truffle test compiles contracts but does not run tests - truffle

trying to run a test for my contract, but truffle test is just compiling the contracts and not running anything. my truffle.config does not specify a test network, which should result in truffle spawning a ganache instance when i run truffle test. Instead, I am getting the following:
and no further output.
here are the versions I'm using:
Truffle v5.5.19 (core: 5.5.19)
Ganache v7.2.0
Solidity - 0.8.9(solc-js)
Node v14.19.3
Web3.js v1.5.3
I believe it's having trouble with the default test network, as when I specify a network in truffle-config it works.
Has anyone seen this before?


`yarn global add remotedev-server` gives error `Usage Error: The 'yarn global' commands have been removed in 2.x - use 'yarn dlx' instead`

I am trying to run a local Dev build of Metamask Chrome Extension.
According to their README files Yarn3 should be installed and then to run React Dev Tools and Redux Dev Tools you to have install remotedev-server package with yarn global.
Yarn returns the following error - Usage Error: The 'yarn global' commands have been removed in 2.x - consider using 'yarn dlx' or a third-party plugin instead
Using yarn dlx does not help it gives the following error (see image) my Terminal output logs
I have tried installing the classic yarn that has version 1.22.19 but MetaMask package.json file has locked the yarn version at 3.2.4.
Has anyone faced this issue. Am I missing something. I have tried following one github discussion about this but with no success.

i am trying to run the node of ganache but getting this error

I am trying to run the node of ganache but getting this error.please resolve my problem.

test input of jest test is not converting on to the json file

jest --json --outputFile=tests.json is not producing tests.json file and test runs fine so no problem at that front. I have 21.2.1 version of the jest.
I am getting this in terminal:
Please run 'npm install' to use the version of Jest intended for this project.
Accroding to Jest changelog --json --outputFile command is supported from version 18.0.0 so I don't think version is problem.

truffle.js failed to run during setup of Ethereum environment

I'm try to setup my development environment. I've done a clean install of NodeJs, and a clean install of Truffle on Windows 10 Professional . When I try to run a truffle command I get ResourceUnavailable ApplicationFailedException FullyQualifiedErrorId NativeCommandFailed.
here is a screenshot of my logs.
After visiting the Truffle project issues section on I was directed to try running 'truffle.cmd version' in Powershell which returned the version. I was then able to run truffle.cmd init which unboxed truffle with no issues.

How to run Jest tests on Jenkins Server

I'm attempting to run my Jest Test during Jenkins deployment. If I ssh into the server, I can sudo into the Jenkins user and successfully run the tests from the workspace. However, I get an error when I attempt to build the project from the GUI. Here is my project setup:
I have installed the nodejs plugin, which in turn installs gulp, jest-cli and babel globally.
Then in build steps:
The test fails with this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getResourceByPath' of null
at Loader.getDependenciesFromPath (/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/PHPStaging/node_modules/jest-cli/src/HasteModuleLoader/HasteModuleLoader.js:570:39)
at /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/PHPStaging/node_modules/jest-cli/src/TestRunner.js:250:22
at process._tickCallback (node.js:368:9)
Running 6 test suites...
FAIL resources/__tests__/myTest.js
It appears that Node is having trouble requiring modules from the tests, but I'm not totally sure. Any help or direction would be appreciated.
