Go to URL option drillthrough in pagination report in power bi report builder - pagination

In pagination report, we can use the below API for invoking the drill through report in power bi report builder.. its working fine but whenever we pass the parameter dynamically from the parent report parameter and dataset values. its not working as we expected and its append the variables instead of passing parameter/field values.
the below two options are not working but if its hardcoded its working
parameter values:
from the dataset values


Excel Power Pivot / Data Model - passing a parameter from worksheet

I have a SQL query I am using for a workbook requiring multiple pivot views from the same dataset. Part of the query is looking at a declared value and based on that value it will either return one result or another, that declared value however needs to be a parameter that end users will input into the workbook.
Normally I would use the excel function to pull the data from the SQL server and then pass a parameter in the advanced query option using " Let Parameters = Excel.CurrentWorkbook()".. however the result set it too large and therefore I need to use Power Pivot.
I however for the life of me can find no help on how to pass a parameter from a cell in a worksheet to power pivot - is this possible, is there a VB script I can use to update the query, alternatively what other options are available other than having to get the end users to go into power pivot and edit the query in the properties each time?
As the variable is used in a computation, I am not using the parameter to filter the dataset and that seems to be the only advice I have been able to find. I am new to Power Pivot.
I came right by doing the following:
Add the SQL query in Power Query, as a data connection only. In the advanced query options, I added the required parameters.
I then selected the query and selected the option to load to Data Model.
Seems to be working.

Why does Power Query not honor the sort in the output table when loaded to the data model?

I'm using Excel 365 and pulling in a table via Power Query. In the underlying SQL, I use an ORDER BY clause to sort the data, which works correctly in the PowerQuery preview and in my SQL client. But I noticed the table that winds up getting loaded in Excel isn't sorted in the same order. I added a sort step to Power Query as the final step, and it still didn't work, even after I wrapped the step in Table.Buffer(). I have also tried it with and without the Preserve column order/sort checkbox checked.
It only honors the sort settings if I uncheck the box to load the query into the data model.
How can I make it follow the sort as specified and load into the data model?

How to invoke power query from DAX

I have power query M code that generates the table from JSON input, I am able to load to the DAX using close and apply but I need a way to programmatically load the result set from power query to DAX.
Where can I start?
Data in power query window:
Using below controls I load the data into DAX (here DAX means load to power pivot data model) or Excel sheet.
Everything looks fine here when I used the Excel/power query controls to load data.
My question here is instead of using Close/Load (Second image) is their any way using code to pull data out of power query.

Dynamic date query in Power Query

I'm fairly new to power pivot / query / BI so please excuse my lack of understanding.
Summary of what I'm doing
I have access to an OLAP cube which I am choosing to connect to via Power Pivot Data Model in Excel.
In the Table Import Wizard, I am able to produce what I need from the cube and develop in the Power Model using fixed date ranges. However, this requires me to come back in and alter the date ranges for a number of reasons.
I now want to limit my data dynamically based on a date filter.
I want to do this in the query to limit my model size.
I am working in the "Table Import Wizard" shown below
Snapshot of where I am working, note filter expression
Am I correct that to achieve this I write an MDX expression? If I add the [Received Date.Day] as a dimension, and change the operator to MDX, it is my understanding I can write an expression to dynamically filter the dataset? When the user refreshes the query they will only get that last 91 days of data based on the received date.
Essentially something like this (excuse my syntax as I have no idea what is required in this platform so I am just relating it to an SQL type syntax):
SELECT Item_Code, Received_Amount
FROM Purchasing_Cube
WHERE Received_Date > = Today()-91
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Refresh excel powerquery using microsoft-graph excel API

I was wondering if Graph API for excel supports powerquery. For example if there were a number of powerqueries in the workbook with the data loaded in the excel data model.
Is it possible to do the following:
Use graph api to refresh the excel data model by triggering a power
query to run? I see there is a way to refresh pivottables so I guess
if the above worked then any dashboard items that use the refreshed
content will change also?
An extension of the above would be to supply parameters to a parameterised power query. But maybe I am expecting too much here?
