AppInsights tile with single metric - azure

How can I make a single tile 1x1 with a single metric in it?
Some of the default tiles that come with the dashboard show a single metric such has user count. How can I make my own metric that is shown?
Eg, number of exceptions?
Something like this?

How can I make my own metric that is shown?
You can create your own metric like Requests, Number of Exceptions, and others in Application Insights and pin them to Dashboard by following the steps below:
In the Application Insights resource deployed on Azure Portal--> under Monitoring --> Logs --> write your custom query in Kusto.
After running the above query, you will get the results and you can select the type of chart to use and pin that to the dashboard.
Refer this link to know complete information step by step about Creating Custom Tiles In Microsoft Azure Application Insights.


AzureMetrics Table vs Metrics in Azure Dasboard

I am working on Azure Monitor Dashboards.
I need to check the Health Status of my App Service.
If i run use option Metrics (2nd Image) add Health Status metrics and create chart
If i run query on AzureMetrics Table will both return same result? I mean HOW both options are different from each other?
Both use the same source. The difference is that using the "Metrics" blade you can create charts withouth having to write queries using Kusto and anyone with basic knowledge can quickly create charts.
When using the "Logs" blade you have to write a query using Kusto to get the desired results and format the chart manually but you have more control in what and how data is displayed.
If i run query on AzureMetrics Table will both return same result? I
mean HOW both options are different from each other?
The difference between logs and metrics is,
Metrics reveal a service or application's tendencies and proclivities,
while logs focus on specific events. The goal of logs is to save as
much information—mostly technical informations—as possible about a
single event. Log data can be used to investigate occurrences and
assist with root-cause analysis of problems or defects, as well as an
increasing number of other applications.
For more information please refer the below links:-
MSFT TECHCOMMUNITY|Difference between Log Analytics and Monitor
Blogs|Azure Monitor and Azure Log Analytics & Logs or Metrics.

Azure Logic Apps - is it possible to have a metric that shows, per resource, the SUM of all Trigger Fired?

I have a very simple use case: I have an Azure Subscription used internally for testing and demo purposes. A lot of members of the team are regularly creating Logic Apps for tests and demo.
I want to be sure that we don't have a lot of Triggers Fired (i.e. each second...) in order to avoid too much consumption.
When I go to Metrics in order to display the sum of "Trigger Fired", I need to first select a Logic App and I can't select multiple Logic Apps at a time. How can I proceed if I want to see all Trigger Fired metrics for all Logic Apps?
If you just want it show multiple logic app fired values in one metric, you could set a metric show one logic app trigger fired value then click Add metric, it will prompt it to configure the details. After these, you will see the value in one metric.
Update: hope this is what you want. You need go to Logs, query the logs you want. And how to set the monitor to get the logs, you could refer to this doc:logic apps monitor your logic apps. Then query in the Logs.
The below is my test.
| where Category == "WorkflowRuntime"
| where OperationName == "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/workflowTriggerStarted"
| summarize ccc=count(Category) by bin_at(TimeGenerated, 1h, now()), ResourceGroup ,ResourceProvider
The select the CHART.
And from the doc you could find Logic Apps Management to view logs, it also provide a way to view runs like the below picture.
Note: with this way it only show you the logs after you set the Log Analytics, the before logs it won't be stored.

Can't create an alert for an App Insights custom metric on Azure

I'm trying to create an alert for an App Insights custom metric on Azure.
e.g. alert if the "My Metric" metric is greater than 40 for 5 minutes.
According to Custom metrics in Azure Monitor this should be possible.
After they're published to Azure Monitor, you can browse, query, and alert on custom metrics for your Azure resources and applications side by side with the standard metrics emitted by Azure.
I created the metric with this code using the App Insights Python SDK (see Usage).
from applicationinsights import TelemetryClient
tc.track_metric('My Metric', 42)
I can view the custom metric I created. It's the lone blue bar in the screenshot of the Metrics screen in the Azure portal.
However, when I click on the New rule alert button on that screen, I'm taken to the Create rule screen but it displays the following error.
Alerts configuration via Metrics not supported if selection includes multiple resources or more than two metric signals. Please modify your selection and try again or create the rule below. Please click to see the list of supported resources.
AFAIK, I'm only using one resource (the App Insights "Dev" resource) and one metric signal (the "My Metric" metric) as you can see from the screenshot.
Any ideas on what I've done wrong or what I'm missing and how I can correct it?
I'm pretty new to Azure so I'm also open to suggestions on others way of alerting on a custom metric.
Please follow the steps below:
Nav to azure portal -> Monitor -> Metrics -> Add metric. Note that in the dropdown box "METRIC NAMESPACE" -> select azure.applicationinsights under CUSTOM:
Then in the "METRIC" dropdown box, select your custom metric like "my metric", then click the "New alert rule":
In the "create rule" page, under CONDITION section, click the link in the screenshot below, then fill in necessary info and click Done button:
Another approach to this is to create Alerts based on Analytics query using Custom log search (see also Create, view, and manage log alerts using Azure Monitor) but I prefer the answer I accepted as it's significantly simpler.

Container Insights - Containerstats Dashboard

is it possible to show the Podstats of AKS on a shared Dashboard?
Why not, you would just need to pull that data from the OMS and create a custom dashboard from those queries.
if you click on the individual entry it will navigate to the OMS instance and show you the query needed to get that data.
Danny, Unfortunately there is no simple "click to pin this chart" functionality available currently in Container Insights (more modern name for that thing is Azure Monitor for Containers). We're looking to add it within a couple of months.
The chart does a query to Log Analytics store and goes into a bit of custom processing on the data received to render the chart. You can go to your cluster, "Metrics" on the menu on the left and chart the same thing there. You can pin from the metrics. Let me know if you need help with that I can provide more detailed instructions...

Application Insights alerts for custom requests

I'm trying to figure out how I can set up Email/Text alerts for custom requests inside application insights.
I have a number of different custom requests that are uniquely identified by a property in application insights. I can filter on these properties in the Metrics Explorer and even create graphs of the server response time for these specific requests. However I cant figure out how to set an alert if the server response time (for this individual custom request) goes over a certain threshold.
I've tried added a new metric alert rule but the only Metric that is relevant in the drop down in Server Response Time but there appears to be no way to specify this to a specific type of request as identified by a property on the request.
Would anyone know if this is currently possible in application insights and possibly be able to point me in the right direction.
Thanks for your help.
There are two options:
1) Call TrackMetric (provide some metric name) when particular request happens. Then configure alert based on this metric.
2) Write a tool/service/azure function which every few minutes runs a query in Application Insights Analytics and posts result as metric (using TrackMetric). Then configure alert from portal.
Right now AI team is working on providing #2 out of the box.
