How I can update child widget of gtk::Grid (gtk::Label in example) in runtime?
In example code after change value SpinButton, I add recreated Grid (fn grid()) with updated childs (I don't want remove old Grid in example).
In a real project I need to add a Grid with an updateable child element Label without recreate Grid. New values will be continuously read from the database.
pub fn test(parent: >k::Box) {
let parent_grid = gtk::Grid::new();
let parent_spin = gtk::SpinButton::with_range(0.0, 10.0, 1.0);
let parent_value = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0));
let parent_value_clone = parent_value.clone();
let parent_grid_rc = Rc::new(RefCell::new(parent_grid));
let parent_grid_rc_clone = parent_grid_rc.clone();
parent_spin.connect_value_changed(move |x| {
*parent_value_clone.borrow_mut() = x.value_as_int();
fn grid(value: i32) -> gtk::Grid {
let grid = gtk::Grid::new();
let label_box = gtk::Label::new(Some("Value: "));
let value_box = Rc::new(RefCell::new(gtk::Label::new(Some(&format!("{}", value))))); // THIS LABEL MUST BE UPDATED DURING RUNTIME
I'm new to this, so if there are other methods for creating dynamic objects in Rust-GTK and modifying their children, I'd love to hear about them.
Library glib helped me in my trouble.
I didn't find any clear examples on the internet, so let my solution be here.
pub fn test(parent: >k::Box) {
let parent_grid = gtk::Grid::new();
let parent_spin = gtk::SpinButton::with_range(0.0, 10.0, 1.0);
let parent_value = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0));
let parent_value_clone = parent_value.clone();
parent_spin.connect_value_changed(move |x| {
*parent_value_clone.borrow_mut() = x.value_as_int();
let grid = gtk::Grid::new();
let label_box = gtk::Label::new(Some("Value: "));
let value_box = gtk::Label::new(Some("Value"));
let update_label = move || {
println!("value={}", *parent_value.borrow());
glib::timeout_add_seconds_local(2, update_label);
fn grid(value: Rc<RefCell<i32>>) -> (gtk::Grid) {
let grid = gtk::Grid::new();
let label_box = gtk::Label::new(Some("Value: "));
let value_box = gtk::Label::new(Some("Value"));
let value = *value.borrow();
let update_label = move || {
glib::timeout_add_seconds_local(1, update_label);
I'm new to the rust library Nannou and I'm trying to draw pie chart.
I know that in javascript you can specify the amount of the ellipse via:
ctx.ellipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise);
I couldn't however find anything similar in Nannou like:
The nannou::draw::primitive::ellipse::Ellipse does not support sections.
However you can use the Section from nannou::geom::Ellipse.
Here is a simple example:
use nannou::{
geom::{Ellipse, Tri},
fn main() {
fn view(app: &App, frame: Frame) {
let draw = app.draw();
let win = app.window_rect();
let t = app.time;
let radius = if win.h() < win.w() {
win.w() / 3f32
} else {
win.h() / 3f32
let section = Ellipse::new(Rect::from_x_y_w_h(0f32, 0f32, radius, radius), 120f32)
.section(0f32, t.sin() * 2f32 * std::f32::consts::PI);
let triangles = section.trangles();
let mut tris = Vec::new();
for t in triangles {
[t.0[0][0], t.0[0][1], 0f32],
[t.0[1][0], t.0[1][1], 0f32],
[t.0[2][0], t.0[2][1], 0f32],
draw.to_frame(app, &frame).unwrap();
In the near-sdk 3.1.0 we use the BLOCKCHAIN_INTERFACE to make a Dao remote-upgrade with the next method:
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub fn upgrade(self) {
// assert!(env::predecessor_account_id() == self.minter_account_id);
//input is code:<Vec<u8> on REGISTER 0
//log!("bytes.length {}", code.unwrap().len());
const GAS_FOR_UPGRADE: u64 = 20 * TGAS; //gas occupied by this fn
const BLOCKCHAIN_INTERFACE_NOT_SET_ERR: &str = "Blockchain interface not set.";
//after upgrade we call *pub fn migrate()* on the NEW CODE
let current_id = env::current_account_id().into_bytes();
let migrate_method_name = "migrate".as_bytes().to_vec();
let attached_gas = env::prepaid_gas() - env::used_gas() - GAS_FOR_UPGRADE;
unsafe {
// Load input (new contract code) into register 0
//prepare self-call promise
let promise_id = b
.promise_batch_create(current_id.len() as _, current_id.as_ptr() as _);
//1st action, deploy/upgrade code (takes code from register 0)
.promise_batch_action_deploy_contract(promise_id, u64::MAX as _, 0);
// 2nd action, schedule a call to "migrate()".
// Will execute on the **new code**
migrate_method_name.len() as _,
migrate_method_name.as_ptr() as _,
0 as _,
0 as _,
0 as _,
To use the BLOCKCHAIN_INTERFACE I use this import:
use near_sdk::env::BLOCKCHAIN_INTERFACE;
In the near-sdk 4.0.0-pre.4 I can't use this interface to make the remote-upgrade, how I can solve it?
I read something about the MockedBlockchain, but I can't use it, the import doesn't exist or the methods are private and also says that it's only for #test
Yes, so that blockchain interface was removed completely so there is no need to go through that at all anymore. For all methods, you can just use near_sdk::sys to call each low level method. Here is the contract code migrated:
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub fn upgrade(self) {
use near_sdk::sys;
// assert!(env::predecessor_account_id() == self.minter_account_id);
//input is code:<Vec<u8> on REGISTER 0
//log!("bytes.length {}", code.unwrap().len());
const GAS_FOR_UPGRADE: u64 = 20 * TGAS; //gas occupied by this fn
const BLOCKCHAIN_INTERFACE_NOT_SET_ERR: &str = "Blockchain interface not set.";
//after upgrade we call *pub fn migrate()* on the NEW CODE
let current_id = env::current_account_id().into_bytes();
let migrate_method_name = "migrate".as_bytes().to_vec();
let attached_gas = env::prepaid_gas() - env::used_gas() - GAS_FOR_UPGRADE;
unsafe {
// Load input (new contract code) into register 0
//prepare self-call promise
let promise_id =
sys::promise_batch_create(current_id.len() as _, current_id.as_ptr() as _);
//1st action, deploy/upgrade code (takes code from register 0)
sys::promise_batch_action_deploy_contract(promise_id, u64::MAX as _, 0);
// 2nd action, schedule a call to "migrate()".
// Will execute on the **new code**
migrate_method_name.len() as _,
migrate_method_name.as_ptr() as _,
0 as _,
0 as _,
0 as _,
Let me know if this solves your problem completely or if there is anything else I can help with :)
Not sure if this is even a good question to ask but I hope that the answer could also cover if nested parallelization is bad or not in addition to my main questions. Thank you so much!
Suppose I have tasks a, b, c and d. These tasks each have their separate sub tasks, a1, a2 so on..
Sometimes, a1 might have a bunch of sub tasks to accomplish as well. The tasks are nested inside a, b, c and d because they are dependent on processing together as a whole, so there won't be a way to decouple them and create tasks e, f and g (so on..).
I am currently utilising Futures and Threadpool to process these tasks in a concurrent, parallel way (such that a, b.. run in parallel, and a1, a2 run in parallel).
However, I was greeted with
thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 35, kind: WouldBlock, message: "Resource temporarily unavailable" }', src/my_folder/
The code above that failed is
let thread_pool = ThreadPool::new().unwrap();
So the questions are:
Is nested parallelization correct in this case? (If not, what should I do? If yes, how should I do?)
How do I ensure that Threadpools are created safely, such that it would not fail unwrapping when the resources are inadequate?
If (2) is a wrong thing to do, how should I implement my code?
let tasks: Vec<_> = block_transactions.into_iter()
.map(|encoded_tx| {
let pool = core_pool.clone();
let rpc_url = core_rpc_url.clone();
let block = core_block.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let sol_client = RpcClient::new(rpc_url.clone());
let mut tx = crate::models::transactions::Transaction {
hash: "".to_string(),
block: block.number.clone(),
is_confirmed: true,
status: TransactionStatus::Success,
fee: 0,
timestamp: block.timestamp.clone()
if let Some(decoded_tx) = (&encoded_tx.transaction).decode() {
// Each item in the signatures array is a digital signature
// of the given message
// Additional safety net
if decoded_tx.signatures.len() >= 1 {
// Signatures should be Vec<Signature>.
// The first one, signatures[0], is the hash that is used to
// identify the transaction (eg. in the explorer), and you can
// get the base58-encoded string using the .to_string() method.
// Seed first signature
tx.hash = decoded_tx.signatures[0].to_string();
// Seed the transaction
let tx_res = crate::actions::transactions::create_or_ignore_transaction(
// Seed everything that depends ONLY on the created transaction
if let Ok(created_tx) = tx_res {
// Spawn the futures threader first
let thread_pool = ThreadPool::new().unwrap();
// Seed subsequents
let tst_pool = pool.clone();
let tst_dtx = decoded_tx.clone();
let tst_tx = tx.clone();
let transaction_signatures_task = async move {
let transaction_signatures: Vec<_> = tst_dtx
.filter(|signature| &signature.to_string() != &tst_tx.hash)
.map(|signature| {
// Subsequent signature are lead to the same tx, just
// signed from a different key pair.
InsertableTransactionSignature {
transaction_hash: tst_tx.hash.clone(),
signature: signature.to_string().clone(),
timestamp: tst_tx.timestamp.clone(),
let cts_result =
if let Ok(created_ts) = cts_result {
if created_ts.len() != (tst_dtx.signatures.len() - 1) {
eprintln!("[processors/transaction] WARN: Looks like there's a signature \
creation count mismatch for tx {}", tst_tx.hash.clone());
} else {
let cts_result_err = cts_result.err().unwrap();
"[processors/transaction] FATAL: signature seeding error for \
tx {} due to: {}",
let tst_handle = thread_pool
// A message contains a header,
// The message header contains three unsigned 8-bit values.
// The first value is the number of required signatures in the
// containing transaction. The second value is the number of those
// corresponding account addresses that are read-only.
// The third value in the message header is the number of read-only
// account addresses not requiring signatures.
// identify which are required addresses, addresses requesting write
// access, then address with readonly access
let req_sig_count =
(decoded_tx.message.header.num_required_signatures.clone()) as usize;
let rw_sig_count = (decoded_tx
.clone()) as usize;
let ro_sig_count = (decoded_tx
.clone()) as usize;
// tx.message.account_keys is a compact-array of account addresses,
// The addresses that require signatures appear at the beginning of the
// account address array, with addresses requesting write access first
// and read-only accounts following. The addresses that do not require
// signatures follow the addresses that do, again with read-write
// accounts first and read-only accounts following.
let at_pool = pool.clone();
let at_tx = tx.clone();
let at_dtx = decoded_tx.clone();
let at_block = block.clone();
let accounts_task = async move {
let at_handle = thread_pool
// Each instruction specifies a single program, a subset of
// the transaction's accounts that should be passed to the program,
// and a data byte array that is passed to the program. The program
// interprets the data array and operates on the accounts specified
// by the instructions. The program can return successfully, or
// with an error code. An error return causes the entire
// transaction to fail immediately.
let it_pool = pool.clone();
let it_ctx = created_tx.clone();
let it_dtx = decoded_tx.clone();
let instruction_task = async move {
process_instructions(&it_pool, &it_dtx,
let it_handle = thread_pool
// Ensure we have the tx meta as well
let tmt_pool = pool.clone();
let tmt_block = block.clone();
let tmt_meta = encoded_tx.meta.clone();
let tx_meta_task = async move {
if let Some(tx_meta) = tmt_meta {
let tm_thread_pool = ThreadPool::new().unwrap();
// Process the transaction's meta and validate the various
// data structures. Seed the accounts, alternate tx hashes,
// logs, balance inputs first
// pub log_messages: Option<Vec<String>>,
let tlt_pool = tmt_pool.clone();
let tlt_txm = tx_meta.clone();
let tlt_tx = tx.clone();
let transaction_log_task = async move {
if let Some(log_messages) = &tlt_txm.log_messages {
let transaction_logs =
.map(|(idx, log_msg)| {
InsertableTransactionLog {
transaction_hash: tlt_tx.hash.clone(),
data: log_msg.clone(),
line: idx as i32,
timestamp: tlt_tx.timestamp.clone()
let tl_result = crate::actions::transaction_logs::batch_create(
if let Err(err) = tl_result {
eprintln!("[processors/transaction] WARN: Problem pushing \
transaction logs for tx {} due to {}", tlt_tx.hash.clone(),
let tlt_handle = tm_thread_pool
// Gather and seed all account inputs
let ait_pool = tmt_pool.clone();
let ait_txm = tx_meta.clone();
let ait_tx = tx.clone();
let ait_dtx = decoded_tx.clone();
let account_inputs_task = async move {
let account_inputs: Vec<InsertableAccountInput> = (0..ait_dtx.message.account_keys.len())
.map(|i| {
let current_account_hash =
InsertableAccountInput {
transaction_hash: ait_tx.hash.clone(),
account: current_account_hash.to_string(),
token_id: "".to_string(),
pre_balance: (ait_txm.pre_balances[i] as i64),
post_balance: Option::from(ait_txm.post_balances[i] as i64),
timestamp: block.timestamp.clone()
let result = crate::actions::account_inputs::batch_create(
if let Err(error) = result {
eprintln!("[processors/transaction] FATAL: Problem indexing \
account inputs for tx {} due to {}", ait_tx.hash.clone(),
let ait_handle = tm_thread_pool
// If there are token balances for this transaction
// pub pre_token_balances: Option<Vec<UiTransactionTokenBalance>>,
// pub post_token_balances: Option<Vec<UiTransactionTokenBalance>>,
let tai_pool = tmt_pool.clone();
let tai_txm = tx_meta.clone();
let tai_tx = tx.clone();
let tai_block = tmt_block.clone();
let tai_dtx = decoded_tx.clone();
let token_account_inputs_task = async move {
if let (Some(pre_token_balances),
Some(post_token_balances)) =
(tai_txm.pre_token_balances, tai_txm.post_token_balances)
let tai_handle = tm_thread_pool
let iit_pool = tmt_pool.clone();
let iit_dtx = decoded_tx.clone();
let iit_txm = tx_meta.clone();
let iit_tx = tx.clone();
let inner_instructions_task = async move {
if let Some(inner_instructions) = iit_txm.inner_instructions {
&iit_dtx, &iit_tx,
let iit_handle = tm_thread_pool
let tasks_future = future::join_all(vec![tlt_handle, ait_handle, tai_handle, iit_handle]);
// Update the tx's metadata and proceed with instructions processing
let update_result =
crate::actions::transactions::update(&*tmt_pool.get().unwrap(), &tx);
if let Err(update_err) = update_result {
"[blockchain_syncer] FATAL: Problem updating tx: {}",
} else {
"[processors/transaction] WARN: tx {} has no metadata!",
let tmt_handle = thread_pool
let future_batch =
future::join_all(vec![at_handle, it_handle, tst_handle, tmt_handle]);
} else {
let tx_err = tx_res.err();
if let Some(err) = tx_err {
"[blockchain_syncer] WARN: Problem pushing tx {} to DB \
due to: {}",
tx.hash, err
} else {
"[blockchain_syncer] FATAL: Problem pushing tx {} to DB \
due to an unknown error",
} else {
"[blockchain_syncer] FATAL: a transaction in block {} has no hashes!",
} else {
"[blockchain_syncer] FATAL: Unable to obtain \
account information vec from chain for tx {}",
According to the following documentation (
I should be able to add attributes to change how it looks for a particular mode.
modalitySegmentedControl.setTitle("LDR ("+(stateController? ?? "-") + ")", forSegmentAt: Constants.LDRButton)
let colorAttribute = [ NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.systemTeal ]
modalitySegmentedControl.setTitleTextAttributes(colorAttribute, for: .selected)
In short the text on the control is basically "LDR (I-125)". Currently this code highlights the entire selection teal. I'm looking for a way to only highlight the (I-125) only with a teal color. I can do this with regular UILabels by defining a range that the attributes act upon, but I can't seem to find a way to set a specific color range with the UISegmentedControl?
Is this possible to do?
It currently looks like this:
I want the LDR to be white color and only teal on the (I-125) part.
In short I think it's not possible. Check my hacky playground:
//: A UIKit based Playground for presenting user interface
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
extension UIView {
class func getAllSubviews<T: UIView>(from parentView: UIView) -> [T] {
return parentView.subviews.flatMap { subView -> [T] in
var result = getAllSubviews(from: subView) as [T]
if let view = subView as? T { result.append(view) }
return result
class func getAllSubviews(from parentView: UIView, types: [UIView.Type]) -> [UIView] {
return parentView.subviews.flatMap { subView -> [UIView] in
var result = getAllSubviews(from: subView) as [UIView]
for type in types {
if subView.classForCoder == type {
return result
return result
func getAllSubviews<T: UIView>() -> [T] { return UIView.getAllSubviews(from: self) as [T] }
func get<T: UIView>(all type: T.Type) -> [T] { return UIView.getAllSubviews(from: self) as [T] }
func get(all types: [UIView.Type]) -> [UIView] { return UIView.getAllSubviews(from: self, types: types) }
class MyViewController : UIViewController {
var myString: String = "LDR (I-125)"
var myString42: String = "424242424242"
var attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString()
override func loadView() {
let view = UIView()
view.backgroundColor = .white
let items = ["EBRT", "LDR (I-125)", "PERM"]
let modalitySegmentedControl = UISegmentedControl(items: items)
modalitySegmentedControl.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 200, width: 300, height: 20)
modalitySegmentedControl.backgroundColor = .white
attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: myString, attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18)])
attributedString.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value:, range: NSRange(location:4, length:7))
let subviews = modalitySegmentedControl.getAllSubviews()
for view in subviews {
if view is UILabel {
if let label = view as? UILabel, label.text == myString {
label.attributedText = attributedString
//label.text = "42" // this works
print(label.attributedText) // looks changed
let subviews2 = modalitySegmentedControl.getAllSubviews()
for view in subviews2 {
if view is UILabel {
if let label = view as? UILabel, label.text == myString {
print(label.attributedText) // but it didn't change
let lab = UILabel()
lab.frame = CGRect(x: 40, y: 250, width: 300, height: 20)
lab.attributedText = attributedString
self.view = view
// Present the view controller in the Live View window
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = MyViewController()
You can find specific UILabel subview of UISegmentedControl and even can change the text, but attribute changes doesn't work.
Related question: Segmented Control set attributed title in each segment
I'm trying to find the implementation for the Rust intrinsics, particularly the "transumte" intrinsic that takes one argument.
I've seen the following code in, but as you can see, it merely delegates to some other implementation of transmute.
pub unsafe fn transmute<L, G>(thing: L) -> G {
Where is the actual implementation for intrinsics, especially the transmute intrinsic?
cast::transmute delegates to intrinsics::transmute. There is a module called intrinsics (now in libcore), it contains extern bindings to several functions, including transmute. As you can see from the module documentation, implementation of intrinsics is said to be located in librustc/middle/trans/
However, as far as I can see, actual implementation of intrinsics is present in librustc/middle/trans/ You can search for transmute, and you will find an arm in a really big match statement which looks like this:
"transmute" => {
let (in_type, out_type) = (*substs.substs.tps.get(0),
let llintype = type_of::type_of(ccx, in_type);
let llouttype = type_of::type_of(ccx, out_type);
let in_type_size = machine::llbitsize_of_real(ccx, llintype);
let out_type_size = machine::llbitsize_of_real(ccx, llouttype);
if in_type_size != out_type_size {
let sp = match {
ast_map::NodeExpr(e) => e.span,
_ => fail!("transmute has non-expr arg"),
format!("transmute called on types with different sizes: \
{intype} ({insize, plural, =1{# bit} other{# bits}}) to \
{outtype} ({outsize, plural, =1{# bit} other{# bits}})",
intype = ty_to_str(ccx.tcx(), in_type),
insize = in_type_size as uint,
outtype = ty_to_str(ccx.tcx(), out_type),
outsize = out_type_size as uint));
if !return_type_is_void(ccx, out_type) {
let llsrcval = get_param(decl, first_real_arg);
if type_is_immediate(ccx, in_type) {
match fcx.llretptr.get() {
Some(llretptr) => {
Store(bcx, llsrcval, PointerCast(bcx, llretptr, llintype.ptr_to()));
None => match (llintype.kind(), llouttype.kind()) {
(Pointer, other) | (other, Pointer) if other != Pointer => {
let tmp = Alloca(bcx, llouttype, "");
Store(bcx, llsrcval, PointerCast(bcx, tmp, llintype.ptr_to()));
Ret(bcx, Load(bcx, tmp));
(Array, _) | (_, Array) | (Struct, _) | (_, Struct) => {
let tmp = Alloca(bcx, llouttype, "");
Store(bcx, llsrcval, PointerCast(bcx, tmp, llintype.ptr_to()));
Ret(bcx, Load(bcx, tmp));
_ => {
let llbitcast = BitCast(bcx, llsrcval, llouttype);
Ret(bcx, llbitcast)
} else if type_is_immediate(ccx, out_type) {
let llsrcptr = PointerCast(bcx, llsrcval, llouttype.ptr_to());
let ll_load = Load(bcx, llsrcptr);
Ret(bcx, ll_load);
} else {
// NB: Do not use a Load and Store here. This causes massive
// code bloat when `transmute` is used on large structural
// types.
let lldestptr = fcx.llretptr.get().unwrap();
let lldestptr = PointerCast(bcx, lldestptr, Type::i8p(ccx));
let llsrcptr = PointerCast(bcx, llsrcval, Type::i8p(ccx));
let llsize = llsize_of(ccx, llintype);
call_memcpy(bcx, lldestptr, llsrcptr, llsize, 1);
} else {
This seems to be code which generates code which will be inserted instead of a call to transmute. I'm no compiler expert, so please someone correct me if I'm wrong.