Redirect to url by nodejs - node.js

i tried to receive get request and redirect the user to another url
but the url not changing
const success_url = ''
const query = '?order_id=123123&data=abc'
// the output must be
// but i get http://localhost:3000/success?order_id=123123&data=abc
also tried res.redirect(301, `${success_url}${query}`);
How i can change localhost:3000 to the domain of the target url

You want to use .redirect(code, url).
res.redirect(301, `${success_url}${query}`);


Express router for accepting a URL as route parameter

Imagine you want to build a webpage health checker. I want users to send GET requests to https://localhost/check/{valid_url_here} and I send a request to that URL. I couldn't find proper way of writing the correct router for this in Express.
This is the closest answer but it trims the url after ? adding it to req.query
router.get('/check/:url*', (req, res) => {})
so when URL is the variable req.params.url misses the ?print part... I want to capture anything that comes after /check/
router.use("/check", function(req, res) {
var url = req.url.substring(1);
Then https://localhost/check/ leads to url = "".

Google cloud functions replaces double slash in url

Im trying to deploy cors-anywhere on Google Cloud Functions. Im supposed to provide the url after gcp's link.
It looks like this :
but it's transformed to :
All the double slashes after the host are transformed to simple ones.
I tried replacing req.url to transform http:/ to http:// but still wont work. Maybe this needs to be fixed in the webserver level.
Here's my function in GCP
var cors_proxy = require('cors-anywhere').createServer({
requireHeader: ['origin', 'x-requested-with'],
removeHeaders: [
// See for other options
exports.myFunction = (req, res) => {
req.url = req.url.replace('/my-function/', '/'); // Strip '/my-function' from the front of the URL, else the proxy won't work.
return cors_proxy.emit('request', req, res);
Anyone tried to deploy this in a serverless function?
You're using req.url which contains a normalized version of the request URL. You'll want to use req.originalUrl which, as the name suggests, retains the original requested URL. See Express docs for more info.

Why does the "request module" in Node.js accept only the URLs written with protocol?

I want to send a GET request using request module. Here's the code:
var requestModule = require('request');
var url = require('url');
var myUrl = '';
var myUrlObj = url.parse(myUrl);
requestModule(myUrl, myUrlObj , callback);
but it doesn't work because myUrlObj has a null value for its "protocol" attribute.
The same code works when:
var myUrl = ''
Why is it so rigid?
Also I tried doing the following to get around this problem:
if ( myUrlObj.protocol == null ) {
myUrl = "http://" + myUrl;
myUrlObj = url.parse(myUrl);
But some websites use https, while others use http. So, the above code fails for websites that use https, and the require module throws an exception.
If the URL comes from user input, default to http:// and let them enter a protocol for HTTPS. Encourage them to enter a protocol. Most HTTPS websites will redirect you from the HTTP url to the HTTPS URL. You can make the request module follow redirects using the example here.

How to redirect multiple subdomains to the same running express app

I'm building a SaaS app in NodeJS and using the Express framework. The individual members of the website has a url with a custom subdomain to login.
For example, a company called ABC Corp may login at and another company called Sony may login at
Any idea how I can redirect/route multiple subdomains to the same app instance?
You can use the express-subdomain package. Assuming you have a routes folder, containing abc.js and sony.js files that respectively export login routes for the abc and sony subdomains, you could have the following in index.js or whatever file from which your express server is listening.
const subdomain = require('express-subdomain');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const abcRoutes = require('./routes/abc');
const sonyRoutes = require('./routes/sony');
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
// use the subdomain middleware
app.use(subdomain('abc', abcRoutes));
app.use(subdomain('sony', sonyRoutes));
// a simple get route on the top-level domain
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send('Welcome to the Home Page!');
// add any other needed routes
module.exports = app.listen(port, () => {
console.log('Server listening on port ' + port);
Your server will then be live and working as expected --> Welcome to the Home Page! --> (Your login page for abc) --> (Your login page for sony)
To tests subdomains locally you need to add them to your /etc/hosts file. (it requires sudo permissions) localhost
The equivalent for /etc/hosts file on windows is at %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc
For better details on setting up localhost domains locally check here
You can do more with the subdomain package. It accepts wildcards and you can use it to check API keys if you need such a feature.
Checkout the documentation for the express-subdomain package at
You can actually handle that particular route or a wide range then go for Reg Exp (which allows you to do this app.get(new RegExp('(your|string)\/here'), function…) which you want to redirect and then follow the redirecting action something like below code is doing:
response.writeHead(302, {
'Location': 'yourpath/page.html'
//add other headers here...
Update 1 : [as per the comments and other updates]
Then you try to handle all requests with the following app:
.use(express.vhost('', require('/path/to/loginApp').app))
.use(express.vhost('', require('/path/to/loginApp').app))
where /path/to/loginApp can be absolute paths or relative paths.
I hope this solves your problem.
Update 2:
Actually when a request comes in the request event is raised on a HTTP Server. So basically it is handled by express, express.vhost is a middle-ware function which raises the request event on another instance of a HTTP Server, that is how it works.
Below is the code:
function vhost(req, res, next){
if (! return next();
var host =':')[0];
if (req.subdomains = regexp.exec(host)) {
req.subdomains = req.subdomains[0].split('.').slice(0, -1);
server.emit('request', req, res);
} else {

get auth portion of url with express.js

I'm building out an API using express.js
(its my first time doing this)
I want to authenticate requests by using the standard auth portion of the url. I want requests to come in as https:// {public-key}:{private-key}#host:port/path
I can't find the auth portion of the url anywhere. req.url is just /path
I found this How to get the full url in Express? which said to do the following:
req.protocol + "://" + req.get('host') + req.url
But that returns only https:// host:port/path
Any help would be great.
As a side note, if this isn't the standard way to authenticate APIs please let me know!
You can use express.basicAuth() middleware to get the username and password sent with the URL.
express.basicAuth(function(username, password){
return (true);
Or like the conventional app.use fashion
app.use(express.basicAuth(function(user, pass){
return 'tj' == user & 'wahoo' == pass;
