Best option for storage in spark - apache-spark

A third party is producing a complete daily snapshot of their database table (Authors) and is storing it as a Parquet file in S3. Currently the number of records are around 55 million+. This will increase daily. There are 12 columns.
Initially I want to take this whole dataset and do some processing on the records, normalise them and then block them into groups of authors based on some specific criterias. I will then need to repeat this process daily, and filter it to only include authors that have been added or updated since the previous day.
I am using AWS EMR on EKS (Kubernetes) as my Spark cluster. My current thoughts are that I can save my blocks of authors on HDFS.
The main use for the blocks of data will be a separate Spark Streaming job that will then be deployed unto the same EMR cluster, and will read events from a Kafka topic and do a quick search to see which blocks of data are related to that event, and then it will do some matching (pairwise) against each item of that block.
I have two main questions:
Is using HDFS a performant and viable option for this use case?
The third party database table dump is going to be an initial goal. Later on, there will be quite possibly 10s or even 100s of other sources that I would need to do matching against. Which means trillions of data that are blocked and those blocks need to be stored somewhere. Would this option still be viable at that stage?


AWS Glue for handling incremental data loading of different sources

I am planning to leverage AWG Glue for incremental data processing. Based on hourly schedule a trigger will invoke Glue Crawler and Glue ETL Job which loads incremental data to catalog and processed the incremental files through ETL. And looks pretty straight forward as well. With this I ran into couple of issues.
Let's say we have data getting streamed for various tables and for various data bases to S3 locations, and we want to create data bases and tables based on landing data.
eg: s3://landingbucket/database1/table1/YYYYMMDDHH/some_incremental_files.json
With the data getting landed in above s3 structure, we want to create glue catalog for these data bases and tables with limited Crawlers. Here we have number of databases as number of crawlers.
Note: We have a crawler for database1, its creating tables under database1, which is good and as expected, but we have an exceptional guy "somedata" in database1, whose structure is not in standard with other tables, with this it created table somedata and with partitions "partitions_0=tablex and partition_1=YYYYMMDDHH". Is there a better way to handle these with less number of crawlers than one crawler per data base.
Glue ETL, we have similar challenge, we want to format the incoming data to standard parquet format, and have one bucket per database and tables will be sitting under that, as the data is huge we don't want one table with partitions as data_base and data. So that we will not getting into s3 slowdown issues for the incoming load. As many teams will be querying the data from this, so we don't want to have s3 slowdown issue coming for their analytics jobs.
Instead of having one ETL job per table, per data base, is there a way we can handle this with limited jobs. As and when new tables are coming, there should be a way the ETL job should transform this json data to formatted zone. So input data and output path both can be handled dynamically, instead of hardcoding.
Open for any better idea!

Apache Spark bucketed table not scalable in time partitioned table

I am trying to utilize Spark Bucketing on a key-value table that is frequently joined on the key column by batch applications. The table is partitioned by timestamp column, and new data arrives periodically and added in a new timestamp partition. Nothing new here.
I thought it was ideal use case for Spark bucketing, but some limitations seem to be fatal when the table is incremental:
Incremental table forces multiple files per bucket, forcing Spark to sort every bucket upon join even though every file is sorted locally. Some Jira's suggest that this is a conscious design choice, not going to change any time soon. This is quite understood, too, as there could be thousands of locally sorted files in each bucket, and iterating concurrently over so many files does not seem a good idea, either.
Bottom line is, sorting cannot be avoided.
Upon map side join, every bucket is handled by a single Task. When the table is incremented, every such Task would consume more and more data as more partitions (increments) are included in the join. Empirically, this ultimately failed on OOM regardless to the configured memory settings. To my understanding, even if the failures can be avoided, this design does not scale at all. It imposes an impossible trade-off when deciding on the number of buckets - aiming for a long term table results in lots of small files during every increment.
This gives the immediate impression that bucketing should not be used with incremental tables. I wonder if anyone has a better opinion on that, or maybe I am missing some basics here.

How to update or even reset rows in persistent table given multiple simultaneous readers?

I have an exchangeRates table that gets updated in batch once per week. This is to be used by other batch and streaming jobs, across different clusters - thus I want to save this as a persistent, shared table for all to jobs share.
How best then (for the batch job that manages this data) to gracefully update the table contents (actually overwrite it completely) - considering the various spark job as consumers of it and particularily giving its use in some 24/7 structured streaming streams?
Ive checked the APIs, maybe I am missing something obvious! Very likely.
I think you expect some kind of transaction support from Spark so when there's saveAsTable in progress Spark would hold all writes until the update/reset has finished.
I think that the best way to deal with the requirement is to append new records (using insertInto) with the batch id that would denote the rows that belong to a "new table".
insertInto(tableName: String): Unit Inserts the content of the DataFrame to the specified table. It requires that the schema of the DataFrame is the same as the schema of the table.
You'd then use the batch id to deal with the rows as if they were the only rows in the dataset.

Use Cases for Spark

We have an application which the clients use to track their procurement cycle. We need to build a solution which will help the users to pull any column from any table in a particular subject area and they should be able to see all the rows of the result of this join of the tables from which the columns have been pulled. It needs to be similar to a Salesforce kind of reporting solution. We are looking at HDFS and Spark in Azure HDInsight to support these kind of querying capabilities. We would like to know if this is a valid use case for Spark. The volume of the joins of all tables can easily touch 500 million rows which will be pulled into the Spark driver memory before being displayed to the user.
Please let me know if this is something that can be done using Spark.
As per my understanding, Spark is mostly used for batch processing. If your use case is directly user-facing, then I am doubtful about using Spark because there may be better solutions(or alternate architectures). Becuase joining 500 million rows in realtime sounds crazy!
The volume of the joins of all tables can easily touch 500 million rows which will be pulled into the Spark driver memory before being displayed to the user.
This is another thing that puzzled me. Pulling all the 500 million rows into RAM of a single java process doesn't sound right because of the obvious reasons.
Just using spark for processing huge data will not be effective for realtime solutions(like your use case). But, Spark will be very effective if you are going to pre-process your data, cache the results using some other system, prepare views using the results can be served to your users. More or less similar to Lambda Architecture.
Spark on Yarn cluster to periodically process the data and generate/update the different views, a distributed storage system (preferably columnar storage systems) to cache the views, a REST API to serve the views to users.
Late reply to the question, but in case someone else is reading this in future. AWS Redshift does exactly this.

How does Spark deal with JDBC data in relation to time?

I am trying to sync my Spark database on S3 with an older Oracle database via daily ETL Spark job. I am trying to understand just what Spark does when it connects to a RDS like Oracle to fetch data.
Does it only grab the data that at the time of Spark's request to the DB (i.e. if it fetches data from an Oracle DB at 2/2 17:00:00, it will only grab data UP to that point in time)? Essentially saying that any new data or updates at 2/2 17:00:01 will not be obtained from the data fetch?
Well, it depends. In general you have to assume that this behavior is non-deterministic, unless explicitly ensured by your application and database design.
By default Spark will fetch data every time you execute an action on the corresponding Spark dataset. It means that every execution might see different state of your database.
This behavior can be affected by multiple factors:
Explicit caching and possible cache evictions.
Implicit caching with shuffle files.
Exacted set of parameters you use with JDBC data source.
In the first two cases Spark can reuse already fetched data without going back to the original data source. The third one is much more interesting. By default Spark fetches data using a single transaction but there methods which enable parallel reads based on column ranges or predicates. If one of these is used Spark will fetch data using multiple transactions, and each one can observe different state of your database.
If consistent point-in-time semantics is required you have basically two options:
Use immutable, append-only and timestamped records in your database and issue timestamp dependent queries from Spark.
Perform consistent database dumps and use these as a direct input to your Spark jobs.
While the first approach is much more powerful it is much harder to implement if you're working with per-existing architecture.
