Borrowed value does not live long enough when using async/await - rust

I am trying to make two async api call and eventually get error E0597.
Here is a code:
async fn make_request() -> Result<()> {
let mut result = client.get(uri).await?;
let some_key = result.headers().get("some_key");
let next_url = match some_key {
Some(url) => {
let some_result = client.get(Uri::from_static(url.to_str().unwrap())).await?
None => println!("....")
When I run this code the error "borrowed value does not live long enough argument requires that result is borrowed for `'static"

I have created a compile-able example based on your snipped to reproduce the error in the playground, and if you are able to do something like this in your question (for future reference), it usually helps you get more specific answers.
The Request passed into the function has no lifetime guarantees, so this will fail with the error you mentioned:
use http::{Request, Uri};
async fn make_request(result: &Request<()>) -> std::io::Result<()> {
match result.headers().get("some_key") {
// `url` is a reference to the string in the "some_key" header
Some(url) => {
let some_result = Uri::from_static(url.to_str().unwrap());
None => println!("....")
You can add that lifetime requirement, but that probably isn't what you need, and will likely give you the same error message, just in a different place:
async fn make_request_static(result: &'static Request<()>) -> std::io::Result<()> {
match result.headers().get("some_key") {
// because the request is static, so can be `url`
Some(url) => {
let some_result = Uri::from_static(url.to_str().unwrap());
None => println!("....")
Uri implements the FromStr trait, though, so you would be best off using that. There is no longer a lifetime requirement, so it can work with any string you pass in, even one which is currently borrowed:
// need to import the trait to use its methods
use std::str::FromStr;
async fn make_request_3(result: &Request<()>) -> std::io::Result<()> {
match result.headers().get("some_key") {
// because the request is static, so can be `url`
Some(url) => {
let some_result = Uri::from_str(url.to_str().unwrap());
None => println!("....")


Lifetime issue assigning reference from conditional

I'm quite new in Rust and I'm having an issue with lifetimes that I believe I can understand what is happening and why, but can't get around in my head how can I solve it.
For simplicity I created this short "clone" of what I'm actually trying to do, but the real code is using asyc-stripe. Will annotate the example code with the real one in case is relevant.
There is the following structure:
struct ObjectA<'a> {
field: i32,
object_b_id: Option<&'a str>,
impl<'a> ObjectA<'a> {
fn new(field: i32) -> Self {
return Self {
object_b_id: Default::default(),
fn persist_obj_a(obj_a: ObjectA<'_>) {}
// ---
struct ObjectB {
id: ObjectBId,
struct ObjectBId {
value: String,
impl ObjectBId {
fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
return self.value.as_str();
// This is a wrapper around that just returns the first one found (id any, hence the Option)
fn load_object_b() -> Option<ObjectB> {
return Some(ObjectB {
id: ObjectBId {
value: String::from("some_id"),
And what I'm trying to do is: load the ObjectB with load_object_b and use its ID into a ObjectA.
Ok, so on to my attempts.
First attempt
fn first_try(condition: bool) {
let mut obj_a = ObjectA::new(1);
if condition {
match load_object_b() {
Some(obj_b) => obj_a.object_b_id = Some(,
None => (),
In here I get does not live long enough
Which I can understand, since from what I can understand the obj_b only exists during the match arm and is droped by the end of it.
Second attempt
fn second_try(condition: bool) {
let mut obj_a = ObjectA::new(1);
if condition {
let obj_b = load_object_b();
match obj_b {
Some(ref obj_b) => obj_a.object_b_id = Some(,
None => (),
Here I get
obj_b.0 does not live long enough
Which I guess it is still the same idea, just in a different place. Since again, from my understanding, obj_b now only lives within the scope of the if condition.
Third and last attempt
I ended up "solving" it with:
fn third_try(condition: bool) {
let mut obj_a = ObjectA::new(1);
let obj_b = load_object_b();
let obj_b_id = match obj_b {
Some(ref obj_b) => Some(,
None => None,
if condition {
obj_a.object_b_id = obj_b_id;
In here I moved the obj_b to have the same lifetime as obj_a. So it solves the issue that I was having.
My problem with this solution is that I feel that I'm wasting resource doing the (possible expensive) request to load_object_b even if I'm not gonna use it based on the condition.
Not sure if I'm missing something very obvious or just going on the overall wrong direction, but would appreciate some light on what I might be doing wrong.
This should work, I think:
fn third_try(condition: bool) {
let mut obj_a = ObjectA::new(1);
let obj_b = if condition { load_object_b() } else { None };
obj_a.object_b_id = obj_b.as_ref().map (|o|;
Rust allows you to have conditionally initialized variables. You can declare obj_b ouside of the if, but only initialize it inside the if. The compiler will ensure you can use it only if it is initialized.
fn second_try(condition: bool) {
let mut obj_a = ObjectA::new(1);
let obj_b;
if condition {
obj_b = load_object_b();
match obj_b {
Some(ref obj_b) => obj_a.object_b_id = Some(,
None => (),

Rust: how to use await in function chain

Desired code:
The commented out block compiles and works, however I'd like to move from nested matching style to a cleaner chain of functions
async fn ws_req_resp(msg: String, conn: PgConn) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>{
let req: WSReq = serde_json::from_str(&msg)?;
match req.request_type{
"upsert_competitions" => {
// let dr = serde_json::from_value(;
// match dr{
// Ok(d) => match upsert_competitions(conn, d).await{
// Ok(x) => serde_json::to_string(&x).map_err(|e| e.into()),
// Err(e) => Err(Box::new(e))
// }
// Err(e) => Err(Box::new(e))
// }
serde_json::from_value(|d| async move {
upsert_competitions(conn, d).await}).and_then(|r| serde_json::to_string(&r))
.map_err(|e| e.into())
uwotm8 => {
Err(Box::new(InvalidRequestError{req_type: uwotm8.to_string()}))
upsert_competitions signature pub async fn upsert_competitions(conn: PgConn, new: Vec<ApiNewCompetition>) -> Result<Vec<DbCompetition>, diesel::result::Error>
expected enum `std::result::Result<_, serde_json::error::Error>`
found opaque type `impl core::future::future::Future`
Have tried putting the await in multiple places in chain and none compile.
Believe awaiting a future should sit until it's finished, then return the result.
(It might be better for me to return a future from this function; and unwrap outside. However I do not understand why the await in the chain is failing, so clearly I'm lacking understanding...also trying to return a future I run into issues with compiler not knowing Size of return)
Full code
Someone told me can't use await in function chains like this.
When I switched to returning a Box<dyn std::error::Error + Sync + Send + 'static> error-type.
Then I was able to use ? operator successfully again for central code
(previously think it was failing due to ambiguous error return type).
So even without function changing could use this syntax to make code nice and readable.
updated code:
pub async fn upsert_competitions(req: WSReq, conn: PgConn, ws_conns: &mut WSConnections_, user_ws_id: Uuid) -> Result<String, BoxError>{
let deserialized: Vec<NewCompetition> = serde_json::from_value(;
let competitions_out= db::upsert_competitions(&conn, deserialized.into_iter().map(transform_from).collect_vec())?;
if let Some(ws_user) = ws_conns.lock().await.get_mut(&user_ws_id){
sub_to_competitions(ws_user, competitions_out.iter().map(|c| &c.competition_id)).await;
publish_competitions(ws_conns, &competitions_out).await;
let resp_msg = WSMsgOut::resp(req.message_id, req.method, competitions_out);
serde_json::to_string(&resp_msg).map_err(|e| e.into())

StreamExt::forward fails with error `expected integer, found enum `std::result::Result``

I'm trying to connect a rust futures stream (repeat) to a sink (drain).
The first method works fine (check below), but the second one with .forward fails to compile (the error is shown inline). Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong?
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use futures::sink::SinkExt;
use futures::executor;
fn main() {
executor::block_on( async {
// works
let mut work = futures::stream::repeat(5);
let mut drain = futures::sink::drain();
match drain.send( {
Ok(_r) => println!("Done"),
Err(_e) => println!("Error"),
// works
let res: Vec<i32> = futures::stream::repeat(5).take(3).collect::<Vec<i32>>().await;
println!("{:?}", res);
// doesn't work
// futures::stream::repeat(5).forward(futures::sink::drain());
// ^^^^^^^ expected integer, found enum `std::result::Result`
// error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `<futures_util::stream::repeat::Repeat<{integer}> as futures_core::stream::Stream>::Item == std::result::Result<_, _>`
// Fixed above with repeat(Ok(5)) but not repeat(5)
match futures::stream::repeat(Ok(5)).take(3).forward(futures::sink::drain()).await {
Ok(_r) => println!("Done"),
Err(_e) => println!("Error"),
Relevant docs
I guess you wanted something a bit more like this?
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use futures::sink::SinkExt;
async fn main() {
// works
let mut work = futures::stream::repeat(5);
let mut drain = futures::sink::drain();
match drain.send( {
Ok(_r) => println!("Done"),
Err(_e) => println!("Error"),
// doesn't work
As the error (slightly confusingly) illustrates, the repeat call must take a Result argument in this case.

How to return a Result containing a serde_json::Value?

This is what I have, but I want to avoid using unwrap on my reqwest values:
extern crate base64;
extern crate reqwest;
use serde_json;
use serde_json::json;
pub fn perform_get(id: String) -> serde_json::value::Value {
let client = reqwest::Client::builder().build().unwrap();
let url = String::from("SomeURL");
let res = client.get(&url).send().unwrap().text();
let mut v = json!(null);
match res {
Ok(n) => {
v = serde_json::from_str(&n).unwrap();
Err(r) => {
println!("Something wrong happened {:?}", r);
fn main() {
println!("Hi there! i want the function above to return a result instead of a Serde value so I can handle the error in main!");
Here is a link to a rust playground example
The official Rust book, The Rust Programming Language, is freely available online. It has an entire chapter on using Result, explaining introductory topics such as the Result enum and how to use it.
How to return a Result containing a serde_json::Value?
The same way you return a Result of any type; there's nothing special about Value:
use serde_json::json; // 1.0.38
pub fn ok_example() -> Result<serde_json::value::Value, i32> {
Ok(json! { "success" })
pub fn err_example() -> Result<serde_json::value::Value, i32> {
If you have a function that returns a Result, you can use the question mark operator (?) to exit early from a function on error, returning the error. This is a concise way to avoid unwrap or expect:
fn use_them() -> Result<(), i32> {
let ok = ok_example()?;
println!("{:?}", ok);
let err = err_example()?;
println!("{:?}", err); // Never executed, we always exit due to the `?`
Ok(()) // Never executed
This is just a basic example.
Applied to your MCVE, it would look something like:
use reqwest; // 0.9.10
use serde_json::Value; // 1.0.38
type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error>;
pub fn perform_get(_id: String) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let client = reqwest::Client::builder().build()?;
let url = String::from("SomeURL");
let res = client.get(&url).send()?.text()?;
let v = serde_json::from_str(&res)?;
Here, I'm using the trait object Box<dyn std::error::Error> to handle any kind of error (great for quick programs and examples). I then sprinkle ? on every method that could fail (i.e. returns a Result) and end the function with an explicit Ok for the final value.
Note that the panic and the never-used null value can be removed with this style.
See also:
What is this question mark operator about?
Rust proper error handling (auto convert from one error type to another with question mark)
Rust return result error from fn
Return value from match to Err(e)
What is the idiomatic way to handle/unwrap nested Result types?
better practice to return a Result
See also:
Should I avoid unwrap in production application?
If you are in the user side I would suggest to use Box<dyn std::error::Error>, this allow to return every type that implement Error, ? will convert the concrete error type to the dynamic boxed trait, this add a little overhead when there is an error but when error are not expected or really rare this is not a big deal.
use reqwest;
use serde_json::value::Value;
use std::error::Error;
fn perform_get(_id: String) -> Result<Value, Box<dyn Error>> {
let client = reqwest::Client::builder().build()?;
let url = String::from("SomeURL");
let res = client.get(&url).send()?.text()?;
let v = serde_json::from_str(&res)?;
// last two line could be serde_json::from_str(&res).map_err(std::convert::Into::into)
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", perform_get("hello".to_string()));
This produce the following error:
Err(Error { kind: Url(RelativeUrlWithoutBase), url: None })
The kind smart folks over at Rust Discord helped me solve this one. (user noc)
extern crate base64;
extern crate reqwest;
pub fn get_jira_ticket() -> Result<serde_json::value::Value, reqwest::Error> {
let client = reqwest::Client::builder().build().unwrap();
let url = String::from("SomeURL");
let res = client.get(&url).send().and_then(|mut r| r.json());
fn main() {
println!("This works");
The key part was this in the header for the return
-> Result<serde_json::value::Value, reqwest::Error>
And this here to actually return the data.
client.get(&url).send().and_then(|mut r| r.json());

Using `pop3::POP3Stream::connect` to connect to runtime given `host`? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to convert a String into a &'static str
(4 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'm trying to read input from the user, and then use it as the URL for the POP3 library. When converting the String that I get to a string slice, it doesn't live long enough to be used. This is strange to me for two reasons:
Because everything that uses the POP3 object is inside the same block, so the lifetime of the str slice should be that of the entire block, which would cover everything
I've tried almost every different code configuration I could think of, and to no avail, I get the same error every time.
extern crate pop3;
extern crate smtp;
extern crate openssl;
extern crate libc;
use openssl::ssl::{SslContext, SslMethod};
use pop3::POP3Stream;
use pop3::POP3Result::{POP3Stat, POP3List, POP3Message};
mod readline;
use readline::*;
fn main() {
let place = match readline("URL: ") { // Problem line
Some(input) => { // Problem line
let place: &'static str = &input[..]; // Problem line
let mut email_socket = match POP3Stream::connect(place, 995, Some(SslContext::new(SslMethod::Sslv23).unwrap())) { // Problem line
Ok(s) => s,
Err(e) => panic!("{}", e)
match readline("Username: ") {
Some(username) => {
match readline("Password: ") {
Some(password) => { email_socket.login(&*username, &*password); },
None => println!("Please enter a password.")
None => println!("Please enter a username.")
let stat = email_socket.stat();
match stat {
POP3Stat {num_email,
mailbox_size} => println!("num_email: {}, mailbox_size:{}", num_email, mailbox_size),
e => println!("There was an error signing into your server."),
let list_all = email_socket.list(None);
match list_all {
POP3List {emails_metadata} => {
for i in emails_metadata.iter() {
println!("message_id: {}, message_size: {}", i.message_id, i.message_size);
_ => println!("There was an error listing your messages."),
let message_25 = email_socket.retr(25);
match message_25 {
POP3Message{raw} => {
for i in raw.iter() {
println!("{}", i);
_ => println!("There was an error getting your 25th message."),
None => { println!("Please enter a URL for your server."); }
The Problem
Your problem boils down to the use of static since the keyword basically says "keep this object around forever". This means that the lifetime of place, without a doubt, will live long after input — forever vs the scope of the block.
fn get() -> Option<String> {
Some("hello world".to_owned())
fn main() {
let data = match get() {
Some(input) => { let place : &'static str = &input[..]; },
None => { }
In the above we try to make place a static reference to a str, other other words; a reference that exists for the entire duration of our program. input on the other hand will definitely not exist for this amount of time, and therefor we get an error diagnostic.
<anon>:7:54: 7:59 error: `input` does not live long enough
<anon>:7 Some(input) => { let place : &'static str = &input[..]; },
The Solution
Remove the use of static, effectively saying that the lifetime of place is that of the block (which is a subset of the lifetime associated with input).
fn get() -> Option<String> {
Some("hello world".to_owned())
fn main() {
let data = match get() {
Some(input) => { let place : &str = &input[..]; },
None => { }
Further Digging
As it turns out, POP3Stream::connect accepts a &'static str as its first argument; this is really bad design since it will only accept string-literals.
impl Pop3Stream {
pub fn connect(host: &'static str, ...) -> Result<POP3Stream> {
You can, however, hack your way around the issue by intentionally leaking the resource—effectively making it live "forever". Please note the usage of unsafe, and keep in mind that this is—by language design—considered to be just that.
fn get () -> Option<String> {
Some("hello world".to_owned ())
fn connect (host : &'static str) {
/* ... */
fn main() {
let data = match get() {
Some(input) => {
let place : &'static str = unsafe {
use std::mem; let x = mem::transmute(&input as &str);
mem::forget (x); x
None => { }
