lookup with multiple conditions and for rows - excel

Hello sages from StackOverflow,
I'm in search of a formula that can relate 3 diferent conditions, I tried using some IF statemets with the TEXTJOIN formula but I find myself lost in the way,
I got a data base just like this (image below), just a much bigger one, I want to search for a key like MCAA01 and obtain the doc's that have in front of it a "NO" all in one cell, like if you use the formula TEXTJOIN("/",...
My problem is that I cannot find a way to relate the whole column of the doc's with the key,
I tried something like TEXTJOIN("/",TRUE,IF(2ndIMAGE!A2=1stIMAGE!B1,IF(B2="no",1stIMAGE!A2,""),""))
This does give a result but it's just 1 thing, not whole answer
please sages of StackOverflow, you're my only hope. Thank you!

You need FILTER() then TEXTJOIN().
If your version of excel supports LAMBDA() function then you can try below formula and you do not need to drag the formula to each cell. It will spill results automatically.


VLOOKUP Multiple Columns If Not Found In First Column

I have a long list of part numbers where I need to be able to lookup and retrieve information on them.
These parts can have several alternative part numbers. I have figured out how to get the data returned if my data table only shows one of the possibly part numbers.
The issue is that I want it to be able to look up the columns to find a matching value.
As in the picture below for example. 5-E26 is the equivalent to E5-25. So if I input 5-E26 in the cell, I want it to continue searching to find the value in B7, and return the data as done A4 and A5.
Is this possible to do with Vlookup? Or is there a smarter method for it?
I struggle to fully understand how your data works but here is a possibility:
So the translated version of the formula I used in G2:
You could also try (in my case):

How to identify the cells from the sumproduct formula result

I would first like to apologize if this question has already been posted and answered numerous times but I was unable to find the right wording for my question to find a thread that matched.
I have a Sumproduct formula with multiple criteria that helps identify the number of issues I have on the main spread sheet. I got the number of issues, however now I would like to identify the cells meeting this criteria. Is there any way to do this?
To further explain my intention, the main tab on my spread sheet is a report with many different columns that would need to be filtered several different ways each time in order to catch the exceptions we are looking for. I am trying to avoid this manual process by creating a new tab to show these exceptions without having to look for them and leave cause for any user/human error where something could potentially be missed. In a new tab, I used several formulas (like the one below) to determine the number of different exceptions we need to catch, however I am wondering if there is a way to also identify these specific cells that the exceptions fall in so that the user can immediately locate and correct it.
For example: 2 issues identified; B10 and B26. (Or more specifically, if possible, the contents of that given cell?)
Note: I have also tried to achieve this by using conditional formatting using the formula above, however the issue that I run into with that approach is that the entire row gets highlighted instead of the specific cells matching the criteria from the formula. I am open to a solution with this as well if it is an easier approach.
I hope I am getting across what I am trying to do! Thank you in advance to whomever can help!
Consider adding an additional column to the May worksheet. The new column would contain formulas like:
If you AutoFilter on this new column, you will see all the contributors to the SUMPRODUCT() formula.
Your 2 issues identified; B10 and B26 appears to refer to cells that have no bearing on what you seek to achieve so I may have misunderstood but suggest selecting A:AC and applying a CF formula rule of:

Excel Text Formula

I've got a table made up of a number of tabs and VLOOKUPs. I'm just looking for a way of pulling through a text entry into a cell where there are multiple #N/A's and one text entry.
I've attached a screenshot which hopefully explains what I'm trying to do.
Column E has what I would expect the answers to be with the correct formula. The problem is, the original spreadsheet I'm working on has over 2000 rows (and will be continually updated with more entries). I've tried multiple IF/Or, IF/And as well as Index/Match formulas to no avail.
Not able to attach pics yet but have included a link.
You may have to use ISNUMBER combined with search to get the results that you are looking for.
=IF( ISNUMBER(SEARCH("n/a",B1)),"true","false")

Match and lookup to find price

I would be grateful if someone could help with the following.
I have a workbook (called passenger car comparison) that has a column of postcodes (B1) and then columns for different prices (C1:I1).
In a separate workbook (called Search Tool), I would like to display the post codes from B1 as a dropdown list, with the same row also displaying the prices from C1:I1 for that particular post code.
Would I need to use INDEX and MATCH or HLOOKUP? Confused!
There is a link to the spreadsheet here if my explanation isn't clear!
Many thanks in advance!
You can actually use both.
However, you should use VLOOKUP instead of HLOOKUP, because your data elements are in rows, not columns. This is the most direct approach (=VLOOKUP(DropDown,WholeTableFromBtoI,Line,FALSE) - the FALSE here avoids linear interpolation with your postcodes). You can get your line from the row 1 of both cells, using MATCH, if you want to get fancy, by =MATCH(Category,FirstLineOfTable,0).
And, If you intend to use MATCH straightforwardly, your better approach would be using OFFSET as well, as in =OFFSET(FirstCellOfTable,MATCH(PostCode,PostCodeRow,0),MATCH(Category,FirstLineOfTable,0). It's a probably not the most intuitive approach, but it works as well.
Hope that helps.

Filter all unique items like Google Docs

Is there a quick/easy way to filter all unique items in an Excel 2013 column similar to the Google Docs "Unique" function?
This is not a pretty answer, but it works.
Paste this as an array formula into cell B2:
=LOOKUP(2, 1/((COUNTIF(B$1:B1, A:A)=0)*(A:A<>"")), A:A)
With the column that needs to be filtered in A:A
Then drag / copy it down as far as is required.
See it online in Google Spreadsheets
Does not retain original order (resulting order is in fact the reverse)
Does not automatically expand to cover all cells
Not fast, not pretty, not transparent
It is trivial to use IFERROR() to filter out the #N/A errors, but I've not done this to keep the answer concise
In the same vein the header of the column A is currently also returned. This can be fixed by changing A:A to A$2:$25 in all 3 locations
Original question was for Excel 2013, all of this should work there, but I wrote and tested it in Excel 2016
I would love to hear suggestions on how to make the formula automatically expand down as far as required.
Use the Unique records only feature in Advanced Filter.
Under the DATA tab there is this: "Remove Duplicates". It'll do what you want.
There isn't an equivalent to =unique() in Excel, and I hate having to work without it.
Without =unique() trying to find all of the unique values in a large array of data is impossible. Take a dozen columns of a hundred+ entries and see what the unique values are across the whole mess and pop them nicely into a new columns. I can't figure out how to do it in Excel, but in Gdocs it's simple:
Using Filters, or PivotTables, or whatever, just doesn't cut it, and I haven't been able to find any hacked together ridiculous excel formula to do anything similar.
filter your data in spreadsheets
This might prove to be of some help to you.
