Tabulator Header Cuts Off - tabulator

I have been building tables using tabulator recently because I like a lot of the built in features it comes with. I noticed that on load the table header will be cut off from the table data rows like below. I don't have any custom CSS for the table so I am a bit unsure what the issue is here.
enter image description here
enter image description here


How to build a custom column formula in Power query that will retrieve Image and load it to Excel to display that image from the specified column

So I'm trying build this custom column formula that will return the image from the specified column URL and then load it to Excel. But somehow it's not working.
Basically I want the query to work exactly like '=Image()' function in excel that retrieves images from the URL. Can anyone help me with this formula/query?
Here are the things that I have done so far
I have added a custom column formula
After Expanded Image It's showing a error
After loading the query It's showing this
Actual result that I want
To resolve your error, make sure ignore privacy is checked in your power query settings. There are 2 options (Global and Current Workbook) so change both to be sure. They should both be set to "Always ignore".
However, this still won't bring in binary image data from a url and I'm not sure there is a way to do so. If you already have the urls of the images, why don't you just paste those directly into Excel?

Repeat table header in html-pdf library while creating PDF from data in node.js

I have one scenario in which I have multiple tables to print by creating PDF. For say, I have 4 tables together and the third table is having number of rows resulting in page change. I want to repeat that table's header on the next page also before printing the rows of that specific table. For any table out of 4 tables, if table's data extends to another page, it should repeat the header also for current table on next page. Is that possible in any way?
Any experts, can you please suggest me on this as I am really looking for it.
I am working on node.js to perform this task. Currently using this library-
"html-pdf": "3.0.1"
I have achieved this task perfectly and also with some more advancements in my PDF.
Whosoever is looking for the same, and unable to find any solution, I suggest you to use PdfMake NPM for the same. I have attached playground url of that NPM, where you can test various things and you can start work on your task,.

Tabulator - Getting Columns including order and size

I am creating a table using Tabulator, which seems great and very powerful.
I want a way to save relevant data of the table so it can e recreated on the fly.
Currently, I think there are a few things I need...
The row data - I get this using table.getData();
The columns - I get this using table.getColumnDefinitions();
The row data seems perfect I can store that and use it. However, the column information I am saving doesnt appear to have the size of the columns if I have resized them?
Is there a way of getting ALL the relevant column info, so I can save and recreate it exactly?
Alternatively, if there's a single 1 function that saves everything (row data, columns (including order, size etc)) in one go as a JSON or something that may be handy
So you have a few options here.
Config Persistence
If you simply want the table to be the same way it was the last time the user used it on that computer, you could look at using the Peristent Configuration module. This will store a copy of the table column configuration on the browsers local storage so that next time they load the page it will be laid out the same.
Column Layout
If you want to store it externally then you are correct,
the column width is not updated in the definition after a user changes it.
If you want to get the current layout of the columns then you can use the getColumnLayout function to retrieve the current layout of columns:
var columnLayout = table.getColumnLayout();
Though this will only contain the key layout characteristics and not the full definition, you would need to merge them if you wanted to store them in one place.
More details on this method can be found in the Manual Column Layout Documentation

ag-Grid to mimic Excel with Angular 9 material components

I'm building a web app with an Angular 9 front end (Typescript) and Django with SQLite back end. The main purpose of the app is data entry and database management. I'm using material components to build various forms within mat steppers. It's no problem building the forms and sending data to the back end when using the material components as is, but for one of the steps, I would like to implement a grid entry that has all the following:
Copy/paste feature directly from Excel
Calculated fields in each row based on the pasted data
Drop down fields where the options are pulled from the current data
For example, I'd like the ability to have a grid where, for each row, some columns are populated by choosing an option from a drop down, some are populated by pasting in directly from excel, and some are populated as calculations using the pasted data + other columns. All this data should then be pushed to the back end and stored in the database upon a button click.
All of this would be one step within a larger form.
Is all of this actually possible with the ag-grid community version? Additionally, are there any other packages that would help pull this off? It doesn't look too likely based on my research, but I'm still new to Angular, ag-grid etc.
Please let me know if I can clarify anything as I understand my requirements might be a bit confusing.

How to extract data from online react-table to csv

I would like to have some way of obtaining the data from's stats page which I believe is a react table and has no tag. An example would be the following:,gte,1&sort=points,wins
I have tried making an Excel query, but the table doesn't show up in Excel's web browser. I tried just manually copy-pasting from the webpage to Excel/Sheets, but all the data is pasted in the first column.
Any way of getting this information to a csv would be appreciated, especially some sort of automated way given a set of filters to pass into the URL.
