Spotify base62 track ID generation - spotify

Does anyone have any information on how the track ID's are generated for a specific track on spotify?
Note that I'm not talking about the track URI, but the ID's that look a little something like: 9f6f8d5b64154baa86af5c210f632d3d
According to jooon from this post:
The IDs are randomly generated UUID4, converted to a fixed 22 character wide zero left padded base62 representation to be slightly shorter than hex and avoiding the non-alphanumeric characters of base64.


What is the encrypted text shown in address bar?

first I don't know whether it is a right place to ask this Question or not. When we open some specific site or submit some form or login to some site, then in the address bar some encrypted text are appended as a query string but I don't have any idea whether it is a session id or some thing else.
And if it is a session id then is it a good approach to disclose the session id.
The string ei= in first example and id= in second one
What you are seeing is just encoded binary values (byte values). The first instance seems to be using base 64 for the encoding (probably the URL-safe variant of it) and the second one uses hexadecimal encoding of the bytes.
What the meaning is of the data (possibly after decoding) depends on the protocol defined for the site. There aren't any specific rules. ID's generally contain about 128 bits of randomness though.

Using "seed" based math to recreate application instances

Okay so I was thinking today about Minecraft a game which so many of you are so familiar with, I'm sure and while my question isn't directly related to the game I find it much simply to describe my question using the game as an example.
My question is, is there any way a type of "seed" or string of characters can be used to recreate an instance of a program (not in the literal programming sense) by storing a code which when re-entered into this program as a string at run-time, could recreate the data it once held again, in fields, text boxes, canvases, for example, exactly as it was.
As I understand it, Minecraft takes the string of ASCII characters you enter, all which truly are numbers, and performs a series of operations on it which evaluate to some type of hash or number which is finite... this number (again as I understand) is the representation of that string you entered. So it makes sense that because a string when parsed by this algorithm will always evaluate to the same hash. 1 + 1 will always = 2 so a seeds value must always equal that seeds value in the end. And in doing so you have the ability to replicate exactly, worlds, by entering this sort of key which is evaluated the same on every machine.
Now, if we can exactly replicate worlds like this this is it possible to bring it into a more abstract concept like the following?...
Say you have an application, like Microsoft Word. Word saved the data you have entered as a file on your hard drive it holds formatting data, the strings you've entered, the format of the file... all that on a physical file... Now imagine if when you entered your essay into Word instead of saving it and bringing your laptop to school you instead click on parse and instead of creating a file, you are given a hash code... Now you goto school you know you have to print it. so you log onto the computer and open Word... Now instead of open there is an option now called evaluate you click it and enter the hash your other computer formulated and it creates the exact essay you have written.
Is this possible, and if so are there obvious implementations of this i simply am not thinking of or are just so seemingly part of everyday I don't think recognize it? And finally... if possible, what methods and algorithms would go into such a thing?
I had to do some research on the anatomy of a seed and I think this explains it well
The limit is 32 characters or for a
numeric seed, 19 digits plus the minus sign.
Numeric seeds can range from -9223372036854775808 to
9223372036854775807 which is a total of 18446744073709551616 Text
strings entered will be "hashed" to one of the numeric seeds in the
above range. The "Seed for the World Generator" window only allows 32
characters to be entered and will not show or use any more than that."
BUT looking back on it lossless compression IS EXACTLY what I was
describing after re-reading the wiki page and remembering that (you
are very correct) the seed only partakes in the generation, the final
data is stores as a "physical" file on the HDD (which again, you are correct) is raw uncompressed data in a file
So in retrospect, I believe I was describing lossless compression, trying in my mind to figure out how the seed was able to replicate the exact same world, forgetting the seed was only responsible for generating the code, not the saving or compression of it.
So thank you for your help guys! It's really appreciated I believe we can call this one solved!
There are several possibilities to achieve this "string" that recovers your data. However they're not all applicable depending on the context.
An actual seed, which initializes for example a peudo-random number generator, then allows to recreate the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers (see this question).
This is possibly similar to what Minecraft relies on, because the whole process of how to create a world based on some choices (possibly pseudo-random choices) is known in advance. Even if we pretend that we have random numbers, computers are actually deterministic, which makes this possible.
If your document were generated randomly then this would be applicable: with the same seed, the same gibberish comes out.
Some key-value dictionary, or hash map. Then the values have to be accessible by both sides and the string is the key that allows to retrieve the value.
Think for example of storing your word file on an online server, then your key is the URL linking to your file.
Compressing all the information that is in your data into the string. This is much harder, and there are strong limits due to the entropy of the data. See Shannon's source coding theorem for example.
You would be better off (as in, it would be easier) to just compress your file with a usual algorithm (zip or 7z or something else), rather than reimplementing it yourself, especially as soon as your document starts having fancy things (different styles, tables, pictures, unusual characters...)
With the simple hypothesis of 27 possible characters (26 letters and the space), Shannon himself shows in Prediction and Entropy of Printed English (Bell System Technical Journal, 30: 1. January 1951 pp 50-64, online version) that there is about 2.14 bits of entropy per letter in English. That's about 550 characters encoded with your 32 character string.
While this is significantly better than the 8 bits we use for each ASCII character, it also shows it is very likely to be impossible to encode a document in English in less than a fourth of its size. Then you'd still have to add punctuation, and all the rest of the fuss.

How to filesearch for a substring of a base64'd string

I have a client with a website that looks as if it has been hacked. Random pages throughout the site will (seemingly at random) automatically forward to a youtube video. This happens for a while (not sure how long yet... still trying to figure that out) and then the redirect disappears. May have something to do with our site caching though. Regardless, the client isn't happy about it.
I'm searching the code base (this is a Wordpress site, but this question was generic enough that I put it here instead of in the Wordpress groups...) for "base64_decode" but not having any luck.
So, since I know the specific url that the site is getting forwarded to every time, I thought I'd search for the video id that is in the youtube url. This method could also be pertinent when the hack-inserted base64'd string is defined to a variable and then that variable is decoded (so a grep for "base64_decode" wouldn't necessarily come up with any answers that looked suspicious).
So, what I'm wondering is if there's a way to search for a substring of a string that has been base64'd and then inserted into the code. Like, take the substring I'm searching for, base64 it, and then search the code base for the resultant string. (Maybe after manipulating it slightly?)
Is there a way to do that? Is that method even valid? I don't really have any idea how the whole base64 algorithm works, or if this is possible, so I thought I'd quickly throw the question out here to see if anyone else did.
Nothing to it (for somebody with the chutzpah to call himself "Programmer Dan").
Well, maybe a little. Your have to know the encoding for the values 0 to 63.
In general, encoding to Base64 is done by taking three 8-bit characters of plain text at a time, breaking those bits into four sets of 6-bit numbers, and creating four characters of encoded text by converting the numbers (0 to 63) to arbitrary characters. Actually, the encoded characters aren't completely arbitrary, as they must be acceptable to pretty much ANY method of transmission, since that's the original reason for using Base64 encoding. The system I usually work with uses {A..Z,a..z,0..9,+,/} in that order.
If one wanted to be nasty (which one might expect in the case you're dealing with), one might change the order, or even the characters, during the process. Of course, if you have examples of the encoded Base64, you can see what the character set is (unless the encoding uses more than 64 characters). But you still have the possibility of things like changing the order as you encode or decode (simple rotation, for example). But, I digress. The question is about searching for encoded text, not deciphering deliberate obfuscation. I could tell you a lot about that, too.
Simple methodology:
Encode the plain text you're looking for. If the encoding results in one or two equal signs (padding) at the end, eliminate them and the last encoded character that precedes them. Search for the result.
Same as (1) except stick a blank on the front of your plain text. Eliminate the first two encoded characters. Search for the result.
Same as (2) except with two blanks on the front. Again, eliminate the first two encoded characters. Search for the result.
These three searches will find all files containing the encoding of the plain text you're looking for.
This is all “air code”, meaning off the top of my head, at best. Some might suggest I pulled it out of somewhere else. I can think of three possible problems with this algorithm, excluding any issues of efficiency. But, that’s what you get at this price.
Let me know if you want the working version. Or send me yours. Good luck.

How do computers process ascii/text & images/color differently?

I've recently been thinking more about what kind of work computer hardware has to do to produce the things we expect.
Comparing text and color, it seems that both rely on combinations of 1's and 0's with 256 possible combinations per byte. ASCII may represent a letter such as (01100001) to be the letter 'A'. But then there may be a color R(01100001), G(01100001), B(01100001) representing some random color. Considering on a low level, the computer is just reading these collections of 1's and 0's, what needs to happen to ensure the computer renders the color R(01100001), G(01100001), B(01100001) and not the letter A three times on my screen?
I'm not entirely sure this question is appropriate for Stack Overflow, but I'll go ahead and give a basic answer anyways. Though it's actually a very complicated question because depending on how deep you want to go into answering it I could write an entire book on computer architecture in order to do so.
So to keep it simple I'll just give you this: It's all a matter of context. First let's just tackle text:
When you open, say, a text editor the implicit assumption is the data to be displayed in it is textual in nature. The text to be displayed is some bytes in memory (possibly copied out of some bytes on disk). There's no magical internal context from the memory's point of view that these bytes are text. Instead, the source for text editor contains some commands that point to those bytes and say "these bytes represent 300 characters of text" for example. Then there's a complex sequence of steps involving library code all the way to hardware that handles mapping those bytes according to an encoding like ASCII (there are many other ways of encoding text) to characters, finding those characters in a font, writing that font to the screen, etc.
The point is it doesn't have to interpret those bytes as text. It just does because that's what a text editor does. You could hypothetically open it in an image program and tell it to interpret those same 300 bytes as a 10x10 array (or image) of RGB values.
As for colors the same logic applies. They're just bytes in memory. But when the code that's drawing something to the screen has decided what pixels it wants to write with what colors, it will pipe those bytes via a memory mapping to the video card which will then translate them to commands that are sent to the monitor (still in some binary format representing pixels and the colors, though the reality is a lot more complicated), and the monitor itself contains firmware that then handles the detail of mapping those colors to the physical pixels. The numbers that represent the colors themselves will at some point be converted to a specific current to each R/G/B channel to raise or lower its intensity.
That's all I have time for for now but it's a start.
Update: Just to illustrate my point, I took the text of Flatland from here. Which is just 216624 bytes of ASCII text (interpreted as such by your web browser based on context: the .txt extension helps, but the web server also provides a MIME type header informing the browser that it should be interpreted as plain text. Your browser might also analyze the bytes to determine that their pattern does look like that of plain text (and that there aren't an overwhelming number of bytes that don't represent ASCII characters). I appended a few spaces to the end of the text so that its length is 217083 which is 269 * 269 * 3 and then plotted it as a 269 x 269 RGB image:
Not terribly interesting-looking. But the point is that I just took those same exact bytes and told the software, "okay, these are RGB values now". That's not to say that looking at plain text bytes as images can't be useful. For example, it can be a useful way to visualize an encryption algorithm. This shows an image that was encrypted with a pretty insecure algorithm--you can still get a very good sense of the patterns of bytes in the original unencrypted file. If it were text and not an image this would be no different, as text in a specific language like English also has known statistical patterns. A good encryption algorithm would look make the encrypted image look more like random noise.
Zero and one are just zero and one, nothing more. A byte is just a collection of 8 bit.
The meaning you assign to information depends on what you need at the moment, what "language" you use to interpret your information. 65 is either letter A in ASCII or number 65 if you're using it in, say, int a = 65 + 3.
At low level, different (thousands of) machine instructions are executed to ensure that your data is treated properly, depending for example on the type of file you're reading, its headers, which process requests the data, and so on. The different high-level functions you use to treat different information expand to very different machine code.

How do I hash an integer into a very small string?

I need a function that, given a salt integer and a value integer will return a small hash string. Calling the function with 1 and 56 might return "1AF3". Calling it with 2 and 56 might return "C2FA".
Background info:
I have a web app (written in C# if that matters) that stores employee Id values as integers. Users need to be able to see a consistent representation of that Id, but no user should see the actual Id, or the same representation of that Id as seen by another user.
For example, suppose there is an Employee with the Id of 56.
When User 1 logs in, wherever he sees that employee, he sees "1AF3" or something. He might see this employee on different pages in the app, and its Id should always be 1AF3 so he knows it's the same guy.
When User 2 logs in, should he encounter that same employee, he would always see "C2FA", or something. Same goes for User 2: wherever he is in the system, he would see that one employee represented by that same string.
Should User 2 look over the shoulder of User 1 while User 1 is logged in, User 2 should not be able to recognize any of his employees on User 1's screen, because this hash should be irreversible.
Does this make sense?
One additional requirement is that since the users will be discussing these employees in email, on the phone, and in faxes, the hash would need to be of a minimum size and not contain non-alphanumeric characters. 10 characters or fewer would be ideal.
Maybe there is a way to "collapse" a SHA-256 result into fewer characters since the whole alphabet could be used? I have no idea.
Update: Another walk-through
Thanks everyone for giving this a shot but it seems like I am doing a bad job explaining it or something.
Let's pretend you and me are both users of this system. You're Fred and I'm Chris. Your UserId is 2 and my UserId is 1. Let's also assume there are 5 Employees in the system. Employees are not users. You can think of them as products, or whatever you want. I'm just talking about 5 generic entities that you, Fred, and I, Chris, each deal with.
Fred, every time you log in, you need to be able to uniquely identify each employee. Every time I, Chris, log in, I also need to work with employees and I too will need to be able to identify them uniquely. But should I ever look over your shoulder while you are managing employees, I should not be able to figure out which ones you are managing.
So, while in the database, the employee IDs are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. You and I do not see them that way in our interface. I might see A, B, C, D, and E, and you might see F, G, H, I, and J. So while E and J both represent the same employee, I can't look at your screen while you are working with your Employee "J" and know that you are working with Employee 5, because for me, that employee is called Employee "E" for me.
So, Fred and Chris can each work with the same set of employees, but if they were to see each other's work, or discussion in an email, they would not be able to know what employees the other guy was talking about.
I was thinking I could achieve this "real-time user-dependent EmployeeID" by taking the real employee ID and hashing it using the user ID as the salt.
Since Fred and Chris each need to discuss employees over email and the telephone with their clients and customers, I'd like the IDs that they use in these discussions to be as simple as we can get them.
Conceptually, here is what you want:
You have a set of employee IDs which you can represent as element in a given space S. You also have some users, and you want each user to see a permutation of space S, which is specific to the user, and such that the details of that permutation cannot be guessed by any other user.
This calls for symmetric encryption. Namely, each employee ID is a numerical value (e.g. a 32-bit integer), and a user 'A' sees employee x as Ek(x), there k is a secret key which is specific to 'A' and that 'B' cannot guess. So you need two things:
a block cipher which can work with short values (e.g. 32-bit words);
a method which turns user ID into the user-specific key.
For the block cipher, the trouble is that short blocks are a security issue for the normal usage of a block cipher (i.e. to encrypt long messages). So all published, secure block ciphers use large blocks (64 bits or more). 64 bits can be represented over 11 characters by using uppercase and lowercase letters, and digits (6211 is somewhat greater than 264). If that's good enough for you, then use 3DES. If you want something smaller, you will have to design your own cipher, something which is not recommended at all. You may want to try KeeLoq: see this paper for pointers (KeeLoq is cryptographically "broken" but not too much, given your context). There is a generic method for building block ciphers with arbitrary block sizes, given a seekable stream cipher, but this is mostly theoretical (implementation requires waddling through high-precision floating point values, which can be done but is very slow).
For the user-specific key: you want something that the Web application can compute, but not users. This means that the Web application knows a secret key K; then, the user-specific encryption key can be the result of HMAC (with a good hash function, such as SHA-256) applied over the user ID, and using key K. You then truncate the HMAC output to the length you need for the user-specific key (for instance, 3DES needs a 24-byte key).
C# has TripleDES and HMAC/SHA-256 implementations (in System.Security.Cryptography namespace).
(There is no generally accepted secure standard for a block cipher with 32-bit blocks. This is still an open research area.)
There might be problems with this approach but you could do it like this:
Make an array holding all your symbols (say a 25 element array)
Hash your string using whatever hash function
Pick a number of octets out of the resulting hash (4 octets if you want 4 symbols in our resulting string) from predefined positions
For each octet compute index = octet % array_size. The index gives the position for each of your symbols
Again, I have almost zero experience with cryptography, hash functions and the like so you may want to take this with a grain of salt.
There are many ways to "de-anonymize" information. It would help if you could be more specific about the context and what "assets" you are really trying to protect here, against who. See our faq.
E.g., might one user know the number of another user? They could probably find it out quickly if they discovered thru other means the correspondence between 1AF3 and C2FA.
But specifically for your narrower question, a good hash will already be well-mixed, so I'd think you could just truncate, e.g., a SHA-256 hash value. But Thomas will probably know the definitive answer there.
Here are my thoughts getting to the point of it (I figure if you talked out your question, I'll talk out my answer. I'm guessing you'll find that helpful):
All hail Thomas, because he has clearly established his dominance.
0-9, A-F is a representation of the data. You can make it A-Z, 0-9, exclude some uncommon letters, and represent six bits per character.
You can basically say that all hashes have collisions. If you approach saturation, you'll end up with two people who have the same hash. Hashes are also one-way. You would need a mapping that allows reversal. If you have a reverse mapping, why not fill it with random strings which don't collide?
You are obfuscating a limited set of data. With a large and secret salt, you can prevent reversal. That said, you're trading one ID for another. The ID is still unique and constant, so I wonder how this enhances security.
I have some clients where if I were to see something like this, I'd put money that the employee ID was a SSN. I hope you're not doing that.
Employee ID and Employee Alternate ID are what you are coming up with. Since they have to be reversible to you but not the public, you need to store that in a two way pairing and keep it secret. Since there's risk of collision with a hash and you have to have a reverse map anyway, the alternate id might as well be a random string. An ID should be arbitrary anyway, and I would really like to know the perceived security benefit of your approach with two ids for one employee; it makes me think of Mission Impossible and the NOC list.
Just an idea for an approach based on the extra information you have added. The security on this idea is very very light and i'm would not recommend it if you think people are going to attempt to crack it, but it's worth throwing in the pot.
You could create a personal hash by bit-shifting the employee Id based on your own employee Id. Then by adding whatever extra obfuscation code you need to the resulting number, such as converting it to hex. E.g.
string hashedEmployeeId = (employeeIdToHash << myEmployeeId).ToString("X");
This will generate hashed employee Ids based on your own Id, but you may run into problems when the employee Ids get large (especially your own!)
Just to reiterate, this on it's own isn't really very secure but it might help you on your way.
Using 4 characters you would have a total of: 36^4 = 1679616.
You could permute all possibilities of employes togheter.
If you calculate de square root you get 1296.
You could then generate an ordered table with all the possibilities in the first column and then randomly distribute ids from 1 to 1296 in to oder columns. You would get something like this:
key a b
AAAA 386 67
AAAB 86 945
With this solution you would have a lookup table scalable up to 1296 employes. However if you consider adding an extra character to your key you would get a lot more possibilities (36^5)^0.5=7776.
With this solution gessing a key would give you one chance on 1296 or 7776 to see information about an employe.
May be performance would be an issue, but I tink you can manage this using a cache or may be even keeping all the data loaded in memory and use a kind of tree map to find corresponding key for two given ids.
