Domino App Service Pack Installation , failed to startup IAM services as tutorial - node.js

I had Configure the Domino Credential Store.
I had modified the Domino Proton Server settings that enable client authentication.
I created the Vault ID.
I created the IAM-store.nsf from template with error message.
Error executing agent 'DeleteExpiredDocs' in 'iam-store.nsf'. Agent signer 'Domino Template Development/Domino': You are not authorized to perform that operation
I gave the IAM's functional ID access to the database.
I installed the IAM services for domino with the following message.
result screen of install domino-iam-service-2.2.0.tgz
Since I would like to config the iam-services for my testing server.
I select to setup the pilot mode.
According to the tutorial,
I could access the demo database, with anonymous setting of proton server.
C:\src\domino-db\package>npm run ptest -- read\node-demo.nsf -q "Form = 'Contact' and LastName = 'Moody'"
read the content of demo database
Config the pilot mode successfully.
What is doing wrong?
Error, when try to startup pilot mode of IAM Service
I have put all the certificates to the folder config/certs,
in which the certificates are created by create_certs.cmd from the tutorial.
And I have convert the ca.crt into ca.pem.
Besides, I also put the keys created by ProtonCA into the config/certs.
Keys created by ProtonMicroCA
According to the tutorial, I modified the make_certs.cmd as the following:
the certificates are posted to the config/certs directory

I'm not sure about your complete setup, a support ticket would help us diagnose this better. There should be a ca folder in the config/certs directory that contains any root certs you're using (like the ca.pem you have)


Failed Error: Private key missing from key store. Can not establish the signing identity for user admin

Generating the public key but not able to generate the private key of admin user while registering a new user through REST services in blockchain network and also getting below mentioned error.
Error:Failed Error: Private key missing from key store. Can not
establish the signing identity for user admin.
Followed the below steps :
Created a network in hyperledger fabric.
Created new a node application to publish the rest services by
referring the existing "balance-transfer" application.
Then started the node application.
Testing the rest services url in postman tool.
Getting the above mentioned error while testing the url http://localhost:4000/users in Postman tool.
Error at code level:
let adminUserObj = await client.setUserContext({username: admins[0].username, password: admins[0].secret});
Please suggest.
Remove the folders holding key-value store for organizations -> fabric-client-kv-* from the balance-transfer fabric sample.
rm -rf fabric-client-kv-*
Then create the network again. This resolved the issue for me.
have you tried to restart the network completely? (by using the "" script for that?) Take a look inside this script to the restartNetwork() function, where the "fabric-client-kv-org" folders in your balance-transfer folder are removed.
Does it work?

Connecting with the Azure SFTP ApiApp Connector

I have been playing around with the Azure SFTP connector for API Apps and Logic Apps (under the new preview site ( but have not had much luck getting it to work.
The Connector requires the following package settings to be set: ServerAddress, ServerPort, SSH Server HostKey, Root Folder, Accept Any SSH Server HostKey (bool), and Encrypt Cipher. It does not ask for a user name, and after activating the API app and attempting to use it I get the expected response of HTTP 400 with:
"User Name Value cannot be null, empty, or cannot contain only white-space characters."
The Swagger api definition does not define any way to pass in the username and I cannot see anyway to define it in the connector settings, does anyone know how to set the username?
You can configure the user and pass at the security component in your App API panel, select it an then you can set the user and password.
Check this url for more info:

HttpRequest with Certificate fails in Azure Web-role

On my deployed azure web-role I try to send a request (GET) to a Web-Server that authorizes the request by the provided certificate of the requesting client.
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3;
var filepath = Path.GetTempPath();
string certpath = Path.Combine(filepath, "somecert.cer");
Trc.Information(string.Format("Certificate at {0} will be used", certpath));
X509Certificate cert = X509Certificate.CreateFromCertFile(certpath);
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(endPoint);
((HttpWebRequest)request).ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10;
((HttpWebRequest)request).IfModifiedSince = DateTime.Now;
((HttpWebRequest)request).AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.Deflate | DecompressionMethods.GZip;
The above code works perfectly in the azure-emulator but not when it is deployed. Then the call to GetResponse fails always.
System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at XYZ.Import.DataImport.OpenResponseStream(String endPoint)
I read through many of the existing discussion threads where using SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 solved the problem but it does not in my case. Are there further debugging options considering that it is running on azure?
I tried all debugging steps that were suggested by Alexey. They are really helpfull but quite hard to execute properly on azure.
Here is with what I came up with after at least two hours.
I used the System.Net settings supplied by this post [1].
At first the output was not present in the expected folder. The file system settings on the folder need to be tweaked. Therefore the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE account should be allowed on the target folder.
After that the file didn't show up as expected because there seems to be a problem when only a app.config is supplied. See this thread [2]. So I provided a app.config a [ProjectAssembly].dll.config and a web.config with the content from the post [1].
To test if the Problem is related to User rights I tested with elevated rights and without like shown in post [3].
In advance I changed the Test-Project to execute in two modes. The first mode tries to load the public part in the *.cer file like shown in the code above.
The other version uses the private certificate that is loaded with this command
X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate2(certpath, "MYPASSWORD", X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);
As a result I gained the following insights.
When using the public part (.cer) it only works when the rights are elevated and the private cert is imported into the machine store
When using the private (.pfx) it only works if the private cert is imported into the machine store
The second setup with (.pfx) runs even without elevated rights
While debugging the CAPI2 log only had informations that had no direct relevance. The System.Net diagnostics from point one above contained this.
System.Net Information: 0 : [1756] SecureChannel#50346327 - Cannot find the certificate in either the LocalMachine store or the CurrentUser store.
System.Net Error: 0 : [1756] Exception in HttpWebRequest#36963566:: - The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel..
System.Net Error: 0 : [1756] Exception in HttpWebRequest#36963566::GetResponse - The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel..
From this output and the changing situation when the elevated rights are used I would deduce that I should look further into the rights of the running web-role in combination with the certificate store.
[2] Combined Azure web role and worker role project not seeing app.config when deployed
Remove SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3
Turn on CAPI2 log and check it for errors (on your local machine).
If there isn't error, then check location of CA and intermediate certificates.
Turn on diagnostics and check this log for errors.
In this article describes how to find and turn on CAPI2 eventlog.
Hope this help.

how to connect to azure (management) rest api via C# in IIS

I am trying to setup a website (local testing atm), to connect to azure rest api to see our settings. I created a cert locally (W7 machine):
makecert -sky exchange -r -n "CN=azureConnectionNew" -pe -a sha1 -len 2048 -ss My "azureConnectionNew.cer"
I can see the cert in the certs MMC snap in. (do not have a right click edit permissions option when I view the cert in here).
I have a class library that setups up the connection, the cert is passed in by getting the cert (via the thumb string), this works great for the console app, but when I try and do this in a web app it all goes wrong. I get 403 errors.
I first thought that this was due to the fact that the website is running as the ApplicationPoolIdentity so doesn't have access to the cert. So I tried passing in the cert (to the same code as the console app), by loading the actual file:
var path = #"C:\temp\azureconnection\azureConnectionNew.cer";
var cert = new X509Certificate2();
I still get 403 errors.
I tried exporting the cer file from MMC certificates snap in as a pfx file, (with private keys included). I set the local IIS set to use this cert and navigated to the https version of my local site but still got 403.
I am not sure how to include / setup / reference the cert so that IIS can send a HttpWebRequest from the server side to Azure and get a valid response.
It is always better to use Thumbprint of the certificate to get the certificate. Please make sure you have created the certificate correctly. Also please check you have placed the certificate in Personal certificate section in Local Machine. You can check this using MMC snap in. please try below code..
var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
store.Open(OpenFlags.OpenExistingOnly | OpenFlags.ReadOnly);
var certificate = store.Certificates
.SingleOrDefault(c => string.Equals(c.Thumbprint, “CertificateThumbprint”, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); // please replace CertificateThumbprint with original Thumbprint
This isn't the right way to use the certificate - it needs to be stored in the personal/certificates store of the user running the code (you should update the App Pool identity to be a user who can login and into whose certificates you import the cert. Here's sample code showing you how to use the service API:

How we can use secure vault in wso2esb

I am using wso2esb4.8.0
how would i approach password hiding with secure vault option.
I am unable to find a proper docs.What is the connection between wso2carbon server and wso2esb.
If i wish to use secure vault in wso2esb i need to install wso2carbon server also or we have directly use that
i did the below changes in
i have made below changes in this file but no use
##keystore.identity.key.secretProvider=<any implementation of>
#<any implementation of>
and restarted the esb but i am unable to use secure vault
vault key="my.pwd.login"
getting errors from console like this
ERROR - CipherInitializer No secret repositories have been configured
[2014-02-05 14:50:50,547] ERROR - CipherInitializer Either Configuration properties can not be loaded or No secret repositories have been configured please check PRODUCT_HOME/repository/conf/security refer links related to configure WSO2 Secure vault
[2014-02-05 14:50:50,547] ERROR - MediationSecurityAdminService Either Configuration properties can not be loaded or No secret repositories have been configured please check PRODUCT_HOME/repository/conf/security refer links related to configure WSO2 Secure vault
[2014-02-05 14:50:50,548] ERROR - MediationSecurityAdminService Failed to load security key store information ,Configure properly by referring to
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Failed to load security key store information ,Configure properly by referring to
Thanks in Advance,
WSO2 products like ESB, API Manager are built on top of the WSO2 Carbon framework. So, we can refer ESB, APIM etc. as carbon-based servers. So, please follow the configuration steps provided in the carbon docs page on secure vault in the ESB. I think the guide is pretty descriptive.
Please note that the lines that begin with the symbol '#' means it's a comment. So, you should remove the '#' symbol from your /repository/conf/security/ file appropriately.
You can use secure vault to secure pre-defined password of the configuration file that can be found in /repository/conf directory (axis2.xml, master-datasource.xml and user-mgt.xml and so on). 1st i guess you need to identify the what the password that you want to secure. Then please configure your actual password in the file with respect to the alias. You can run the script to do other configuration in automated manner. Please refer this for more details. Please note, with default implementation, password are encrypted using the wso2carbon.jks file.
