Mongoose Query with Dynamic Key that also contains the "and" operator - node.js

So I'm trying to query my MongoDB database using mongoose to fetch documents that have a specific family AND a specific analysis ID at the same time. Here is an example of the document structure:
_id: ObjectId("62b2fb397fda9ba6fe24aa5c")
day: 1
family: "AUTOMOTIVE"
prediction: -233.99999999999892
analysis: ObjectId("629c86fc67cfee013c5bf147")
The problem I face in this case is that the name of the key of the family field is set dynamically and could therefore have any other name such as "product_family", "category", etc. This is why, in order to fetch documents with a dynamic key name, I have to use the where() and equals() operators like so:
// Get the key of the field that is set dyncamically.
let dynamicKey = req.body.dynamicKey;
// Perform a query using a dynamic key.
documents = await Model.find().where(dynamicKey).equals(req.body.value);
HOWEVER, my goal here is NOT to just fetch all the documents with the dynamic key, but rather to fetch the documents that have BOTH the dynamic key name AND ALSO a specific analysis Id.
Had the family field NOT been dynamic, I could have simply used a query like so:
documents = await Model.find({
$and: [{analysis: req.body.analysis_id}, {family: req.body.value}]
but this does not seem possible in this case since the keys inside the find() operator are mere text strings and not variables. I also tried using the following queries with no luck:
documents = await Model.find().where(dynamicKey).equals(req.body.value).where('analysis').equals(req.body.analysis_id);
documents = await Model.find().where(dynamicKey).equals(req.body.value).where('analysis').equals(req.body.analysis_id);
Can somebody please help?

As #rickhg12hs mentioned in the comments, part of the answer is to use the [] brackets to specify your dynamic key like so:
await Model.find({[dynamicKey]: req.body.value, analysis: req.body.analysis_id});
I also found out that another query that can work is this:
await Model.find({analysis:req.body.analysis_id}).where(dynamicKey).equals(req.body.value);
However, it seems that for either of these solutions to work you also need to set your schema's strict mode to "false", since we are working with a dynamic key value.
var predictionSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
day: {
type: Number,
required: true
prediction: {
type: Number,
required: true
analysis: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Analysis', // Reference the Analysis Schema
required: true
}, { strict: false });


Specific aggregated query using mongoose / mongodb

I need help to achieve the following task.
I want to query all documents from a mongodb using mongoose of type TokenBalance. The schema looks like this
const Schema = mongoose.Schema(
address : { type: String, index: true },
ethervalue: {type: Number, required:true},
balances : []
{ timestamps: true }
The balances [] Array inside that schema holds multiple objects of this structure
{address: addresshash, symbol: someSymbol, balance: somebalance, usdvalue: usdvalueOfBalance}
What I need, is to query all Docs of Type TokenBalance within a timespan that is given and then from all of these documents sum the usdvalues grouped by symbols.
For example the output I need should look like this:
{symbol: BTC, balance: 100.000},
{symbol: ETC, balance: 120.000}
I'm having difficulties writing the correct aggregation for this. Especially I don't know how to group by the documents "balances" array and its symbols and sum the values.
I hope my question is clear and someone could help me.
Thank you in advance

node.js to check out duplication value in mongoose

Now I'd like to save my json data into mongoose but the duplicate value had to be filtered.
my_json = [
Database data is :
Is there some specific method to avoid duplicate data insert to mongoose directly? It might be saved 4 of values except "joan" value.
Once I suppose to try to use "for statement", it was fine.
However I just want to make a simple code for that what could happen in a variety possible code.
for(var i = 0; i < my_json.length; i++){
// to check out duplicate value
db.json_model.count({"name":my_json[i].name}, function(err, cat){
if(cat.length == 0){
my_json_vo.savePost(function(err) {
As you see I need to use count method whether the value is duplicated or not. I don't want to use count method but make it more simple..
Could you give me an advice for that?
You can mark field as unique in mongoose schema:
var schema = new Schema({
name: {type: String, required: true, unique: true}
Also, you can add unique index for name field into your database:
db.js_model.createIndex( {"name": 1}, { unique: true, background: true } );
then, if new entity with the same name will be asked to save - mongo won't save it, and respond an error.
In Addition to #Alex answer about adding unique key on the name field.
You can use insertMany() method with ordered parameter set to
false. Like this...
let my_json = [
User.insertMany(my_json ,{ordered :false});
This query will successfully run and insert unique documents, And also
produces error later after successful insertion. So You will come to
know that there were duplicate records But now in the database, all
records are unique.
Reference InsertMany with ordered parameter

Mongoose search for an object's value in referenced property (subdocument)

I have two schemas:
var ShelfSchema = new Schema({
tags: [{
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Tag'
var TagSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
unique: true,
required: true
I would like to search for all Shelves where the tags array has a tag with a specific value.
I have tried using:
modelShelf.find({tags '': 'mytag'})...
but it does not work. It always returns an empty array.
Any idea?
Looking at db each Shelf instance links only the objectID of the tags.
I have used references because I need to work also with Tag(s) entities.
In mongoDB you essentially can't do this directly as queries target a single collection at a time. Recently there were added new features which allow some kind of join when using the aggregation framework but for your needs that is not necessary.
From your schemas I see that the tags' names are unique so you can first fetch your desired tag with something like
modelTag.find({name: 'mytag'})
in order to get the tag's ID and then query your shelf collection for this tag ID
modelShelf.find({tags: tagId})

Mongoose - get length of array in model

I have this Mongoose schema:
var postSchema = mongoose.Schema({
postId: {
type: Number,
unique: true
upvotes: [
type: Number,
unique: true
what the best query to use to get the length of the upvotes array? I don't believe I need to use aggregation because I only want to query for one model, just need the length of the upvotes array for a given model.
Really struggling to find this info online - everything I search for mentions the aggregation methodology which I don't believe I need.
Also, as a side note, the unique schema property of the upvotes array doesn't work, perhaps I am doing that wrong.
find results can only include content from the docs themselves1, while aggregate can project new values that are derived from the doc's content (like an array's length). That's why you need to use aggregate for this, even though you're getting just a single doc.
Post.aggregate([{$match: {postId: 5}}, {$project: {upvotes: {$size: '$upvotes'}}}])
1Single exception is the $meta projection operator to project a $text query result's score.
I'm not normally a fan of caching values, but it might be an option (and after finding this stackoverflow answer is what I'm going to do for my use case) to calculate the length of the field when the record is updated in the pre('validate') hook. For example:
var schema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
upvoteCount: Number,
upvotes: [{}]
schema.pre('validate', function (next) {
this.upvoteCount = this.upvotes.length
Just note that you need to do your updates the mongoose way by loading the object using find and then saving changes using - don't use findOneAndUpdate
postSchema.virtual('upvoteCount').get(function () {
return this.upvotes.length
let doc = await Post.findById('foobar123')
doc.upvoteCount // length of upvotes
My suggestion would be to pull the entire upvotes fields data and use .length property of returned array in node.js code
//logic only, not a functional code
post.find( filterexpression, {upvote: 1}, function(err, res){
Other way of doing would be stored Javascript. You can query the
upvote and count the same in mongodb side stored Javascript using

Mongoose find with default value

I have a mongoose model: (With a field that has a default)
var MySchema= new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
isClever: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
I can save a model of this type by just saving a name and in mongoDB, only name can be seen in the document (and not isClever field). That's fine because defaults happen at the mongoose level. (?)
The problem I am having then is, when trying to retrieve only people called john and isClever = false:
'name' : 'john',
'isClever': false
}).exec( function(err, person) {
// person is always null
It always returns null. Is this something related to how defaults work with mongoose? We can't match on a defaulted value?
According to Mongoose docs, default values are applied when the document skeleton is constructed.
When you execute a find query, it is passed to Mongo when no document is constructed yet. Mongo is not aware about defaults, so since there are no documents where isClever is explicitly true, that results in empty output.
To get your example working, it should be:
'name' : 'john',
'isClever': {
$ne: true
