Create a string with an offset - string

I would like to create a String where the values have a fixed offset where to add values to a string.
ID(0) Name(10) Lastname(20) City(30)
1 Chris Smith Paris
I have found
StringBuffer.putAt(IntRange range, Object value)
or similiar, but I don't want to have a range, but an index where to start.
StringBufferWriter.write(String text, int offset, int length)
I have found [StrindBufferWriter][1], but not sure if the package codehause is an offical package I can use.
Any suggestions what to use here?

You can use String.padRight to achieve this effect:
def users = [
[id: 1, name: 'Chris', lastname: 'Smith', city:'Paris'],
[id: 2, name: 'Tim', lastname: 'Yates', city:'Manchester'],
users.each { user ->
println "${}${}${user.lastname.padRight(20)}$"
Which prints:
1 Chris Smith Paris
2 Tim Yates Manchester


Best way to handle element of dict that has multiple key/value pairs inside it

[{'id': 2, 'Registered Address': 'Line 1: 1 Any Street Line 2: Any locale City: Any City Region / State: Any Region Postcode / Zip code: BA2 2SA Country: GB Jurisdiction: Any Jurisdiction'}]
I have the above read into a dataframe and that is the output so far. The issue is I need to break out the individual elements - due to names of places etc the values may or may not have spaces in them - looking at the above my keys are Line 1, Line 2, City, Region / State, Postcode / Zip, Country, Jurisdiction.
Output required for the "Registered Address"-'key'is the keys and values
"Line 1": "1 Any Street"
"Line 2": "Any locale"
"City": "Any City"
"Region / State": "Any Region"
"Postcode / Zip code": "BA2 2SA"
"Country": "GB"
"Jurisdiction": "Any Jurisdiction"
Just struggling to find a way to get to the end result.I have tried to pop out and use urllib.prse but fell short - is anypone able to point me in the best direction please?
Tried to write a code that generalizes your question, but there were some limitations, regarding your data format. Anyway I would do this:
def address_spliter(my_data, my_keys):
address_data = my_data[0]['Registered Address']
key_address = {}
for i,k in enumerate(keys):
if k == 'Jurisdiction:':
key_address[k] = address_data.split('Jurisdiction:')[1].removeprefix(' ').removesuffix(' ')
key_address[k] = address_data.split(k)[1].split(keys[i+1])[0].removeprefix(' ').removesuffix(' ')
return key_address
were you can call this function like this:
my_data = [{'id': 2, 'Registered Address': 'Line 1: 1 Any Street Line 2: Any locale City: Any City Region / State: Any Region Postcode / Zip code: BA2 2SA Country: GB Jurisdiction: Any Jurisdiction'}]
my_keys = ['Line 1:','Line 2:','City:', 'Region / State:', 'Postcode / Zip code:', 'Country:', 'Jurisdiction']
As you can see It'll work if only the sequence of keys is not changed. But anyway, you can work around this idea and change it base on your problem accordingly if it doesn't go as expected.

Print bash array of arrays to certain format

I have a bash array as follows:
F001 "Sour fruit" 5
F002 "Sweet fruit" 15
F003 "Good fruit" 10
I want to access this array and print it as follows:
Fruit code: F001, Desc: Sour fruit, Price: 5
Fruit code: F002, Desc: Sweet fruit, Price: 15
Fruit code: F003, Desc: Good fruit, Price: 10
I tried the following code, But it's giving me a wrong output
for f in "${fruits[#]}"; do
IFS=" " read -r -a arr <<<"${f}"
echo "Fruit code: : ${code}, Desc: ${desc}, Price: ${price}"
Anyine know how to do this :)
The bash array you define does not have 3 elements, but 9. So you can quickly do this with a modulo 3 operation:
for ((i=0;i<"${#fruits[#]}";i=i+3)); do
echo "Fruit code: : ${code}, Desc: ${desc}, Price: ${price}"

Text file to CSV conversion

I have a text file which have content like :
Name: Aar saa
Last Name: sh
DOB: 1997-03-22
Phone: 1212222
Graduation: B.Tech
Specialization: CSE
Graduation Pass Out: 2019
Graduation Percentage: 60
Higher Secondary Percentage: 65
Higher Secondary School Name: Guru Nanak Dev University,amritsar
City: hyd
Venue Details: CMR College of Engineering & Technology (CMRCET) Medchal Road, TS � 501401
Name: bfdg df
Last Name: df
DOB: 2005-12-16
Phone: 2222222
Graduation: B.Tech
Specialization: EEE
Graduation Pass Out: 2018
Graduation Percentage: 45
Higher Secondary Percentage: 45
Higher Secondary School Name: asddasd
City: vjd
Venue Details: Prasad V. Potluri Siddhartha Institute Of Technology, Kanuru, AP - 520007
Name: cc dd ee
Last Name: ee
DOB: 1995-07-28
Phone: 444444444
Graduation: B.Tech
Specialization: ECE
Graduation Pass Out: 2019
Graduation Percentage: 75
Higher Secondary Percentage: 93
Higher Secondary School Name: Sasi institute of technology and engineering
City: hyd
Venue Details: CMR College of Engineering & Technology (CMRCET) Medchal Road, TS � 501401
I want to convert it CSV file with headers as
['Name', 'Last Name','DOB', 'Phone', 'Graduation','Specialization','Graduation Pass Out','Higher Secondary School Name','City','Venue Details']
with value as all the value after ':'
I have done something like this:
writer = csv.writer(open('result.csv', 'a'))
writer.writerow(['Name', 'Last Name','DOB', 'Phone', 'Graduation','Specialization','Graduation Pass Out','Graduation Percentage','Higher Secondary Percentage','Higher Secondary School Name','City','Venue Details'])
with open('Name2.txt') as f:
text =
myarray = text.split("\n\n")
for text1 in myarray:
parselines(text1, writer)
def parselines(lines,writer):
for line in lines.split('\n'):
Name = line.split(": ",1)[1]
It worked but any efficient way would be much appreciated.
This algorithm works (kind-of a state machine)
If blank line, make a new row
Otherwise: add to current row, collect all headers and fields
def parselines(lines):
header = []
csvrows = [{}]
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
csvrows.append({}) # new row, in dict form
field, data = line.split(":", 1)
csvrows[-1][field] = data
if field not in header:
# format CSV
for row in csvrows:
print(",".join(row.get(h,"") for h in header))

How to sum map values based on two keys?

I have a map with two keys (customer and price) like the one shown below:
customer: ['Clinton', 'Clinton', 'Mark', 'Antony', 'Clinton', 'Mark'],
price: [15000.0, 27000.0, 28000.0, 56000.0, 21000.0, 61000.0]
customer and price values are mapped by their index positione i.e first name from customer list maps with the first price and so on.
Cliton price is 15000.0
Cliton price 27000.0
Mark price 28000.0
Antony price 56000.0
Clinton price 21000.0
Mark price 61000.0
I would like to sum up price grouped by names. Expected output:
Clinton price 63000
Mark price 89000
Antony price 56000
Are there any built-in functions to achieve this in Groovy, or do I need to iterate over the map and sum values by writing my own functions?
You can start with a transpose on both lists to get tuples of customer and price. From there its basically like the other answers (group by customer, build map with customer and summed up prices). E.g.:
def data = [
customer:['Clinton', 'Clinton', 'Mark', 'Antony', 'Clinton', 'Mark'],
price:[15000.0, 27000.0, 28000.0, 56000.0, 21000.0, 61000.0]
[data.customer, data.price].transpose().groupBy{ c, p -> c }.collectEntries{ c, ps -> [c, ps*.last().sum() ] }
// => [Clinton:63000.0, Mark:89000.0, Antony:56000.0]
In the problems like this, we should always plan having every entry as separate object inside a list to make it intuitive and future easy manipulation in the list.
In that case the same result can be obtained in naturally
def list = [
[customer: 'Clinton', price: 15000.0],
[customer: 'Clinton', price: 27000.0],
[customer: 'Mark', price: 28000.0],
[customer: 'Antony', price: 56000.0],
[customer: 'Clinton', price: 21000.0],
[customer: 'Mark', price: 61000.0]
def map = list.groupBy({it.customer}).collectEntries {k, v -> [k, v.price.sum()]}
map.each {println it}
The followint creates a map of price aggregated by customer:
def vals = (0..(-1+map.customer.size()))
.collect{['name':map.customer[it], 'price': map.price[it]]}
.collectEntries{[(it.key): it.value.collect{it['price']}.sum()]}
That results in:
[Clinton:63000.0, Mark:89000.0, Antony:56000.0]
It's essentially an iteration using a range of numbers from 0 to map.customer.size() - 1, followed by a group-by with sum of values.
This version is derived from #cfrick's answer, with an alternative to the summation. Using a map with default values isn't as "functional"/declarative, but IMHO the code is arguably easier to grok later (i.e. maintenance):
def map = [
customer: ['Clinton', 'Clinton', 'Mark', 'Antony', 'Clinton', 'Mark'],
price: [15000.0, 27000.0, 28000.0, 56000.0, 21000.0, 61000.0]
def getSumMap = { data ->
def result = [:].withDefault { c -> 0.0 }
[data.customer, data.price].transpose().each { c, p -> result[c] += p }
assert 63000.0 == getSumMap(map)['Clinton']
assert 89000.0 == getSumMap(map)['Mark']
assert 56000.0 == getSumMap(map)['Antony']

How to capture words spread through multiple lines which have anywhite space(newline, space, tab)

import re
c = """
class_monitor std4:
Name: xyz
Roll number: 123
Age: 9
Badge: Blue
class_monitor std5:
Name: abc
Roll number: 456
Age: 10
Badge: Red
I want to print Name, Roll number and age for std4 and Name, roll number and badge for std5.
pat = (class_monitor)(.*4:)(\n|\s|\t)*(Name:)(.*)(\s|\n|\t)*(Roll number:)(.*)(\s|\n|\t)*(Age:)(.*)(\s|\n|\t)*(Badge:)(.*)
it matches the respective std if I toggle the second group (.*4:) to (.*5:) in pythex.
However, in a script mode, it is not working. Am I missing something here?
