Vala - Bytes convert to string? - string

I have a GLib.Bytes object.
I want to print it and use it as a string like this:
Bytes bytes = new Bytes({65, 66, 67});
print(bytes); // <-- ERROR
How can I convert it to string?

Get raw byte array uint8[] with Bytes.get_data() and cast it as string.
Bytes bytes = new Bytes({65, 66, 67});
string str = (string)bytes.get_data();


Hashlib.md5 a varaible bytes object with prefix b''

How i should pass the value of string x (\0x02...) to the hashlib.md5 function and get the same output as result0 (05db8f903dc9adc5874eb2cab3aa725b) ?
b'' is a prefix, that causes the following string to be interpreted as a bytes-type object. The bytes function takes a string and returns a bytes object.
This is my code:
import hashlib
result0 = hashlib.md5(b'\x02\x6d\x79\x5f\x70\x61\x73\x73\xe2\x5b\xc4\x1c\x40\x8a\x54\x84\x3e\xbd\xee\xab\xdc\x69\x90\xc0')
x= '\x02\x6d\x79\x5f\x70\x61\x73\x73\xe2\x5b\xc4\x1c\x40\x8a\x54\x84\x3e\xbd\xee\xab\xdc\x69\x90\xc0'
yourstring = x.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
var = bytes(yourstring)
result1 = hashlib.md5(var)

CAPL convert an Byte array to ascii string

i have an byte array that i need to convert to ascii string before i save it as a system variable.
so i have a byte array like [63 6c 65 61 72]. i need to convert it to 'clear' before i store it in a system variable.
for (i = 0; i < elcount(gByteValue); i++)
snprintf(tmp, elcount(tmp), "%.2X ", gByteValue[i]); // byte to HEX convert
strncat(gStringValue, tmp, elcount(gStringValue)); // Concatenate HEX value to output string
write("String : %s", gStringValue);

Python 3.8: Bytes to a list of hex

I'm currently banging by head bloody over this problem I have:
I have a method where I receive a byte input of a defined length of 8:
def ConvertToHexAndSend(serialnumber):
if len(serialnumber) != 8:
throw a good exception...
Some good converter code here..
The method shall then take the serialnumber and split it into a list with the size 4.
serialnumber = b'12345678'
Expected output:
[0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78]
What I have tried so far:
new_list = list(serialnumber) # Gives a list of [49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56] and then:
first byte = new_list[0] << 8 + new_list[1] # gives some riddish value
hex(serialnumber[0]) # Gives '0x32' string
first_byte = serialnumber[0] + serialnumber[1] # Gives int 99
But no success so far.. any idea?
You want something like:
result = list(bytes.fromhex(serialnumber.decode('ascii')))
Your bytes are represent a hex-string. So use the bytes.fromhex to read that (converting the bytes to str first), and you can use list to get a list of int objects from the new resulting bytes object

How do I convert a byte array with null terminating character to a String in Kotlin?

When I attempt to retrieve a value from the device via Bluetooth, it comes out in ASCII, as a null terminated big-endian value. The device software is written in C. I want to retrieve the decimal value, i.e. 0 instead of 48, 1 instead of 49, 9 instead of 57, etc.
fun receiveData(socket: BluetoothSocket ? ): Int {
val buffer = ByteArray(4)
val input = ByteArrayInputStream(buffer)
val inputStream = socket!!.inputStream
println("Value: " + // Value is 48 instead of 0, for example.
How can I retrieve the value I want?
It's easy to do with bufferedReader:
val buffer = ByteArray(4) { index -> (index + 48).toByte() } // 1
val input = ByteArrayInputStream(buffer)
println(input.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }) // 2
// println(input.bufferedReader().use(BufferedReader::readText)) // 3
Will output "0123".
1. Just stubs the content of a socket using an init function that sets first element of the buffer to 48, second to 49, third to 50 and fourth to 51.
2. The default charset is UTF-8, that is a "superset" of ASCII.
3. It's just another style of calling { it.readText() }.
My function ultimately took the following form. This allowed me to retrieve all 5 digits in decimal form:
fun receiveData(socket: BluetoothSocket ? ): String {
val buffer = ByteArray(5)
println("Value: " + String(buffer))
return String(buffer)
For my particular problem, the input variable was being created before reading the data into the buffer. Since the read method is called for every index in the data, I was only getting the first digit.
See the Java method public int read() for an explanation:
Reads the next byte of data from this input stream. The value byte is returned as an int in the range 0 to 255. If no byte is available because the end of the stream has been reached, the value -1 is returned.

Node - Convert from base64 string to utf-8 byte code array

I'm currently trying to convert images from a base 64 string to a utf-8 byte code array. Below is the code I'm attempting to use with the base 64 string replaced for clarity. I'm getting what looks to be a utf-8 byte array, but have not been able to find a way to verify. Any help with a resource to help verify or if the code is incorrect?
const b64 = '...base64 string';
// convert to utf8 string
const utf8 = (Buffer.from(b64, 'base64')).toString('utf8');
// create a buffer of utf8 string
const buff = Buffer.from(utf8, 'utf8');
const arr = [...buff];
