I am new to Powershell. I am actually getting the details of the azure data factory linked services but after get I need to use contains to check if the element exists. In python I would just check if string in a list but powershell not quite sure. Please check the code below.
$output = Get-AzDataFactoryV2LinkedService -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DataFactoryName "xxxxxxxx" | Format-List
The output of the below is :
sample output given below
LinkedServiceName : abcdef
ResourceGroupName : ghijk
DataFactoryName : lmnopq
Properties : Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.AzureDatabricksLinkedService
So now I try to do this:
if ($output.Properties -contains "Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.AzureDatabricksLinkedService") {
Write-Output "test output"
But $output.Properties gives us the properties of that json.
I need to check if "Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.AzureDatabricksLinkedService" exists in output variable and perform the required operations. Please help me on this.
The -contains operator requires a collection and an element. Here's a basic example of its proper use:
$collection = #(1,2,3,4)
$element1 = 5
$element2 = 3
if ($collection -contains $element1) {'yes'} else {'no'}
if ($collection -contains $element2) {'yes'} else {'no'}
What you've done is ask PowerShell to look in an object that isn't a collection for an element of type [string] and value equal to the name of that same object.
What you need to do is inspect this object:
$output.Properties | format-list *
Then once you figure out what needs to be present inside of it, create a new condition.
$output.Properties.something -eq 'some string value'
...assuming that your value is a string, for example.
I would recommend watching some beginner tutorials.
I'm trying to populate an employee ID column in a CSV file by querying Active Directory against another column in the CSV file called "OwnerEmail" (Which is the user principal name). The problem is users in the owneremail column do not all belong to the same domain. How can I query 2 domains at one time?
Table for reference
Employee ID
This is what I have tried so far. The script isn't working and there are no error messages. Any Ideas
$Domains='us.domain.corp', 'uk.domain.corp'
$CSVImport |Select-Object #{
Name = "employeeID"
Expression = {
foreach($user in $CSVImport)
foreach($Domain in $Domains){
$user= (Get-ADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName -eq '$($_.OwnerEmail)'" -Server $Domain -Properties 'SamAccountName').SamAccountName
}}, * |Select-Object employeeID, DepartmentNumber, OwnerEmail, #{Name="Costs"; Expression={"$ $($_.Cost)"}} | Export-Csv "$Env:temp/$OutputFile" -NoTypeInformation
How can I query 2 domains at one time?
There is no need to do this, you can query both at once with multithreading but seems like an overkill. What I would recommend is to query all users at once per Domain, the code below may seem awfully complicated but should be pretty efficient. See the inline comments for details.
# Import the Csv
$CSVImport = Import-Csv path\to\thecsv.csv
# Create a LDAP Filter to query all users at once
# This filter would look like this for example:
# (|(userPrincipalName=test#mail.com)(userPrincipalName=test2#mail.com))
$filter = "(|"
foreach($email in $CSVImport.OwnerEmail) {
if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($email)) {
$filter += "(userPrincipalName=$email)"
$filter += ")"
# For each Domain, use the same filter and get all existing users
'us.domain.corp', 'uk.domain.corp' | ForEach-Object { $map = #{} } {
foreach($user in Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter $filter -Server $_) {
# and store them in a hashtable where
# the Keys are their `UserPrincipalName`
# and the Values are the attribute of interest (`SamAccountName`)
$map[$user.UserPrincipalName] = $user.SamAccountName
# Now we can simply use a calculated property with `Select-Object`
$CSVImport | Select-Object #{N='EmployeeID'; E={ $map[$_.OwnerEmail] }}, * |
Export-Csv "$Env:temp/$OutputFile" -NoTypeInformation
I am using Azure Devops pipeline to automate azure alert creation using ARM deployment tasks. In order to automate the threshold values for the alerts I created runtime parameters inside the pipeline, which need to be replaced by a replace token task and will update the corresponding runtime parameter values to the "parameters.json" file.
Here I am facing challenge like, in order to replace the values of runtime parameters to parameters.json, first I need to convert the parameter values to variable either by defining those variables under variable section or by using a bash task separately to output the variable value. I am looking for solutions for below requirements
Is there any any method to directly update the runtime parameter values to the "parameters.json"
Can we add sub values to parameter values? For example, only need to have certain run time parameter values if the alert category is logquery type-metricmeasurement and other set of values required if the type is "count type".
If you are trying to do it with a parameters.json it is a bit inconvenient. Why ? Because you have to parse the json and then update the desired nodes in json using PS/Bash script at runtime.
I will propose another solution to do this. Use template parameter object instead of parameters.json. Just call the ARM template using PS/Bash
example creating a VM-
$a = "abc"
$b = "efg"
$c = "hij"
$d = "klm"
$e = "nop"
$paramList =
"Params1" = #{ customVmName = $a ; userImageStorageAccountName = $b ; adminUsername = $c ; adminPassword = $d ; osDiskVhdUri = $e }
foreach ($keys in $paramList.Keys)
$paramvalues = $paramList.$keys
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName "deploymentRG" -TemplateFile "YourARMTemplate.json" -TemplateParameterObject $paramValues
Coming to part to of your question :
Overriding the values at runtime in Azure DevOps
Parameterize the script and override the values while you call the PS file.
If you are using PS task in Azure DevOps just override the param values in the argument section-
If you are a PS/Bash guy you can do the manipulation in the part of script lets say setting $a="abc" based on a condition or env and for another env a different value, mean to say the overriding of a param value can be done as a code at runtime (Just another option)
I'm trying to get metric from Azure to Zabbix.
The issue is that Metric for VM consists of 2 words:Percentage CPU, and Zabbix doesn't allow item keys to consists of 2 words. I also tried Percentage%20CPU but getting errors in Zabbix, and I created Zabbix key percentage_cpu.
So I decided prior sending data from Zabbix to Azure to "translate" percentage_cpu to Percentage%20CPU. This works great if only that key is present, but issue starts when I add another key (in this example SQL metric).
For SQL metric all values are in one word - no need to change anything, but then metric for VM is also assigned to SQL. I'm trying to avoid writing separate file for every service
$host_items = Get-ZabbixHostItems -url $zabbix_url -auth $zabbix_auth -
zabbix_host $host_name
foreach ($host_item in $host_items)
#$host_item_details = select-string -InputObject $host_item.key_ -Pattern '^(azure\.sql)\.(.*)\.(.*)\[\"(.*)\"\]$';
$host_item_details = select-string -InputObject $host_item.key_ -Pattern '^(azure\.\w{2,})\.(.*)\.(.*)\[\"(.*)\"\,(.*)]$';
#$host_item_details = select-string -InputObject $host_item.key_ -Pattern '^(azure)\.(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)\[\"(.*)\"\,(.*)]$';
$host_item_provider = $host_item_details.Matches.groups[1];
$host_item_metric = $host_item_details.Matches.groups[2];
$host_item_timegrain = $host_item_details.Matches.groups[3];
$host_item_resource = $host_item_details.Matches.groups[4];
$host_item_suffix = $host_item_details.Matches.groups[5];
if ($host_item_metric='percentage_cpu')
{ $host_item_metric = $host_item_details.Matches.groups[2];}
$uri = "https://management.azure.com{0}/providers/microsoft.insights/metrics?api-version={1}&interval={2}×pan={3}&metric={4}" -f `
$host_item_resource, `
"2017-05-01-preview", `
$host_item_timegrain.ToString().ToUpper(), `
$($(get-date).ToUniversalTime().addminutes(-15).tostring("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") + "/" + $(get-date).ToUniversalTime().addminutes(-2).tostring("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")), `
write-host $uri;
output of hostitems_
When I ran code above I'm getting these URI's
For first link (SQL) metric should be dtu_consumption but I'm getting same metric for both links
Second attempt:
if ($host_item_metric -eq 'percentage_cpu')
{ $host_item_metric = $host_item_details.Matches.groups[2];}
write-host $host_item_metric
output: (original values)
had to use -like
if ($host_item_metric -like 'percentage_cpu')
{ $host_item_metric = $host_item_details.Matches.groups[2]}
I am experimenting with Powershell runspaces and have noticed a difference in how output is written to the console depending on where I create my custom object. If I create the custom object directly in my script block, the output is written to the console in a table format. However, the table appears to be held open while the runspace pool still has open threads, i.e. it creates a table but I can see the results from finished jobs being appended dynamically to the table. This is the desired behavior. I'll refer to this as behavior 1.
The discrepancy occurs when I add a custom module to the runspace pool and then call a function contained in that module, which then creates a custom object. This object is printed to the screen in a list format for each returned object. This is not the desired behavior. I'll call this behavior 2
I have tried piping the output from behavior 2 to Format-Table but this just creates a new table for each returned object. I can achieve the desired effect somewhat by using Write-Host to print a line of the object values but I don't think this is appropriate considering it seems there is a built in behavior that can achieve my desired result if I can understand it.
My thoughts on the matter are that it has something to do with the asynchronous behavior of the runspace. I'm new to powershell but perhaps when the custom object comes directly from the script block there is a hidden method or type declaration telling powershell to hold the table open and wait for result? This would be overridden when using the second technique because its coming from my custom function?
I would like to understand why this is occurring and how I can achieve behavior 1 while being able to use the custom module, which will eventually be very large. I'm open to a different method technique as well, so long as its possible to essentially see the table of outputs grow as jobs finish. The code used is below.
$ISS = [InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault()
$Pool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, 5, $ISS, $Host)
$Runspaces = #()
# Script block to run code in
$ScriptBlock = {
Param ( [string]$Server, [int]$Count )
Test-Server -Server $Server -Count $Count
# Uncomment the three lines below and comment out the two
# lines above to test behavior 1.
#[int] $SleepTime = Get-Random -Maximum 4 -Minimum 1
#Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTime
#[pscustomobject]#{Server=$Server; Count=$Count;}
# Create runspaces and assign to runspace pool
1..10 | ForEach-Object {
$ParamList = #{ Server = "Server A" Count = $_ }
$Runspace = [PowerShell]::Create()
$Runspace.RunspacePool = $Pool
$Runspaces += [PSCustomObject]#{
Id = $_
Pipe = $Runspace
Handle = $Runspace.BeginInvoke()
Object = $Object
# Check for things to be finished
while ($Runspaces.Handle -ne $null)
$Completed = $Runspaces | Where-Object { $_.Handle.IsCompleted -eq $true }
foreach ($Runspace in $Completed)
$Runspace.Handle = $null
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
The custom module I'm using is as follows.
function Test-Server {
Param ([string]$Server, [int]$Count )
[int] $SleepTime = Get-Random -Maximum 4 -Minimum 1
Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTime
[pscustomobject]#{Server = $Server;Item = $Count}
What you have mentioned sounds completely normal to me. That is how powershell is designed because it shares the burden of display. If the user has not specified how to display, PowerShell decides how to.
I couldn't reproduce your issue with the code provided but I think this will solve your problem.
$FinalTable = foreach ($Runspace in $Completed)
$Runspace.Handle = $null
$FinalResult will now have the table format you expect.
It appears that my primary issue, aside from errors in my code, was a lack of understanding related to powershell's default object handling. Powershell displays the output of objects as a table when there are less than four key-value pairs and as a list when there are more.
The custom object returned in my test module had more than for key-value pairs while the custom object I returned directly only had two. This resulted in what I thought was odd behavior. I compounded the issue by removing some key-value pairs in my posted code to shorten it and then didn't test it (sorry).
This stackoverflow post has a lengthy answer explaining the behavior some and providing examples for changing the default output.
Take this code:
$logged_on_user = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem | select username
If I want to output the value into a new string I'd do something like:
$A = $logged_on_user.username
However, if I do the following:
$logged_on_user = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem | select *
..to try to assign all the values to a new "object", do I?:
I've tried them all and they don't work.
Anybody got any ideas?
P.S. I think I may have got the title of this question wrong.
In your example:
$logged_on_user = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem | select username
creates a new PSCustomObject with a single property - username. When you do the following:
$A = $logged_on_user.username
you are assigning the return value of the PSCustomObject's username property to a variable $A. Because the return type of the username property is a string, $A will also be a string.
When executing the following:
$cs = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem
If you assign $cs to a new variable like in the following:
$newVariable = $cs
Then $newVariable will reference the same object $cs does, so all properties and methods that are accessible on $cs will also be accessible on $newVariable.
If you don't specify any properties or call any methods on an object when assigning a return value to another variable, then the return value is the object itself, not the return value of one of the object's properties or methods.
Additional info, but not directly related to the question:
When you pipe the output of get-wmiobject to select-object, like in the following:
$cs = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem | select-object *
The variable $cs is of type: PSCustomObject as opposed to ManagementObject (as it is when you do not pipe to Select-Object) which has all of the same properties and their values that the ManagementObject that was piped in did.
So, if you only want the property values contained by the ManagementObject, there is no need to pipe the output to Select-Object as this just creates a new object (of type PSCustomObject) with the values from the MangementObject. Select-Object is useful when you either want to select a subset of the properties of the object that is being piped in, or if you want to create a new PSCustomObject with different properties that are calculated through expressions.
I'm not sure if you're asking about copying the results of Get-WmiObject or PowerShell objects in general. In the former case, Get-WmiObject returns instances of the ManagementObject class, which implements the ICloneable interface that provides a Clone method. You can use it like this...
$computerSystem = Get-WmiObject -Class 'Win32_ComputerSystem';
$computerSystemCopy = $computerSystem.Clone();
After the above code executes, $computerSystem and $computerSystemCopy will be identical but completely separate ManagementObject instances. You can confirm this by running...
$areSameValue = $computerSystem -eq $computerSystemCopy;
$areSameInstance = [Object]::ReferenceEquals($computerSystem, $computerSystemCopy);
...and noting that $areSameValue is $true and $areSameInstance is $false.