I am getting error 800A03F6- Angular Code - node.js

I have installed Node JS and tried running angular with both the LTS and the Latest versions of NodeJS. I have installed angular too in the cmd. But whenever I am trying to run angular codes or trying to cheek the version of Angular. I am getting this error.
enter image description here


When you start Electron, you get an error that the version of Node.js is not supported

When you start Electron, you get an error that the version of Node.js is not supported.
The operating system is Windows.
When I update Node.js and do node -v, it shows v16.17.1.
When I start it with npm run electron:serve, the following error appears again.
What could be the cause?
The following modules are used to start Electron.
You are running Node.js 12.14.1.
Playwright requires Node.js 14 or higher.
Please update your version of Node.js.

Angular ng --version shows error in packages versions

enter image description herewhen trying to retrieve the information about my Angular package, i got the below both for Angular version, one package and typescript :

NodeJS server and React app can't use the same version of Node

Here is my problem and it might be super simple to fix, but I am new to the world of web technologies.
I have a react app that is running using node version 10.0.0. I am using npm n as my node version manager, and I am using n stable as my version selector.
When I try to run the NodeJS server that is supposed to accompany it, it fails when I try to run it with node version 10. I have to go back to version 4.9.1, so I can run the server without any problems.
Has anyone else faced this issue or know what it could be? If I go to a newer version of node I get a Bindings.js npm error. If I build my react app with 4.9.1, well that doesn't work at all.
To run both at the same time I have to switch to node version 4.9.1 and then run the nodeJS server, then change to version 10 and build the react app which to me is not how a production build should go.
Any thoughts?

Error with npm installation while adding a package in meteor

So I've been trying to install a package that connects the amazon mechanical turk server to my meteor app. The package is called mizzao:turkserver. But I keep getting errors when trying to add the package.
This is the error:
link to error image
Not quite sure how to get around the issue
EDIT: I'm using Windows 10. Node Version- 4.2.2

Meteor: Unable to Deploy, requires Node v0.10.40 or later

I recently updated my meteor to version and now I can't seem to be able to deploy. I get the following error.
[] error: Forever detected script exited with code: 1[]
[] error: Script restart attempt #16[]
[] Meteor requires Node v0.10.40 or later.[]
I am using mup, so I changed the version in mup.json from 0.10.36 to 0.10.40 and it still throws the same error. I am using digital ocean, should this be an update to the node version in digital ocean? I have tried doing a search for node update but nothing shows up, so not sure if this is the issue.
Any help is appreciated.
Updating your node version inside mup.json won't actually upgrade the node version installed on the server, have you tried using mup setup again to reinstall node on the droplet ?
