nestjs-rabbitmq Node.js package not handling messages - node.js

Maybe I am missing a basic thing as I am starting out with Nestjs, but somehow I can't get Nest.js to receive messages in a Pub/Sub pattern using: I create the Messaging Service like so:
imports: [
RabbitMQModule.forRoot(RabbitMQModule, {
exchanges: [
name: 'tx-nextor',
type: 'topic',
channels: {
'channel-1': {
prefetchCount: 15,
default: true,
providers: [],
controllers: [],
export class MessagingModule {}
Everything is connecting correctly and I can see the connection and channel in the RabbitMQ admin. After I created a subscriber:
export class ResourceService {
exchange: 'tx-nextor',
routingKey: 'resource.*',
queue: 'resource-history-resource.*.updated',
public async updatedHandler(msg: {}, amqpMsg: ConsumeMessage) {
console.log('Subscribe handler ran');
console.log(`Correlation id: ${}`);
return 'test';
This also connects:
[resource-history] [Nest] 220 - 07/09/2022, 4:30:47 PM LOG [RoutesResolver] AppController {/}: +8ms
[resource-history] [Nest] 220 - 07/09/2022, 4:30:47 PM LOG [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/, GET} route +3ms
[resource-history] [Nest] 220 - 07/09/2022, 4:30:47 PM LOG [RoutesResolver] HistoryController {/history}: +1ms
[resource-history] [Nest] 220 - 07/09/2022, 4:30:47 PM LOG [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/history/appointment, GET} route +1ms
[resource-history] [Nest] 220 - 07/09/2022, 4:30:47 PM LOG [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/history/test, POST} route +1ms
[resource-history] [Nest] 220 - 07/09/2022, 4:30:47 PM LOG [RabbitMQModule] Initializing RabbitMQ Handlers
[resource-history] [Nest] 220 - 07/09/2022, 4:30:47 PM LOG [RabbitMQModule] Registering rabbitmq handlers from ResourceService
[resource-history] [Nest] 220 - 07/09/2022, 4:30:47 PM LOG [RabbitMQModule] ResourceService.updatedHandler {subscribe} -> tx-nextor::resource.*::resource-history-resource.*.updated
[resource-history] [Nest] 220 - 07/09/2022, 4:30:48 PM LOG [NestApplication] Nest application successfully started +11ms
But after I do this nothing is logged.
Although the consumer is connected, all testmessages are staying on the queue:

Adding RabbitMQModule to the exports in the Module definition solved the issue for me.
Reference: Problems with RabbitMQ and NestJS. I can't publish a message with nestjs-rabbitmq and NestJS
imports: [
RabbitMQModule.forRoot(RabbitMQModule, {
exchanges: [
name: 'tx-nextor',
type: 'topic',
channels: {
'channel-1': {
prefetchCount: 15,
default: true,
providers: [],
controllers: [],
exports: [RabbitMQModule],
export class MessagingModule {}
Also, in the RabbitMQ Admin, make sure the payload has "" in the value, so it would be "test" vs test (sending JSON also should work)
Hope this helps!


Why can't I mapped more api in NestJS?

To add http://localhost:8080/api/v1/admin (GET) to develop an api with NestJS, we added Get annotation and proceeded with the api development, but the api was not mapped, and if you call that api, a 404notfound error will occur.
What kind of problem?
// admin.controller.ts
import { Body, Controller, Get, HttpCode, Post, UseGuards } from '#nestjs/common';
import {
} from '#nestjs/swagger';
import { ReqAdmin } from 'src/lib/decorator/req-admin.decorator';
import { HttpAuthGuard } from 'src/guards/auth/http-auth.guard';
import { BaseResponse } from 'src/models/http/base.response';
import { AdminService } from './admin.service';
import { CreateAdminDto } from './dto/create.admin.dto';
import { LoginAdminDto } from './dto/login.admin.dto';
import { Admin } from 'src/entities/admin.entity';
#ApiTags('관리자 API')
export class AdminController {
private readonly adminService: AdminService
) {}
#ApiOperation({ summary: '내 정보 보기', description: '내정보 보기' })
#ApiResponse({ status: 200, description: '내 정보 조회 성공' })
public async findOne(#ReqAdmin() admin: Admin): Promise<BaseResponse> {
const data = await this.adminService.findOneById(;
return BaseResponse.object('내정보 조회 성공', {
#ApiOperation({ summary: '관리자 생성 API', description: '관리자를 생성한다.' })
#ApiResponse({ status: 201, description: '관리자 생성성공' })
public async create(#Body() createAdminDto: CreateAdminDto) {
await this.adminService.create(createAdminDto);
return BaseResponse.object('관리자 생성성공')
#ApiOperation({ summary: '관리자 로그인 API', description: '관리자 로그인' })
#ApiResponse({ status: 200, description: '관리자 로그인성공', type: String })
public async login(#Body() loginAdminDto: LoginAdminDto) {
const token = await this.adminService.login(loginAdminDto);
return BaseResponse.object('관리자 로그인성공', {
'x-access-token': token
// admin.module.ts
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { Admin } from 'src/entities/admin.entity';
import { TokenModule } from 'src/token/token.module';
import { TokenService } from 'src/token/token.service';
import { AdminController } from './admin.controller';
import { AdminRepository } from './admin.repository';
import { AdminService } from './admin.service';
imports: [
providers: [AdminService, TokenService],
exports: [AdminService],
controllers: [AdminController]
export class AdminModule {}
// terminal
iwonje#iwonje-ui-MacBookAir mcn-admin-backend % nest start
[Nest] 40115 - 2022. 10. 11. 오후 4:12:15 LOG [NestFactory] Starting Nest
[Nest] 40115 - 2022. 10. 11. 오후 4:12:15 LOG [InstanceLoader] AppModule
dependencies initialized +42ms
[Nest] 40115 - 2022. 10. 11. 오후 4:12:15 LOG [InstanceLoader] TypeOrmModule
dependencies initialized +0ms
[Nest] 40115 - 2022. 10. 11. 오후 4:12:15 LOG [InstanceLoader] TypeOrmCoreModule
dependencies initialized +303ms
[Nest] 40115 - 2022. 10. 11. 오후 4:12:15 LOG [InstanceLoader] TypeOrmModule
dependencies initialized +0ms
[Nest] 40115 - 2022. 10. 11. 오후 4:12:15 LOG [InstanceLoader] AdminModule
dependencies initialized +1ms
[Nest] 40115 - 2022. 10. 11. 오후 4:12:15 LOG [RoutesResolver] AdminController
{/api/v1/admin}: +287ms
[Nest] 40115 - 2022. 10. 11. 오후 4:12:15 LOG [RouterExplorer] Mapped
{/api/v1/admin, POST} route +1ms
[Nest] 40115 - 2022. 10. 11. 오후 4:12:15 LOG [RouterExplorer] Mapped
{/api/v1/admin/login, POST} route +1ms
[Nest] 40115 - 2022. 10. 11. 오후 4:12:15 LOG [NestApplication] Nest application
successfully started +1ms
// app.module.ts
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { TypeOrmModule, TypeOrmModuleOptions } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { DatabaseTypes } from '../database/database.enum';
import { DatabaseFactory } from '../database/database.factory';
import { AdminModule } from 'src/admin/admin.module';
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
Look like you had added a prefix for your api /api/v1
You can try to call http://localhost:8080/api/v1/admin instead of http://localhost:8080/admin

how to load a nestjs module only if network is available

I'm working on a telegram bot (using nestjs-telegraf). I noticed that my app fails to start loading telegraf module if network connection is absent.
[Nest] 544032 - 08/06/2022, 10:01:43 LOG [InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized +0ms
[Nest] 544032 - 08/06/2022, 10:01:43 ERROR [ExceptionHandler] request to[REDACTED]/getMe failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN
FetchError: request to[REDACTED]/getMe failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN
When this error occur I have to manually kill the process (CTRL-C) check the net and restart the nest's app.
How can I check if net is available before import nestjs's module or manage/intercept the EAI_AGAIN error?
this is the module that should run nestjs-telegraf that fails on net absence
import { EventModule } from './../event/event.module';
import { UsersModule } from 'src/users/users.module';
import { TowerModule } from './../tower/tower.module';
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ConfigModule } from '#nestjs/config';
import { TelegrafModule } from 'nestjs-telegraf';
import { BotService } from './bot.service';
imports: [
ConfigModule.forRoot({ isGlobal: true }),
TelegrafModule.forRoot({ token: process.env.BOT_TOKEN }),
providers: [BotService],
exports: [BotService],
export class BotModule {}

NestJS gRPC Cant connect to microservice

When i trying to call some method from service im getting "Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: No connection established"
Code in some module:
imports: [
name: 'UsersService',
transport: Transport.GRPC,
options: {
url: 'localhost:50051',
package: 'users',
protoPath: 'path/to/proto',
Users microservice:
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice(
transport: Transport.GRPC,
options: {
url: 'localhost:50051',
package: 'users',
protoPath: 'path/to/proto',
Full error
[Nest] 3644 - 12.06.2022, 22:11:54 ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] 14 UNAVAILABLE: No connection established
Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: No connection established
at Object.callErrorFromStatus (C:\Users\123\Desktop\projects\syntx\api-gateway\node_modules\#grpc\grpc-js\src\call.ts:81:24)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (C:\Users\123\Desktop\projects\syntx\api-gateway\node_modules\#grpc\grpc-js\src\client.ts:351:36)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (C:\Users\123\Desktop\projects\syntx\api-gateway\node_modules\#grpc\grpc-js\src\client-interceptors.ts:462:34)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (C:\Users\123\Desktop\projects\syntx\api-gateway\node_modules\#grpc\grpc-js\src\client-interceptors.ts:424:48)
at C:\Users\123\Desktop\projects\syntx\api-gateway\node_modules\#grpc\grpc-js\src\call-stream.ts:330:24
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:78:11)

MongoParseError: Invalid message size: 1347703880, max allowed: 67108864 (NestJS & MongoDB Docker Container)

I am working on a NestJS Project that is based on micro-service architecture (Kafka, CQRS Patter).
I have created a shared mongodb database inside docker container and exposed the port to 8081 Port which is accessible via browser(I am using mongo-express ui). Here is the docker-compose.yml file
version: '3.1'
image: mongo
restart: always
image: mongo-express
restart: always
- 8081:8081
- data-volume:/data/db
And in my NESTJS Service, I have defined mongo connection like this: (app.module.ts)
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { APP_FILTER } from '#nestjs/core';
import { CqrsModule } from '#nestjs/cqrs';
import { MongooseModule } from '#nestjs/mongoose';
import { UserModule } from './user/user.module';
imports: [UserModule, MongooseModule.forRoot('mongodb://localhost:8081/urooj', {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useFindAndModify: false,
useCreateIndex: true
controllers: []
export class AppModule {}
And in my user module I am defining User schema: (user.module.ts)
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { CqrsModule } from '#nestjs/cqrs';
import { UserController } from './user.controller';
import { UserHandler } from "./command/handler/index";
import { MongooseModule } from '#nestjs/mongoose';
import { UserSchema } from './models/user.model';
import { UsersRepository } from './user.repository';
import { UserService } from './user.service';
imports: [
MongooseModule.forFeature([{name: 'User', schema: UserSchema}])
controllers: [UserController],
providers: [
export class UserModule {}
But I am getting this error which I tried finding the solution but i am bit unlucky in solving this issue from quite sometime now.
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
MongoParseError: Invalid message size: 1347703880, max allowed: 67108864
at processIncomingData (/Users/rk/Desktop/workspace/project/service/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:118:7)
at MessageStream._write (/Users/rk/Desktop/workspace/project/service/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:42:5)
at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:403:12)
at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:387:5)
at MessageStream.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:318:11)
at Socket.ondata (_stream_readable.js:716:22)
at Socket.emit (events.js:315:20)
at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:295:12)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:271:9)
at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:212:10)
at TCP.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:186:23)
Emitted 'error' event on MessageStream instance at:
at errorOrDestroy (internal/streams/destroy.js:108:12)
at MessageStream.onerror (_stream_readable.js:752:7)
at MessageStream.emit (events.js:315:20)
at errorOrDestroy (internal/streams/destroy.js:108:12)
at onwriteError (_stream_writable.js:418:5)
at onwrite (_stream_writable.js:445:5)
at processIncomingData (/Users/rk/Desktop/workspace/project/service/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:117:5)
at MessageStream._write (/Users/rk/Desktop/workspace/project/service/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:42:5)
[... lines matching original stack trace ...]
at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:212:10)
Thank you for the help in advance.
I fixed this above issue by Exposing Port to mongo service in my docker-compose.yml apart from mongo-express service.
But I ran into another issue now and that is related to authentication when connecting to mongodb using nestjs. Though Mongodb Container can be accessed using compass. I will be debugging this and if required will raise a new question in SO.

Cannot run production build

I am developing API with nestjs and TypeORM connected with PostgreSQL. NestJS is using ormconfig.json file to provide database connection.
"type": "postgres",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 5432,
"username": "xyz",
"password": "xyz",
"database": "xyz",
"entities": ["src/**/**.entity{.ts,.js}"],
"synchronize": true
When in dev mode npm run start:dev everything works OK, API is responding, connected properly with database. But when I try run production build: npm run prestart:prod followed by npm run start:prod something breaks and program cannot connect to the database, that cause error:
[Nest] 12444 - 2019-04-09 22:19 [NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
[Nest] 12444 - 2019-04-09 22:19 [InstanceLoader] TypeOrmModule dependencies initialized +85ms
[Nest] 12444 - 2019-04-09 22:19 [InstanceLoader] AppModule dependencies initialized +3ms
[Nest] 12444 - 2019-04-09 22:19 [TypeOrmModule] Unable to connect to the database. Retrying (1)... +111ms
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column } from 'typeorm';
SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
at new Script (vm.js:79:7)
at createScript (vm.js:251:10)
at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:303:10)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:657:28)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:700:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:599:32)
at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:538:12)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:530:3)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:637:17)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:22:18)
[Nest] 12444 - 2019-04-09 22:19 [TypeOrmModule] Unable to connect to the database. Retrying (2)... +3130ms
import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column } from 'typeorm';
export class InstallationEntity {
id: number;
#Column({ length: 500 })
name: string;
description: string;
I think that code itself is correct, but there is something wrong with proper configuration.
nestjs ver.6.0.0
try this one:
using a dynamic ormconfig.js (instead of .json)
