Check session is active in vue.js middleware - node.js

So basically I have an app that is separated between backend (node.js + express + express-sessions) and frontend (vue + node.js).
When the frontend calls my the backend creates a session and a session cookie is set to the user. The way I do it is the following:
req.session.userId = user._id;
In the frontend, I have a pinia store where I keep all my user state machine (login, logout,...). So a user logs in and the user object is stored in the store. Then all the pages can access that object.
But now, I would like to have something similar as the backend, so I can redirect the user when the session is not active or expired. So I would like to have a middleware that checks for the session cookie, and if it's not there, redirects the user to the index page. I can't rely on the store because every time I refresh the page it gets removed.
I saw some examples using JWT which they make a middleware like this:
export default function auth({ next, router }) {
if (!localStorage.getItem('jwt')) {
return router.push({ name: 'login' });
return next();
My problem is that I am not sure how to retrieve the session cookie from there, since nor next nor router parameters are the ones I need to.


firebase onAuthStateChanged infinite loop node js

I'm using firebase to sign in my users on my node js app. I would like to see if the user is authentificated or not and after it redirect to the page I want (login if it not logged or dashboard).
But when I redirect user (if it not logged previously or session expires) it's looping on the same page (send redirect of the login page everytime when I'm on login page).
My function that I use actually :
function authenficated (req, res, next) {
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function (user) {
if (user) {
console.log("connected" + " " + user.uid);
} else {
res.redirect('/') //loop on / page
I would like a function that provides if my user is logged or not, if it logged my node backend return to /dashboard or other pages that I want and if not it cannot access to dashboard and it return automatically to / or /login
I specify I don't use React or Vue, I use simply EJS to display my pages
Thanks for all
This function/sdk is meant for frontend applications and not backend apps. You need to the admin sdk for that. You can use cookies and the admin sdk provides a function to create cookies. After a signin you attach the cookie to the headers and it will be send by the browser on every request. If the cookie header is empty than you know the user isn't signed in. To logout a user you can add a head method to clear the cookie.
To use backend function you need to use the admin sdk. This function is a front end function (web sdk ).
You can use onAuthStateChanged on the front end and redirect them from the front end. Remember onAuthStateChanged will fire on every page load.
OR implement cookies like the previous comments.
Send the id token from the client via http request (fetch or axios) and verify server side using the admin sdk. Here is the specific link. This solution would require you to load something on the front end though and then send a http request to the backend, verify, then send protected resources after.
Cookies on the other hand are sent to the backend with every request, so if no cookie is present on the page load request then obviously there is no user. Or if the below function fails then server wont send protected resources. (this is explained in the link above for cookies)
getAuth().verifySessionCookie(sessionCookie, true /** checkRevoked */)

Authentication without Passport

I'm using active directory to authenticate users, so I thought I didn't need to use Passport and that all I would need to do is after the password checks out is to create a global(?) boolean with res.locals to indicate that the user has been authenticated.
I've tried something like this in a controller function:
ad.authenticate(username,password, function(err,auth) {
//some of the things I tried unsuccessfully -- should be true after logged in
res.locals.auth = auth
app.locals.auth = auth //app not defined
However, I've discovered that when I call a later function checking if the user is logged in as part of middleware for a diff route, res.locals.auth and app.locals.auth are either false or undefined. I've tried setting both vars in my server.js file at the beg with the code below but that didn't work either...
app.use((req, res, next) => {
app.locals.auth = false;
res.locals.auth = false;
So my question is, what var/where should I be saving the authenticated status? Or should I just use passport instead because there's some security concern that I was unaware of? What is the point of the isMemberOf in passport setup example?
All I want to do is just check user credentials and basically recreate req.isAuthenticated in Passport because I couldn't figure out how to use it because of the isMemberOf.
Usually the server sends back a token containing some useful data (user or session id, expiration date) either by cookies or by JWT (json web token).
Then a client puts the token into every request to the server . The server validates expiration date and handles requests.
Cookies will be put into a request by the browser automatically. JWT should be put into a request by your client code.

Store session in client's browser using raw node.js and cookie without express

I am trying to store client session using raw node.js without express.
When a user logs in I have the username and password. Now, how to store a session in client browser using cookie. And how to identify the user when they refresh the tab or goes to another link.I don't want to use client-sessions module as I want to understand the approach.
any help will be appreciated.
First of all, I suggest you to watch everything about authentication in NodeJS It explains cookies in a part very well.
You have to give the browser some data to hold for it to use later, which being cookies. Browser uses this data to show the server what kind of authentications it has processed before for the server and the user to proceed without repetition.
In node.js, using client-sessions module, you can set a cookie by calling'/login', function(req,res){
User.findOne({password: req.body.userPassword}, function(err, user){
req.session.user = user; //here you are setting the cookie for the client,
You could also specify what kind of cookie you want to set by just adding it a property
req.session.userEmail =;
Now let's check how the server uses authentication
app.get('/someUrl', function(req,res){
console.log("user exists!");
You can check what the client sends you by using session property of req object => req.session
To bind it with database you need to do,
User.findOne({email:}, func...)
So basically, with each request that client sends, this procedure is used by the server to identify the cookies and to make the web-app user-friendly with no repetition.
It is like giving every student an ID in a school for authentication.
For security, the node module cookie-sessions encrypt data automatically when we add secret attribute in app.use() function. Please see using secret in client-sessions module

Node, express, passport - updating session after updating record

I'm rather new to node, I have started writing a small app and am working on my user auth and profile. I'm using express, passport and ejs. I've got passport working and have my user redirecting to a profile page that requires additional data before the user begin's to use the application. My question is:
What's the proper way to update the user's session (created at passport.authentication) when a user updates their profile data? I would like to update the user session in order to hit it rather than the data base for basic user data.
If your using express you have middleware that looks like:
function (res, req, next){}
When you get session data you can add it to the req object.
function (res, req, next){
// get the session here...
req.session = session;
Then any other middleware will have access to the req.session object which will contain the user's session.

Create session only after successful authentication in express

I have a requirement to create a session only after successful authentication.
I was able to create redisStore based session using express middleware, but it creates session when the first request comes to server.
But how I can create session only after successful authentication.
I googled somewhat, and foundreq.session.regenerate() (but I found the issue as below mentioned in this thread:
Regenerate session IDs with Nodejs Connect)
But in regenerate case also, it creates a fresh one, assuming old one is created already, and is created with same parameter.
So there is any other way to create a new session ID only after successful authentication..?
You may be conflating the idea of a session with the idea of an authenticated session.
It's normal for all users to have a session - even the anonymous, not-yet-logged-in users. The difference between this and an authenticated session is just that, locally on your web server, you specify that a particular user has been authenticated.
For example, once you authenticate someone, you can set:
req.session.isAuthenticated = true;
Then, when rendering pages, your controllers can do something like
function(req, res, next) {
if (!req.session.isAuthenticated) return res.redirect('/login');
This might not be the exact answer you're looking for, but I'll answer the title for future readers:
From experimenting with my application, I've noticed that express-session sets the session cookie only if you manipulate the session object.
For example consider the below code:'/login', function (req, res) {
var authenticated = false;
if (req.session.authenticated) {
// session cookie is already set
authenticated = true;
} else if (/*validate the user here*/) {
console.log(' authenticating');
authenticated = true;
// if below line executes, the response will have Set-Cookie header
req.session.authenticated = authenticated;
status: authenticated
//if --^ false, no session cookie will be set since we didn't manipulate session object
Even though a request creates a session object in memory for us to use, the Set-Cookie header seems to be sent only if we manipulate (or tamper with?) the session object created.
Unless we sent the Set-Cookie header along with the response and session id is stored in cookie at client side, I wouldn't consider it as an established session and worry about it.
Hope it helps.
Side note: This is the case of a cross-domain ajax request, might be different for normal http request, perhaps someone can confirm this
