Delayed Response using requests.get with uwsgi - python-3.x

I was trying to execute the following code:
import requests as rq
def google_translation(text, model='nmt', source_language=''):
temptime = time.time()
URL = f"{text}&target=en&source={source_language}&model={model}&
time_check = time.time()
result = rq.get(URL,timeout=0.5,headers = headers)
print('api_call time ' + str((time.time()-time_check)*1000))
print('elapsed time in api call ' + str(result.elapsed.total_seconds()*1000))
result = {}
The two print statements have 500 ms of difference.
API call time is approx 750 ms
Elapsed time in API call is somewhere around 251 ms
The problem is encountered when the code is executed with uwsgi.
Has anyone faced similar scenario? If yes, please let me know the possible reason and resolution for the same.
Thanks in advance


Locust Performance different from time() function

I wrote a FastAPI and try to perform load tests using different tools. I have found that the performance from Locust is vastly different from time() python function:
Locust shows min=17ms, max=2469ms, 99%=2000ms
time() function shows min()=3ms, max=1739ms
Can someone please shed a light on why is that? Which one is more accurate?
Below are my programs:
Fast API Function:
app = FastAPI()'/predict/')
def predict(request: PredictRequest):'Invocation triggered')
start_time = time.time()
response = adapter.predict(request.dict())
latency_time = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000'Predict call latency: {latency_time} ms')
return response
Locust parameters:
-u 500 -t 10 -r 500
Locust File:
class User(HttpUser):
wait_time = between(1, 2.5)
host = ""
def generate_predict(self):"/predict/",
json={"cid": [],
"user_id": 5768586,
"store_ids": [2725, 2757],
"device_type": "ios"},
Locust Output:
Locust and time are measuring two different things. time is measuring how long it takes to run only your adapter.predict function, server side. Locust measures the time it takes a client to get a response from your server route, which includes not only your adapter.predict call but also who knows what all else before and after that. "Which is more accurate" depends on what it is you're trying to measure. If you just want to know how long it takes to call adapter.predict, then time will be more accurate. If you want to know how long it takes a client to get the results of your /predict route, Locust is more accurate.

How to break out of loop when URL read is taking too long

Hi I have the following code to skip the particular URL if it is taking too long to read.
timeout = 30
loop begins below for different urlz {
timeout_start = time.time()
webpage = urlopen(urlz[i]).read()
if time.time() > timeout_start + timeout:
My question is; wont the program execute the line of code "webpage = urlopen(urlz[i]).read()" before moving down to check the if condition? In that case I think it wont detect if the page is taking too long (more than 30 seconds to read). I basically want to skip this URL and move on to the next one if the program is stuck for 30 seconds (i.e. we have run into a problem when reading this particular URL).
The urlopen() function has a timeout method inbuilt:
urllib.request.urlopen(url, data=None, [timeout, ]*, cafile=None, capath=None, cadefault=False, context=None)
So in your code:
timeout = 30
loop begins below for different urlz {
webpage = urlopen(urlz[i], timeout=timeout).read()

Is there any way to put timeout in pandas read_sql function?

I connect to a DB2 server through ODBC connection in my python code. The DB2 server gets reboot for maintainence or disconnects me while running specific server side tasks, happens 1 or 2 times in a day. At that time if my code has started executing the pandas read_sql function to fetch result of query, it goes into a infinite wait even when the server is up after lets say 1 hour.
I want to put a timeout in the execution of read_sql and whenever that timeout occurs I want to refresh the connection with DB2 server so that a fresh connection is made again before continuing the query.
I have tried making a while loop and picking chunks of data from DB2 instead of pulling whole result at once, but problem is if DB2 disconnects in pulling chunk python code still goes into infinite wait.
chunk_size = 1000
offset = 0
while True:
sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name limit %d offset %d" % (chunk_size,offset)
df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
df.index += (offset+1)
offset += chunk_size
if df.shape[0] < chunk_size:
I need the read_sql to throw some exception or return a value if the sql execution takes more than 3 minutes. If that happenes I need the connection to DB2 to refresh.
You could use the package func-timeout. You can install via pip as below:
pip install func-timeout
So, for example, if you have a function “doit(‘arg1’, ‘arg2’)” that you want to limit to running for 5 seconds, with func_timeout you can call it like this:
from func_timeout import func_timeout, FunctionTimedOut
doitReturnValue = func_timeout(5, doit, args=(‘arg1’, ‘arg2’))
except FunctionTimedOut:
print ( “doit(‘arg1’, ‘arg2’) could not complete within 5 seconds, hence terminated.\n”)
except Exception as e:
# Handle any exceptions that doit might raise here

How to disable retry in celery?

I am running a celerybeat scheduler every 15 mins where I need to fetch data from API (rate limit = 300 requests/min max) and store the results into the database. I would like to fetch the urls in parallel subject to rate limits at the same time. If any worker fails here, I don't want to retry since I will ping again in 15 mins. Any suggestions on how this can be accomplished in celery.
def fetch_store(self):
start = time()
return c.chain( for _ in range(2000)), ereduce.s(start)).apply_async()
def fetch():
#... requests data from external API
return data
def store(numbers, start):
end = time()"Received" + numbers + " " + (end - start)/1000 + "seconds")

Grinder multiple post url test not working properly

I am running grinder to test a POST URI with 10 different json bodies. The response times given by grinder are not proper.Individual json body tests are giving a reasonable response time though 10 the script with with 10 different json bodies is giving a very high response time and a very low tps. I am using 1 agent with 5 worker processes and 15 threads.Can someone help me figure out where the problem might be?
The script I am using are :-
`from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder
from net.grinder.script import Test
from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPRequest
from HTTPClient import NVPair
from import FileInputStream
test1 = Test(1, "Request resource")
request1 = HTTPRequest()
#response1 = HTTPResponse()
log =
class TestRunner:
def __call__(self):
payload1 = FileInputStream("/home/ubuntu/grinder-3.11/scripts/Req.txt")
payload2 = FileInputStream("/home/ubuntu/grinder-3.11/scripts/Req2.txt")
payload3 = FileInputStream("/home/ubuntu/grinder-3.11/scripts/Req3.txt")
payload4 = FileInputStream("/home/ubuntu/grinder-3.11/scripts/Req4.txt")
payload5 = FileInputStream("/home/ubuntu/grinder-3.11/scripts/Req5.txt")
payload6 = FileInputStream("/home/ubuntu/grinder-3.11/scripts/Req6.txt")
payload7 = FileInputStream("/home/ubuntu/grinder-3.11/scripts/Req7.txt")
payload8 = FileInputStream("/home/ubuntu/grinder-3.11/scripts/Req8.txt")
payload9 = FileInputStream("/home/ubuntu/grinder-3.11/scripts/Req9.txt")
payload10 = FileInputStream("/home/ubuntu/grinder-3.11/scripts/Req10.txt")
headersPost = [NVPair('Content-Type', ' application/json')]
myload = [payload1, payload2, payload3, payload4, payload5, payload6, payload7, payload8, payload9, payload10]
for f in myload:
result1 = request1.POST("http://XX.XX.XX.XX:8080/api/USblocks/ORG101/1/N/",f,headersPost)
First step for you is to run it with 1 thread 1 process and 1 agent . I hope it will run properly.
It looks since for loop is used all the scripts are going to run for each and every thread.
I think what you want /what should be done is that each thread should be sending one request .
You can move the request out to a global method and take some random number like Grinder.threadNo and use it to return the script to be executed . This then also demands that you remove the for loop since you can control the number of times the script is executed or leave it running for a duration .
Running 10 threads in parallel is a good number to start with then slowly you can see how many requests are actually getting accepted.
