How to save a zipFile from zipInputStream in Gosu - guidewire

I have a method that has access to a ZipInputStream object. How can I save the contents as a zipfile in my preferred directory? I am able to go through the zipfile and save the individual contents within the zip file but I'm looking for options to save as zipfile itself.


How to store image file or file temporary using python or django rest_framework without saving in the database? I am new to Django

How to store image file or file temporary using python or django rest_framework without saving in the database?
In dajngo rest_framework I did these things in a function based view.
temp_file = request.FILES['document_file']
Then, how I store this file temporary without saving in the database?
You can refer the below function which handles a .txt file.You can create a temporary_folder directory. To write file to temporary_folder:
def handle_uploaded_file(f):
with open('/full/path/to/temporary_folder/name.txt', 'wb+') as destination:
for chunk in f.chunks():
Once your business logic is done, you can delete the file. Please check this How to delete a file or folder?
Other Reference:

Python: Access a zipped XL file without extracting it

Is there a way I can process an open the excel file within a zip file without first extracting it. I am not interested in modifying it.
from zipfile import ZipFile
from openpyxl import load_workbook
procFile ="C:\\Temp2\\"
xl_file = "XLFile-Demo.xlsx"
myzip = ZipFile(procFile)
myzip.setpassword(bytes('123', 'utf-8'))
# line below returns an error
with load_workbook( as wb_obj:
Most of the examples that perform this only directly open text files.
I would like to simulate the behaviour of archiving programs such as WinRar and 7zip.

read_csv one file from several files in a gzip?

I have several files in my tar.gz zip file. I want to read only one of them into a pandas data frame. Is there any way to do that?
Pandas can read a file inside a gz. But seems like there is no way to tell it specifically read one of them if there are several files inside the gz.
Would appreciate any thoughts.
To read a specific file in any compressed folder we just need to give its name or position for e.g to read a specific csv file in a zipped folder we can just open that file and read the content.
from zipfile import ZipFile
import pandas as pd
# opening the zip file in READ mode
with ZipFile("") as z:
read = pd.read_csv([2].filename))
Here the folder structure of results looks like and I want to read test.csv :
$ data_description.txt sample_submission.csv test.csv train.csv
If you use pardata, you can do this in one line:
import pardata
data = pardata.load_dataset_from_location('')['table/csv']
The returned data variable should be a dictionary of all csv files in the zip archive.
Disclaimer: I'm one of the main co-authors of pardata.

python3 ZipFile.extractall extracts a empty file

Say I compress a .txt file as a .zip format with a password 123, the .txt file has a few characters like abcd. Then I make a new thread, using the zipfile lib in python3 to uncompress the .zip file. The core code in the thread is:
import zipfile as zf
zipf = zf.ZipFile(target)
zipf.extractall(path='./', pwd=password)
However, the .txt file extracted is empty, namely there is no character in it. Then I do the same experiment with a .jpeg image, this time, the image could be extracted perfectly.
I am so confuse about this, could anyone propose a reasonable explanation ?

Watson Data Platform how to unzip the zip file in the data assets

How to unzip the zip file in the data assets of the Watson Data Platform?
from io import BytesIO
import zipfile
zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(, 'r')
streaming_body_1 is the zip file streaming body object in the DATA ASSETS section. I uploaded the zip file to the DATA ASSETS.
How can I unzip the zip file in the Data Assets?
Since I don't know the exact Key Path of the DATA ASSETS section.
I am trying to do this in the jupyter notebook of the project.
Thank you!
When you upload a file to your project it is stored in the project's assigned cloud storage, which should now be Cloud Object Storage by default. (Check your project settings.) To work with uploaded files (which are just one type of data asset, there are others) in a notebook you'll have to first download it from the cloud storage to make it accessible in the kernel's file system and then perform the desired file operation (e.g. read, extract, ...)
Assuming you've uploaded your ZIP file you should be able to generate code that reads the ZIP file using the tooling:
click the 1010 (Data icon) on the upper right hand side
select "Insert to code" > "Insert StreamingBody object"
consume the StreamingBody as desired
I ran a quick test and it worked like a charm:
# "Insert StreamingBody object" generated code
from io import BytesIO
import zipfile
zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(, 'r')
print zip_ref.namelist()
Edit 1: If your archive is a compressed tar file use the following code instead:
# "Insert StreamingBody object" generated code
import tarfile
from io import BytesIO
tf =, mode="r:gz")
Edit 2: To avoid the read timeout you'll have to change the generated code from
config=Config(signature_version='oauth',connect_timeout=50, read_timeout=70),
With those changes in place I was able to download and extract training_data.tar.gz from the repo you've mentioned.
