Update the version of only one PrimeFaces component - jsf

I currently use PrimeFaces 7.0 in my project. There are some components in PrimeFaces 10 that are useful for my project.
However to update all the components of PrimeFaces is difficult due to many stylizations that contain in the project.
Is there any way to update just one component?
Example: I need to use the <p:dataGrid> of PrimeFaces 10. Is there any way to update only it in my project?

Running two versions of PrimeFaces within a project is not possible.
Consider upgrading, regardless styling issues you will need to overcome. Apart from many bug fixes, there are also security fixes! And there will be fixes in the future you can more easily migrate to if you bite the apple now.
And yes, you might be able to back port (changes to) single components, but that will be very laborious. I would not recommend that path.


View JSF page structure

I'm working on project which uses JSF as UI framwork.
There is a lot of huge forms which contains many <ui:include> tags referring to other part of pages and they also includes others etc. When you drilling into structure it's really headache to hold it in your head.
So, my question is there any feature in IntelliJ Idea (or maybe in other IDE) which may graphically show such hierarchy?
Thanks for advice

The contents of jar file not found using jar design element of Designer 9

I dropped in an external jar file using the new jar design element of Notes 9.
I tried referencing it from a managed bean, and was able to compile. In runtime, I get a NoClassDefFoundError when I try to use the methods in the jar.
I have refreshed, cleaned, and rebuilded. Version 9 server and designer.
I remember in the past with 8.5.3 there was lots of issues getting the build path correct, but I thought that the new jar design element was supposed to take care of the issues. Most of the research I have found is from the days of 8.5.3 and earlier.
Any advice would be appreciated. (I am purposely not tagging java on this question since I think only XPagers would understand what to advise here)
2 steps to fix a potential issue:
Remove the database from designer. Delete the workspace project (only the project not the entire workspace!)
Add the database back. Check in the Java build path (right click in the navigator view on the database) that the Jar directory is included
Sometimes step 2 alone does the job, so start with that first.
As I remember early R9 versions have had issues with Java/JAR design elements. Put your JARs into WEB-INF folder (Project Browser view), that is my preferred way to use them.
Are JAR files in WebContent/WEB-INF/lib available to Java design elements in Domino Designer?
The solution that Stephan posted worked for my first attempt yesterday, so I am leaving it as the accepted answer. Today, I had to change the package name and the issue cropped up again.
This time nothing that Stephan or Frantisek suggested work to fix the NoClassDefFoundError exception. After trying everything, I came across this blog post. (A big thanks to Panu Haaramo who posted it in the comments in the answer of the SO that Frantisek's links to)
Renaming the jar caused the runtime engine to find the class file properly. Try this as well, as the solutions above to fix this problem. It is certainly an easy fix.

Working Example of Method Call in richfaces

I have looked everywhere for the following issue, but unfortunately not able to find the solution. I an using JSF 2.2, richfaces, Netbeans 7.3.1 and GlassFish Server. I am trying to build a GUI for selecting multiple items in the rich:picklist, adding them to the right and clicking a submit button which would execute methods (having JDBC calls) associated with each of the selected items on the right and hence populating the tables in Database. Any working example would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You can see a live demo of all richfaces components here http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/
Here all the components usage and its tag information every thing is clearly given. Still if you feel any problem with understanding then you can post another question with a specific problem. The question you have asked is a very general one. no offense.
Hope above link helps you.

Alternative to t:selectOneRadio layout="spread"

I don't often have need for tomahawk components anymore since jsf 2.0 provides great selectOneMenu support and most of other functionality I used to use them for, but when it comes to a selectOneRadio component I don't know of another provider with a layout="spread" option. This is essential from time to time to achieve a certain layout I'm asked for.
I'm using Tomahawk for exactly this purpose but recently discovered some serialization issues caused by this component during failover. I was wondering if anyone has discovered another provider with similar "spread" functionality or if anyone has written/published an alternative based on h:selectOneRadio?
We also wanted to use the "spread" option - in our case for DDA compatibility (no using tables for layout) but for political reasons were unable to use Tomahawk. We ended up writing our own custom renderer for radio buttons and checkboxes.
It wasn't too hard, took me a few hours to get it working the way we wanted. I'm at home for a couple of days without access to the code base so I can't give you the exact code but it's a pretty simple matter of overriding the encodeBegin() and decodeBegin() (or encodeEnd() and decodeEnd() depending on your usecase) methods and writing the html appropriate for your application.

use subsonic 2.x and 3.x in the same project

Is it possible to mix them? I'm asking because I have a big project that uses Subsonic 2.x generated classes (in a compiled dll) but would like to start using 3.x for new stuff.
I tried it last night with a project where I had references to both subsonic.dll and subsonic.core.dll but that didn't work with ambiguous references, etc. So removed 2.x and then got an issue with my older compiled subsonic generated classes in that they needed Subsonic 2.1 to run.
Hmm... I think there's a small chance that you might be able to do this, but you'd need to use the full qualifying class names (namespace.class) for a lot of code because there might be naming conflicts. It wouldn't be easy to do and definitely not recommended. (It might not can even be done.)
You can't move from 2.x to 3.x without doing a lot of recoding. I have a bunch of big projects in 2.2 and after trying to update to 3.0, I ran into some issues so I've decided to keep them in 2.2. I'd love to upgrade to 3.0 and use the new stuff, too, but I don't have the time (right now) to recode the stuff that changed between 2.x and 3.0.
I do recommend updating to 2.2. There shouldn't be any backwards compatibility issues between 2.1 and 2.2. I was able to update to 2.2 by just changing out my reference.
Just curious, are you using ActiveRecord or Repo implementation?
You only have 2 options:
stay in 2.1/2.2
update your code to 3.0
Thought I'd follow up here and let people know that I was able to get this to work. What i chose to do was to edit the Subsonic 2 source code and put it into a Subsonic2 namespace (everything), recompile to subsonic2.dll, etc. Had to modify the web.config slightly, then went and modified my old code to reference subsonic2, etc.
Am now able to mix both Subsonic 2 and 3 in the same project.
Jim--I'm using ActiveRecord. The 2.x is in one namespace and 3.x would be in another. However, I guess the question is whether the 2.x can be compiled to run with the 3.x runtime.
