After Effects expression: Color change with keyframes - colors

I am pretty new to expressions in AE and I wasn't able to find a solution for my problem so I hope you can help me out with this.
I use this expression to get global colors for my animation:
comp("COLOR CONTROL").layer("Control").effect("Color 1")("Color")
It works perfectly, but I have a few layers where the color needs to gradually change by using keyframes. The problem is that I don't know how to address these keyframes with an expression.
I guess it's something with "key(1)" and "key(2)" but I wasn't able to find any hint how to do this simple expression. Can anybody help me with this?


How to make the `CocInlayHints` background color transparent in `.vimrc`

This is a follow up question to Change the color of the type hint in coc.nvim's rust-analyzer
I'm wondering if it's possible to change the background color of inlay hints from Rust Analyzer in Vim. Adding a hex #ffffff00 doesn't seem to work, nor does just 0.
After some more experimenting I was able to find that if you just remove the option for a background color in the examples provided in the aforementioned question, it will not have a background as desired. For me, that looks like:
"For Types hint
hi default CocInlayHint ctermfg=71
The part to remove is ctermbg=0. I also removed other parts from the example provided but it seemed to have no effect so I've left them out here as well.

Color scheme in Haskell-Chart

I use Haskell-Chart according to the example example-1.Everything works fine. But I can`t get, how it is possible to change colors (backgound, axes, ...)?
Thank you!
Did you look at the documentation?
I will only answer the part about background and leave the rest to you, as it shoud be possible to get all the information you seek in the docs, otherwise aks a new, more concrete question. for example provides the type Layout x y where you can set the background.

Displaying binomials and matrices using asciimath with mathjax

I'm trying to display different math problems using asciimath and mathjax. However some things does not seem to be supported in asciimath. For instance I'm trying to display a binomial/matrix and I can't really figure out how to do it. Would I have to use latex or mathml to do this, or is there a way to use asciimath for this?
update: I found a kinda cheeky way to show binomials in asciimath: (""_1^2) This works, but it is kinda hacky.
You can use
to get a matrix with two rows of one element each surrounded by parentheses. That may be what you want, though it may be too tall for use with in-line expressions.

Advanced CSS Circles

I'm trying to make 3 different circles to my website. I don't want to insert it as a graphic/image file. So I've been trying to achieve it using CSS3, but I can't really work my fingers around it.
What will it look like?
I have uploaded a picture of what I'm trying to achieve at:
I can't really show the code I've been trying to use to achieve this, as it all looks totally weird and nothing floats currectly.
What I've tried
What I've tried is to make 3 circles with position absolute and then use % (percentage) to determine the width of the colored parts, but I can't twist my mind around how it should be set up.
Any suggestions is appreciated,
Here is a simple try of me to achieve the effect you want:
edit: css-only solution
It can be easily animated with javascript or keyframes. Arbitrary content would go into the inner div. To change the percentage, simply adjust the angle of the pseudo-elements.
With a little more effort this could be easily refined I guess;)
Note: the transform has the webkit-prefix, so it works only in chrome/safari - to see it in firefox or other browsers, you need to change the prefix.
P.S. I will animate it when I'm home from work.
Good one by Christoph but he is using SASS/SCSS which are comparatively slow then normal CSS because they have to be converted to CSS before browser render it so I have have a different Solution for you
try this fiddle

Creating a newenvironment that contains nested environments

I have an issue in latex with the equation spacing. The document must be double spaced, but if the equations are double spaced there is too much vertical white space, especially in the matrices and vectors. I found a solution using setspace:
Where I need to use the \\[12pt] to adjust the spacing, because without it the equation sits right on top of the following text. To simplify matters, I wanted to create a new environment by using:
However I keep getting the an error: '\begin{align} ended by \begin{myalign} or similar. I found another post which explains why I get this error, but it is not obvious to me how to solve the problem.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
In this particular instance, replacing \begin{align} and \end{align} with \align and \endalign should work.
