How does Cassandra serialise concurrent requests? - cassandra

I am reading about Cassandra and how other databases maintain the wal and memtable.
WAL - As name suggests, cassandra writes all mutations sequentially in this file
My question is - if there are thousands of parallel requests coming to the same node of cassandra, how does it maintain sequential writes to WAL.
I check cassandra code base and I could not find any thread lock or anything mutex operation.
Cassandra write code
private CommitLogPosition addToCommitLog(Mutation mutation)
// Usually one of these will be true, so first check if that's the case.
boolean allSkipCommitlog = true;
boolean noneSkipCommitlog = true;
for (PartitionUpdate update : mutation.getPartitionUpdates())
if (update.metadata().params.memtable.factory().writesShouldSkipCommitLog())
noneSkipCommitlog = false;
allSkipCommitlog = false;
if (!noneSkipCommitlog)
if (allSkipCommitlog)
return null;
Set<TableId> ids = new HashSet<>();
for (PartitionUpdate update : mutation.getPartitionUpdates())
if (update.metadata().params.memtable.factory().writesShouldSkipCommitLog())
mutation = mutation.without(ids);
// Note: It may be a good idea to precalculate none/all for the set of all tables in the keyspace,
// or memoize the mutation.getTableIds()->ids map (needs invalidation on schema version change).
Tracing.trace("Appending to commitlog");
return CommitLog.instance.add(mutation); --- ** Actual commit log write ***
Any help would be appreciated.

All mutations are immediately appended to the end of the commitlog -- in whatever order they arrived on the replica.
The writes come in through a request queue that Cassandra processes first-in-first-out. There isn't any additional ordering that occurs.
Since all mutations are simply appended to the commit log, this makes writes in Cassandra very, very fast. Cheers!


Spark Structured Streaming redis sink perform not desirable

I've used spark structured streaming conume kafka messages and save data to redis. By extending the ForeachWriter[org.apache.spark.sql.Row], I used a redis sink to save data. The code runs well but just a little more than 100 datas be saved to redis per second. Is there any better way to speed up the procedure? While code like below would connect and disconnect to redis server every mico batch, any way to just connect once and keep the connections to miniminze the cost of connection which I supposed is the main cause of time consuming?
I tried broadcast jedis but neither jedis nor jedispool isserializable so it didn't work.
My sink code is below:
class StreamDataSink extends ForeachWriter[org.apache.spark.sql.Row]{
var jedis:Jedis = _
override def open(partitionId:Long,version:Long):Boolean={
if(null == jedis){
jedis = FPCRedisUtils.getPool.getResource
override def process(record: Row): Unit = {
if(0 == record(3)){
override def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = {
if(null != jedis){
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Don't do jedis.disconnect(). This will actually close the socket, forcing a new connection next time around. Use only jedis.close(), it will return the connection to the pool.
When you call INCR on a non-existing key, it is automatically created, default to zero and then incremented, resulting in a new key with value 1.
This simplifies your if-else to simply jedis.incr("counter").
With this you have:
Review if you really need the SELECT. This is per connection and all connections default to DB 0. If all workloads sharing the same jedis pool are using DB 0, there is no need to call select.
If you do need both select and incr, then pipeline them:
Pipeline pipelined = jedis.pipelined()
This will send the two commands in one network message, further improving your performance.

Nodejs: How can I optimize writing many files?

I'm working in a Node environment on Windows. My code is receiving 30 Buffer objects (~500-900kb each) each second, and I need to save this data to the file system as quickly as possible, without engaging in any work that blocks the receipt of the following Buffer (i.e. the goal is to save the data from every buffer, for ~30-45 minutes). For what it's worth, the data is sequential depth frames from a Kinect sensor.
My question is: What is the most performant way to write files in Node?
Here's pseudocode:
let num = 0
async function writeFile(filename, data) {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, data)
// This fires 30 times/sec and runs for 30-45 min
dataSender.on('gotData', function(data){
let filename = 'file-' + num++
// Do anything with data here to optimize write?
writeFile(filename, data)
fs.writeFileSync seems much faster than fs.writeFile, which is why I'm using that above. But are there any other ways to operate on the data or write to file that could speed up each save?
First off, you never want to use fs.writefileSync() in handling real-time requests because that blocks the entire node.js event loop until the file write is done.
OK, based on writing each block of data to a different file, then you want to allow multiple disk writes to be in process at the same time, but not unlimited disk writes. So, it's still appropriate to use a queue, but this time the queue doesn't just have one write in process at a time, it has some number of writes in process at the same time:
const EventEmitter = require('events');
class Queue extends EventEmitter {
constructor(basePath, baseIndex, concurrent = 5) {
this.q = [];
this.paused = false;
this.inFlightCntr = 0;
this.fileCntr = baseIndex;
this.maxConcurrent = concurrent;
// add item to the queue and write (if not already writing)
add(data) {
// write next block from the queue (if not already writing)
write() {
while (!paused && this.q.length && this.inFlightCntr < this.maxConcurrent) {
let buf = this.q.shift();
try {
fs.writeFile(basePath + this.fileCntr++, buf, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
// write more data
} catch(e) {
err(e) {
this.emit('error', e)
pause() {
this.paused = true;
resume() {
this.paused = false;
let q = new Queue("file-", 0, 5);
// This fires 30 times/sec and runs for 30-45 min
dataSender.on('gotData', function(data){
q.on('error', function(e) {
// go some sort of write error here
Things to consider:
Experiment with the concurrent value you pass to the Queue constructor. Start with a value of 5. Then see if raising that value any higher gives you better or worse performance. The node.js file I/O subsystem uses a thread pool to implement asynchronous disk writes so there is a max number of concurrent writes that will allow so cranking the concurrent number up really high probably does not make things go faster.
You can experiement with increasing the size of the disk I/O thread pool by setting the UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE environment variable before you start your node.js app.
Your biggest friend here is disk write speed. So, make sure you have a fast disk with a good disk controller. A fast SSD on a fast bus would be best.
If you can spread the writes out across multiple actual physical disks, that will likely also increase write throughput (more disk heads at work).
This is a prior answer based on the initial interpretation of the question (before editing that changed it).
Since it appears you need to do your disk writes in order (all to the same file), then I'd suggest that you either use a write stream and let the stream object serialize and cache the data for you or you can create a queue yourself like this:
const EventEmitter = require('events');
class Queue extends EventEmitter {
// takes an already opened file handle
constructor(fileHandle) {
this.f = fileHandle;
this.q = [];
this.nowWriting = false;
this.paused = false;
// add item to the queue and write (if not already writing)
add(data) {
// write next block from the queue (if not already writing)
write() {
if (!nowWriting && !paused && this.q.length) {
this.nowWriting = true;
let buf = this.q.shift();
fs.write(this.f, buf, (err, bytesWritten) => {
this.nowWriting = false;
if (err) {
this.emit('error', err);
} else {
// write next block
pause() {
this.paused = true;
resume() {
this.paused = false;
// pass an already opened file handle
let q = new Queue(fileHandle);
// This fires 30 times/sec and runs for 30-45 min
dataSender.on('gotData', function(data){
q.on('error', function(err) {
// got disk write error here
You could use a writeStream instead of this custom Queue class, but the problem with that is that the writeStream may fill up and then you'd have to have a separate buffer as a place to put the data anyway. Using your own custom queue like above takes care of both issues at once.
Other Scalability/Performance Comments
Because you appear to be writing the data serially to the same file, your disk writing won't benefit from clustering or running multiple operations in parallel because they basically have to be serialized.
If your node.js server has other things to do besides just doing these writes, there might be a slight advantage (would have to be verified with testing) to creating a second node.js process and doing all the disk writing in that other process. Your main node.js process would receive the data and then pass it to the child process that would maintain the queue and do the writing.
Another thing you could experiment with is coalescing writes. When you have more than one item in the queue, you could combine them together into a single write. If the writes are already sizable, this probably doesn't make much difference, but if the writes were small this could make a big difference (combining lots of small disk writes into one larger write is usually more efficient).
Your biggest friend here is disk write speed. So, make sure you have a fast disk with a good disk controller. A fast SSD would be best.
I have written a service that does this extensively and the best thing you can do is to pipe the input data directly to the file (if you have an input stream as well).
A simple example where you download a file in such a way:
const http = require('http')
const ostream = fs.createWriteStream('./output')
http.get('', (res) => {
.on('error', (e) => {
console.error(`Got error: ${e.message}`);
So in this example there is no intermediate copying involved of the whole file. As the file is read in chunks from the remote http server it is written to the file on disk. This is much more efficient that downloading a whole file from the server, saving that in memory and then writing it to a file on disk.
Streams are a basis of many operations in Node.js so you should study those as well.
One other thing that you should investigate depending on your scenarios is UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE as I/O operations use libuv thread pool that is by default set to 4 and you might fill that up if you do a lot of writing.

Spark : How to make calls to database using foreachPartition

We have spark streaming job ..writing data to AmazonDynamoDB using foreachRDD but it is very slow with our consumption rate at 10,000/sec and writing 10,000 takes 35min ...this is the code piece ..
tempRequestsWithState is Dstream
tempRequestsWithState.foreachRDD { rdd =>
if ((rdd != null) && (rdd.count() > 0) && (!rdd.isEmpty()) ) {
rdd.foreachPartition {
case (topicsTableName, hashKeyTemp, attributeValueUpdate) => {
val client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient()
val request = new UpdateItemRequest(topicsTableName, hashKeyTemp, attributeValueUpdate)
try client.updateItem(request)
catch {
case se: Exception => println("Error executing updateItem!\nTable ", se)
case null =>
From research learnt that using foreachpartition and creating a connection per partition will help ..but not sure how to go about writing code for it ..will greatly appreciate if someone can help with this ...Also any other suggestion to speed up writing is greatly appreciated
Each partition is handled by an executor(a jvm process). So inside that you can write code to initialize db connection and write to database. IN the code given, the line for first case() is where you write that code. So as you get more partitions, if you have multiple executors writing to db, this will be done in parallel.
rdd.foreachPartition {
//initialize database cnx
//write to db
//close connection
It is better to use a single partition to write in a db and singleton to initialize cnx, to decrease the numbers of db connection, in foreachPartition function use write with
batch to increase the numbers of the inserted lines.
rdd.repartition(1).foreachPartition {
//get singleton instance cnx
//write with batche to db
//close connection

Node calling postgres function with temp tables causing "memory leak"

I have a node.js program calling a Postgres (Amazon RDS micro instance) function, get_jobs within a transaction, 18 times a second using the node-postgres package by brianc.
The node code is just an enhanced version of brianc's basic client pooling example, roughly like...
var pg = require('pg');
var conString = "postgres://username:password#server/database";
function getJobs(cb) {
pg.connect(conString, function(err, client, done) {
if (err) return console.error('error fetching client from pool', err);
client.query('select * from get_jobs()', [], function(err, result) {
done(); //call `done()` to release the client back to the pool
if (err) console.error('error running query', err);
cb(err, result);
function poll() {
getJobs(function(jobs) {
// process the jobs
setTimeout(poll, 55);
poll(); // start polling
So Postgres is getting:
2016-04-20 12:04:33 UTC:[5778]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;
2016-04-20 12:04:33 UTC:[5778]:LOG: execute <unnamed>: select * from get_jobs();
2016-04-20 12:04:33 UTC:[5778]:LOG: statement: COMMIT;
... repeated every 55ms.
get_jobs is written with temp tables, something like this
) AS
_nowstamp bigint;
-- take the current unix server time in ms
_nowstamp := (select extract(epoch from now()) * 1000)::bigint;
-- 1. get the jobs that are due
select ...
from really_big_table_1
where job_time < _nowstamp;
-- 2. get other stuff attached to those jobs
select ...
from really_big_table_2 r
inner join jobs j on = j.some_id
-- 3. return the final result with a join to a third big table
RETURN query (
select, ...
from jobs_extra je
left join really_big_table_3 r on =
group by
I've used the temp table pattern because I know that jobs will always be a small extract of rows from really_big_table_1, in hopes that this will scale better than a single query with multiple joins and multiple where conditions. (I used this to great effect with SQL Server and I don't trust any query optimiser now, but please tell me if this is the wrong approach for Postgres!)
The query runs in 8ms on small tables (as measured from node), ample time to complete one job "poll" before the next one starts.
Problem: After about 3 hours of polling at this rate, the Postgres server runs out of memory and crashes.
What I tried already...
If I re-write the function without temp tables, Postgres doesn't run out of memory, but I use the temp table pattern a lot, so this isn't a solution.
If I stop the node program (which kills the 10 connections it uses to run the queries) the memory frees up. Merely making node wait a minute between polling sessions doesn't have the same effect, so there are obviously resources that the Postgres backend associated with the pooled connection is keeping.
If I run a VACUUM while polling is going on, it has no effect on memory consumption and the server continues on its way to death.
Reducing the polling frequency only changes the amount of time before the server dies.
Adding DISCARD ALL; after each COMMIT; has no effect.
Explicitly calling DROP TABLE jobs; DROP TABLE jobs_extra; after RETURN query () instead of ON COMMIT DROPs on the CREATE TABLEs. Server still crashes.
Per CFrei's suggestion, added pg.defaults.poolSize = 0 to the node code in an attempt to disable pooling. The server still crashed, but took much longer and swap went much higher (second spike) than all the previous tests which looked like the first spike below. I found out later that pg.defaults.poolSize = 0 may not disable pooling as expected.
On the basis of this: "Temporary tables cannot be accessed by autovacuum. Therefore, appropriate vacuum and analyze operations should be performed via session SQL commands.", I tried to run a VACUUM from the node server (as some attempt to make VACUUM an "in session" command). I couldn't actually get this test working. I have many objects in my database and VACUUM, operating on all objects, was taking too long to execute each job iteration. Restricting VACUUM just to the temp tables was impossible - (a) you can't run VACUUM in a transaction and (b) outside the transaction the temp tables don't exist. :P EDIT: Later on the Postgres IRC forum, a helpful chap explained that VACUUM isn't relevant for temp tables themselves, but can be useful to clean up the rows created and deleted from pg_attributes that TEMP TABLES cause. In any case, VACUUMing "in session" wasn't the answer.
DROP TABLE ... IF EXISTS before the CREATE TABLE, instead of ON COMMIT DROP. Server still dies.
CREATE TEMP TABLE (...) and insert into ... (select...) instead of CREATE TEMP TABLE ... AS, instead of ON COMMIT DROP. Server dies.
So is ON COMMIT DROP not releasing all the associated resources? What else could be holding memory? How do I release it?
I used this to great effect with SQL Server and I don't trust any query optimiser now
Then don't use them. You can still execute queries directly, as shown below.
but please tell me if this is the wrong approach for Postgres!
It is not a completely wrong approach, it's just a very awkward one, as you are trying to create something that's been implemented by others for a much easier use. As a result, you are making many mistakes that can lead to many problems, including memory leaks.
Compare to the simplicity of the exact same example that uses pg-promise:
var pgp = require('pg-promise')();
var conString = "postgres://username:password#server/database";
var db = pgp(conString);
function getJobs() {
return db.tx(function (t) {
return t.func('get_jobs');
function poll() {
.then(function (jobs) {
// process the jobs
.catch(function (error) {
// error
setTimeout(poll, 55);
poll(); // start polling
Gets even simpler when using ES6 syntax:
var pgp = require('pg-promise')();
var conString = "postgres://username:password#server/database";
var db = pgp(conString);
function poll() {
.then(jobs=> {
// process the jobs
.catch(error=> {
// error
setTimeout(poll, 55);
poll(); // start polling
The only thing that I didn't quite understand in your example - the use of a transaction to execute a single SELECT. This is not what transactions are generally for, as you are not changing any data. I assume you were trying to shrink a real piece of code you had that changes some data also.
In case you don't need a transaction, your code can be further reduced to:
var pgp = require('pg-promise')();
var conString = "postgres://username:password#server/database";
var db = pgp(conString);
function poll() {
.then(jobs=> {
// process the jobs
.catch(error=> {
// error
setTimeout(poll, 55);
poll(); // start polling
It would be a dangerous approach, however, not to control the end of the previous request, which also may create memory/connection issues.
A safe approach should be:
function poll() {
.then(jobs=> {
// process the jobs
setTimeout(poll, 55);
.catch(error=> {
// error
setTimeout(poll, 55);
Use CTEs to create partial result sets instead of temp tables.
) AS
_nowstamp bigint;
-- take the current unix server time in ms
_nowstamp := (select extract(epoch from now()) * 1000)::bigint;
RETURN query (
-- 1. get the jobs that are due
WITH jobs AS (
select ...
from really_big_table_1
where job_time < _nowstamp;
-- 2. get other stuff attached to those jobs
), jobs_extra AS (
select ...
from really_big_table_2 r
inner join jobs j on = j.some_id
-- 3. return the final result with a join to a third big table
select, ...
from jobs_extra je
left join really_big_table_3 r on =
group by
The planner will evaluate each block in sequence the way I wanted to achieve with temp tables.
I know this doesn't directly solve the memory leak issue (I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with Postgres' implementation of them, at least the way they manifest on the RDS configuration).
However, the query works, it is query planned the way I was intending and the memory usage is stable now after 3 days of running the job and my server doesn't crash.
I didn't change the node code at all.

Transactions in multi threaded environment in SQLite WP 8.1

I am facing an issue using SQLite with following scenario.
There are two threads working on database.
Both threads have to insert messages in transactions.
So if say one thread commits after inserting 20k rows and other thread has not committed yet.
In output I see all the data has been committed which was inserted by thread 2 till the moment data was committed by thread 1.
Sample function:
/// <summary>
/// Inserts list of messages in message table
/// </summary>
/// <param name="listMessages"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool InsertMessages(IList<MessageBase> listMessages, bool commitTransaction)
bool success = false;
if (listMessages == null || listMessages.Count == 0)
return success;
foreach (MessageBase message in listMessages)
using (var statement = _sqlLiteConnection.Prepare(_insertMessageQuery))
BindMessageData(message, statement);
SQLiteResult result = statement.Step();
success = result == SQLiteResult.DONE;
if (success)
Debug.WriteLine("Message inserted suucessfully,messageId:{0}, message:{1}", message.Id, message.Message);
Debug.WriteLine("Message failed,Result:{0}, message:{1}", result, message.Message);
if (commitTransaction)
Debug.WriteLine("Data committed");
Debug.WriteLine("Data not committed");
return success;
Is there any way to prevent commit transaction of thread 2 inserts?
In short, it's not possible on a single database.
A single sqlite database cannot have multiple simultaneous writers with separate transaction contexts. sqlite databases also do not have separate contexts per connection; to get a context, you would need to make a new connection. However, as soon as you start the initial write using insert (or update/delete), the transaction needs a RESERVED lock on the database (readers allowed, no other writers), which means parallel writes are impossible. I thought you might be able to fake it with SAVEPOINT and RELEASE, but these are also serialized on the connection and do not generate a separate context.
With that in mind, you may be able to use separate databases connected using ATTACH DATABASE, as long as both threads are not writing to the same table. To do so, you would attach the additional database at runtime which contains the other tables. However, you still need a separate connection for each parallel writer because commits to the connection still apply to all open transactions.
Otherwise, you can get separate transactions by opening an additional connection and the later connection & transaction will just have to wait until the RESERVED lock is released.
SQLite Transactions
SQLite Locking
