Power pivot relation between tables from data model created with power Query - excel

I made a relation 1 to many between to table but when I try to use it in a pivot table it fails. I get the usual yellow message saying it may lack a relation. When I let it try to detect one it fails to find anything possible and when I check the existing ones, mine is there and done properly.
Here is a mock-up of the situation :
These are the simple tables :
To send the values to the data model I make those tables go through Power Query because the real situation requires Power Query. No additional steps are added, it's just the "From table or range" source.
Then, in Power Pivot, I create the relation with the diagram view :
When I then create a pivot table, the relation has not impact :
I also tried to add a measure and use it at as the value but to no avail :
I did not create the pivot table with the original tables instead of the one that were send to the date model because I want this to work even if there are more than 1 048 576 rows.
I have no idea as for why it fails and I welcome any comment.
Edit : Since I don't want to do the job in Power Pivot with DAX (related) I did the merge with Power Query Merge queries :

I think you might be misunderstanding how PowerPivot works. Your model should be related on C_A and C_4 for a start.
When I add fields from the dimension (C_A) and then one from fact C_4, it will show a cross join of everything and appear not to be working. Excel does this until you place a value in the values well.
Once I drop a count in the well like follows, the relationship works fine.
Where you might be getting confused is if you drop a field from Rqt_Ref into the values well and then you will get this error again and a full cross join. The reason for this is that you are asking Power Pivot to go from dimension to fact (OK) but then from fact to dimension (not OK)


Refresh power pivot-power query

I have a table in power query that is fed from some Excel files, with this data I make an inner join with other catalog tables that I have and do operations on calculated columns and then add to the power pivot data model to make some pivot tables, initially everything was working very well until I made adjustments to the power query table by removing or adding more columns as well as editing the inner join operations, now when I do an update with and I want to pass the power query table to data model power pivot it gives me an error that the table does not exist, Mention that if I do the update only power query table it works without problems, the problem is when the data is going to be passed to power pivot.
How can I correct this error?
Sorry for my English
Yes, often when changes are made to initial queries these issues happen. Normally, when Query Names and/or Field/Column Names are changed and these names are used in the Merge or calculation steps query will pop these errors.
So, review/compare all the changes that you made to steps after the merge.
If you don't find any errors, consider making a copy of the steps and rebuilt from the merge to ensure optimum performance.

Dynamic date query in Power Query

I'm fairly new to power pivot / query / BI so please excuse my lack of understanding.
Summary of what I'm doing
I have access to an OLAP cube which I am choosing to connect to via Power Pivot Data Model in Excel.
In the Table Import Wizard, I am able to produce what I need from the cube and develop in the Power Model using fixed date ranges. However, this requires me to come back in and alter the date ranges for a number of reasons.
I now want to limit my data dynamically based on a date filter.
I want to do this in the query to limit my model size.
I am working in the "Table Import Wizard" shown below
Snapshot of where I am working, note filter expression
Am I correct that to achieve this I write an MDX expression? If I add the [Received Date.Day] as a dimension, and change the operator to MDX, it is my understanding I can write an expression to dynamically filter the dataset? When the user refreshes the query they will only get that last 91 days of data based on the received date.
Essentially something like this (excuse my syntax as I have no idea what is required in this platform so I am just relating it to an SQL type syntax):
SELECT Item_Code, Received_Amount
FROM Purchasing_Cube
WHERE Received_Date > = Today()-91
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Pivot Table sorting by Second-Component of Time Column?

I use pivot tables all the time, I've never seen this before.
I create a pivot table based on this time column from a database query:
The pivot table fields show this Discharge Time column, as expected.
When I check it, three more fields appear. I uncheck them all because I want to simply sort by the time, I don't want to further segregate into days/hours/minutes.
Now I'm in an odd situation where my data is being sorted/grouped based on the second-component of the time? Here is what my pivot table currently looks like:
This is worthless to sort the data like this. How can I overcome this? Why is the pivot table not allowing me to segregate by second-component? I've used pivot tables many other times with this same type of setup (similar queries to database also), and I've never had any situations where it is sorting by the second-component of the time.
I suppose I can alter the database query to remove the second-component of the time, but I don't really want to do this. Besides it doesn't make sense because I have other spreadsheets that return times with a second-component, and the pivot table does not have this issue. Also I'm not even confident that this would fix the problem, since this would effectively just set all of the second-components to 00, not actually remove it.
P.S. Here is how my data is formatted, doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary.
You can highlight the field, go to the Pivot Table - Group Setting under Analyze on the top menu. Click on "Ungroup", or unselect "Seconds" in Group Selection.

Querying single data points from the Excel Data Model / Power Query (Get & Transform Data)

I'm using an up-to-date version of Excel 2016 (via O365 E3 license) and using Power Query / Get & Transform Data. I can successfully create queries and load them to the page. I have also successfully created Power Pivot reports.
I would like to query single data points from the data loaded via Power Query. For instance, imagine a dataset called DivisionalRevenue with:
Date Division Revenue
2016-01-01 Alpha 1000
2016-01-02 Alpha 1500
2016-01-01 Beta 2000
2016-01-02 Beta 400
I could easily load that to an Excel workbook or include it in the data model and create a power pivot. However, Power Pivot doesn't always meet my requirements, particularly around how the data is displayed on the page. In order to achieve my goal I may want to be able to query individual data points.
I would like to have a cell on the page with a formula in it that I can use to query individual data points. If it was in a pivot table I could use something like:
The lookup values (date and division) could be retrieved from a cell on the page or hard-coded into the formula. This is a requirement for several reports I'm working on.
Or, I could add a combined lookup column with Date and Division concatenated and use a vlookup to pull the values like:
Finally, I could use a combination of INDEX and MATCH to identify the correct row number and then pull the data.
All of these solutions require the data to be loaded onto a sheet. One requires a pivot table that has to be refreshed to work properly. The other two require creating arbitrary lookup columns so that you can match a row based on more than one field (date and division in this example), and you have to ensure that that lookup field's formula is properly extended down the length of the data table. In both cases I would have concerns when sharing this workbook with my colleagues in case someone affects the rather fragile setup of the pivot table or the lookup.
So, what I truly want to find is something equivalent to pivot table querying against a dataset.
** This doesn't exist, but I would like to know if something like it does **
Does such a thing exist? Can such a thing be done? Can I retrieve arbitrary data points from the dataset created through Power Query / Get & Transform Data?
I think that what you want are cubefunctions:
Some Background
How to easy create cubefunctions from a pivot table
There is a feature in Excel that allows you to query off of a PowerPivot model, but it's not highly advertised for some reason.
Once you have the data in your PowerPivot model, go to your Excel -> Data tab -> Existing Connections -> Tables tab
From there, choose the table that you want to start with. Once that table's data is on your excel sheet, you can actually right click that table -> go to "Table" -> "Edit DAX"
From there you can enter the following DAX function, as an example
FILTER(SampleData,[Date]=DATE(2016,1,1) && SampleData[Division]="Alpha")
Make sure to choose Command Type=DAX in the drop-down. Here's how it looks on my screen:
To further improve your querying power, you can install the optional "DAX Studio" plugin for Excel, which allows you to write custom DAX queries and then export the results directly back to an Excel sheet.

PowerPivot Relationships Many to Many

The objective I am trying to achieve is to have 2 slicers in PowerPivot, ClientID and CSQName. When a ClientID is selected only the CSQnames that are related to that ClientID show up ,and vice versa
Relationship diagram link: https://goo.gl/photos/PnCZrnsXXTx3oFGh8
I am having a problem linking a many to many relationship in PowerPivot. A brief background on the application I am trying to build...
I am trying to combine a SQL database (IDM) and Informix SQL database (Cisco Call Data). The IDM database includes the Client Data and TBAS Open Case Data. Each Client has a specific ClientID. The Cisco database includes Call Detail Info and CSQNames(queue names). A many to many relationship exists, for example, a clientid can have multiple CSQname (clientid 3 has CSQ names of "A" and "B"). Also a csqname can have multiple clientids (csqname "Z" includes clientids "99", "98" and "97". Therefore I created an innerjoin table to create the many to many relationship called "Clients_CSQ".
I am trying to use this innerjoin table for both the "TBAS Open Cases" and "Call Detail". When I use this table for my filters, PowerPivot is stating that no relationships exist. Are there any solutions? If this does not make sense please let me know and I will try to specify. I have ready many posts but am unable to grasp how to make the DAX many to many relationship work with the calculate function. If someone can shed some light on the issue I am having it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
This really depends upon the data you are looking to report on.
When you add two slicers to a PowerPivot table, the available selections in each slicer will be affected by the selection in the other slicer IF and ONLY IF all of the fields in the Values section of the Pivot Table are reliant on the entries in both of the slicer fields.
In your case, it is possible to make this work (as an example) by creating 3 measures:
[Call Total]=SUM('TBAS Open Cases'[Case duration])
[Number of Calls]=COUNTA('Call Detail'[appname])
[Calls by Duration]=SUMX('Clients_CSQ',DIVIDE([Call Total],[Number of Calls]))
Place the last of these 3 measures in a pivot table with the slicers set to use 'Clients_IDM'[ic_client_id] and 'CSQ Name'[csqname] and "Hey Presto!"
The first two measures are straightforward enough. The third one is cycling through each entry in the only table that these two slicer fields have in common (Clients_CSQ) and performing a calculation using the data from your FACT tables. I have no idea if the [Calls by Duration] measure that I've come up with makes any sense with your data set, but hopefully the example will help you reach the solution you want. Again depending on what data you want to show it doesn't really matter if this measure returns junk, the important thing is that it's pulling your two data sets together.
Remember that as soon as you add any raw field from either of the fact tables to this 'unifying pivot table', the inter-relationship between the slicers will break. !!!BUT!!! there is nothing to stop you from linking the csqname slicer to another pivot on the same sheet which contains fields from your Call Detail table and likewise linking the ic_client_id slicer to a pivot that contains TBAS Open Cases data. In fact, the 'unifying pivot table' could be on a different sheet from your slicers, so you only see the two sets of data that you are interested in.
And ignore that warning about no relationships existing!
