API Calls Bypassing Proxy - linux

I'm trying to debug an api call I'm making to a Local API and I have setup a proxy (mitmproxy) to capture the requests, I have also set the proxy settings in Postman, my IDE and Fedora Network Settings and imported the required CA certificate from mitmproxy.The proxy seems to be working fine except that any API calls my code makes are not captured regardless of whether I run my code from the terminal or my IDE. I can see captured requests from other apps on my system as well as postman requests to the same API.
Proxy Tool is mitmproxy with mitmweb
IDE is Jetbrains Rider
My code is written in dotnet 6
Has anyone had a similar issue?

Try to change the proxy configuration in your machine.
In windows, proxy configuration, there is a checkbox that enables or disables the proxy for the local elements (localhosts). Try activating or desactivating this option.


Unable to record with extension Seraphic Web Security

I have a problem with recording. It started after our organization installed Seraphic extension and I can't switch it off.
Is there a away to solve it without switch it off?
I don't know what "Seraphic extension" is but if it's a kind of proxy - you need to make JMeter aware of this upstream proxy as it's described in Using JMeter behind a proxy chapter of JMeter documentation.
You can also try out JMeter Chrome Extension which makes recording process easier as you don't need to think of proxies and certificates.
And last but not the least you can record your test scenario using your browser developer tools, store the captured requests into a HAR file and convert this HAR file into JMeter test script.

Run VS Code Web Extension with full nodejs APIs support in VS Code Desktop

I am developing a web extension that works well on the vscode.dev with client-based OAuth but when I need to use the same in desktop vscode, the JS Domain i.e. location.origin is coming to be vscode-file://vscode-app which I can't use as JS domain for OAuth2. This results in CORS errors for API calls.
Hence, I need to use the server-based OAuth method to avoid CORS errors.
For this, I need to run the http.createServer method from nodejs when the extension runs in the vscode desktop.
This means that some parts of my source code will work in vscode. dev (i.e. nodejs independent) while others will only work in VS Code desktop (i.e. nodejs dependent).
Can anyone guide me on how to go about implementing the same for my project?
P.S. - I want to provide some functionalities in vscode.dev and some extra functionalities in VS Code Desktop hence I need this hybrid approach.

SignalR on Core 2.2 fails when deploying to Azure

I have set up a plain SignalR solution using .NET Core 2.2. I cannot use Core 3.x because I need to use some libraries that depends on 2.2.
It works fine when i debug locally.
However, when I deploy to Azure as an App Service, whenever the JS tries to establish a connection, I can see in Chrome's network tab that it fails when calling /hub/negotiate, and that it returns a 400.
This does not happen locally. Locally I'm running IIS Express, and the server in Azure is running Kestrel.
What I have tried thus far:
Made sure web sockets is enabled under configuration in Azure. It was already enabled.
I believe Kestrel is behind a proxy in Azure, so I added app.UseForwardedHeaders(new ForwardedHeadersOptions { ForwardedHeaders = ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedFor | ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedProto }); at the very top. This had no effect.
I'm not using MessagePack.
#aspnet/signalr 1.1.4 (is this correct for 2.2? it works locally)
What could be wrong?
I can tell you clearly that there is no problem using signalr 1.1.4 in .net core 2.2.
It can run normally when deployed in windows and linux. You can download my test code from github, and compare with your project, is there any modification that caused this error?
The proxy settings are not used.
The only thing to note is:
I found that when the project is deployed under linux, it takes a while to start normal operation, about three to five minutes. The reason is currently unclear. If you encounter it, you can raise a support ticket on the portal.

How does NSwag works in ASP.Net Zero framework?

I tried working on an ASP.Net Zero and it works and I have used its built in PowerTools to create CRUD functionalities of the system. And I tried adding some manual front-end Angular UI in the client side of the application. I'm just not sure what will happen if I run the "refresh.bat" command in NSwag if it will erased all of my manually created UI and service proxies. Please help me.
Create a git branch and examine changes after you try it. Discard all if not acceptable.
Refresh.bat will update and generate service proxy for implemented api on .Net backend.
Always let your Api server running whenever u want to run refresh.bat.

Proxy settings for Selenium#library with robot Framework and VNCserver

Hi I am writing testcases in robot Framework with Selenum2Library.
I am running my Product on another VM with Proxy settings and Selenium on other machine.
If there's no Proxy I can run selenium on one and product on other.
Is there any way we can bypass proxy settings, and access the product???
I am working on Fedora and trying to access red hat ironport account.
any help is more then welcome.
You can try generate custom firefox profile in which you could set your custom firefox settings.
On my system firefox's profile (which robot framework uses by default) locates at /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/SeleniumLibrary/firefoxprofile/.
As I understand from doc from /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/SeleniumLibrary/init.py you can copy that dir, edit and then use it:
Start Selenium Server -firefoxProfileTemplate C:\\the\\path # Uses custom Firefox profile
