Vulkan Wayland hangs on vkCmdBeginRenderPass - linux

I'm trying the Vulkan tutorial on Wayland. I'm following this turorial:
It is a port of wayland-egl and OpenGL ES 3 to Vulkan. Every steps fine but I have a trouble in final draw frame function.
In recording command buffer, calling vkCmdBeginRenderPass function not returns just blocked.
This is my entire source code.
Sorry but code is too long so I can't submit the question with the code.
Please ignore image loading function and wl_output listener.
What I want to do is just draw triangle to the wayland surface.
I'm searched with this keyword but couldn't found.
Is there something wrong? Why program hangs on vkCmdBeginRenderPass.


Getting this error "add_child: Parameter "p_child" is null" and can't seem to track it down

add_child: Parameter "p_child" is null
I suspect this is a Godot editor error because the game runs fine.
This one is hard to describe but basically I have a "memory" card game that runs from a grid. You select your difficulty and then press New Game. The first time, there are no errors but if you win or select "New Game" the errors start piling up and they seem to double each time, maxing out at 100 errors each time you press the new game button.
The only thing on the googles seems to be related to C++ (which that p_child name definitely suggests) but I'm not using C++, I'm using GDScript... this is why I'm thinking maybe it's just an editor error and Godot is just getting confused that I didn't add_child in the C++ way.
Any thoughts?
the code generating the errors is this:
func dealDeck():
var c = 0
while c < deck.size():
c += 1
Game is just a reference to the main scene (/root/Memory) and deck is an array created previously that contains all the cards. I'm 99% sure that the problem isn't in the deck creation.
and to be clear, I am clearing the grid when a new game is started but I have my suspicions that something is going wrong with the whole process (even though the game is working)
Since Godot was written in C++, the errors given in the console are from the C++ side of the editor. This does not mean that your GDScript code is not responsible for the error. It seems like you're trying to add a child to an object but the child you are trying to add is null. This may be due to many reasons. You should start by looking at how you add the cards to your scene when a new game starts. Also, if you could show us some of the code we may be able to help you further.

How to make title-change call work in webkit2gtk?

I am trying to port an old GTK webkit code written in python2 to webkit2 and python3 (Ubuntu has removed old webkit v1). The js code changes the title of the html, and python detected it to close it. However, it is not working in webkit2.
In the old code, there is the line
self.webview.connect('title-changed', title_changed) #title_changed is a python function, which will do something
which shows TypeError: <WebKit2.WebView object at 0x7f14b687ecd0 (WebKitWebView at 0x557297cdb7c0)>: unknown signal name: title-changed.
How to port this code to webkit2?
According to there is webkit_web_view_get_title (), but is there any way to detect change of title?
Since title is a property, it automatically comes with a notify signal you can connect to. Use notify::title.
Use the following code, for example
self.webview.connect('notify::title', title_changed)

OpenModelica: No output variables or solution file

So I am a newbie to OpenModelica. I have a bit of experience using LMS Amesim. I created my first simple model using OM and simulated it from within the OMeditor.
When I switch to the plot window, there are NO output variables to plot. That tells me that the simulation may not have run. However, no error messages popped up. When I checked the model, I found it to be fine (not overconstrained or underconstrained).
What gives? This is OM 1.14 on Linux Ubuntu 16.04.
My Modelica file is a simple 2nd order system with feedback control is available via pastebin here or may be downloaded here via google drive link
The messages that I have from the output window are:
/tmp/OpenModelica_drN/OMEdit/Feedback/Feedback -port=35318 -logFormat=xmltcp -override=startTime=0,stopTime=100,stepSize=0.2,tolerance=1e-6,solver=dassl,outputFormat=csv,variableFilter=.* -r=/tmp/OpenModelica_drN/OMEdit/Feedback/Feedback_res.csv -w -lv=LOG_STATS -inputPath=/tmp/OpenModelica_drN/OMEdit/Feedback -outputPath=/tmp/OpenModelica_drN/OMEdit/Feedback
The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.
The simulation finished successfully.
This was a bug. Should be fixed now:

Getting positional audio in cocos2d v3

I'm having some trouble using OpenAL in cocos2d v3. Here's some context:
What I'm using: Xcode 5 + cocos2d v3 + iPhone 5 (iOS 7).
What I want to do: Create a multi-audio-source scene with positional audio (just pan + volume for now).
Why didn't I use OALSimpleAudio? Couldn't get the various sources to change pan and volumes as the listener moves.
What have I done so far? I have loaded an ALBuffer with an audio file and queued that buffer in a ALSource. When I run the code, nothing ever plays. Right after the [soundSource play:soundBuffer ...] line, I have checked if the sound was playing with [soundSource playing] and got a negative response. Also tried to instantiate an ALListener, with the same position as the source, but nothing changed.
Any help regarding this problem would be appreciated. Any suggestions about what different approaches I should be looking forward to are welcome as well.
Thank You!

Jplayer 'play' command after 'pause' with time

Hello i am using jplayer for my solution. I load the media and on ready i use ('pause', time) command.
After that if i use a ('play') command my media starts playing from the beggining.
Is there something i do wrong as on jplayer's dev guide it is said on the play method:
"Open media will play from where the play-head was when previously paused using jPlayer("pause", [time])."
I encountered similar problem, when dealing with lost connection. jPlayer resumed playback from the beginning when a .play() method was called. So, at some point (in my case it was the error handler) I was executing $("#jquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer("play", event.jPlayer.status.currentTime);. It gets current position and orders jPlayer to play from that exact position. Works flawlessly for me.
But, please, provide some code, maybe your problem is completely different.
