Does uninstalling nodejs removes npm and npx packages? - node.js

I'm having some vulnerable errors which needs to have manual review when running react app. I tried to fix them but couldn't able to. Now, if I uninstall and reinstall the NodeJs does the above issue get solved??

NO, It only uninstalls node and npm. Installed packages remains as it is.


Error while installing multer packages using npm

I am getting the following error while installing the multer package using npm.
dicer *
Severity: high
Crash in HeaderParser in dicer -
No fix available
busboy <=0.3.1
Depends on vulnerable versions of dicer
multer <=2.0.0-rc.3
Depends on vulnerable versions of busboy
3 high severity vulnerabilities
Some issues need review, and may require choosing
a different dependency.
you can update multer to 1.4.5 as the latest version with npm i multer#latest that uses
without any vulnerabilities.
This is due to vulnerability in dicer dependency. Multer will still work, right now no fix is available. Maybe it will be resolved in next update. Check this GitHub reviewed vulnerability
I am a novice and this is not advice on what you should do - I'm just relaying what I did and what the outcome was.
This is a duplicate of my post on the same issue, on GitHub
After deploying my Vuejs3 app a week ago to Firebase, I was prompted to upgrade to the newest version of Firebase Tools (11.0.1) via npm. After doing this, I began experiencing the problem detailed in my comment on GitHub.
Having no other solutions on the table, I decided to uninstall firebase tools (npm uninstall -g firebase-tools) and then reinstall the previous version (npm install -g firebase-tools#10.9.2).
BUT, after first time I did this, I ran npm audit fix (not npm audit fix --force) and all I got a ton of high severity warnings and problems.
So I decided to once again uninstall firebase tools (npm uninstall -g firebase-tools) and then reinstall the previous version (npm install -g firebase-tools#10.9.2) and that's it (did NOT run npm audit fix).
I proceeded to npm run build and firebase deploy --only hosting and it worked just fine. Definitely NOT a great or long-term solution. Good luck!

Cannot find module 'fs/promises' Electron JS

Good morning,
I have created a program in Vue JS, this connects with an API that I have created in a main.js file to execute system commands.
The problem I have is that when compiling for production with electron I get the following error:
I use the command npm run electron: build
When I use npm run electron:serve work without problems
Anyone have any idea why is the error and how to fix it?
I experienced this issue a few days ago as well. I realized that trying to fix another issue, I deleted the node_modules folder and the package-lock.json file, then run the npm install command. This made the build to fail with 'fs/promises'. There are 2 solutions to this issue:
Download the latest stable Node version. This should have the 'fs/promises' module and will fix the issue.
Delete the node_modules folder and bring back the old package-lock.json file to ensure that the package versions remain the same. Then run the npm install command and the issue should be fixed.
downgrade electron
"electron-builder": "^22.10.5",
or upgrade nodejs to 14+ v
downgrade to "electron-builder": "~22.10.5" is working for me
In that case I fixed the problem in that way:
const fs = require('fs').promises;
Instead of:
const fs = require('fs/promises');
In my case I was using nvm to manage multiple node versions.
During the npm package installation, and throughout development, I used Node v14 but for some reason, my terminal was pointing to Node v12 when I tried bundling my program afterwards.
Switching it back to Node v14 using nvm use 14 solved my issue.
So make sure you're using the correct node version.
Upgrade to electron-updater#5.0.0. It has patch changes replacing fs/promises with fs-extra to support legacy versions of electron.
got the same error "Cannot find module 'fs/promises'" while I don't use electron.
so the problem is not only related to electron
solved the problem just by upgrading nodejs from v13.9.0 to v14.19.3
If this happens to you (and I'm not using Electron either), and you have to stay on Node 12 like me (because the code you are maintaining is ancient), pray that you can get to one of the npm-shrinkwrap.json files you used that worked, then go through package.json, force every version to what was in the shrinkwrap file, rm -rf node_modules, and npm install.
I experienced this issue a few days ago. I realized that trying to fix another issue, I deleted the node_modules folder and the package-lock.json file, then run the
npm install
This made the build to fail with 'fs/promises'.
Delete the node_modules folder and bring back the old package-lock.json file to ensure that the package versions remain the same
then run the npm command with force
npm install --force
it work for me..
I had the same problem, after upgrading the electron-builder from v. 21.4.0 to 23.0.2, updated with the command:
sudo npm install -g electron-builder#23.0.2
I solved updating npm, and then node.js.
Update npm:
sudo npm install -g npm#latest
Install nodejs from
Now it works with :
Electron-builder: 23.0.2 (command electron-builder --version)
Npm: 8.7.0 (command npm --version)
Nodejs: v16.15.0 (command node --version)

I cannot install react How can I fix this?

I am new to react. I am trying to install react with create-react-app. I have installed node.js and npm. It has been 40 minutes, nothing is happening. I have tried to do install it again but showing me the same thing.
Uninstall the global create-react-app. As long as it's on your system it will interfere with npx.

Different NPM version used when generating React app

When I try to create the starter React tutorial app using powershell, I get the below error:
"You are using npm 2.15.12 so the project will be boostrapped with an old unsupported version of tools".
"Please update to npm 3 or higher for a better, fully supported experience".
However, my NPM version is 6.11.3 as seen below.
What I have tried:
I have ran powershell as admin as answered in this question and restart.
I have also uninstalled and reinstalled Nodejs completely.
So after an extra hour digging around, I saw a few posts with similar (but not exactly) the same issue. I decided to install Yarn and install with that.
After install, I ran yarn cache clean and ran npx create-react-app your-app and it worked. Sorry for bothering you all.
I had the same problem. I'm running WSL with ubuntu, and yarn cache clear didn't work, but I noticed a node modules directory created in the project. I think it was messing with the node version so I deleted it. It worked

Does it have an issue if you install angular, reactjs, ionic, apache-cordova and karma in node js?

Does it have an issue or conflicts if you install ionic and angular and then you install reactjs, apache-cordova and karma in npm ?
If you install these packages on the same project you may have issues. All these frameworks are meant to work independent and you shouldn't use Angular if already using React or vice versa for instance.
If the packages are installed on different projects, then you are good to go. The package is only used by the project you installed it on (you can find all the packages installed for a project on the node_modules folder inside your project).
I think there would be no issues as long as you install them globally. just add -g every time you npm install something.
