Starting openvpn client with client.ovpn file along with command line options - python-3.x

Is there any way I can start the openvpn client with giving additional command line options like ssl/tls params cert and key instead of mentioning them in client.ovpn file. Currently I have the cert/key in local buffers which I don't want to write to a file and want to give directly to openvpn while starting it along with '--config client.ovpn' option from my python program.
os.system('openvpn --config '+ pathToOpenvpnOvpnFile +' --log '+ pathToOpenvpnLogFile)
I checked there are '--cert' and '--key' options, however they take as file. Any way I can give a variable contents to these options along with providing other necessary details from client.ovpn file with '--config' option.
Is there any way python subprocess can take these '--cert' and '--key' values from buffers instead of file plus the '--config' option with the pathToOpenvpnOvpnFile?
thanks in advance for your replies.


Execute shell script for database backup

I have a ReactJS-neo4j application, deployed on a cloud server. Currently, i create backups of my databases manually.
Now I want to automate this process. I want to automatically execute the above query every day
Can anyone tell me how to automate the above process ?
You need to change your neo4j configuration file found in <HOME_neo4j>/conf/neo4j.conf as below. The location of the file is different if you are not using Linux server, like Debian.
The 2nd line will enable you to save the json file from default folder "import" to any folder you want.
Then open a terminal (or ssh) that connects to your cloud server. Go to <HOME_neo4j> directory where cypher-shell is installed. Copy and run this one liner script below.
echo "CALL apoc.export.json.all(\"/home/backups/deploymentName/backup_mydeployment.json\", { useTypes: true } )" | bin/cypher-shell -u neo4j -p <awesome_psw> --format plain
This will save the json file in /home/backups/deploymentName just like what you do in your neo4j browser.
I will leave it up to you on 1) how to add the timestamp YYMMDD0000_ in the filename via linux command and 2) schedule the job every midnight via crontab. Goodluck!

Linux System.d Unit Service Doesn't See My Specific Environment Variable

I have a basic "service unit" file like the following.
Description=Certprovider service
I have the .env file in the root of the project.
I load this file with the following lines.
err := godotenv.Load()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error loading .env file")
Service has been working very well but I cannot reach the PORT environment variable. Thus I cannot start the webserver because that port cannot listen. I print all the environment variables that in the .env excluding PORT. I changed its name to APP_PORT but it same thing.
The mystery part is I can reach other variables in the .env file. In addition to that when I add the following line in the unit file, I can reach that variable but I don't understand that why should I add only the PORT variable in the unit file?
It's happening when I try to run it as a binary file. Because I can reach the variables with the following command.
go run .
If you call Load without any args it will default to loading env in the current path.
Your current path is configured here:
And yet, you say (emphasis added)
I have the .env file in the root of the project.
But that's not the current working directory.
root of the project
That concept is not meaningful to the application runtime. Unlike interpreted languages like, say, PHP, Go compiles to a static binary that is functionally entirely distinct from the set of libraries and sources that define it. In PHP (or python, ruby, etc) those libraries have no other place to be, than the root of some project directory.
In go, that stuff is only relevant for development and testing. The fact that your executable appears to be in your "root of the project" is entirely incidental and completely meaningless.
If you really want to put the runtime configuration in tht particular file, in that particular place, just set that as the working directory:
I would put that stuff in /usr/local so I didn't accidentally break my let's encrypt while fiddling with stuff in my home directory - doubly so for let's encrypt because it might take up to 90 days to realize your certs weren't being refreshed. I'd put the config outside of my home directory for the same reason.
Actually, for this case I'd probably put all the config in the unit file. Why not put it there? But of course, that's a matter of opinion. If you really want to use the automatic .env discovery then you should dedicate a directory to containing that hidden file. It doesn't make much sense to put a config specific to one application in ~/.env.
Wherever you put .env, make sure that's your working directory so it will be discovered.
I print all the environment variables that in the .env excluding PORT. I changed its name to APP_PORT but it same thing. [...]
The mystery part is I can reach other variables in the .env file.
Respectfully, that sounds like an assumption on your part. Without evidence to the contrary, it's easy to conclude that you have set defaults for these values or that they're coming from some other source or behavior. That's more parsimonious than concluding the godotenv library read some, but not all, the values from a file.
It's happening when I try to run it as a binary file. Because I can reach the variables with the following command. [go run .]
Go always runs as a binary. go run . simply automatically builds the binary in a temp location and then runs it. Why is it recommended to use `go build` instead of `go run` when running a Go app in production? talks about why go run is often contraindicated on SO.

Setting up arango cluster using arangod.conf (/etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf) instead of command line options

I was able to start Arango cluster using process mentioned at
We do not want to pass all the config in the command line each time rather want to make it run from /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf
How do we ensure each CLI option mentioned in above document are taken from the arango config file.
Command line options and config options are completely equalivalent meaning that you can just transfer them to a config file.
Simple example to translate any arangodb command line option into a config file:
Command line:
--server.endpoint tcp://
Config file:
endpoint = tcp://
So server is referencing to a config group here and endpoint is an option.
There is one exception: The database directory can be specified on the command line without explicitly using
Full example of the startup of the first agent:
endpoint = tcp://
authentication = false
id = 0
size = 3
supervision = true
directory=agency1 # better use an absolute path here of course ;)

Problems with EXEC pplcd from PeopleSoft Application Engine

On a Unix server, I am running an application engine via the process scheduler.
In it, I am attempting to use a "zip" Unix command from within an "Exec" pplcode function.
However, I only get the error
PS_Exec(P): Error executing batch command with reason: No such file or directory (2)
I have tried it several ways. The most logical approach I thought was to change directory back to the root, then change to the specified directory so that I could easily use the zip command, such as the following...
Exec("cd / && cd /opt/psfin/pt850/dat/PSFIN1/PYMNT && zip INVREND INVREND.XML");
1643 12.20.34 0.000048 72: Exec("cd /opt/psfin/pt850/dat/PSFIN1/PYMNT");
1644 12.20.34 0.001343 PS_Exec(P): Error executing batch command with reason: No such file or directory (2)
I've even tried the following....just to see if anything works from within an Exec...
Sure enough, it gave the same error.
Now, some of you may be wondering, does the account that is associated with the process scheduler actually have authority on this particular directory path on the server ? Well, I was able to create the xml file given in the previous command with no problems.
I just cannot seem to be able to modify it with the Exec issuance of Unix commands.
I'm wondering if this is an error of rights and permissions from the unix server with regards to the operator id that the process scheduler is running from. However, given that it can create and write to a file there, I cannot understand why the Exec command would be met with any resistance....Just my gut shot in the dark...
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!
Not sure if you're still having an issue, but in your Exec code, adding the optional %FilePath_Absolute constant should help. When that constant is left off, PS automatically prefixes all commands with <PS_HOME>. You'll have to specify absolute paths with this flag on though. I've changed the command to something that should work.
Exec("zip /opt/psfin/pt850/dat/PSFIN1/PYMNT/INVREND /opt/psfin/pt850/dat/PSFIN1/PYMNT/INVREND.XML", %FilePath_Absolute);
The documentation at PeopleBooks is a little confusing sometimes, but it explains it fairly well in this case.
You can always store the absolute location in a variable and prefix that to your commands so you don't have to keep typing out /opt/psfin/pt850/dat/PSFIN1/PYMNT/.

Shell script wget download from S3 - Forbidden error

I am trying to download a file from Amazon's S3 using a shell script and the command wget. The file in cuestion has public permissions, and I am able to download it using a standard browsers. So far this I what I have in the script:
wget --no-check-certificate -P /tmp/soDownloads
cp /tmp/soDownloads/ /home/hadoop/lib/native
The problem is a bit odd for me. While I am able to download the file directly from the terminal (just typing the wget command), an error pops up when I try to execute the shell script that contains the very same command line (Script ran with >sh
--2014-06-26 07:33:57--
Resolving ( XX.XXX.XX.XX
Connecting to (|XX.XXX.XX.XX|:443... connected.
WARNING: cannot verify's certificate, issued by ‘/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=Terms of use at (c)10/CN=VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA - G3’:
Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2014-06-26 07:33:57 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
Now, I am aware this can just be a begginer error from my side, but I am not able to detect any mispelling or error of any type. I would appreciate any help you can provide me to solve this issue.
As a note, I would like to notice that I am running the script in a EC2 instance provided by Amazon's Elastic MapReduce framework, if it has something to do with the issue.
I suspect that the editor you used to write that script has left you a little "gift."
The command line isn't the same. Look closely:
--2014-06-26 07:33:57-- ... myFolder/
^^^ what's this about?
That's urlencoding for ASCII CR, decimal 13 hex 0x0D. You have an embedded carriage return character in the script that shouldn't be there, and wget is seeing it as the last character in the URL, and sending it to S3.
Using the less utility to view the file, or an editor like vi, this stray character might show up as ^M... or, if they're all over the file, with you open it with vi, you should see this at the bottom of the screen:
"foo" [dos] 1L, 5C
If you see that, then inside vi...
:set ff=unix[enter]
...will convert the line endings, and save the file in what should be a usable format, if this is really the problem you're having.
If you're editing files on windows, you'll want to use an editor that understands how to save files with newlines, not carriage returns.
