Is Gitbook custom sitemap possible? - gitbook

Gitbook automatically generates sitemap, but some of URLs have 302 status code (which is not suitable for my current SEO workflow). Who knows how to fix this?


duplicate URLs in my page, best solution?

I have a website that write URLs like this:
In fact, what is important is the post and ID part (3453). The title I just add for SEO.
I changed some title names recently, but people can still using the old URL to access, because I just get the ID to open the page, so:
Will open the same page.
Is it wrong? Google webmaster tools tells me that I have 8765 duplications pages. So, to try to solve this I am redirecting old title to post/id/current-title but it seems that Google doesn't understand this redirecting and still give me duplications.
Should i redirect to not found if title doesn't match with the actual data base? (But this can be a problem because links that people shared won't open) Or what?
Maybe Google has not processed your redirections yet. It may take several weeks and sometimes several months to process all pages, especially if they are not revisited often. Make sure your redirects are 301 and not 302 (temporary).
That being said, there is a better method than redirections for duplicate pages: the canonical tag. If you can, implement it. There is less risk to mix up redirections.
Google can pick your new URL's only after the implementation of 301 redirection through .htaccess file. You should always need to remember that 301 re-direct should be proper and one to one to the new url. After this implementation you need to fetch those new URL via Google Search console so that Google index those URL's fast.

301 redirect all ugly permalinks from old site to new site

So I overhauled a complete website the other day and found some of the old pages snippets in the google search results. The old page had an ugly link structure such as The new site uses pretty permalinks such as
Is there a piece of code I could put into the .htaccess file in order to redirect all ugly permalinks to the new site?
Additional info: The old links don't exist anymore. The old site and the new one's structure differs a lot, not all contents from the all site were adapted. Main problem is that I don't want the old links in the google search results to always throw a 404 at the user.
Maybe something of a
RedirectMatch ^/index.php?$
This will redirect all pages starting from index.php to another location
I don't have the rep to comment on the other answer, but that is a very improper solution if you value your SEO at all. A redirect is your way of telling Google "I've got the same page, I just moved it". There's a much better way to do this that won't negatively affect your SEO at all.
You should create some logic to redirect those old links to your new links.
Here's an example of how you could do it:
Go to the beginning of your program, before any logic takes place.
Use code to retrieve the requested page. In this case, you might be able to get away with simply checking for GET variables that match article_id.
If the requested page is a match for your GET variable, run a query to see if the article exists. (Obviously, you'll still want to 404 articles that don't exist).
Retrieve the content used to generate the new, more SEO-friendly URL's. This is probably the article title or something.
Write some code to generate the new article title. At this point, if this is working properly, you should be able to system print that new URL to make sure it's correct.
301 redirect to the new URL. Don't 302 or any other number, 301 redirect it. This lets search engines know it's the same page and content, but it has permanently moved.

single-page application with clean URLs without .htaccess file?

My question pertains specifically to the two pages below, but is also more generally relating to methods for using clean URLs without an .htaccess file.
The pages above are hosted on Amazon's S3, which does not allow for the use of htaccess files. As a result, I have found no easy way to create a clean url rewrite scheme that sends all requests to an index file which, in turn, interprets the URL using javascript and loads up the correct page (with AJAX, or, as is the case with decitectural, with simple div visibility toggling).
In order to circumvent this problem, I usually edit the amazon S3 bucket properties and set both the index page and the error page to the index.html file. In this case, the index.html file is served even when an invalid path (such as /about/) is requested. This has, for the most part, been a functioning solution... That is, until I realized that I was also getting a 404 with the index.html page which would stop Google from indexing it.
This has led me to seek out an alternative solution to this problem. Currently, as a temporary fix, I am actually creating the /about/ directory on the server with a duplicate of the index.html file in it. This works, but obviously is not a real solution to the problem.
I would appreciate any advice on how to set up a clean URL routing scheme on S3 or in any instance where an .htaccess file can't be used.
Here's a few solutions: Pretty URLs without mod_rewrite, without .htaccess
Also, I guess you can run a script to create the files dynamically from an array or database so it generates all your URLs:
And hook the script on every edit, in a cron or run manually. Not the best in terms of performance but hey, it should work.
I think you are going about it the wrong way. S3 gives you complete control of the page structure of your site. If you want your link to be "/about", just upload a file called "about", and you're done. (Set the headers so that the browser knows it's HTML.)
Yes, it will break if someone links to "/about/" or "/about.html". But pretty much any site will break if you mess with their links in odd ways. You will have to be vigilant when linking to your own site, because you won't have any rewrite rules to clean up for you. But you should have automation doing that.

Typo3 function generates Trojan JS BlacoleRef.BS every time new

In my typo3temp folder I always find a file called javascript_a1cb3a5978.js. It seems that this is a JS by Typo3 to encrypt email adresses. Now in the code always the trojan is appended. I delete the file from the Typo3 cache and if the page is called in the browser the file is generated.
I tried to download the site and scan it with Security Essentials. Also I tried to search for eval but there are too much in the whole Typo3 folder. I didn't found something in the index.php and also I didn't found it in the htaccess. Permission should be OK for the site.
Do you have some ideas for me where this code is appended?
Check typo3conf/localconf.php and typo3conf/temp_* files and typo3conf/extTables.php.
Deactivate every extension and update your TYPO3. Check your TypoScript. I guess you should shut down your website and analyse how the attacker injected that code.

How to use htaccess for content negotiation?

In order for the content to be available through the same link, even if the file extension has changed, URI's shouldnt change. So i decided to use content negotiation and htaccess to achieve this. I searched the web but all i found out about is how to implement this specific to php. In my site i have not only php but also html, images and javascript files.
How can i use content negotiation with just htaccess?
