Overlay Icons from Shell extension not working correctly - windows-11

I have a Shell Extension which changes the overlay icons for folders and files in my app folder. It is created on my own. On Windows 10 it works as expected but on Windows 11 they are not shown/set. I don't know if this is a known issue, but I hope someone can help :)
And the limitation is no problem. My app is at the beginning of the list in the registry.


node.js setup wizard ended prematurely the moment i ran the installer

I have downloaded node.js from https://nodejs.org/.
Then I ran the installer, the moment I did that this popped out
No thing else shows up, the installer is in my downloads folder inside the C drive, there is over 25 GB empty space left so I am sure the issue is not from there (I have emptied my downloads folder from images and videos to make sure)
I have looked many solutions online but my case is a bit different. Many solutions suggested changing the path in the installing process, I can't use this solution as the installation app (or whatever it is called) isn't showing up. Thanks in advance!!
I have found a solution, I kept searching and looking up some other solutions related to windows and TEMP
So I found this Solution
At first it didn't work for me cause I have been doing it to the Temp folder.
I then noticed the TMP folder below it and tried the solution on it and it worked!!

Why Would React Change Image File Extension On Build

I am using create react app and have an image tag that was inadvertently capitalized (tony.JPG). I did a build and successfully pushed the app to production on Heroku. However, I realized the capitalization issue and change the extension to its proper lower case (tony.jpg). However, the build file still showed with the capitalized extension. I deleted the build file and did a new build but got the same issue again. I resolved the issue by changing the img tag src but I have a lingering question. Why would react keep capitalizing the image extension even though the image file was changed to lower case and there was a new build?
I am using Node, Express, & Create React App. I've tried changed the file path in explorer directly and in my client > public > images > tony.JPG. It may be related but the build > images folder not only has the capitalized extension but has two other files (one that is tony.JPG~e5463541ef50286886de13e03dea670ef69c85c6 and another file called tony.JPG~HEAD).
Images name in public folder (tony.jpg):
Image in build folder (tony.JPG):
As #Matt-holland mentioned the type of OS matters, OSX is type insensitive if you're using it
If you run git mv tony.JPG tony.jpg it will rename it in git
So the issue was resolved when I did a hard reset on my PC. I am using Windows 10. I believe the issue is a bug as the issue resolved itself (i.e. the file name changed) after I ended up doing a hard reset on the PC. It could be an issue with my machine and/or VS. Hopefully this will help someone else that comes across the same issue.

MonoDevelop's Images directory does not seen on XCode(IB)

In my project files marshalling shown below ,Mono Develop doesn't show Images directory(group) in XCode and they are not seen on xib interfaces,also crashes on runtime. But when I put images under Project's root directory works fine!
Fine! But seeing dozens of images on root directory make things confusing.
Here goes details;
My images built actions are content.
I have tried adding them to Xcode by creating a group named Images then this time all images copied to Mono Develop's root again.
Am I missing something?
---- FaceOff.Png
---- icons
I think you are experiencing a limitation of the XCode integration with MonoDevelop.
Images only show up in XCode if they are in the root directory of your project. To combat this, there are two ways you can setup your image folders for MonoTouch projects:
Use build action Content, put your images anywhere, but they will only show up in XCode if they are in the root of the project
Use the build action BundleResource and put all your images in the Resources folder, this is the same as putting your images in the root of the project, but you get to package them nicely in a subfolder
I have not experimented with BundleResource and XCode to see if subfolders work via that method or not.
This is from my experience, someone from Xamarin, feel free to chime in.
Further to Jonathan's great answer, I have a nice organised setup for my images using BundleResource and the Resources Folder.
On the filesystem I have all my images in a nice directory structure, for example: img/common/title.png.
I then add all the image files (not directories) into the iOS project Resources folder, using the 'Add Files' option and selecting BundleResource for the files I select.
When given the copy, move or link option, because my files are outside the target directory, I select the 'Add a link to the file' option.
This procedure allows me to:
Happily keep all my images in an organised directory structure on the file system
Have access to them in XCode Interface Builder
Access them as root when in code, such as Image.FromFile("title.png")
Easily update them in the filesystem and have them automatically change in Xamarin Studio

Unable to upload files; file upload modal displays CP Home

I am tearing my hair out with a file weird file upload issue that I have never run into before. For some reason I’m unable to upload images via the file manager (both in the file manager itself and if I upload with a custom field using the “file” fieldtype). Strangely, if I add files directly to any of the file upload directories, and sync the files, everything works fine.
After selecting the file and hitting “upload file” (see 01_choose_file.jpg) the modal window displays the CP homepage in an iframe (see 02_upload_progress.jpg).
Has anyone else seen this? Does anyone know how I can start troubleshooting this?
Background Info:
I’m running EECMS v2.5.2 - Build Date: 20120606 in MAMP (only 2 out of 15 sites I have set up locally are not working)
I have tried uploading images/files using the latest versions of Chrome, Chrome Canary, Safari, and Firefox (OS X 10.7.5)
This issue is showing up on the two latest sites I’ve started dev’ing locally on, no other site (locally or otherwise)
Things I’ve done:
Checked Apache/PHP error logs; they don’t show anything
Confirmed file upload paths and file upload directory settings are correct – I can sync files that i manually move into the various file upload directories
Permissions are fine; image manipulations and thumbnail creation work fine if I manually add files to the upload directories
Tested various other 2.5.2 installs I dev on locally and they work fine (settings on these two new sites are identical to sites that work)
Only a handful of native add-ons are enabled
“Apply XSS Filtering to uploaded files?” setting Yes or No does not make a difference
Huge thanks for any help!
I can't post images so here are links to the images:
01_choose_file.jpg: http://expressionengine.com/?ACT=51&fid=105&aid=16264_Jiof3p0V1gfEEFrpC55G&board_id=5
02_upload_progress.jpg: http://expressionengine.com/?ACT=51&fid=105&aid=16265_mjGH02xK2fIFZJI6kruP&board_id=5
I have sorted this out. I went back through to make sure I disabled all third party add-ons and I had forgotten to uninstall the "Quickee" extension http://devot-ee.com/add-ons/quickee. For now that seems to be the culprit.
I've submitted the bug to Matt (the developer) and it should be patched up soon.
The ExpressionEngine filemanager sends out a AJAX POST request to the following URL:
Have you tried loading that URL yourself? You should get a page like this
But maybe EE is trying to POST to a different URL. You can find it by uploading a large file and while it's uploading using Firebug and in the Network tab at the bottom of the list you will find the URL EE is posting to

Can i merge icon with executable application in linux?

if you made up an application in linux you will get a blank ugly icon
but if i wanted to add an icon without going and make a desktop entry , is it possible ?
if i uploaded my portable app to the internet i would like that users see the icon merged to my portable app ! :)
For scripts probably not, but for ELF binaries seen under Gnome (nautilus) you can try
Most desktop environments on Linux follow the freedesktop.org Desktop Entry Specification for application descriptions and icons. You'll need a separate .desktop file in one of the XDG directories (specifically, applications within one of $XDG_DATA_DIRS) which will list an icon (which is an image file in another directory).
