WordPress default gallery pagination when call is in page, not post? - pagination

It seems I have found the way to make WordPress default gallery pagination to work and to have control over URL forming: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/401034/pagination-with-wordpress-default-gallery But when gallery call is in post.
When gallery call is in page, it works only if URL is like this: domain.com/pagename/page/2/, domain.com/pagename/page/3/ etc. Trying to have a different URL ends up in stopping it to work.
The part of code handling pagination in functions.php:
// Pagination Setup
$current = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : 1;
$per_page = 3;
$offset = ($current-1) * $per_page;
$big = 999999999;
$total = sizeof($attachments);
$total_pages = round($total/$per_page);
if( $total_pages < ( $total/$per_page ) ){
$total_pages = $total_pages+1;
// Pagination output
$output .= paginate_links( array(
'base' => str_replace($big,'%#%',esc_url(get_pagenum_link($big))),
'format' => '?paged=%#%',
'current' => $current,
'total' => $total_pages,
'prev_text' => __('«'),
'next_text' => __('»')
) );
As long as I keep URL like this domain.com/pagename/page/2/ , other ways for 'base' also work:
'base' => get_permalink( $post->post_parent ) . '%_%',
'format' => 'page/%#%/',
And like this:
'base' => get_pagenum_link( 1 ) . '%_%',
'format' => 'page/%#%/',
But when I try some other URL scheme:
'base' => get_permalink( $post->post_parent ) . '%_%',
'format' => 'paging-%#%',
pagination stops working.
The filter with rewrite tag and rule:
add_filter('init', 'post_gallery_add_rewrite_tag_rule_2022');
function post_gallery_add_rewrite_tag_rule_2022() {
add_rewrite_rule('(.+)/paging-/?([0-9]{1,})/?$', 'index.php?name=$matches[1]&paged=$matches[2]', 'top');
It seems like add_rewrite_rule is not functioning when gallery call is in page? Or what? Any ideas?


Wordpress Pagination with Custom Query

I am attempting to write a plugin that searches an SQL table based on input supplied via a form. My code is...
global $table_name_log;
$pagenum = isset( $_GET['pagenum'] ) ? absint( $_GET['pagenum'] ) : 1;
$limit = 25;
$offset = ( $pagenum - 1 ) * $limit;
$l_task=isset( $_POST['l_task'] ) ? $_POST['l_task'] : "a";
$l_val=$_POST['l_val']; if($l_val=="") { $l_task="a"; }
$criteria="where log.Doc_Number='{$l_val}'";
$criteria="where log.Employee='{$l_val}'";
$SQLQuery="SELECT em.ID, log.Date, em.Payroll, log.Doc_Number, doc.Doc_Name, doc.Replaced_By, log.Trainer, log.Log, log.Type
FROM {$table_name_log} log
join {$table_name_employee} em on log.Employee=em.ID
join {$table_name_documents} doc on log.Doc_Number=doc.Doc_Number
order by log.Employee asc
//Get total number of results
$search_total = $wpdb->num_rows;
//Limit results by page
$results=$wpdb->get_results("{$SQLQuery} LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}",ARRAY_A);
if(! $results)
$results=$wpdb->get_results("{$SQLQuery} LIMIT 0, {$limit}",ARRAY_A);
I then display the results of the query.
At the bottom of the displayed results I have this code...
$num_of_pages = ceil( $total / $limit );
$page_links = paginate_links( array(
'base' => add_query_arg( 'pagenum', '%#%' ),
'format' => '',
'prev_text' => __( '«', 'aag' ),
'next_text' => __( '»', 'aag' ),
'total' => $num_of_pages,
'current' => $pagenum
) );
if ( $page_links ) {
echo '<div class="tablenav"><div class="tablenav-pages" style="margin: 1em 0">' . $page_links . '</div></div>';
The problem is that although the number of pages is calculated correctly and page 1 displays the correct results; when selecting another page it displays the results without the $criteria set by $l_task. How do I edit the code so that the pagination links feed the correct query to use for the additional pages?
Works now by adding this at the top...
if(isset($_GET['l_task'])) { $_POST['l_task']=$_GET['l_task']; }
if(isset($_GET['l_val'])) { $_POST['l_val']=$_GET['l_val']; }
I then added this...
'add_args' => array( 'l_task' => $_POST['l_task'], 'l_val' => $_POST['l_val'] )
$page_links = paginate_links( array(
'base' => add_query_arg( 'pagenum', '%#%' ),
'format' => '',
'prev_text' => __( '«', 'aag' ),
'next_text' => __( '»', 'aag' ),
'total' => $num_of_pages,
'current' => $pagenum,
'add_args' => array( 'l_task' => $_POST['l_task'], 'l_val' => $_POST['l_val'] )
) );

Buddypress new profile tabs and sub tabs: How to set up url slug properly?

First of all, I’ve seen alot of people trying to do a similar task, which is simply to create a new tab, with sub tabs in the user profile menu. I’ve managed to do this, but I can’t seem to get the url slug to work properly. When I click on the first sub tab, it simply takes me back to the main page for the user profile, and when I click on any additional sub tabs I get 404 errors. I have a feeling I’m missing something pretty simple, and I’ve been trying to learn over the last couple weeks how to make this work without any luck. If someone could help guide me on how to get this working properly, I would very grateful, and I imagine many others would find this post useful in the future.
For the record the main profile tab works properly, but the sub-tabs do not.
Here is the code I currently have in my bp-custom.php file
// My Membership Profile Tab
function profile_new_nav_item() {
global $bp;
'name' => 'My Membership',
'slug' => 'my-membership',
'default_subnav_slug' => 'extra_sub_tab', // We add this submenu item below
'screen_function' => 'view_manage_tab_main'
add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'profile_new_nav_item', 10 );
function view_manage_tab_main() {
add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'bp_template_content_main_function' );
bp_core_load_template( 'template_content' );
function bp_template_content_main_function() {
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
wp_login_form( array( 'echo' => true ) );
function profile_new_subnav_item() {
global $bp;
bp_core_new_subnav_item( array(
'name' => 'Membership Level',
'slug' => 'extra_sub_tab',
'parent_url' => $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->bp_nav[ 'extra_tab' ][ 'slug' ] . '/',
'parent_slug' => $bp->bp_nav[ 'my-membership' ][ 'slug' ],
'position' => 10,
'screen_function' => 'view_manage_sub_tab_main'
) );
add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'profile_new_subnav_item', 10 );
function view_manage_sub_tab_main() {
add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'bp_template_content_sub_function' );
bp_core_load_template( 'template_content' );
function bp_template_content_sub_function() {
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
//Add shortcode to display content in sub tab
echo do_shortcode( '[membership]' );
} else {
wp_login_form( array( 'echo' => true ) );
// My Billing Profile Tab
function profile_new_subnav_item_billing() {
global $bp;
bp_core_new_subnav_item( array(
'name' => 'Billing',
'slug' => 'extra_sub_tab_billing',
'parent_url' => $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->bp_nav[ 'extra_tab' ][ 'slug' ] . '/',
'parent_slug' => $bp->bp_nav[ 'my-membership' ][ 'slug' ],
'position' => 20,
'screen_function' => 'view_manage_sub_tab_billing'
) );
add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'profile_new_subnav_item_billing', 20 );
function view_manage_sub_tab_billing() {
add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'bp_template_content_sub_function_billing' );
bp_core_load_template( 'template_content' );
function bp_template_content_sub_function_billing() {
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
//Add shortcode to display content in sub tab
echo do_shortcode( '[billing]' );
} else {
wp_login_form( array( 'echo' => true ) );
You may use this:
// define your parent slug
$parent_slug = 'activity';
bp_core_new_subnav_item( array( .........
'parent_url' => $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $parent_slug.'/',
'parent_slug' => $parent_slug,
It works for me.

Magento - custom product option don't show in order

I'm try to add custom option to product programmatically whyle add him to cart. I'm use:
$a_options = array(
'options' => array(
'label' => 'Glove Size',
'value' => $attr_value ,
$item->addOption(new Varien_Object(
'product' => $item->getProduct(),
'code' => 'additional_options',
'value' => serialize($a_options)
This is shows option for product in cart and during checkout process, but don't show option in order information.
I also tried:
$item->getProduct()->addCustomOption('additional_options', $attr_value );
Try to show them via attributes - didn't help.
$params = array('product' => '1919','qty' => 1,
'options' => array(
'glove_size' => $gloves_id,
$cart->addProduct('1919', $params);
Magento version is 1.5
I haven't check that in 1.5 version but the below code will work in 1.7.2 version:
For viewing the custom options you need set options in order items.That can be done through by calling an event sales_convert_quote_item_to_order_item
Set the details options in your observer
public function salesConvertQuoteItemToOrderItem(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$quoteItem = $observer->getItem();
if ($additionalOptions = $quoteItem->getOptionByCode('additional_options')) {
$orderItem = $observer->getOrderItem();
$options = $orderItem->getProductOptions();
$options['additional_options'] = unserialize($additionalOptions->getValue());
For More details you can find in this article:
Magento - custom product option don't show in order
Thanks to Vinai

How to implement a pagination for a search module in Zend Framework 2?

I have a module Search in my ZF2 application. The user fills in a search form out and gets a list of courses.
Now I'm adding the pagination to the module. The paginator is basically working: I can retrieve data over it and the pagination is displayed correctly (pagelinks 1-7 for 70 found courses with the dafault setting 10 items per page).
But it's still not usable. When I click on a pagelink, the form POST data is lost. I know -- it cannot work the way, how I implemented it (see the code below). But I have no idea, how to do it correctly, in order to eep checking the form data and nonetheless be able to use pagination.
That is my code:
Table class Search\Model\CourseTable
class CourseTable {
// without pagination
// public function findAllByCriteria(CourseSearchInput $input) {
// with pagination
public function findAllByCriteria(CourseSearchInput $input, $pageNumber) {
$select = new Select();
$where = new Where();
$having = new Having();
// without pagination
// $resultSet = $this->tableGateway->selectWith($select);
// return $resultSet;
// with pagination
$adapter = new \MyNamespqce\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect($select, $this->tableGateway->getAdapter());
$paginator = new \Zend\Paginator\Paginator($adapter);
return $paginator;
class SearchController extends AbstractActionController {
public function searchCoursesAction() {
$form = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Search\Form\CourseSearchForm');
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
$courseSearchInput = new CourseSearchInput();
if ($form->isValid()) {
// without pagination
// $courses = $this->getCourseTable()->findAllByCriteria($courseSearchInput);
// with pagination
$page = $this->params()->fromRoute('page');
$paginator = $this->getCourseTable()->findAllByCriteria($courseSearchInput, $page);
} else {
$paginator = null;
} else {
$paginator = null;
return new ViewModel(array(
'form' => $form,
// without pagination
// 'courses' => $courses,
// with pagination
'paginator' => $paginator,
'cities' => ...
How to get it working?
I also have the same problem, and I have solved it. But this is not good way. May be the idea will help you.
I solved it as follow: (Search pagination for Zend tutorial album module)
I build two action in controller named "search" and "index".
Whenever the search form submitted, it always post the value to search action. Search action build the url with search parameters, and redirect to index to disply search result.
And when the pagination links clicked, then posted values are passed through url. So whenever index action ask for search parameters, it always get the values in same format.
I defined route as follows:
'album' => array(
'type' => 'segment',
'options' => array(
'route' => '/album[/:action][/:id][/page/:page][/order_by/:order_by][/:order][/search_by/:search_by]',
'constraints' => array(
'action' => '(?!\bpage\b)(?!\border_by\b)(?!\bsearch_by\b)[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*',
'id' => '[0-9]+',
'page' => '[0-9]+',
'order_by' => '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*',
'order' => 'ASC|DESC',
'defaults' => array(
'controller' => 'Album\Controller\Album',
'action' => 'index',
There is a parameter named "search_by", which will keep all search parameters as a json string. This is the point, which is not good I know, but have not find any other way yet.
"Search" action build this string as -
public function searchAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$url = 'index';
if ($request->isPost()) {
$formdata = (array) $request->getPost();
$search_data = array();
foreach ($formdata as $key => $value) {
if ($key != 'submit') {
if (!empty($value)) {
$search_data[$key] = $value;
if (!empty($search_data)) {
$search_by = json_encode($search_data);
$url .= '/search_by/' . $search_by;
And next index action decode the string, do necessary action, and also send the json string to view.
public function indexAction() {
$searchform = new AlbumSearchForm();
$select = new Select();
$order_by = $this->params()->fromRoute('order_by') ?
$this->params()->fromRoute('order_by') : 'id';
$order = $this->params()->fromRoute('order') ?
$this->params()->fromRoute('order') : Select::ORDER_ASCENDING;
$page = $this->params()->fromRoute('page') ? (int) $this->params()->fromRoute('page') : 1;
$select->order($order_by . ' ' . $order);
$search_by = $this->params()->fromRoute('search_by') ?
$this->params()->fromRoute('search_by') : '';
$where = new \Zend\Db\Sql\Where();
$formdata = array();
if (!empty($search_by)) {
$formdata = (array) json_decode($search_by);
if (!empty($formdata['artist'])) {
new \Zend\Db\Sql\Predicate\Like('artist', '%' . $formdata['artist'] . '%')
if (!empty($formdata['title'])) {
new \Zend\Db\Sql\Predicate\Like('title', '%' . $formdata['title'] . '%')
if (!empty($where)) {
$album = $this->getAlbumTable()->fetchAll($select);
$totalRecord = $album->count();
$itemsPerPage = 2;
$paginator = new Paginator(new paginatorIterator($album));
return new ViewModel(array(
'search_by' => $search_by,
'order_by' => $order_by,
'order' => $order,
'page' => $page,
'paginator' => $paginator,
'pageAction' => 'album',
'form' => $searchform,
'totalRecord' => $totalRecord
All the sorting and paging url contain that string.
If you know all the searching paarameters before, then you can define that at route, and pass like the same way without json string. As I have to build a common search, I have build a single string.
Source code for "Album search" is available in git hub at https://github.com/tahmina8765/zf2_search_with_pagination_example.
Live Demo: http://zf2pagination.lifencolor.com/public/album
#Sam & #automatix in the question comments are both right. My suggestion (though I'm looking for a simpler alternative) is to construct a segment route, which covers all of the options that you're likely to need and start with a standard form POST request.
Then, after the request is validated, pass the form data to the paginationControl helper as follows:
$resultsView = new ViewModel(array(
'paginator' => $paginator,
'routeParams' => array_filter($form->getData())
Then, in your view template, set the route parameters in the paginationControl view helper:
<?php echo $this->paginationControl($paginator, 'Sliding', 'paginator/default',
array('routeParams' => $routeParams)
) ?>
I've used array_filter here because it's a really simple way of removing any element from the form data that's null, empty or so on. That way you don't pass in extra data that you don't need.

Infinitescroll to finish after a certain number of posts

I am using Paul Irish's infinitescroll with masonry js on a wordpress site. It is a site with a lot of content. I want infintescroll to stop adding new content when it reaches post number 40 and to give the "No additional items" message at that point. I tried to customize the wordpress loop to only return 40 posts but that did not seem to work.
I thought that maybe one of the options in infinitecroll might do the trick but the infintescroll documentation is very sparse. For example, there is an infinitescroll option in the "loading" init section called "finished: undefined" Is it possible to change that parameter to stop the scrolling after a certain number of content items?
Is there some other obvious way to control when infinitescroll stops loading new content?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
In the Administration -> Settings -> Reading you can set Blog pages show at most to 40.
With code:
Two ways I've done Masonry by numbers like your question I've had success with the following:
limit posts_per_page in your query arguments
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => 40,
'offset' => 5,
'orderby' => 'post_date',
'order' => 'DESC',
'exclude' => 'none',
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'suppress_filters' => true
$posts = new WP_Query( $args );
if ( $posts -> have_posts()) {
while ( $posts -> have_posts() ) : $posts->the_post(); {
//do stuff with the posts returned here
or by incrementing:
$counts = 0 ;
$posts = new WP_Query( $args );
if ( $posts -> have_posts()) {
while ( $posts -> have_posts() ) : $posts->the_post(); {
//do stuff with the posts returned here
$counts = ++;
if($counts == 40) { return }
