FastAPI: file uploaded bytes on client ProgressEvent done twice before completing upload - node.js

I'm trying to implement a multiple large file uploader within a Vue.js application. The backend is a FastAPI application.
The issue is about a strange behavior for the ProgressEvent associated with an axios POST for uploading a file to the backend.
The ProgressEvent.loaded value is not incremental and resets when the file is almost entirely uploaded into the backend. It starts back from a low number of uploaded bytes and finally completes the upload. It seems like the file is uploaded twice.
I have this simple FastAPI path operation function implementing the file upload endpoint:
summary="Upload job-specific file",
"Accepts file uploads. Files can be uploaded in chunks to allow pausing/ resuming uploads"
async def upload_file_chunk(chunk: UploadFile, custom_header_job_id=Header(...), settings: Settings = Depends(get_settings)):
filename = compose_upload_filename(custom_header_job_id, chunk.filename)
#filename = '_'.join([custom_header_job_id, chunk.filename])
path_to_file = os.path.join(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER, filename)
async with, "ab") as input_file:
while content := await
await input_file.write(content)
except FileNotFoundError:
raise HTTPException(
detail="File chunk not found",
return {"hello": "world"}
The endpoint is not completed yet, since it is supposed to do other things besides receiving the file.
The frontend request starts from a Vue component:
uploadFileChunk({ file, jobId, startByte, onProgressUpdate = undefined }) {
const chunk = file.slice(startByte);
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("chunk", chunk,;
//formData.append("jobId", jobId);
/* return`http://localhost:1234/upload`, formData, {
headers: {
"Custom-Header-Job-Id": jobId,
"Content-Disposition": `form-data; name="chunk"; filename="${}"`,
"Content-Range": `bytes=${startByte}-${startByte + chunk.size}/${
onUploadProgress: onProgressUpdate,
}); */
return`/files/upload`, formData, {
headers: {
"Custom-Header-Job-Id": jobId,
"Content-Disposition": `form-data; name="chunk"; filename="${}"`,
"Content-Range": `bytes=${startByte}-${startByte + chunk.size}/${
onUploadProgress: onProgressUpdate,
const onProgressUpdate = (progress) => {
console.log("loaded: ", progress.loaded);
const percentage = Math.round(
(progress.loaded * 100) / file.size);
console.log("percentage: ", percentage);
The commented request points to a different Node.js backend with a file upload endpoint exclusively made to assess if the current issue I'm facing up is dependent on the client code or the backend. Here is the implementation (not an expert in Node.js and express):
const express = require("express");
const cors = require("cors");
const multer = require("multer");
const app = express();
const upload = multer({ dest: "uploads/" });"/upload", upload.single("chunk"), (req, res) => {
res.json({ message: "Successfully uploaded files" });
console.log("listening on port 1234");
In addition, the client code is actually put into a much more articulated pattern involving XState for managing the uploader component. Nevertheless, attached snippets should be enough to have an idea of the main parts to be discussed here.
Here is a screenshot for the request the FastAPI endpoint:
Where we can see the file is almost entirely uploaded and then the uploaded parameter drops to a lower upload percentage, eventually finalizing the upload (not shown here).
The same experiment repeated on the Node.js endpoint does not create issues, which splits the upload in much less packets:
Node.js express
It seems like the Node.js backend works fine, whereas the FastAPI doesn't. In my opinion there are some issues with how FastAPI/ starlette manages large files. It could be something related to the spooled file that starlette creates, or maybe something happening when passing from storing the file in the main memory to the mass memory. Unfortunately, starlette UploadFile class seems very hermetic and not easy to be customized/ inspected.
FastAPI backend running on a Debian Bullseye docker image
FastAPI version 0.78.0
python-multipart version 0.0.5
client and server running in localhost and tested with Chrome 103.0.5060.53 (Official Build) (x86_64)
system: Mac OSX 11.3.1
Thank you so much for your help!


How to process JS file returned from Express response.sendFile()

I have an API which uses Node.js + Express on the backend.
For one of the API endpoints, I'd like to use the Express response object method of "sendFile", documented here:
The API should return a Javascript file through the sendFile method.
What I can't figure out is how to read in the .js file on the front end so that I can use the JavaScript functions defined in the file. The sendFile portion appears to be working -- it's just the use of the file which I can't figure out.
Here's what I'm doing on the backend:
app.get("/api/member", async (req, res) => {
options = {
root: path.join(__dirname, '/static'),
dotfiles: 'deny'
res.sendFile("member.js", options, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('Sent file')
This seems to be working fine, as I can navigate to the endpoint on my localhost and it loads the JS file. The file member.js simply contains some javascript function definitions.
But, I can't figure out how to consume/use the file once it arrives to the front end.
Here's what I have currently on the frontend:
async function refreshJS() {
const url = `${baseUrl}/member`;
const response = await fetch(url, { credentials: "include" });
const script = document.createElement("script")
script.type = "text/javascript"
script.src = response.body
I've spent a lot of time looking through the console/debugger to find the text associated with the JS functions -- but they're nowhere to be found.
I've tested this general framework by loading JS files locally through the console and it worked, so I think it's wrapped up in a misunderstanding of where the JS functions live in the API response. For example, if I replace the command above of:
script.src = response.body
script.src = "member.js"
then everything works fine provided I have the file locally.
The examples that I've reviewed seem to deal exclusively with sending an HTML file which is loaded on the frontend. But, I can't find supporting documentation from the fetch API to understand how to use the JS file contents.

Generating rss.xml for Angular 8 app locally works fine, but not on prod

I am trying to generate a rss.xml file for my angular 8 app with ssr + firebase + gcp inside the domain.
I've created a RssComponent which can be reached at /rss route. There i call getNews() method and receive an array of objects. Then I make a http request to /api/rss and in server.ts i handle that request:'/api/rss', (req, res) => {
const data =;
const feedOptions = // defining options here
const feed = new RSS(feedOptions);
data.forEach((item) => {
title: item.headingUa,
url: item.rssLink,
date: item.utcDate,
enclosure: {url: item.mainImg.url.toString().replace('&', '&'), type: 'image/jpeg'}
const xml = feed.xml({indent: true});
fs.chmod('dist/browser/rss.xml', 0o600, () => {
fs.writeFile('dist/browser/rss.xml', xml, 'utf8', function() {
And finally on response i'm opening the recently generated rss.xml file in RssComponent. Locally everything is working fine but on Google Cloud Platform it's not generating a file.
As explained in the Cloud Functions docs:
The only writeable part of the filesystem is the /tmp directory
Try changing the path to the file to the /tmp directory.
Nevertheless, using local files in a serverless environment is a really bad idea. You should assume the instance handling the following request will not be the same as the previous one.
The best way to handle this would be to avoid writing local files and instead storing the generated file in GCP Storage or Firebase Storage, and then retrieving it from there when needed.
This will ensure your functions are idempotent, and also will comply with the best practices.

Node Express Fast CSV download to client

I've set up a small node js BE app, built with express and fastCsv module on top of it. The desired outcome would be to be able to download a csv file to the client side, without storing it anywhere inside the server, since the data is generated depending on user criteria.
So far I've been able to get somewhere it it, Im using streams, since that csv file could be pretty large depending on the user selection. Im pretty sure something is missing inside the code bellow:
const fs = require('fs');
const fastCsv = require('fast-csv');
(inside api request)
router.get('/', async(req, res) => {
const gatheredData ...
const filename = 'sometest.csv'
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/csv',
'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=' + filename
const csvDataStream = fastCsv.write(data, {headers: true}).pipe(res)
The above code 'works' in some way as it does deliver back the response, but not the actual file, but the contents of the csv file, which I can view in the preview tab as a response. To sum up, Im trying to stream in that data, into a csv and push it to download file to client, and not store it on the server. Any tips or pointers are very much appreciated.
Here's what worked for me after created a CSV file on the server using the fast-csv package. You need to specify the full, absolute directory path where the output CSV file was created:
const csv = require("fast-csv");
const csvDir = "abs/path/to/csv/dir";
const filename = "my-data.csv";
const csvOutput = `${csvDir}/${filename}`;
console.log(`csvOutput: ${csvOutput}`); // full path
CREATE YOUR csvOutput FILE USING 'fast-csv' HERE
res.header("Content-Disposition", `attachment; filename="${filename}"`);
res.header("Content-Type", "text/csv");
res.sendFile(filename, { root: csvDir });
You need to make sure to change the response content-type and headers to "text/csv", and try enclosing the filename=... part in double-quotes, like in the above example.

How to set the appropriate http headers for gzip

I'm using Unity's WebGL and I'm getting this message on the console "You can reduce your startup time if you configure your web server to host .unityweb files using gzip compression." So according to Unity's documentation, I need to add the correct response Headers
I found the "express-static-gzip" module, and I tried to do just that, but the warning is still there. Below is the server.
const express = require('express');
const ip = require("ip");
const expressStaticGzip = require('express-static-gzip');
const http = require('http');
const app = express();
const server = http.Server(app);
app.use('/public/Builds/Build/', expressStaticGzip('public/Builds/Build/', {
customCompressions: [{
encodingName: "gzip",
fileExtension: "unityweb"
// app.use(compression());
server.listen(3000, function(){
console.log( ":: http://" + ip.address() + "/ ::" );
Any ideas?
Many thanks to #d_shiv for his help. I changed the code to the following, and the warning went away.
(you can change gzip with br if you're using brotli)
const express = require('express');
const ip = require("ip");
const http = require('http');
const app = express();
const server = http.Server(app);
app.use(express.static('public', {
setHeaders: function(res, path) {
res.set("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
server.listen(3000, function(){
console.log( ":: http://" + ip.address() + ":3000/ ::" );
express-static-gzip does not gzip the files on the fly before serving it. It assumes that you have the normal as well as gzipped versions of the file available on the specified directory. Check the Examples section of documentation here.
In this scenario, if the public/Builds/Build/Builds.wasm.framework.unityweb had to be transferred with gzip compression, you'd need to create a gzipped version by name of public/Builds/Build/Builds.wasm.framework.unityweb.gz. The middleware will automatically scan the folder for all such file pairs where original as well as gzipped versions are available. It will serve the gzipped version when request comes for original file, if the browser supports it.
The customCompressions array should also be skipped since that's enabled by default. The middleware would be registered, something like this:
app.use('/Builds/Build/', expressStaticGzip('public/Builds/Build/'));
Also note that public/ is removed from the middleware path (should be present in the expressStaticGzip path though). This is because your assets are being loaded from path https://{hostname}/Builds/Build/....
If you intend to compress the files on the fly and server it, take a look at compression module. The can be very costly operation for your server though, if possible do the gzipping during build time to create the equivalent .gz files, and continue to use express-static-gzip.

Use server to download image and serve to frontend

I'm running into a CORS issue trying to pull images from S3 (Converting Image URL to base64 - CORS issue).
I'm just using the images for a few seconds while I am generating a PDF file. Is there a way that I can have Meteor download the image and serve for just a few seconds so that I can get around the CORS problem?
I can't have Meteor just serve the images all the time since there are a ton of them and they change for the different reports.
I ended up getting around the CORS issue by doing this:
import { request } from "meteor/froatsnook:request";
convertImage: function(imageUrl) {
try {
var result = request.getSync(imageUrl, {encoding: null});
return 'data:image/png;base64,' + new Buffer(result.body).toString('base64');
} catch(e) {
throw new Meteor.Error("cant-download", "Error: Can't download image.");
