WineHQ starting services - wine

I get an error when I try to open a service on Linux WineHQ 7.0
Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Driver Load Error (1053)


Issues with Azure IOT Edge & Jetson Nano - DeepStream Module

I'm trying to install the Nvidia DeepStream SDK module on my Jetson Nano running JetPack 4.6.1 with Azure IOT Edge.
Following this example, but it is based on DeepStream 5.1, and since I have JetPack 4.6.1 I have DeepStream SDK 6.0.1
I'm getting this error when deploying the DeepStream SDK 5.1 module from the marketplace.
2022-05-21 16:52:36.053 +00:00 [ERR] - Edge agent plan execution failed.
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Error calling start module NVIDIADeepStreamSDK: Could not start module NVIDIADeepStreamSDK
caused by: Could not start module NVIDIADeepStreamSDK
caused by: failed to create shim: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: error adding seccomp filter rule for syscall clone3: permission denied: unknown)
---> Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Agent.Edgelet.EdgeletCommunicationException- Message:Error calling start module NVIDIADeepStreamSDK: Could not start module NVIDIADeepStreamSDK
caused by: Could not start module NVIDIADeepStreamSDK
caused by: failed to create shim: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: error adding seccomp filter rule for syscall clone3: permission denied: unknown, StatusCode:500, at: at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Agent.Edgelet.Version_2021_12_07.ModuleManagementHttpClient.HandleException(Exception exception, String operation) in /mnt/vss/_work/1/s/edge-agent/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Agent.Edgelet/version_2021_12_07/ModuleManagementHttpClient.cs:line 231
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Agent.Edgelet.Versioning.ModuleManagementHttpClientVersioned.Execute[T](Func`1 func, String operation) in /mnt/vss/_work/1/s/edge-agent/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Agent.Edgelet/versioning/ModuleManagementHttpClientVersioned.cs:line 155
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Agent.Edgelet.Version_2021_12_07.ModuleManagementHttpClient.StartModuleAsync(String name) in /mnt/vss/_work/1/s/edge-agent/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Agent.Edgelet/version_2021_12_07/ModuleManagementHttpClient.cs:line 179
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Agent.Edgelet.ModuleManagementHttpClient.<>c__DisplayClass26_0.<<Throttle>b__0>d.MoveNext() in /mnt/vss/_work/1/s/edge-agent/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Agent.Edgelet/ModuleManagementHttpClient.cs:line 140
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
Which DeepStream SDK container should I use instead on my Jetson Nano?

ASP.Net Core 2.0 IIS error on Windows 2012 R2

I installed :
On command prompt if I type dotnet, this appears:
api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll missing
On IIS on Windows Server 2012 R2 ASP.Net core 2.0 is returning this:
HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure
Common causes of this issue:
The application process failed to start The application process
started but then stopped The application process started but failed to
listen on the configured port
Troubleshooting steps:
Check the system event log for error messages Enable logging the
application process' stdout messages Attach a debugger to the
application process and inspect
For more information visit:
On Windows Logs, this appears:
Application 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/CRUD' with physical root
'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebAPI\CRUD\' failed to start process with
commandline 'dotnet .\CRUD.dll', ErrorCode = '0x80004005 : c0000135.
How to solve this problem?

HDInsight Emulator not running on Windows / connection exception

I'm trying to setup a HDInsight emulator on a Windows 8.1 PC following these instructions:
When trying to run a MapReduce job, I get a connection error.
How can I solve or further investigate this issue?
Details below.
Installed Azure Powershell and Azure SDK for VS 2015
Installed HDInsight Emulator for Azure incl. Hortonworks Data Platform
Started local hdp services (13 services running)
Connected Visual Studio to Emulator (had to follow troubleshooting point 2: replacing IP addresses in core-site.xml with '*' due to dynamic IP)
Created directories and copied text files as suggested
When trying to run the first example, I get the following error:
16/01/11 10:36:39 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1452503376359_0003 failed with state FAILED due to: Application application_1452503376359_0003 failed 2 times due to AM Container for appattempt_1452503376359_0003_000002 exited with exitCode: -1000 due to: Call From EH3HOST/ to EH3HOST:8020 failed on connection exception: Connection refused: no further information; For more details see:
.Failing this attempt.. Failing the application.
16/01/11 10:36:39 INFO mapreduce.Job: Counters: 0
The following worked for me:
Search for XML files containing <your own host name>:8020 inside the c:\hdp\hdp-<Version Number>\etc\hadoop\ folder. (e.g. EH3HOST:8020)
You should find at least
Replace all occurrences within these files with

Chrome or Firefox fails to start on selenium node machine if the node is started from a shell script at the startup

I have a shell script to register the node machine to hub at startup.
The script contains:
java -jar ~/selenium/selenium-server.jar -role node -hub http://HUB_IP:4444/grid/register -browser browserName="firefox",maxInstances=5,Platform="LINUX",applicationName="VM_NAME" -browser browserName="chrome",maxInstances=5,Platform="LINUX",applicationName="VM_NAME"
The script starts fine in the startup and even the node gets registered to hub, but, when I start a job from Jenkins its gives below error in case of Firefox:
org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
Error: no display specified
When I start a job from Jenkins its gives below error in case of Chrome:
org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.20.353124 (035346203162d32c80f1dce587c8154a1efa0c3b),platform=Linux 3.13.0-68-generic x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
1. Using later version of chrome, firefox & Selenium jar files
2. When the script is run manually, everything works fine.
3. Start up batch file in windows works fine without any problem.

Trouble starting resource manager in CDH5 on ubuntu 14.04 LTS ,single node implementation

I am trying to install CDH5 (cloudera) on a single node(64-bit machine) running ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I have successfully installed hdfs (namenode and datanode are running fine). After configuring all the properties for deploying yarn, when I try to start resource manager or node manager it gives gives following errors:
ERROR org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.ResourceManager: Returning, interrupted : java.lang.InterruptedException
2015-06-29 14:02:44,265 ERROR ExpiredTokenRemover received java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted
2015-06-29 14:02:44,264 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.AbstractLivelinessMonitor: org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.ContainerAllocationExpirer thread interrupted
2015-06-29 14:02:44,265 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.ResourceManager: Transitioned to standby state
2015-06-29 14:02:44,265 FATAL org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.ResourceManager: Error starting ResourceManager
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.WebAppException: Error starting http server
at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.WebApps$Builder.start(
at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.ResourceManager.startWepApp( at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.ResourceManager.serviceStart(
at org.apache.hadoop.service.AbstractService.start(
at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.ResourceManager.main(
Caused by: Problem in starting http server. Server handlers failed
at org.apache.hadoop.http.HttpServer2.start(
at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.WebApps$Builder.start(
... 4 more
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
