Default Sitelogo (image) for googlebot? - googlebot

How i can add a default image for my site to display in the google search results when i type the name of the site to search for?
Currently every few weeks a different image/picture is displaying, current one picture from my news.
Google Search result = [ logo ]
Currently I added a logo to my first link at the top of the page..
<img src="/images/logo.png" width="70" height="70" alt="Sitename Logo">
Sometimes no picture is visible :/

Google reads meta tags in your page <head></head> to understand what you want to show in search results.
As far as I know there is not an official "logo" or "image" tag that Google support, but is smart enough to understand that "og:image" is the page image.
<meta name="og:image" content="">
You can read more here:
And you can find a comprehensive list of meta here

Google supports defining your logo in structured data. Here is their documentation on it:
However, I think you are talking more about a general image related to a page.
Using the og:image meta tag mentioned by #supermod can be a hint. Google also understands images in certain structured data types like recipes, products, articles etc. Their gallery shows what structured data can cause rich snippets like an image:
But it is not necessary to provide metadata or structured data to get images in the search results. Sometimes Google just picks one from the page.


Youtube videos being rendered in MVC

Using K12SP and its MVC model, I would like adding embedded YouTube videos in my views. I saw that in the CKEditor, there is a widget for doing so and it adds corresponding customized HTMl tags such as :
However, in my view, I now need to process theis syntax to actually embed the video as for the time being, it is just showing the raw code. How can I do this? I searched for some tutorial but didn't find any.
Is there a place where front-end code for these default widgets of the rich editor is made available?
Thank you for your help
Why don't you use regular embed markup? E.g.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
HTML is the same for all the videos, you'll need to inject video URL into it.
The inline widgets are not supported in the MVC approach. You still have the toolbar buttons in the CKEditor on the Content tab - but this is because you can also have a portal engine site in the same instance. So, this means, if you want to use the inline widgets, you will need to parse the text value when getting it from Kentico, extract the Youtube URL and basically replace the widget code with the HTML markup mentioned by Roman. It may be just easier to hide the toolbar buttons for widgets for your editors and let them just to insert the URL directly.

Social sharing: Individual meta tags for different platforms, eg for optimised images

I would like to know if there is a way to use meta information such as <meta property="og:image" content="image.jpg">and <meta name="twitter:image" content="tw-image.jpg">
to rather have image links to correctly sized images depending on what social platform they are being shared to.
In other words
A person from Facebook shares a link to my webpage and facebook shows the image source i have provided fb-image.jpg at a size of 1200px x 900px so it does not crop my image.
Another person goes to share the same url on google plus, and google plus chooses the source image i have provided gplus-image.jpg at a size of 1080px x 1080px so it shows my full image.
Another one for pinterest and another for twitter and another for linkedin
I hope this makes sense.

how to get rid of MS Azure Media Services logo overlay (water mark)

How do you get rid of or replace the Microsoft Azure Media Services logo overlay (water mark) that is put onto dynamic packaged video? The following link shows the topic area:
My html contains embedded code taken from
It seems that you are attempting to use the iframe embed code on the "get embed code" section of the player. Please note that this is currently under development, as it is listed on the site: "this embed code is for demo purposes only. Do not use in production."
For your player needs in production, especially if you want to use the large amounts of API's available, you should create your own player page following the instructions in the documentation and by using the samples provided.
Specifically for the question regarding the logo, there is an API available to remove to logo and can be found in the logo option section of the documentation. This is the correct way to remove to logo using the APIs provided.
It might be helpful to post some of the HTML that you are using when you say "My html contains embedded code taken from..."
It looks like the code on that page has the following div:
<div class="amp-logo" style="opacity: 0.5;"></div>
This appears to be what is placing the logo on the page you reference. Not know what HTML is actually in your page, I don't know if this is the HTML they are generating for you as embedded or whether you cut and paste the HTML from the given page.
You may be able to remove it from your HTML. If not, try creating a style that overrides the amp-logo class.

How to tell Microsoft Edge what it should display in reading mode

Reading mode in Spartan/Edge seems to choose, somehow, which div on the site to display in reading mode. In many pages, it does not find the appropriate div (like
However, on our site, it enables reading mode, but then displays the completely wrong part of the page.
So - how can I tell it to take the right part or at least how to disable it on those pages
You can find information on how to optimize reading view, as well as how to opt-out, here:
07/10: Edit to include specific information
Specifically, you may be interested in optimizing your title, body, and image markup to ensure a good reading mode experience.
Your page should include a <title> element in the header. In addition, you should include a <meta title=""> tag that matches your main heading in your content section.
Body text
Ensure your main content does not include a lot of deeply nested elements and that font-sizes and other styles are uniform. Style variations for things like pull quotes, etc. should still be fine.
The first eligible image becomes the dominant image of the article. The dominant image is rendered as the first piece of content and given full column width. All following images are rendered as inline images within the article.
Images are recommended to be wrapped in <figure> tags with no more than two <figcaption> tags.
Opting out
Including this meta tag will disable reading mode in IE11 and, currently, Microsoft Edge.
<meta name="IE_RM_OFF" content="true">
Add the following Tag
<meta name="IE_RM_OFF" content="true">
Check the Below for more details

Google search result has wrong description

my page has set description in meta like this
<meta name="description" content="My best website"/>
Until now this description was displayed with my page in google search result. Now there is totally different text from footer in my page.
Can I change it somehow to be like before?
resubmit your page (via sitemap etc) to google webmaster. Also check that content of your description tag appears on your page, Google may perhaps think that your description tag is irrelivent to your actual page content text and therefore will ignore it and just take stuff from the page itself.
