Why is Twig converting my "false" string to true with boolval? - twig

{% set var = "false" %}
{{ dump(var|boolval) }}
Output: true
Why is this true and not false


jinja template nested loop only giving last loop value as output in ansible playbook

My playbook task is to fetch all resource groups then list all the vms under each resource group and for each vm find the tags associated with it. I am getting correct output when running my playbook. But I am not able to save it correctly using jinja template. Here, is the template I am using:
{% for rg in group_list %}
"resource_group": "{{ rg }}",
{% for vm in vm_list %}
"vmId": "{{ vm }}",
{% if vmTag_json|length > 0 %}
{% for key, value in vmTag_json.items() %}
"Key": "{{ key }}",
"Value": "{{ value }}"
{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
"tags": "NA"
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
And the output I am getting is:
"resource_group": "RG1",
"vmId": "VM-01",
"Key": "Test",
"Value": "win"
"vmId": "VM-02",
"Key": "Test",
"Value": "win"
Tags value is coming same for every machine which is the last value in the loop. Also a "," should come after "Value": "win" if the loop is not ended, it is also not coming and if I put it then it also comes after the last value.

Twig sort function, sorting numbers low-high

Im trying to use the twig |sort function but find it rather confusing to figure out how to sort with numbers ranging lowest to highest.
Documentation: https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/filters/sort.html
My code example:
{% for duel in group %}
{% duel.intvalue %}
{% endfor %}
Where intvalue is the data needing sorting
Can anyone help me out
I think the documentation is clear enough.
let say you have array of object users
"users" : [
"name": "third",
"age": 29
"name": "first",
"age": 2
"name": "first",
"age": 2
"name": "second",
"age": 28
sort your data by name
{% for user in users|sort %}
{{ user.name }},
{% endfor %}
sort your data by age
{% for user in users|sort %}
{{ user.age }},
{% endfor %}
sort data by age and show its name
{% for user in users|sort((a, b) => a.age <=> b.age) %}
{{ user.name }},
{% endfor %}
A working example would be:
{# setup the expample #}
{% set group = [{intvalue:5},{intvalue:1},{intvalue:4},{intvalue:3},{intvalue:2}] %}
{% for duel in group|sort((a, b) => a.intvalue <=> b.intvalue) %}
{{ duel.intvalue }}
{% endfor %}
Or see this fiddle: https://twigfiddle.com/ru1gpd

How to Remove comma for the last object in nested for loop?

I want to remove the comma from the last object in nested for loop:
[{% for item1 in articles.results.entities %}
{% for item2 in articles1.results.entities %}
{% if item1.knowledgearticleid != item2.knowledgearticleid %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}]
But this is not working; it is giving me duplicate commas:
"Id": "ddcb41c6-1f33-ea11-a813-000d3a3be5cf",
"Title": "1 Test1",
"Articlepublicumber": "KA-01992",
"Description": "Test1"
"Id": "9564dc21-9df6-414b-ab99-da4ba534fd83",
"Title": "Test2",
"Articlepublicumber": "KA-03363",
"Description": "Test2"
Identical issue in terms of Shopify liquid snippet discussed here and this is common scenario with concatenation in any language.
With each accepted iteration, add a comma and then the “needed item”.  Except if this is the first accepted iteration, don't add the comma.
I just manage to modify your code, but test it on your end. But you got the idea right?
[{% assign list_items = "" %}
{% for item1 in articles.results.entities %}
{% for item2 in articles1.results.entities %}
{% if item1.knowledgearticleid != item2.knowledgearticleid %}
{% unless list_items == "" %}
{% assign list_items = "zzz" %}
{% endunless %}
{% unless list_items == "zzz" %}
{% endunless %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}]

How to Transform from xml to json in Azure Logic apps using Liquid

I am using the Transform XML to JSON.
This is my request body in XML
and this is my liquid map
"test": [
{% for data in Root.test %}
"column1": "{{data.column1}}",
"column2": "{{data.column2}}",
{% endfor %}
while running the logic app i am getting parsing error:
"Code": "IncorrectLiquidTransformOutputType",
"Message": "An error occurred while converting the transformed value to JSON. The transformed value is not a valid JSON. 'After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: {. Path 'test[0]'"
But while I run the same code in the liquid sandbox is working fine. may I know? what is the issue here with logic apps.
I test it in my side and provide my liquid map below for your reference:
"test": [
{% for data in content.Root %}
"column1": "{{data.column1}}",
"column2": "{{data.column2}}"
{% endfor %}
Run this liquid map and it works fine(shown as below screenshot)
Hope it helps~
I'll summarise the answers/comments already provided as I didn't see the issue when I first checked the accepted answer!
This type of error can be caused by missing out a comma at the end of a JSON object literal that you want to be repeated as elements in the array, in the transformed output.
{% for data in Root.test %}
"column1": "{{data.column1}}",
"column2": "{{data.column2}}",
{% endfor %}
{% for data in Root.test %}
"column1": "{{data.column1}}",
"column2": "{{data.column2}}",
{% endfor %}
You should use if condition to add "," {% if forloop.last == false %},{% endif %}
"test": [
{% for data in content.Root %}
"column1": "{{data.column1}}",
"column2": "{{data.column2}}"
}{% if forloop.last == false %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

ordering an array of object with twig

I need to order a list of objects i receive with an inner property.
I receive a list of objects like that :
{ match: "italy - germany", date: "27/01/2019", competion: "World cup" }
{ match: "lille - paris", date: "23/01/2019", competion: "coupe de france" }
{ match: "om - psg", date: "13/01/2019", competion: "coupe de france" }
{ match: "russia - poland", date: "25/01/2019", competion: "World cup" }
I don't know where to start but i need to loop over matches:
{% for match in matches %}
I want to obtain this list:
coupe de france :
om - psg
lille -paris
world cup :
italy germany
russia - poland
{% set data = [
'country' : 'france',
'match': 'G',
'country' : 'belgium',
'match': 'F',
'country' : 'france',
'match': 'E',
'country' : 'germany',
'match': 'D',
'country' : 'germany',
'match': 'C',
'country' : 'france',
'match': 'B',
'country' : 'italy',
'match': 'A',
] %}
{% set sorted = [] %}
{% for row in data %}
{% if not ((row.country) in sorted|keys) %}{% set sorted = sorted|merge({ (row.country) : [], }) %}{% endif %}
{% set sorted = sorted|merge({(row.country): (sorted[(row.country)]|merge([ row.match, ])|sort)}) %}
{% endfor %}
{% for country, values in sorted %}
{{ country }}
{% for value in values %}
- {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
You can try snilius/twig-sort-by-field.
With this Twig extension, you can do somthing like this:
{% for match in matchs|sortbyfield('competion', 'desc') %}
{{ dump(match) }}
{% endfor %}
