How to Trigger a build pipeline depends on create PR request source branch in Azure DevOps - azure

I have a Develop branch and Master. My task is to trigger the build pipeline when I create a Pull Request from Develop to Master before merge, depends on Develop branch. The trigger should be from source branch. Can we add tags to trigger the build pipeline based on source branch. I am using classic pipelines and new to ADO. how can I achieve this. Please someone help me to achieve this in detail.

To get a pipeline to trigger when a PR is opened but before it is merged you would need to add a branch policy on master branch to have a build validation step. This will trigger the pipeline to run whenever a PR is opened to master
Build Validation

Unfortunately, PR trigger behaviour varies, depending on which SCM you're using: Azure Repos Git, GitHub, or Bitbucket Cloud. With BB Cloud, the PR build will be triggered when the PR is opened or updated, but not when it is merged. The filter input can be used to specify branches for PR trigger.
Details for each SCM system can be found by clicking on the links on the "Triggers in Azure Pipelines" documentation.

The way how to set that up does depend on your source-code version control software you are using. For GitHub you need to install the "Azure Pipeline" GitHub App.
Then configure a pipeline in AzureDev Ops and enable "Continous integration" in "Triggers" section.
P.S.: To avoid that the compile check of a PR will result in published artefacts you can either have to different pipelines or - that's what I try to achieve - one pipeline where the artefacts are just being generated when the PR is merged.


Azure CI pipeline trigger not working after git instance migration

I have few CI and CD pipelines in azure devOps project in which CI pipelines connect to github enterprise repository to fetch the code.
CI pipelines were invoked by the trigger whenever there is a change in main branch of repository.
This was working fine until our git repository instance was changed. All our git repositories are migrated to the new instance.
I have updated the service connection, to point to the new git instance and manually invoked CI pipelines and tested. It worked fine.
But the issue is now with automatic triggering of CI pipelines. It is not working now.
I tried remove and add git service connections and repository details inside CI pipeline and enabled trigger, but still it is not getting automatically invoked whenever there is a change in repository.
What could be the reason for this ? I already removed and added the git repository details in CI pipeline, still that does not work. Is there anything I missed out? Any leads appreciated!
You can check the "Override the YAML trigger from here" setting for the types of trigger (Continuous integration or Pull request validation) available for your repo." in the Triggers UI.
If it does not work, please create a new pipeline to check if it works.
For more information, you could refer to: troubleshooting failing triggers
Finally figured out the issue and fixed. It was error with web hook in the repository.
Updated the webhook and it is working fine now.

In Azure, how do you configure pull requests so that some tasks must run successfully before a PR can be merged?

In my Azure build pipeline, we have tasks for running tests and code coverage ...
However, we would like to require that tests are run prior to merging our pull requests into the branch from which the above pipeline draws its source. However, I can't figure out what setting in Azure will allow us to customize what tasks are run prior to a pull request being able to be approved.
The question is -- how do we customize a pull request so that it can only be approved if tests are run and pass?
You can achieve this by configuring the Build Validation for the target branch.
Validate code by pre-merging and building pull request changes.
Check below steps:
Go the Branches under Repos in azure project portal-->Select the target Branch the PR merged into-->Click the 3dots and choose Branch polices
On the Branch policy setting page-->Click the plus + to add build validation pipline-->Select your build pipeline as the validation pipeline.
After the Build Validation is configured for the target Branch. The validation pipeline must succeed before the PR can be merged.
See Branch policies for more information about protecting your important branches and enforcing your team's code quality.
You may try the standard mechanism of azure devops git - branch policy. Assign your build to your target branch and set it as a required check. Then you can not merge if the build failed. Check this documentation: Build validation.

How do I make sure my Azure Devops Pipeline YAML is in sync to changes I make through the Pipeline UI?

I have my azure-pipelines.yml committed into my Github repo.
I made a few changes to the pipeline via the Azure Devops Pipeline UI by clicking on Edit. But my azure-pipelines.yml that is committed was not aware of the changes. How do I ensure my committed YAML and Pipeline are in sync?
This is what I did:
In Azure Devops Pipeline, I accessed my Pipeline
Clicked on Edit
Clicked on 3 dots -> Triggers
Under Continuous Integration
Added a new branch filter
Clicked on Save
Further adding to this, seems like I am only prompted to create a new PR/Branch in Azure Devops Pipeline if I edit the YAML directly.
Yaml triggers and UI triggers they are separate trigger controls. They will not synchronize as #Anthony pointed out.
UI triggers will override the YAML CI trigger, if you define your pipeline triggers from UI, as below screen showing.
If you want to add a new branch filter to your pipeline trigger. You can directly edit your azure-pipelines.yml and add the branch to the trigger. Please check CI triggers for informations.
- master
- releases
The two do not synchronize. They are separate functionality. Updating the build tasks in the UI does not modify the azure-pipelines.yml.

How to make auto CI build pipeline whenever a new branch is created?

i want Azure DevOps to create a CI build pipeline automatically whenever a new branch is committed
You can achieve this using the triggers, they allow you to use wildcards so
would trigger a build for any branches that start with 'feature/'
You can create a CI build pipeline by checking the
Enable continuous integration option in the Triggers of build pipeline. Then add the new branch to the Branch filters.
If you are using yaml ,You can add the new branch directly to the trigger part of yaml.

How do I only build the last commit in Azure Pipelines for CI/CD?

The azure pipeline build task for github tends to build all the commits in a PR sent. I would like it to build only the last commit. That is I would like the other build jobs started for the previous commits in a PR (except for the last one) to be cancelled automatically without manual intervention. This is to reduce the number of build jobs queued at the same time for a given PR.
How do I achieve this in Azure Pipelines for CI/CD. I can do it in travis easily and would like to find out if it is available in Azure Pipelines for CI/CD and if so how to achieve it.?
I believe this behavior to cancel existing queued pipelines on PR update became the default behavior for Azure-DevOps with the Nov-12-2018 release with this feature. It doesn't look like it is flagged for 2019 On-Premise, so I'd expect this won't be available On-Premise for a while.
