Prevent access to dependencies in examples in Rust project? - rust

I am making a library in rust, and I learned that I could put example usages of the library in an examples directory in the root directory and then run them with cargo run --example hello. However, I noticed that the dependencies I specify in Cargo.toml are also available in the example code. This is a bit odd to me. These dependencies belong to the library and the user shouldn't be aware of them and certainly not use them himself (unless he happens to depend on them too, I guess).
For example, I have nalgebra = "0.31.0" in Cargo.toml and use it as a backend for vectors and matrices and other mathematical operations.
I created my own wrappers for vectors and matrices, so the user shouldn't access nalgebra types directly. I find it weird that when writing examples for the library, I can write use nalgebra as na; and use it without any issues. I guess it's helpful for debugging purposes, but when writing a complete example, this code shouldn't compile.
Is there a way to generate compiler errors when trying to use dependencies in example code, or is it simply my responsibility to write examples that reflect actual usage of the library?

is it simply my responsibility to write examples that reflect actual usage of the library?
This comes up in other situations too: as long as you're writing code inside a single Cargo package, all that code shares a common set of dependencies (with the exception that [dev-dependencies] are not available to lib and bin targets, only test, example, and bench targets).
If you want a different set of dependencies, the only option is to split the example(s) into a separate package (which can be in a workspace with the library package). In my experience, it's somewhat common for Rust projects to have a separate package for examples, particularly when those examples have shared code; for example, a graphics library whose examples need window-management code might have structure like
Cargo.toml # workspace declaration
Cargo.toml # has a `{ path = "../the-library" }` dependency
src/ # contains setup code the examples use
There is a disadvantage to doing this: your examples won't be included in the package uploaded to the registry, and the new rustdoc feature that shows snippets of examples in the docs of functions that they use, won't find these examples.
However, if your only concern is “the examples shouldn't refer to this library”, then probably the best option is to take care writing the examples.
You can also use clippy to check for unwanted mentions of functions or types, with the disallowed_methods and disallowed_types lints. However, the lists of disallowed items are package-wide configuration, so you'd have to specifically disable the lint inside your library so that clippy doesn't warn on those uses of the dependency.


Rust how to define benchmark only dependencies in Cargo?

How can I only include a package used for benchmarking when I run cargo bench?
The documentation for targets suggests that this is possible but I can't get it to work.
Benchmark dependencies don't get their own section in cargo.toml. You need to put them in the [dev-dependencies] along with test dependencies.
As pointed out by #Dogbert in the comments, there is a related issue:
There is also this useful suggestion to move the benchmarks/quickcheck into a separate repository and use the public interface.
#bluss bluss commented on 2 May 2020 For such cases like benchmarks,
for now I'd recommend using an additional non-published crate that you
keep in the same repository, that depends on your library and contains
the benchmarks. It will need to use the public APIs, of course, but
that's ok in most cases. As an example of this, ndarray has a
subdirectory for blas-tests that runs tests that depend on BLAS.

Can I test just the code in a single module?

I've got a Rust project that uses a fairly large framework. Compilation and macro expansion take a really long time. If I make a tiny change to the code, it takes a minute or more before before "cargo test" actually executes.
Is it possible to create a sub-project or sub-module within the same crate and test just the code in the module, assuming there are no dependencies on code outside the module?
You might be interested in "cargo workspaces" (
Essentially, instead of splitting your code into multiple mods, you split it into multiple crates. These crates can depend on each other via "path dependencies". For example, you could have something like:
my_helper_crate = { path = "path/to/crate" }
The book has much more detail on this, but a nice feature of using workspaces is that your crates can have separate Cargo.tomls, but share a Cargo.lock, so you won't get issues around incompatible versions of crates.
With this setup, you can build one crate without building the rest of them, so you can cut down on a dev feedback loop.
However, if you have crate_a which depends on crate_b, building crate_a still requires building crate_b, there's not really any getting around that. The benefit is mainly for the leaves of your dependency graph.
Yeah, cargo test will take arguments which match specific tests that you want to run (Cargo book). For example, if you have modules foo and bar, you can run cargo test foo to run tests from that module, excluding all others.

What is the exact difference between a Crate and a Package?

I come from a Java background and have recently started with Rust.
The official Rust doc is pretty self-explanatory except the chapter that explains Crates and Packages.
The official doc complicates it with so many ORs and ANDs while explaining the two.
This reddit post explains it a little better, but is not thorough.
What is the exact difference between a Crate and Package in Rust? Where/When do we use them?
Much thanks!
From the perspective of the Rust compiler, "crate" is the name of the compilation unit. A crate consists of an hierarchy of modules in one or multiple files. This is in contrast to most "traditional" compiled languages like Java, C or C++, where the compilation unit is a single file.
From the perspective of an user, this definition isn't really helpful. Indeed, in most cases, you will need to distinguish between two types of crates:
binary crates can be compiled to executables by the Rust compiler. For example, Cargo, the Rust package manager, is a binary crate translated by the Rust compiler to the executable that you use to manage your project.
library crates are what you'd simply call libraries in other languages. A binary crate can depend on library crates to use functionality supplied by the libraries.
The concept of packages does not originate in the Rust compiler, but in Cargo, the Rust package manager. At least for simple projects, a package is also what you will check into version control.
A package consists of one or multiple crates, but no more than one library crate.
Creating packages
to create a new package consisting of one binary crate, you can run cargo new
to create a new package consisting of one library crate, you can run cargo new --lib
to create a package consisting of a library as well as one or multiple binaries, you can run either cargo new or cargo new --lib and then modify the package directory structure to add the other crate
When should you use crates, and when should you use packages?
As you can see now, this question doesn't really make sense – you should and must always use both. A package can't exist without at least one crate, and a crate is (at least if you are using Cargo) always part of a package.
Therefore, a better question is this:
When should you put multiple crates into one package?
There are multiple reasons to have more than one crate in a package. For example:
If you have a binary crate, it is idiomatic to have the "business logic" in a library in the same package. This has multiple advantages:
Libraries can be integration tested while binaries can't
If you later decide that the business logic needs to also be used in another binary, it is trivial to add this second binary to the package and also use the library
If you have a library crate that generates some files (a database engine or something like that), you may want to have a helper binary to inspect those files
Note that if you have a very big project, you may instead want to use the workspace feature of Cargo in these cases.

Dealing with dependencies of cargo crates

I am new to Rust, so excuse me if im just doing things horribly wrong.
While larning the language i wanted to try out different bindings of libraries that i already used in other languages, amongst them SDL2, SFML2, Gtk3.
To my surprise, nothing seemed to work out of the box. They all depend on C libraries and those don't come with the cargo crate. I managed to get SFML2 to work after following the readme and manually copying .lib and .dll files to the right places. I tried to make the Rust linker to look into my vcpk directory for .lib files, sadly with no success.
The whole point of a package manager kind of is to automate these things for you. Other package managers like NuGet for C# dont require you to manually fiddle the dependencies for their packages together.
Getting rid of the thirdparty library management hell of C/C++ was one of the reasons why i took a closer look at Rust.
Am i doing something wrong, or is this just how things are with Rust/Cargo?
Cargo is a build management and source package management tool for Rust code - it is not a tool for managing binaries or compiling other languages such as C or C++.
Having said that, it is a very flexible tool so it is possible for crates that provide bindings to libraries written in other languages to "bundle" the libraries they depend on.
The Rust-SDL2 crate, for example, does offer such a feature - as it says in their README:
Since 0.31, this crate supports a feature named "bundled" which
downloads SDL2 from source, compiles it and links it automatically.
To use this, you would would add it to your Cargo.toml like this:
sdl2 = { version = "0.34.0", features=["bundled"] }
Not all such binding crates support bundling, especially if the libraries they bind to are large, complex, have lots of their own dependencies and/or have lots of compile time configuration options.
In those cases you will either need to install a pre-compiled binary, or compile them from source yourself.

Why is it the case that multiple libraries aren't allowed from the same project in Cargo? [duplicate]

According to its manual, Cargo packages can have multiple executable targets, but only one library target is allowed.
A package can contain zero or one library crates and as many binary crates as you’d like. There must be at least one crate (either a library or a binary) in a package.
Why is it limited to one? What are the reasons and benefits?
Cargo is primarily a package manager. Thus, the primary role of a package is to define a library.
When we use a crate as a dependency, we only specify the package name in our Cargo.toml. Since there can be at most one library, Cargo doesn't need you to specify which one to use. If it were allowed to define multiple libraries in the same package, then we'd need to specify a way to define dependencies between them, so we'd have two ways to declare dependencies (external packages vs. internal crates), making the system more complex.
On the other hand, adding a dependency that doesn't provide a library doesn't make sense, at least not with Cargo, since Cargo only cares about the library target in that context. Thus, there is no reason to limit the other types of targets (binaries, examples, tests, etc.) to one each.
I would expect that a cargo package can only have one library target because a library crate is by definition a collection of items (functions, types, traits, macros, values, etc.) while a binary crate has only one externally visible thing, a main entry point. Consequently, while the library crate's name is merely the root module within an hierarchy, the binary crate's name is the only thing.
