Conditional Constraint Solving - constraint-programming

How would you approach the following constraint optimization problem:
I have a set of integer variables x[i] that can takes only 4 values in the [1,4] range
There are constraints of the form C <= x[i], x[i] <= C, and x[i] <= x[j]
There are also conditional constraints, but exclusively of the form "if 2 <= x[i] then 3 <= x[j]"
I want to minimize the number of variables that have the value 3
Edit: because I have a large (thousands) number of variables and constraints and performance is critical, I’m looking for a dedicated algorithm, not using a general-purpose constraint solver.

You could encode each variable as a pair of binary variables:
x[i] = 1 + 2*x2[i] + x1[i]
The inequality constraints can now be partly resolved:
1 <= x[i] can be ignored, as always true for any variable
2 <= x[i] implies (x2[i] or x1[i])
3 <= x[i] implies x2[i]
4 <= x[i] implies (x2[i] and x1[i])
1 >= x[i] implies (!x2[i] and !x1[i])
2 >= x[i] implies !x2[i]
3 >= x[i] implies (!x2[i] or !x1[i])
4 >= x[i] can be ignored, as always true for any variable
x[i] <= x[j] implies (!x2[i] or x2[j]) and
(!x1[i] or x2[j] o x1[j]) and
(!x2[i] or !x1[i] or x1[j])
Conditional constraint
if 2 <= x[i] then 3 <= x[j]
translates to
x2[j] or !x1[i]
The encoding shown above can be directly written as Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) suitable for a SAT solver. Tools like SATInterface or bc2cnf help to automate this translation.
To minimize the number of variables which have value 3, a counting circuit combined with a digital comparator could be constructed/modelled.
Variable x[i] has value 3, if (x2[i] and !x1[i]) is true. These expressions could be inputs of a counter. The counting result could then be compared to some value which is decreased until no more solutions can be found.
Bottom line:
The problem can be solved with a general purpose solver like a SAT solver (CaDiCal, Z3, Cryptominisat) or a constraint solver like Minizinc. I am not aware of a dedicated algorithm which would outperform the general purpose solvers.

Actually, there is a fairly simple and efficient algorithm for this particular problem.
It is enough to maintain and propagate intervals and start propagating the conditional constraints when the lower bounds become >= 2.
At the end, if the interval is exactly [3,4], the optimal solution is to select 4.
More precisely:
initialize l[i]:=1, u[i]:=4
propagate constraints until fixpoint as follows:
Constraint "C<=x[i]": l[i]:=max(l[i],C)
Constraint "x[i]<=C": u[i]:=min(u[i],C)
Constraint "x[i]<=x[j]": l[j]:=max(l[j],l[i]) and u[i]:=min(u[i],u[j])
Constraint 2<=x[i] ==> 3<=x[j]: if 2<=l[i], then l[j]:=max(l[j], 3)
If u[i]<l[i], there is no solution
Otherwise, select:
x[i]=l[i] if u[i]<=3
x[i]=u[i] otherwise
This is correct and optimal because:
any solution is such that l[i]<=x[i]<=u[i], so if u[i]<l[i], there is no solution
otherwise, x[i]=l[i] is clearly a solution (but NOT x[i]=u[i] because it can be that u[i]>=2 but u[j] is not >=3)
bumping all x[i] from 3 to 4 when possible is still a solution because this change doesn't activate any new conditional constraints
what remains are the variables that are forced to be 3 (l[i]=u[i]=3), so we have found a solution with the minimal number of 3
In more details, here is a full proof:
assume that a solution x[i] is such that l[i]<=x[i]<=u[i] and let's prove that this invariant is preserved by application of any propagation rule:
Constraint "x[i]<=x[j]": x[i]<=x[j]<=u[j] and so x[i] is both <=u[i] and <=u[j] and hence <=min(u[i],u[j]). Similarly, l[i]<=x[i]<=x[j] so max(l[i],l[j])<=x[j]
The constraints "x[i]<=C" and "C<=x[i]" are similar
For the constraint "2<=x[i] ==> 3<=x[j]": either l[i]<2 and the propagation rule doesn't apply or 2<=l[i] and then 2<=l[i]<=x[i] implying 3<=x[j]. So 3<=x[j] and l[j]<=x[j] hence max(3,l[j])<=x[j]
as a result, when the fixpoint is reached and no rule can be applied anymore, if any i is such that u[i]<l[i], then there is no solution
otherwise, let's prove that this x[i] is a solution where: x[i]=l[i] if u[i]<=3 and x[i]=u[i] otherwise:
Note that x[i] is either l[i] or u[i], so l[i]<=x[i]<=u[i]
For all constraints "C<=x[i]", at fixpoint, we have l[i]=max(l[i],C), i.e., C<=l[i]<=x[i] and the constraint is satisfied
For all constraints "x[i]<=C", at fixpoint, we similarly have u[i]<=C and x[i]<=u[i]<=C and the constraint is satisfied
For all "x[i]<=x[j]", at fixpoint, we have: u[i] = min(u[i],u[j]) so u[i]<=u[j] and l[j] = max(l[j],l[i]), so l[i]<=l[j]. Then:
If u[j]<=3 then u[i]<=u[j]<=3 so x[i]=l[i]<=l[j]=x[j]
Otherwise, x[j]=u[j] and x[i]<=u[i]<=u[j]=x[j]
For all "2<=x[i] ==> 3<=x[j]": assume 2<=x[i]:
If u[i]<=3, then either:
l[i]<=2 and the fixpoint means l[j]:=max(l[j], 3) so 3<=l[j]<=x[j]
or l[i]=3 and 3=l[i]<=l[j]<=x[j]
If u[i]>3, then 3<u[i]<=u[j] and 3<u[i]<=u[j]=x[j]
Finally the solution is optimal because:
if l[i]=u[i]=3, any solution must have x[i]=3
otherwise, x[i] != 3: if u[i]<=3, then either u[i]=3 and x[i]=l[i]<3 or x[i]<=u[i]<3; and if u[i]>3 then x[i]=u[i]!=3


How to formulate a constraint in pulp involving indicator variable?

I looked here, here and here
but couldn't generalize solutions to my problem or there were no correct answers.
If I want a binary variable to turn off and on based on another variable selection so that when lpSum(some_var) = 0 then indicator_var must be 0 and when lpSum(some_var) > 0 then indicator_var must be 1 where lpSum(some_var) will never be grater than 5, then if I write:
for j in some_list:
prob += lpSum(some_var[i, j] for i in some_other_list) <= indicator_var[j] * 5
this ensures that indicator_var is 1 if lpSum > 0 which is fine, but it does not guarantee that indicator_var is 0 if lpSum = 0.
Hopefully it's clear what I want to achieve, if not please let me know so I can clarify further with more concrete example.
You didn’t say what type of variable you are summing, but assuming non-negativity, this should work:
prob += lpSum(...) >= indicator_var[...]
Edit: The above should be used in conjunction with the constraint you already have above (2 constraints needed to enforce the inference you want). So also:
prob += lpSum(...) <= indicator_var[...] * 5

What is the CP/MILP problem name for the assignment of agents to tasks with fixed start time and end time?

I'm trying to solve a Constraint Satisfaction Optimisation Problem that assigns agents to tasks. However, different then the basic Assignment Problem, a agent can be assigned to many tasks if the tasks do not overlap.
Each task has a fixed start_time and end_time.
The agents are assigned to the tasks according to some unary&binary constraints.
Variables = set of tasks
Domain = set of compatible agents (for each variable)
Constraints = unary&binary
Optimisation fct = some liniar function
An example of the problem: the allocation of parking space (or teams) for trucks for which we know the arrival and departure time.
I'm interested if there is in the literature a precise name for these type of problems. I presume it is some kind of assignment problem. Also, if you ever approach the problem, how do you solve it?
Thank you.
I would interpret this as: rectangular assignment-problem with conflicts
which is arguably much more hard (NP-hard in general) than the polynomially-solvable assignment-problem.
The demo shown in the other answer might work and ortools' cp-sat is great, but i don't see a good reason to use discrete-time based reasoning here like it's done: interval-variables, edge-finding and co. based scheduling constraints (+ conflict-analysis / explanations). This stuff is total overkill and the overhead will be noticable. I don't see any need to reason about time, but just about time-induced conflicts.
Edit: One could label those two approaches (linked + proposed) as compact formulation and extended formulation. Extended formulations usually show stronger relaxations and better (solving) results as long as scalability is not an issue. Compact approaches might become more viable again with bigger data (bit it's hard to guess here as scheduling-propagators are not that cheap).
What i would propose:
(1) Formulate an integer-programming model following the basic assignment-problem formulation + adaptions to make it rectangular -> a worker is allowed to tackle multiple tasks while all tasks are tackled (one sum-equality dropped)
see wiki
(2) Add integrality = mark variables as binary -> because the problem is not satisfying total unimodularity anymore
(3) Add constraints to forbid conflicts
(4) Add constraints: remaining stuff (e.g. compatibility)
Now this is all straightforward, but i would propose one non-naive improvement in regards to (3):
The conflicts can be interpreted as stable-set polytope
Your conflicts are induced by a-priori defined time-windows and their overlappings (as i interpret it; this is the core assumption behind this whole answer)
This is an interval graph (because of time-windows)
All interval graphs are chordal
Chordal graphs allow enumeration of all max-cliques in poly-time (implying there are only polynomial many)
python: networkx.algorithms.chordal.chordal_graph_cliques
The set (enumeration) of all maximal cliques define the facets of the stable-set polytope
Those (a constraint for each element in the set) we add as constraints!
(The stable-set polytope on the graph in use here would also allow very very powerful semidefinite-relaxations but it's hard to foresee in which cases this would actually help due to SDPs being much more hard to work with: warmstart within tree-search; scalability; ...)
This will lead to a poly-size integer-programming problem which should be very very good when using a good IP-solver (commercials or if open-source needed: Cbc > GLPK).
Small demo about (3)
import itertools
import networkx as nx
# data: inclusive, exclusive
# --------------------------
time_windows = [
(2, 7),
(0, 10),
(6, 12),
(12, 20),
(8, 12),
(16, 20)
# helper
# ------
def is_overlapping(a, b):
return (b[1] > a[0] and b[0] < a[1])
# raw conflicts
# -------------
binary_conflicts = []
for a, b in itertools.combinations(range(len(time_windows)), 2):
if is_overlapping(time_windows[a], time_windows[b]):
binary_conflicts.append( (a, b) )
# conflict graph
# --------------
G = nx.Graph()
# maximal cliques
# ---------------
max_cliques = nx.chordal_graph_cliques(G)
print('naive constraints: raw binary conflicts')
for i in binary_conflicts:
print('sum({}) <= 1'.format(i))
print('improved constraints: clique-constraints')
for i in max_cliques:
print('sum({}) <= 1'.format(list(i)))
naive constraints: raw binary conflicts
sum((0, 1)) <= 1
sum((0, 2)) <= 1
sum((1, 2)) <= 1
sum((1, 4)) <= 1
sum((2, 4)) <= 1
sum((3, 5)) <= 1
improved constraints: clique-constraints
sum([1, 2, 4]) <= 1
sum([0, 1, 2]) <= 1
sum([3, 5]) <= 1
Fun facts:
Commercial integer-programming solvers and maybe even Cbc might even try to do the same reasoning about clique-constraints to some degree although without the assumption of chordality where it's an NP-hard problem
ortools' cp-sat solver has also a code-path for this (again: general NP-hard case)
Should trigger when expressing the conflict-based model (much harder to decide on this exploitation on general discrete-time based scheduling models)
Implementation / Scalability
There are still open questions like:
duplicating max-clique constraints over each worker vs. merging them somehow
be more efficient/clever in finding conflicts (sorting)
will it scale to the data: how big will the graph be / how many conflicts and constraints from those do we need
But those things usually follow instance-statistics (aka "don't decide blindly").
I don't know a name for the specific variant you're describing - maybe others would. However, this indeed seems a good fit for a CP/MIP solver; I would go with the OR-Tools CP-SAT solver, which is free, flexible and usually works well.
Here's a reference implementation with Python, assuming each vehicle requires a team assigned to it with no overlaps, and that the goal is to minimize the number of teams in use.
The framework allows to directly model allowed / forbidden assignments (check out the docs)
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
model = cp_model.CpModel()
## Data
num_vehicles = 20
max_teams = 10
# Generate some (semi-)interesting data
interval_starts = [i % 9 for i in range(num_vehicles)]
interval_len = [ (num_vehicles - i) % 6 for i in range(num_vehicles)]
interval_ends = [ interval_starts[i] + interval_len[i] for i in range(num_vehicles)]
### variables
# t, v is true iff vehicle v is served by team t
team_assignments = {(t, v): model.NewBoolVar("team_assignments_%i_%i" % (t, v)) for t in range(max_teams) for v in range(num_vehicles)}
#intervals for vehicles. Each interval can be active or non active, according to team_assignments
vehicle_intervals = {(t, v): model.NewOptionalIntervalVar(interval_starts[v], interval_len[v], interval_ends[v], team_assignments[t, v], 'vehicle_intervals_%i_%i' % (t, v))
for t in range(max_teams) for v in range(num_vehicles)}
team_in_use = [model.NewBoolVar('team_in_use_%i' % (t)) for t in range(max_teams)]
## constraints
# non overlap for each team
for t in range(max_teams):
model.AddNoOverlap([vehicle_intervals[t, v] for v in range(num_vehicles)])
# each vehicle must be served by exactly one team
for v in range(num_vehicles):
model.Add(sum(team_assignments[t, v] for t in range(max_teams)) == 1)
# what teams are in use?
for t in range(max_teams):
model.AddMaxEquality(team_in_use[t], [team_assignments[t, v] for v in range(num_vehicles)])
#symmetry breaking - use teams in-order
for t in range(max_teams-1):
model.AddImplication(team_in_use[t].Not(), team_in_use[t+1].Not())
# let's say that the goal is to minimize the number of teams required
solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
# optional
# solver.parameters.log_search_progress = True
# solver.parameters.num_search_workers = 8
# solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = 5
result_status = solver.Solve(model)
if (result_status == cp_model.INFEASIBLE):
print('No feasible solution under constraints')
elif (result_status == cp_model.OPTIMAL):
print('Optimal result found, required teams=%i' % (solver.ObjectiveValue()))
elif (result_status == cp_model.FEASIBLE):
print('Feasible (non optimal) result found')
print('No feasible solution found under constraints within time')
# Output:
# Optimal result found, required teams=7
#sascha suggested a beautiful approach for analyzing the (known in advance) time window overlaps, which would make this solvable as an assignment problem.
So while the formulation above might not be the optimal one for this (although it could be, depending on how the solver works), I've tried to replace the no-overlap conditions with the max-clique approach suggested - full code below.
I did some experiments with moderately large problems (100 and 300 vehicles), and it seems empirically that on smaller problems (~100) this does improve by some - about 15% on average on the time to optimal solution; but I could not find a significant improvement on the larger (~300) problems. This might be either because my formulation is not optimal; because the CP-SAT solver (which is also a good IP solver) is smart enough; or because there's something I've missed :)
(this is basically the same code from above, with the logic to support using the network approach instead of the no-overlap one copied from #sascha's answer):
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
model = cp_model.CpModel()
run_start_time = timer()
## Data
num_vehicles = 300
max_teams = 300
# Generate some (semi-)interesting data
interval_starts = [i % 9 for i in range(num_vehicles)]
interval_len = [ (num_vehicles - i) % 6 for i in range(num_vehicles)]
interval_ends = [ interval_starts[i] + interval_len[i] for i in range(num_vehicles)]
## Max-cliques analysis
# for the max-clique approach
time_windows = [(interval_starts[i], interval_ends[i]) for i in range(num_vehicles)]
def is_overlapping(a, b):
return (b[1] > a[0] and b[0] < a[1])
# raw conflicts
# -------------
binary_conflicts = []
for a, b in itertools.combinations(range(len(time_windows)), 2):
if is_overlapping(time_windows[a], time_windows[b]):
binary_conflicts.append( (a, b) )
# conflict graph
# --------------
G = nx.Graph()
# maximal cliques
# ---------------
max_cliques = nx.chordal_graph_cliques(G)
### variables
# t, v is true iff point vehicle v is served by team t
team_assignments = {(t, v): model.NewBoolVar("team_assignments_%i_%i" % (t, v)) for t in range(max_teams) for v in range(num_vehicles)}
#intervals for vehicles. Each interval can be active or non active, according to team_assignments
vehicle_intervals = {(t, v): model.NewOptionalIntervalVar(interval_starts[v], interval_len[v], interval_ends[v], team_assignments[t, v], 'vehicle_intervals_%i_%i' % (t, v))
for t in range(max_teams) for v in range(num_vehicles)}
team_in_use = [model.NewBoolVar('team_in_use_%i' % (t)) for t in range(max_teams)]
## constraints
# non overlap for each team
overlap_constraints = [list(l) for l in max_cliques]
for t in range(max_teams):
for l in overlap_constraints:
model.Add(sum(team_assignments[t, v] for v in l) <= 1)
for t in range(max_teams):
model.AddNoOverlap([vehicle_intervals[t, v] for v in range(num_vehicles)])
# each vehicle must be served by exactly one team
for v in range(num_vehicles):
model.Add(sum(team_assignments[t, v] for t in range(max_teams)) == 1)
# what teams are in use?
for t in range(max_teams):
model.AddMaxEquality(team_in_use[t], [team_assignments[t, v] for v in range(num_vehicles)])
#symmetry breaking - use teams in-order
for t in range(max_teams-1):
model.AddImplication(team_in_use[t].Not(), team_in_use[t+1].Not())
# let's say that the goal is to minimize the number of teams required
solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
# optional
solver.parameters.log_search_progress = True
solver.parameters.num_search_workers = 8
solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = 120
result_status = solver.Solve(model)
if (result_status == cp_model.INFEASIBLE):
print('No feasible solution under constraints')
elif (result_status == cp_model.OPTIMAL):
print('Optimal result found, required teams=%i' % (solver.ObjectiveValue()))
elif (result_status == cp_model.FEASIBLE):
print('Feasible (non optimal) result found, required teams=%i' % (solver.ObjectiveValue()))
print('No feasible solution found under constraints within time')
print('run time: %.2f sec ' % (timer() - run_start_time))

Why KL divergence is giving nan? Is it some mathematical error or my input data is incorrect?

In the following code s returns nan. As each value in Q<1 so it returns a negative value when I take its log. Does it mean that I can not calculate KL divergence with these values of P and Q or can I fix it?
`P= np.array([1.125,3.314,2.7414])
Q=np.array([0.42369288, 0.89152044, 0.60905852])
for i in range(len(P)):
if P[i] != 0 and Q[i]!=0:
s= P[i] *np.log(P[i]/Q[i])
print("s: ",s)`
First of, P and Q should describe probability mass functions, meaning that each element should be in the interval [0,1] and they each should sum to 1, which is not the case for your examples.
The second np.log is wrong. Is there a reason you put it there or was it a typo? It should be P[i]*np.log(P[i]/Q[i]). You also want to perform the sum over all these terms for i.
Finally there is a technical issue of what to do if P[i] = 0. In that case np.log(0) would cause problems. The actual contribution of the term should be 0 in that case (because lim_{x->0} x*log(x) = 0). You can guarantee this, e.g. by handling this case specially with an if clause.
The case of Q[i] = 0 would cause similar issues, however the KL divergence doesn't exist if Q[i] = 0, but not P[i] = 0, anyway.

If Then Constraints in non-linear programming

I have several constrains in a No linear problem.
For example:
In m(x+y-n)^2
If x+y-n>=0 Then m=0,
Else m=1.
How can I write this conditional constraint as linear or non-linear constraint?
Well you could write this as [min(x+y-n,0)]^2. Not sure if that will do you any good (this is non-differentiable, and thus difficult for many solvers). We can make the min() expression linear using additional binary variables:
z <= x+y-n
z <= 0
z >= x+y-n - b * M
z >= 0 - (1-b) * M
b in {0,1}
with M a large enough constant. In many cases better reformulations can be applied but that depends on the rest of the model.
If you use a constraint-programming solver, such as Choco Solver, then you can use IfThenElse constraints directly as well as other non linear constraints, such as square.

Is there a language with constrainable types?

Is there a typed programming language where I can constrain types like the following two examples?
A Probability is a floating point number with minimum value 0.0 and maximum value 1.0.
type Probability subtype of float
max_value = 0.0
min_value = 1.0
A Discrete Probability Distribution is a map, where: the keys should all be the same type, the values are all Probabilities, and the sum of the values = 1.0.
type DPD<K> subtype of map<K, Probability>
sum(values) = 1.0
As far as I understand, this is not possible with Haskell or Agda.
What you want is called refinement types.
It's possible to define Probability in Agda: Prob.agda
The probability mass function type, with sum condition is defined at line 264.
There are languages with more direct refinement types than in Agda, for example ATS
You can do this in Haskell with Liquid Haskell which extends Haskell with refinement types. The predicates are managed by an SMT solver at compile time which means that the proofs are fully automatic but the logic you can use is limited by what the SMT solver handles. (Happily, modern SMT solvers are reasonably versatile!)
One problem is that I don't think Liquid Haskell currently supports floats. If it doesn't though, it should be possible to rectify because there are theories of floating point numbers for SMT solvers. You could also pretend floating point numbers were actually rational (or even use Rational in Haskell!). With this in mind, your first type could look like this:
{p : Float | p >= 0 && p <= 1}
Your second type would be a bit harder to encode, especially because maps are an abstract type that's hard to reason about. If you used a list of pairs instead of a map, you could write a "measure" like this:
measure total :: [(a, Float)] -> Float
total [] = 0
total ((_, p):ps) = p + probDist ps
(You might want to wrap [] in a newtype too.)
Now you can use total in a refinement to constrain a list:
{dist: [(a, Float)] | total dist == 1}
The neat trick with Liquid Haskell is that all the reasoning is automated for you at compile time, in return for using a somewhat constrained logic. (Measures like total are also very constrained in how they can be written—it's a small subset of Haskell with rules like "exactly one case per constructor".) This means that refinement types in this style are less powerful but much easier to use than full-on dependent types, making them more practical.
Perl6 has a notion of "type subsets" which can add arbitrary conditions to create a "sub type."
For your question specifically:
subset Probability of Real where 0 .. 1;
role DPD[::T] {
has Map[T, Probability] $.map
where [+](.values) == 1; # calls `.values` on Map
(note: in current implementations, the "where" part is checked at run-time, but since "real types" are checked at compile-time (that includes your classes), and since there are pure annotations (is pure) inside the std (which is mostly perl6) (those are also on operators like *, etc), it's only a matter of effort put into it (and it shouldn't be much more).
More generally:
# (%% is the "divisible by", which we can negate, becoming "!%%")
subset Even of Int where * %% 2; # * creates a closure around its expression
subset Odd of Int where -> $n { $n !%% 2 } # using a real "closure" ("pointy block")
Then you can check if a number matches with the Smart Matching operator ~~:
say 4 ~~ Even; # True
say 4 ~~ Odd; # False
say 5 ~~ Odd; # True
And, thanks to multi subs (or multi whatever, really – multi methods or others), we can dispatch based on that:
multi say-parity(Odd $n) { say "Number $n is odd" }
multi say-parity(Even) { say "This number is even" } # we don't name the argument, we just put its type
#Also, the last semicolon in a block is optional
Nimrod is a new language that supports this concept. They are called Subranges. Here is an example. You can learn more about the language here link
TSubrange = range[0..5]
For the first part, yes, that would be Pascal, which has integer subranges.
The Whiley language supports something very much like what you are saying. For example:
type natural is (int x) where x >= 0
type probability is (real x) where 0.0 <= x && x <= 1.0
These types can also be implemented as pre-/post-conditions like so:
function abs(int x) => (int r)
ensures r >= 0:
if x >= 0:
return x
return -x
The language is very expressive. These invariants and pre-/post-conditions are verified statically using an SMT solver. This handles examples like the above very well, but currently struggles with more complex examples involving arrays and loop invariants.
For anyone interested, I thought I'd add an example of how you might solve this in Nim as of 2019.
The first part of the questions is straightfoward, since in the interval since since this question was asked, Nim has gained the ability to generate subrange types on floats (as well as ordinal and enum types). The code below defines two new float subranges types, Probability and ProbOne.
The second part of the question is more tricky -- defining a type with constrains on a function of it's fields. My proposed solution doesn't directly define such a type but instead uses a macro (makePmf) to tie the creation of a constant Table[T,Probability] object to the ability to create a valid ProbOne object (thus ensuring that the PMF is valid). The makePmf macro is evaluated at compile time, ensuring that you can't create an invalid PMF table.
Note that I'm a relative newcomer to Nim so this may not be the most idiomatic way to write this macro:
import macros, tables
Probability = range[0.0 .. 1.0]
ProbOne = range[1.0..1.0]
macro makePmf(name: untyped, tbl: untyped): untyped =
## Construct a Table[T, Probability] ensuring
## Sum(Probabilities) == 1.0
# helper templates
template asTable(tc: untyped): untyped =
template asProb(f: float): untyped =
# ensure that passed value is already is already
# a table constructor
tbl.expectKind nnkTableConstr
totprob: Probability = 0.0
fval: float
newtbl = newTree(nnkTableConstr)
# create Table[T, Probability]
for child in tbl:
child.expectKind nnkExprColonExpr
child[1].expectKind nnkFloatLit
fval = floatVal(child[1])
totprob += Probability(fval)
newtbl.add(newColonExpr(child[0], getAst(asProb(fval))))
# this serves as the check that probs sum to 1.0
discard ProbOne(totprob)
result = newStmtList(newConstStmt(name, getAst(asTable(newtbl))))
makePmf(uniformpmf, {"A": 0.25, "B": 0.25, "C": 0.25, "D": 0.25})
# this static block will show that the macro was evaluated at compile time
echo uniformpmf
# the following invalid PMF won't compile
# makePmf(invalidpmf, {"A": 0.25, "B": 0.25, "C": 0.25, "D": 0.15})
Note: A cool benefit of using a macro is that nimsuggest (as integrated into VS Code) will even highlight attempts to create an invalid Pmf table.
Modula 3 has subrange types. (Subranges of ordinals.) So for your Example 1, if you're willing to map probability to an integer range of some precision, you could use this:
Add significant digits as necessary.
Ref: More about subrange ordinals here.
