How to google search a phrase with a wildcard character - search

I'm trying to search for strings with wildcard letters. For example, "te*t" should return both the results for test and tent (and text etc.) Google doesn't seem to have a built-in function that accomplishes this. Is it possible with an API or something? Are there alternatives to Google for this for full texts? Like searching "Y*s *e c**" and getting "Yes we can" and all other results that fit? This site has that feature but only for words, I'm looking to do the same thing with Google or Bing or any other search engine
Sorry if this has been asked before, thank you in advance.


How to perform text search in a Google-docs document using Python3

I want to search for key words in my book I am writing with Google docs. I want key worrds to be presented in a list by the page number to see where and how many times a certain word occur.
I havent tried anything. This is my first test at using Stack overflow and my first problem solving using Python.
Is this something I can use for Google docs?
How to search for a string in text files?
I found the function is built into Docs already (cmd-shift-H).

Verbatim search in azure/cognitive/bing web search (API, not website)

I cannot find any option to achieve a verbatim azure/cognitive/bing Web search.
In my case the difference is trying to sift through tens of millions of irrelevant search results to find the 10 results that actually match my query literally.
Even though I am a paying customer, there is no support available. And the API documentation did not help either.
I would think it should be super easy to provide a verbatim search option. Is there one that I did not see?
I checked further and it seems for the Bing Search APIs - +"phrase" works and returns documents containing this phrase at the top. Just add + in front of what you have been trying. Support link is here:

Wikipedia wildcard search not working?

I'm trying to do a wildcard search on Wikipedia but the search is not behaving the way the instructions say it should. Here's the advanced search help page:
As an example, it says this regarding a Wildcard search:
the query *stan will match Kazakhstan or Afghanistan or Stan Kenton.
However, when I attempt to do that search (or even click on the embedded link to that search), I only get
the page *stan does not exist
and it just lists a bunch of "Stan" entries starting with "Stan Laurel filmography."
Why would this feature not work? Am I missing something?
It does work, however because direct matches for "stan" are scored higher than words with it, Kazakhstan is waaaay down in results. You can try slightly narrowing the results with intitle:*stan however this is still bad. However, a quick check with k*stan shows that it works.
Conclusion: user-written help page has a bad example.

wikipedia api search titles generator

Trying to search tiles through the api using a generator.
I notice that there are two possible generators, with both I have problems:
prefix search - doesn't work well if I have multiple words and the order is reversed in the query (for example "brian adams" would return an answer, however "adams brian" does not
search - seems to not allow searching by titles, only by text which returns low-quality results.
Anyone knows of a way around this?
"srwhat=title" is disabled, so you should use "intitle:" in your search query:
for more info please check this page:

Exact match in google search

I am trying to make an application which find all the copied code in a project.
But basically my question is purely related to google search.
I made a search for the keyword "public void bubbleSort(int[] arr){"
and this was the result.
In the first page of search results, only the last url makes a perfect match with my keyword.
Can i tell google with some search keywords so that it will give more importance to pages with an exact match of my search keyword?
although the plus sign, +, is no longer an available Google search filter, you can use quotes, or after running the query selecting Search Tools and then verbatim under the All Results drop down.
You can also search the Google code archives, or try some of the other code search engines around the Internet.
+"public void bubbleSort(int[] arr){"
the plus sign means to include this term no matter what. the quotes turn the loosely coupled words into a single term.
for a full list of Google syntax operators:
