"You can't start a database activity stream in this configuration error" while starting database activity stream - amazon-rds

Getting this error You can't start a database activity stream in this configuration. (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination; Request ID: xxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxx; Proxy: null) while starting database activity stream for AWS Aurora PostgreSQL database. Error is thrown on clicking continue in the Start database activity stream menu.
How can I fix this?

It sounds like you are setting some invalid parameters and/or parameter values. (Likely, some parameters are incompatible with others)
Can you confirm which settings / parameters you are using when trying this operation?
Check the request in the browser's javascript console.. does it have a JSON structure that can be inspected, and verified using the reference docs?
Instead of using the web-based admin page, can you try this operation using aws-cli, or otherwise using the API? (With the intent of isolating the parameters that you're using)

I found that for Aurora PostgreSQL database, the activity stream is supported only on r6g, r5, r4, and x2g instance classes.
For Aurora MySQL, the activity stream is supported on r6g, r5, r4, r3, and x2g instance classes.
I configured my DB with m2 instance class, when I changed that, I was able to start database activity stream.
More details can be found here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/DBActivityStreams.Overview.html


How to resolve create MySQL 5.5.53 read replica with error InvalidParameterCombination, Status 400?

Today I tried to create read replica for MySQL 5.5.53 RDS, it give me below error
Cannot find version 5.5.53 for mysql (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code:
400; Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination;
Create read replica in UI version did not worked. I tried there AWS cli mode to create
aws rds create-db-instance-read-replica --db-instance-identifier <read_replica_name> --source-db-instance-identifier <master-server-name> --db-instance-class <class-name> --availability-zone <zone> --no-multi-az --auto-minor-version-upgrade --no-publicly-accessible --vpc-security-group-ids <vpc-id>
And it worked.
I was getting this error today when trying to load the "Modify" page for one of my RDS instances. I discovered that this happens when I navigate to the instance from the "Resources" tab in a CloudFormation stack, but not when I navigate to the instance from the "Instances" list in the RDS console. (The two paths do result in different URLs but what looks like the same page.)
Thought I'd add this in case it's what was behind your error message, or for someone else who searches and finds this question as I did.

Jira Rest API Calls in Azure Data Factory

Good Day
I configured a Pipeline Copy Data job in Azure Data Factory to extract data from Jira with an API call using the rest API connector in Azure.
When i configure and test the connection it is successful.
Now when i try to preview the data in the Copy container i get the following error.
Does anyone know what this error means and how do i bypass it?
I believe i am not the first one trying to extract data from Jira via Rest API.
Thank you and Regards
Error occurred when deserializing source JSON file ".Check if the data
is in valid JSON object format.Unexpected character encountered while
parsing value:<.Path".....
I think the error already indicates the root cause.You data format is invalid JSON format,you could try to simulate rest api invoke to make sure if the situation exists.ADF can't help you handle the illegal deserialization.
In addition,according to the connector doc,ADF supports JIRA connector.Maybe you could try to have a try on that.

NodeJS/Express: ECONNRESET when doing multiples requests using Sequelize/Epilogue

I'm building a webapp using the following the architecture:
a postgresql database (called DB),
a NodeJS service (called DBService) using Sequelize to manipulate the DB and Epilogue to expose a REST interface via Express,
a NodeJS service called Backend serving as a backend and using DBService threw REST calls
an AngularJS website called Frontend using Backend
Here are the version I'm using:
PostgreSQL 9.3
Sequelize 2.0.4
Epilogue 0.5.2
Express 4.13.3
My DB schema is quite complex containing 36 tables and some of them contains few hundreds of records. The DB is not meant to write data very often, but mostly to read them.
But recently I created a script in Backend to make a complete check up of datas contained inside the DB: basically this script retrieve all datas of all tables and do some basic checks on datas. Currently the script only does reading on database.
In order to achieve my script I had to remove the pagination limit of Epilogue by using the option pagination: false (see https://github.com/dchester/epilogue#pagination).
But now when I launch my script I randomly obtained that kind of error:
The request failed when trying to retrieve a uniquely associated objects with URL:http://localhost:3000/CallTypes/178/RendererThemes.
Code : -1
Message : Error: connect ECONNRESET
The error randomly appears during the script execution: then it's not always this URL which is returned, and even not always the same tables or relations. The error message before code is a custom message returned by Backend.
The URL is a reference to the DBService but I don't see any error in it, even using logging: console.log in Sequelize and DEBUG=express:* to see what happens in Express.
I tried to put some setTimeout in my Backend script to slow it, without real change. I also tried to manipulate different values like PostgreSQL max_connections limit (I set the limit to 1000 connections), or Sequelize maxConcurrentQueries and pool values, but without success yet.
I did not find where I can customize the pool connection of Express, maybe it should do the trick.
I assume that the error comes from DBService, from the Express configuration or somewhere in the configuration of the DB (either in Sequelize/Epilogue or even in the postgreSQL server itself), but as I did not see any error in any log I'm not sure.
Any idea to help me solve it?
After further investigation I may have found the answer which is very similar to How to avoid a NodeJS ECONNRESET error?
: I'm using my own object RestClient to do my http request and this object was built as a singleton with this method:
var NodeRestClient : any = require('node-rest-client').Client;
static getClient() {
if(RestClient.client == null) {
RestClient.client = new NodeRestClient();
return RestClient.client;
Then I was always using the same object to do all my requests and when the process was too fast, it created collisions... So I just removed the test if(RestClient.client == null) and for now it seems to work.
If there is a better way to manage that, by closing request or managing a pool feel free to contribute :)

SQL Azure unexpected database deletion/recreation

I've been scratching my head on this for hours, but can't seem to figure out what's wrong.
Here's our project basic setup:
MVC 3.0 Project with ASP.NET Membership
Entity Framework 4.3, Code First approach
Local environment: local SQL Server with 2 MDF database files attached (aspnet.mdf + entities.mdf)
Server environment: Windows Azure + 2 SQL Azure databases (aspnet and entities)
Here's what we did:
Created local and remote databases, modified web.config to use SQLEXPRESS connection strings in debug mode and SQL Azure connection strings in release mode
Created a SampleData class extending DropCreateDatabaseAlways<Entities> with a Seed method to seed data.
Used System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer(new Models.SampleData()); in Application_Start to seed data to our databases.
Ran app locally - tables were created and seeded, all OK.
Deployed, ran remote app - tables were created and seeded, all OK.
Added pre-processor directives to stop destroying the Entity database at each application start on our remote Azure environment:
System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer(new Models.SampleData());
Here's where it got ugly
We enabled Migrations using NuGet, with AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
Everything was running smooth and nice. We left it cooking for a couple days
Today, we noticed an unknown bug on the Azure environment:
we have several classes deriving from a superclass SuperClass
the corresponding Entity table stores all of these objects in the same SuperClass table, using a discriminator to know which column to feed from when loading the various classes
While the loading went just fine before today, it doesn't anymore. We get the following error message:
The 'Foo' property on 'SubClass1' could not be set to a 'null' value. You must set this property to a non-null value of type 'Int32'.
After a quick check, our SuperClass table has columns Foo and Foo1. Logical enough, since SuperClass has 2 subclasses SubClass1 and SubClass2, each with a Foo property. In our case, Foo is NULL but Foo1 has an int32 value. So the problem is not with the database - rather, it would seem that the link between our Model and Database has been lost. The discriminator logic was corrupted.
Trying to find indications on what could've gone wrong, we noticed several things:
Even though we never performed any migration on the SQL Azure Entity database, the database now has a _MigrationHistory table
The _MigrationHistory table has one record:
MigrationID: 201204102350574_InitialCreate
CreatedOn: 4/10/2012 11:50:57 PM
Model: <Binary data>
ProductVersion: 4.3.1
Looking at other tables, most of them were emptied when this migration happened. Only the tables that were initially seeded with SampleData remained untouched.
Checking in with the SQL Azure Management portal, our Entity database shows the following creation date: 4/10/2012 23:50:55.
Here is our understanding
For some reason, SQL Azure deleted and recreated our database
The _MigrationHistory table was created in the process, registering a starting point to test the model against for future migrations
Here are our Questions
Who / What triggered the database deletion / recreation?
How could EF re-seed our sample data since Application_Start has System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer<Entities>(null);?
EDIT: Looking at what could've gone wrong, we noticed one thing we didn't respect in this SQL Azure tutorial: we didn't remove PersistSecurityInfo from our SQL Azure Entity database connection string after the database was created. Can't see why on Earth it could have caused the problem, but still worth mentioning...
Nevermind, found the cause of our problem. In case anybody wonders: we hadn't made any Azure deployment since the addition of the pre-processor directives. MS must have restarted the machine our VM resided on, and the new VM recreated the database using see data.
Lesson learned: always do frequent Azure deployments.

problem with the connectivity/updation using db2(universal driver)

I choosed a web project in order to do that i am using an IDE (Eclipse), database (DB2 universal driver) and Apache Tomcat server. So, by gods grace every thing has gone well but when I try to update data to DB2 database through JDBC code then I am getting an SQL DB error as
where register is my table name and even i logged in as db2admin but i think there is no connectivity established but still its not resolved
This sounds a bit strange, -204 is Function, procedure or trigger not found...
Have a look at SQLCODE concepts and use the SQL Message Finder link to check yr return code for a full explanation.
Note that DB2 procedures & functions have case-sensitive names.
Hope this helps.
