I am working on an azure mlops end to end implementation and I am looking for some recent frameworks that can help me on my journey. So far, I am seeing things that are 2 years old. The mlops examples have got to show the training, registering and inferencing components.
im currently working in a module of analysis of stadistics of videos from azure media services. I want to ask how can i get some data like average visualization time, number of visualizations and more stuff like that. im pretty sure it has to exist a very easy way to get this data but i cannot find it. I found that application insights could be useful. I have found that i may have to manually track this information. Im working on .net6. An example of code would be awesome. Thanks in advance!
pd: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/media-services-javascript-azure-media-player-application-insights-plugin/blob/master/options.md
I have found that Application Insights could be useful to my problem. Some classes like TelemetryClient (from the package Microsoft.ApplicationInsights) seems to be useful to my problem, but i cant find clear information about them.
No, there is no concept of client side analytics or viewer analytics in Azure Media Services. You have to track and log things on your own on the client side. App Insights is a good solution for this, and there are some older samples out there showing how to do that with a player application.
Take a look at this sample - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/samples/azure-samples/media-services-javascript-azure-media-player-application-insights-plugin/media-services-javascript-azure-media-player-application-insights-plugin/
Just WARNING: it is very old and probably very out of date. I would not use much of the code from that sample, as it is using SDK's from 4 year ago. Just use it as guidance at a high level for what the architecture might look like.
Another solution would be to look to a 3rd party service like Mux.com/Data that can plug into any player framework for client analytics.
I'm very new to the Databricks community platform. I have recently developed an ML model using databricks and would like to productionize it using a Swagger API. I have tried it in bits and pieces but can't figure it out at all. Can someone please give me a flow of how to proceed with this? Thanks!
Edit: I would really appreciate a low-code or no-code type solution to this since I'm a data scientist and not really a programmer. Thanks!
My website was built using Google AppEngine, DataStore and Python2.7. It’s no longer working This site can’t be reached. I need to migrate to Python3 but I cannot identify which migration guide is best suited for me. Can anyone point me to the correct set? I would like to get it running as quickly as possible (I only have one hour a day to try to correct it -- I have an unrelated full-time job).
Migration guide
Google provides a step-by-step migration guide especially for AppEngine which you should follow.
Additionally, you will find lots of useful links there where you can read about the differences between Python 2 and Python 3 and the various migration tools available. Depending on your application those tools might even be able to do the migration (more or less) automatically for you.
Please note: This is the migration guide for the AppEngine standard environment. If you don't know what you're using, you're most likely using the standard environment. While some steps will differ when using the flexible environment, migration of the code base as described in the guide will always be required.
Video: Python 2 to 3: Migration Patterns & Motivators (Cloud Next '19)
There also is a recording of a talk by the Google Cloud Team on migration from Python 2 to 3 on YouTube.
Still having issues?
Migrating from Python 2 to 3 is a well-known problem and there is tons of information available on the internet. Most likely the problems you face have already been solved by someone, so a Google search for a specific problem will likely give you a working solution.
I have recently been doing some work with time-series analysis and Microsoft Azure has some good resources for building models. I've never worked on anything like this, or for that matter, with Microsoft Azure before (I'm a student - sorry for the lack of experience!)
Is it possible to build a model on Azure - specifically I'm interesting in building a multivariate time-series analysis model - and then export it to be run on my own hardware? I'm not really interested in renting cloud space to run it.
Any advice or insight would be great - thanks!
Yes you can do that. Once you build a model with an experiment, There is a model tab on the portal that allows you to download the model. Something like below.
Below examples will provide you some guidance on deploying to local machines.
how to Deploy models trained with Azure Machine Learning on your local machines and Introducing Multivariate Anomaly Detection
I am not sure this is the correct place to ask this question but I could not see a forum link in spring-statemachine project(http://projects.spring.io/spring-statemachine/) to ask a question to the developers, I hope this is the correct way to do it.
For a while I wrote a blog,
Extremely Axajified Web Application
concerning about extremely asynchronous web applications, using Spring Webflow with those and the limitations of Spring Webflow for these sort of projects.
In my proposed solution, I used extensively state machine principles. At the timeframe that I wrote this blog there wasn't an out of the box State Machine that I can use, so I implemented my own version of it.
Now to my surprise, I just saw Spring Statemachine project and I considering to convert my sample application to use the Spring Statemachine framework.
I have two questions to ask before really starting investing effort to the subject. I checked the samples of the Spring Statemachine, it seems that the configuration of the State Machine is done via Java Code.
Is this only possible method, in my sample application, I am reading an UML Model (XMI) and create via Eclipse M2T a Spring configuration file to startup the application.
I find it is for practical uses to complex for the end user to configure a complex State Machine via Java code. For this purpose I used graphical user interfaces to create UML model of the State Machine and convert this to Spring application context, so it will be easier to understand for the end user.
Which you can see here.
UML Model (unfortunately Stack Overflow is not letting me post extra link so please use "#sm_model" at the end of the previous link)
Eclipse M2T UML Model conversion (see above "#m2t")
So is it possible to provide an XML file and configure Spring Statemachine with it? I can naturally create Java classes via M2T but I have a feeling end result will be nearly unreadable for end user for complex projects.
Second question I like to ask, can Spring Statemachine support "Nested Statemachines", I found in the project web site a hint about the possibility but in the existing sample project I could not find a concrete implementation.
Biggest hurdle for the usage of a State Machine in a practical web application is the "State Explosion" and best way to deal with it, is the "Nested Statemachines".
Does Spring Statemachine support this concept.
You can find more details about what I mean with "State Explosion" and "Nested StateMachines" in the following links.
State Explosion (see above "#stateexplosion")
Nested Statemachines (see above "#nested_sm")
I hope this was the correct place to ask these questions.
Thx for the answers
Sorry for late answer, I just noticed this tagged question.
We don't yet have any functionality to define machine config outside of annotation based config model(javaconfig). Xml config is in our roadmap and you can track its status in ticket https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-statemachine/issues/78.
For your second question, yes we support nested states and even orthogonal regions. Showcase example shows relatively complex scenarios how nested states and transitions between those can be used http://docs.spring.io/spring-statemachine/docs/1.0.0.RC1/reference/htmlsingle/#statemachine-examples-showcase.