_filename_d0d2aab0-792a-4540-b2d3-e64abe98bf5c.mp4
And all works pretty well, but if I have, for example:
Then the sound from the second video is mapping to the first picture and sound from the third video to second video. And the third video actually goes without sound.
It seems like it's happening because the silent sound of the first picture is pretty short. An I right?
If so, how can I increase its duration?
I would much appreciate any help with this!
Assuming 5 inputs of 10 seconds each, all with audio streams*, with ffmpeg 4.3 or newer, use the xfade and acrossfade filters.
-i in1.mp4
-i in2.mp4
-i in3.mp4
-i in4.mp4
-i in5.mp4
" [0][1]xfade=transition=fade:duration=2:offset=8[V01];
-vsync 0 -map "[video]" -map "[audio]" out.mp4
*if there's no existing audio stream, add one using the command in step 1.
If the existing audio stream of a file isn't 10 seconds long, use these filters on it before acrossfade.
and then use this filtered stream as input.

How to extract specific audio track (track 2) from mp4 file using ffmpeg?

I am working on a mp4 file (36017P.mp4) in which I want to extract Track 2 -[English] using ffmpeg.
I tried with the following command on terminal but it seems to extract Track 1 - [English]:
ffmpeg -i 36017P.mp4 filename.mp3
Problem Statement:
I am wondering what changes I need to make in the ffmpeg command above so that it extract Track 2 -[English] from mp4 file.
The -map option will do what you want. Below in -map 0:a:1 the 0 refers to the first (and only) input file. a refers to the audio channels and the next number - 1 here - selects a specific audio stream, starting from 0:
ffmpeg -i 36017P.mp4 -map 0:a:0 filename1.mp3
ffmpeg -i 36017P.mp4 -map 0:a:1 filename2.mp3
ffmpeg -i 36017P.mp4 -map 0:a:2 filename3.mp3
ffmpeg -i 36017P.mp4 -map 0:a:3 filename4.mp3
For further details, see section 5.11 Advanced options in the ffmpeg docs.

FFmpeg concat audio with video or gif looping

I'm looking for a solution in FFmpeg to merge audio (mp3) with a short video loop, or gif.
I've already been able to generate a video from an image by joining with audio, but the video stays static frame for the audio duration, the command to make this:
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i imagem.jpg -i audio.mp3 -vcodec h264 -tune stillimage -acodec aac -b:a 64k -pix_fmt yuv420p -shortest video.mp4
I need video that has the duration of the audio, but that uses a loop of another mp4 or a gif. To keep repeating for the duration of the audio.
To do this with a video (MP4 or other format) you should use the Concatenate demuxer.
First create a text file with a list of the paths of the videos you want to concatenate. In your case it will be a list of the same video file, like the following.
# mylist.txt
file /your/path/video.mp4
file /your/path/video.mp4
file /your/path/video.mp4
The paths can be absolute or relative.
Then you need to use the concat demuxer option.
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mp4
This will generate an mp4 with your original video looping 3 times. If your original video is 4 seconds long, then the output will be 12 seconds long. I suggest that you create a video just a bit longer than your audio track and then use the -shortest option when creating your final video.
You can add the audio within this same command like you do in your post. So, all together will look like this:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -i audio.mp3 -c:v copy -c:a copy -shortest output.mp4
In my example I do a stream copy for my output (this will work just fine and will be very fast), but you can use the codecs you want for yours (like H264 and AAC like your post).
You can find more info in the concat demuxer documentation or better yet the concat wiki.
At the moment I don't know if there's a way to do this with a gif file.

ffmpeg merge silent video with another video+audio

I want to create, in a single command, a video from 3 sources:
a silent background video;
a smaller video to be overlayed (same length of 1), KEEPING its AUDIO;
a PNG logo to be overlayed
I can create the video but cannot get the audio track. I don't understand if -vf is supposed to work in this case. This is what I've tried to do :
ffmpeg.exe -y -i MASTER_SILENT_VIDEO.mp4 -vf "movie=SMALLER_VIDEO_WITH_AUDIO.flv, scale=320:-1[inner];movie=MY_LOGO.png[inner2]; [in][inner] overlay=800:480,amerge [step1]; [step1][inner2] overlay=30:30 [out]" completed.mp4
The "amerge" filter should do the audio merging job, but of course it doesn't work. I've found similar questions involving -map or filtergraph but they refer to mixing a video source and an audio source; I tried several filtergraph examples without success. Any idea?
overlay one video over other using audio from one input
Use -filter_complex, eliminate the movie source filters, and explicitly define output streams with -map:
ffmpeg -y -i main.mp4 -i overlay_with_audio.flv -i logo.png -filter_complex
-map "[video]" -map 1:a -movflags +faststart
You may have to provide additional options to the overlay filters depending on the length of the inputs and how you want overlay to react, but because you did not provide the complete console output from your command I had to make a generic, less efficient, and possibly incorrect example.
overlay one video over other merging audio from both inputs
ffmpeg -y -i main.mp4 -i overlay_with_audio.flv -i logo.png -filter_complex
-map "[video]" -map "[audio]" -ac 2 -movflags +faststart
I'm assuming both inputs are stereo and that you want a stereo output. Also see FFmpeg Wiki: Audio channel Manipulation - 2 × stereo → stereo.
