pset2 readability always printing before grade 1 no matter what input - cs50

I know this is a fairly newbie question so I'm sorry if the solution is painfully obvious to you guys.
I've fully coded up pset 2 readability and it worked for printing out the number of letters, words and sentences for the user inputted text- I have since removed those print statement as they aren't needed for the pset (I just wanted to actually make sure the functions were returning something- they worked just fine).
I'm up to printing out the grade level now but no matter what text I input I only get before grade 1. I've already checked to see if I had anything wrong with my print statements and I can seem to find an issue there so I'm thinking that there may be an error in the calculation of the grade level itself- I've looked until my eyes have gone square and for the life of me I can not see anything wrong.
If someone could shed some light on my problem I would love to be saved the headache :), or even point me in the right direction so I get the learning. (also first time poster, long time lurkers so forgive me if anything is formatted incorrectly).
Thank you all!
Here is my code:
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
// my functions to calculate letters, words
int count_letters(string text);
int count_words(string text);
int count_sentences(string text);
int main(void)
string text = get_string("Text: ");
int letters = count_letters(text);
int words = count_words(text);
int sentences = count_sentences(text);
float calculation = (0.0588 * letters / words * 100) - (0.296 * sentences / words *
100) - 15.8;
int index = round(calculation);
if (index < 1)
printf("Before grade 1.\n");
else if (index >= 16)
printf("Grade: 16+.\n");
printf("Grade: %i.\n", index);
int count_letters(string text)
int letters = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(text); i++)
//((text[i] > 65 && text[i] < 90) || (text[i] > 97 && text[i] < 122))
if (isalpha(text[i]))
return letters;
int count_words(string text)
int words = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(text); i++)
if isspace ((text[i]))
words = words + 1;
return words;
int count_sentences(string text)
int sentences = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(text); i++)
if (text[i] == '.' || text[i] == '!' || text[i] == '?')
return sentences;

I just wanted to actually make sure the functions were returning something- they worked just fine
Yes, the functions return "something" but is it the right thing? Suggest you add back the debug printf and look at the results carefully and critically. Start with the simplest text ("One fish. Two fish. Red fish. Blue fish."). 29 letters, 8 words, 4 sentences. What result is printed?

Inside of the function count_words
you have an if statement, if statements need to have brackets, the line wouldn't make sense even if you had the brackets, so double-check the logic as well.


cs50x 2020 - pset2 - substitution - duplicate characters in key

I keep getting an error around handling duplicate characters in key when checking my code for the substitution problem within pset2 of the cs50 course 2020. My code and further details are below - can anyone please help with this? Thanks
The error message it gives me is
:( handles duplicate characters in key
timed out while waiting for program to exit
When I check my code for duplicate characters it seems to work fine (printing Usage: ./substitution key and ending the program)
Code below
# include <stdio.h>
# include <cs50.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <ctype.h>
int main(int argc, string argv[])
// Check that only one argument submitted
if (argc == 2)
// Check that key contains 26 characters
int keylen = strlen(argv[1]);
if (keylen == 26)
// Check that all characters are letters
for (int i = 0; i < keylen; i++)
bool lettercheck = isalpha(argv[1][i]);
if (lettercheck == true)
// THIS IS CAUSING ERROR - Check that no letters have been repeated - put all in lowercase to do so
for (int n = 0; n < i; n++)
char currentletter = argv[1][i];
char previousletter = argv[1][i - 1];
if (tolower(currentletter) == tolower(previousletter))
printf("Usage: ./substitution key\n");
return 1;
printf("Usage: ./substitution key\n");
return 1;
printf("Key must contain 26 characters.\n");
return 1;
printf("Usage: ./substitution key\n");
return 1;
// Get user input
string input = get_string("plaintext: ");
//Transform input using key
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(input); i++)
char currentletter = input[i];
int testlower = islower(currentletter);
int testupper = isupper(currentletter);
if (testupper > 0)
int j = input[i] - 65;
input[i] = toupper(argv[1][j]);
else if (testlower > 0)
int j = input[i] - 97;
input[i] = tolower(argv[1][j]);
printf("ciphertext: %s\n", input);
Figured out solution - problem was with the second for loop was iterating against i - 1 times instead of n times
Code should have been
charpreviouslletter = argv[1][n]
instead of
charpreviousletter = argv[1][i - 1]
for (int n = 0; n < i; n++)
char currentletter = argv[1][i];
char previousletter = argv[1]**[i - 1]**
In this loop-
// THIS IS CAUSING ERROR - Check that no letters have been repeated - put all in lowercase to do so
for (int n = 0; n < i; n++)
char currentletter = argv[1][i];
char previousletter = argv[1][i - 1];
if (tolower(currentletter) == tolower(previousletter))
printf("Usage: ./substitution key\n");
return 1;
you're comparing only the current character to the previous character. This doesn't work for strings like abcdefca
Notice how, c and a have duplicates - but they're not right next to their originals and hence your logic won't find these duplicates. Your logic will only work for duplicates that are next to each other such as aabcddef.
Instead, you need to take a note of which characters you've encountered whilst looping through. If you encounter a character that you have already encountered, you know there's a duplicate.
Thankfully, the key is only expected to contain all 26 characters of the alphabet without any duplicates. This means you can simply have an int array of 26 slots - each slot counts the number of appearances of the letter at that index. 0th index stands for 'a', 1st for 'b' and so on.
This way, you can very easily get the index of an alphabetic character using letter - 'a', where letter is the alphabetic character. So if the letter was a, you'd get 0, which is indeed the index of 'a'
Also, you have a nested loop while traversing the key, this nested loop also traverses through the key. Except it does it only up until a certain index, the index being the current index of the outer loop. This seems wasteful and weird. Why not simply loop through once, check if current character is an alphabetic letter and also check if this letter has been encountered before. That's all you have to do!
int letter_presence[26];
char upperletter;
string key = argv[1];
if (strlen(key) == KEY_LEN)
for (int index = 0; index < KEY_LEN; index++)
if (!isalpha(key[index]))
// Wrong key - invalid character
printf("Usage: ./substitution key\n");
return 1;
if (letter_presence[tolower(key[index]) - 'a'] == 0)
// This letter has not been encountered before
letter_presence[upperletter - 'A'] = 1;
// Wrong key - Duplicate letters
return 1;
// All good

check50 error messages: On my Mario.c pset1 solution

:( handles a height of 0 correctly \ expected an exit code of 0, not output of "\n Please enter a positive integer valu..."
:( rejects a non-numeric height of "" \ expected output, not a prompt for input
I think I should put part of my code too:
#include <stdio.h>
int clean_stdin()
while (getchar()!='\n');
return 1;
} //snippet gotten from
int main (void)
int row, pyramid_height, space, hash;
char c;
printf("\n Please enter a positive integer value, less than 24 as the height: ");
while (((scanf("%i%c", &pyramid_height, &c) != 2 || c!='\n') && clean_stdin()) || pyramid_height < 1 || pyramid_height > 23);
//snippet gotten from
Please help:
Also, Is there an easier way to prevent users from entering wrong data?
Thank you.
You should do something like this to ask the user for input
printf("Enter height < 23 and a non-negative number\n");
printf("Height: ");
height = GetInt(); // ask user again until valid input is given
}while(height < 0 || height >23);
If you don't want to use GetInt() you can do this with scanf too. Just replace the GetInt line with scanf("%d",&height);. It'll work the same except when you enter a wrong number it'll yell at you by saying Height:
rather than Retry:.
And you should remove that clean_stdin function. That level of precision is not required in pset1.
Now the remaining part is the nested for loops which you've not provided in the question so, I am assuming that you have a problem there too since your program can't handle 0 properly.
Try something like this in place of the for loops.
for(int i=1; i<=height; i++){ // i number of #s in each step
for(int j=0; j<height-i; j++){ //print appropriate number of spaces
printf(" ");
for(int k=0; k<=i; k++){ //print #s
printf("\n"); //change line

Longest Common Substring non-DP solution with O(m*n)

The definition of the problem is:
Given two strings, find the longest common substring.
Return the length of it.
I was solving this problem and I think I solved it with O(m*n) time complexity. However I don't know why when I look up the solution, it's all talking about the optimal solution being dynamic programming -
Here's my solution, you can test it here:
int longestCommonSubstring(string &A, string &B) {
int ans = 0;
for (int i=0; i<A.length(); i++) {
int counter = 0;
int k = i;
for (int j=0; j<B.length() && k <A.length(); j++) {
if (A[k]!=B[j]) {
counter = 0;
k = i;
} else {
ans = max(ans, counter);
return ans;
My idea is simple, start from the first position of string A and see what's the longest substring I can match with string B, then start from the second position of string A and see what's the longest substring I can match....
Is there something wrong with my solution? Or is it not O(m*n) complexity?
Good news: your algorithm is O(mn). Bad news: it doesn't work correctly.
Your inner loop is wrong: it's intended to find the longest initial substring of A[i:] in B, but it works like this:
j = 0
While j < len(B)
Match as much of A[i:] against B[j:]. Call it s.
Remember s if it's the longest so far found.
j += len(s)
This fails to find the longest match. For example, when A = "XXY" and B = "XXXY" and i=0 it'll find "XX" as the longest match instead of the complete match "XXY".
Here's a runnable version of your code (lightly transcribed into C) that shows the faulty result:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int lcs(const char* A, const char* B) {
int al = strlen(A);
int bl = strlen(B);
int ans = 0;
for (int i=0; i<al; i++) {
int counter = 0;
int k = i;
for (int j=0; j<bl && k<al; j++) {
if (A[k]!=B[j]) {
counter = 0;
k = i;
} else {
if (counter >= ans) ans = counter;
return ans;
int main(int argc, char**argv) {
printf("%d\n", lcs("XXY", "XXXY"));
return 0;
Running this program outputs "2".
Your solution is O(nm) complexity and if you look compare the structure to the provided algorithm its the exact same; however, yours does not memoize.
One advantage that the dynamic algorithm provided in the link has is that in the same complexity class time it can recall different substring lengths in O(1); otherwise, it looks good to me.
This is a kind of thing will happen from time to time because storing subspace solutions will not always result in a better run time (on first call) and result in the same complexity class runtime instead (eg. try to compute the nth Fibonacci number with a dynamic solution and compare that to a tail recursive solution. Note that in this case like your case, after the array is filled the first time, its faster to return an answer each successive call.

Counter for two binary strings C++

I am trying to count two binary numbers from string. The maximum number of counting digits have to be 253. Short numbers works, but when I add there some longer numbers, the output is wrong. The example of bad result is "10100101010000111111" with "000011010110000101100010010011101010001101011100000000111000000000001000100101101111101000111001000101011010010111000110".
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
bool isBinary(string b1,string b2);
int main()
string b1,b2;
long binary1,binary2;
int i = 0, remainder = 0, sum[254];
cout<<"Get two binary numbers:"<<endl;
while (binary1 != 0 || binary2 != 0){
sum[i++] =(binary1 % 10 + binary2 % 10 + remainder) % 2;
remainder =(binary1 % 10 + binary2 % 10 + remainder) / 2;
binary1 = binary1 / 10;
binary2 = binary2 / 10;
if (remainder != 0){
sum[i++] = remainder;
cout<<"Result: ";
while (i >= 0){
}else cout<<"Wrong input"<<endl;
return 0;
bool isBinary(string b1,string b2){
bool rozhodnuti1,rozhodnuti2;
for (int i = 0; i < b1.length();i++) {
if (b1[i]!='0' && b1[i]!='1') {
}else rozhodnuti1=true;
for (int k = 0; k < b2.length();k++) {
if (b2[k]!='0' && b2[k]!='1') {
}else rozhodnuti2=true;
if(rozhodnuti1==false || rozhodnuti2==false){ return false;}
else{ return true;}
One of the problems might be here: sum[i++]
This expression, as it is, first returns the value of i and then increases it by one.
Did you do it on purporse?
Change it to ++i.
It'd help if you could also post the "bad" output, so that we can try to move backward through the code starting from it.
EDIT 2015-11-7_17:10
Just to be sure everything was correct, I've added a cout to check what binary1 and binary2 contain after you assing them the result of the atol function: they contain the integer numbers 547284487 and 18333230, which obviously dont represent the correct binary-to-integer transposition of the two 01 strings you presented in your post.
Probably they somehow exceed the capacity of atol.
Also, the result of your "math" operations bring to an even stranger result, which is 6011111101, which obviously doesnt make any sense.
What do you mean, exactly, when you say you want to count these two numbers? Maybe you want to make a sum? I guess that's it.
But then, again, what you got there is two signed integer numbers and not two binaries, which means those %10 and %2 operations are (probably) misused.
EDIT 2015-11-07_17:20
I've tried to use your program with small binary strings and it actually works; with small binary strings.
It's a fact(?), at this point, that atol cant handle numerical strings that long.
My suggestion: use char arrays instead of strings and replace 0 and 1 characters with numerical values (if (bin1[i]){bin1[i]=1;}else{bin1[i]=0}) with which you'll be able to perform all the math operations you want (you've already written a working sum function, after all).
Once done with the math, you can just convert the char array back to actual characters for 0 and 1 and cout it on the screen.
EDIT 2015-11-07_17:30
Tested atol on my own: it correctly converts only strings that are up to 10 characters long.
Anything beyond the 10th character makes the function go crazy.

Vigenere.c CS50 Floating Point Exception (Core Dumped)

I am working on the Vigenere exercise from Harvard's CS50 (in case you noticed I'm using string and not str).
My program gives me a Floating Point Exception error when I use "a" in the keyword.
It actually gives me that error
when I use "a" by itself, and
when I use "a" within a bigger word it just gives me wrong output.
For any other kind of keyword, the program works perfectly fine.
I've run a million tests. Why is it doing this? I can't see where I'm dividing or % by 0. The length of the keyword is always at least 1. It is probably going to be some super simple mistake, but I've been at this for about 10 hours and I can barely remember my name.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
int main (int argc, string argv[])
//Error message if argc is not 2 and argv[1] is not alphabetical
if (argc != 2)
printf("Insert './vigenere' followed by an all alphabetical key\n");
return 1;
else if (argv[1])
for (int i = 0, n = strlen(argv[1]); i < n; i++)
if (isalpha((argv[1])[i]) == false)
printf("Insert './vigenere' followed by an all alphabetical key\n");
return 1;
//Store keyword in variable
string keyword = argv[1];
//Convert all capital chars in keyword to lowercase values, then converts them to alphabetical corresponding number
for (int i = 0, n = strlen(keyword); i < n; i++)
if (isupper(keyword[i])) {
keyword[i] += 32;
keyword[i] -= 97;
//Ask for users message
string message = GetString();
int counter = 0;
int keywordLength = strlen(keyword);
//Iterate through each of the message's chars
for (int i = 0, n = strlen(message); i < n; i++)
//Check if ith char is a letter
if (isalpha(message[i])) {
int index = counter % keywordLength;
if (isupper(message[i])) {
char letter = (((message[i] - 65) + (keyword[index])) % 26) + 65;
printf("%c", letter);
} else if (islower(message[i])) {
char letter = (((message[i] - 97) + (keyword[index])) % 26) + 97;
printf("%c", letter);
} else {
//Prints non alphabetic characters
printf("%c", message[i]);
return 0;
This behavior is caused by the line keyword[i] -= 97;, there you make every 'a' in the key stream a zero. Later you use strlen() on the transformed key. So when the key starts with an 'a', keywordLength therefor is set to zero, and the modulo keywordLength operation get into a division by zero. You can fix this by calculating the keyword length before the key transformation.
