node mongoose how to auto increment - node.js

Trying to follow the example here:
export interface RowProps {
id?: number; // This is to auto increment
todoText: string;
const addAutoIncrement = async ({ db, collectionName, todoText }) => {
const getNextSequenceValue = (sequenceName: string) => {
const sequenceDocument = db
query: { _id: sequenceName },
update: { $inc: { sequence_value: 1 } },
new: true,
console.log('sequenceD', sequenceDocument)
return sequenceDocument.sequence_value;
id: getNextSequenceValue('id'),
(err) => {
if (err) {
// db is already defined and works
// I can add to the collection so this also works.
addAutoIncrement({ db, collectionName: 'todos', todoText: 'hello' });
Error: throw new Error('Collection#findAndModify unimplemented by driver');
Error: Collection#findAndModify unimplemented by driver
Tried to follow this example:
const addAutoIncrement = async ({ db, collectionName, todoText }) => {
const modelTodo = db.model(collectionName, TodosSchema);
const res = await new modelTodo({ todoText }).save();
const { _id } = res;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
{ _id },
{ $inc: { id: 1 } },
{ new: true },
(err, res) => {
if (err) {
**The result is just setting the value to 1 each time - not incrementing**

Collection#findAndModify() is a method that is implemented in the MongoDB shell, but not in the Node.js driver.
You should use Collection#findOneAndUpdate instead:
const { value : sequenceDocument } = db
{ _id: sequenceName },
{ $inc: { sequence_value: 1 } },
{ returnDocument : 'after' } // equivalent to `new: true`

ok I don't know why I didnt do this before. All the online examples make everything unnecessarily complicated.
Just get the total count and then add it.
const addAndIncrement = async ({ db, collection, todoText }) => {
const connectedModel = db.model(collection, TodosSchema);
const documentCount = await connectedModel.count({}); // get the total count
return new connectedModel({ todoText, id: documentCount }).save();
Unless anyone comes up with a more performant way, this is what I'm going with.


mongodb find all slow

I'm new with nodejs and mongodb. I have a simple request which will return 800 entities without any where statements. Just find all. or explain();
Very slow responder.....
Is there a more better way to do collection.find().lean() ?
const Jobs = require("../model/Jobs.mongo");
const saveData = async (title, link, location, idJob, companyName) => {
const found = await Jobs.findOne({ idJob: idJob });
if (!found) {
try {
const job = new Jobs({
title: title,
link: link,
location: location,
idJob: idJob,
companyName: companyName,
} catch (e) {
} else {
console.log(`${title} ***** is already in the data with id ***** ${idJob}`);
const getAllJobs = async (req, res) => {
const jobs = await Jobs.find({}).sort({ createdAt: "desc" }).lean();
res.status(200).json({ jobs, count: jobs.length });
const getJobByCompany = async (req, res) => {
const {
params: { companyName: companyName },
} = req;
const job = await Jobs.find({
companyName: companyName,
if (!job) {
res.status(200).json({ job, count: job.length });
module.exports = {
If you are facing this issue for a while try to check you internet connection.
You can also take a look how much is the data that you want to receive.
It can be just from a internet speed drop, let me know what is the result :)

ReferenceError: Cannot access 'savedPost' before initialization

My POST method which throws the ReferenceError:'/:postNumber', async (req, res, next) => {
const postDate = new Date().toUTCString()
const post = new Post({
poster: req.body.poster
? (req.body.poster.includes(config.AP) ? req.body.poster.replace(config.AP, '') : req.body.poster)
: 'nonamer',
date: postDate,
IP: req.socket.remoteAddress,
admin: req.body.poster.includes(config.AP) ? true : false
try {
const [savedPost, updatedBubble] = await Promise.all([
/* save() doesn't save the post with the new postnumber which it should (see the pre('save')
function in the next code block), it's only in the post that is being returned while saving. */ => { console.log('Task 1 failed!'); next(e) }),
// req.params.postNumber is the postnumber of the bubble a.k.a thread being replied to.
{ postNumber: req.params.postNumber },
{ $push: { replies: savedPost.postNumber } })
.catch(e => { console.log('Task 2 failed!'); next(e) })
console.log('!!!!! ' + req.socket.remoteAddress + ' saved a post: ' + JSON.stringify(savedPost))
} catch (e) {
Also this mess of a code is in my Post model (which utilizes Counter model):
// Increase postnumber in counter collection's sole document, and insert it into new post.
postSchema.pre('save', function(next) {
let post = this
const ccc = Counter.findByIdAndUpdate(
{ '_id': 'postNumCounter' },
{ '$inc': { 'currentPostNum': 1 }}, // Works
{ new: true },
// inserting postnumber not working, fix
function(error, counter) {
post.postNumber = counter.currentPostNum
// Not working either
post.postNumber = ccc.currentPostNum
My goal is I simply want to grab the currentPostNum after incrementing it, and insert that into the post before saving it.
Solved myself. I made the pre('save') function asynchronous as well, and ditched Promise.all in the controller POST method. Now everything works in tandem.
postSchema.pre('save', async function (next) {
let post = this
const counter = await Counter.findByIdAndUpdate(
{ '_id': 'postNumCounter' },
{ '$inc': { 'currentPostNum': 1 } }, // Works
{ new: true }
post.postNumber = counter.currentPostNum

I get undefined value when I make a request to the MongoDB database using the mongodb engine in Nodejs

I am using ExpressJS and MongoDB to create a blog for myself. I have created a mini library with the mongodb module to request the MongoDB database.
Here is the library:
'use strict'
const { MongoClient, ObjectId } = require('mongodb')
const { config } = require('../config')
const USER = encodeURIComponent(config.mongodb.user)
const PASS = encodeURIComponent(config.mongodb.pass)
const NAME =
const HOST =
const URL = `mongodb+srv://${USER}:${PASS}#${HOST}/${NAME}?retryWrites=true&w=majority`
const OPTIONS = {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true
class MongoLib {
constructor () {
this.client = new MongoClient(URL, OPTIONS) = NAME
connect () {
if (!MongoLib.connection) {
MongoLib.connection = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.client.connect(err => {
if (err) reject(err)
console.log('Connected successfully to MongoDB.')
return MongoLib.connection
getAll (collection, query) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).find({ query }).toArray()
get (collection, id) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).findOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) })
create (collection, data) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).insertOne(data)
}).then(result => result.insertedId)
update (collection, id, data) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).updateOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) }, { $set: data }, { upsert: true })
}).then(result => result.upsertedId || id)
delete (collection, id) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).deleteOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) })
}).then(() => id)
module.exports = MongoLib
The database is connecting correctly because I have a seed that injects data into the database using the create method of the library that you just saw.
In the service layer, I create a class with a method called getUser, which will call the getAll method of the MongoDB library, to which we pass a query so that it looks for the user.
'use strict'
const MongoLib = require('../lib/mongo')
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')
class UsersService {
constructor () {
this.collection = 'users'
this.mongoDB = new MongoLib()
async getUser ({ email }) {
// { email } is getted by basic authentication as a "username" to login
// I am receiving this data perfectly
const [user] = await this.mongoDB.getAll(this.collection, { email })
// But the problem start here, the value of user is undefined
return user
async createUser ({ user }) {
const { name, email, password } = user
const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10)
const createUserId = await this.mongoDB.create(this.collection, {
password: hashedPassword
return createUserId
module.exports = UsersService
The problem here is that the user value is undefined. I don't understand why it causes conflict. I'm using async-await to wait for the database request to finish, and the data is in the database correctly.
Does anyone have an idea about this error? If more information needs it, please let me know.
Suspect your query is wrong, you are sending { { email: email } } to mongodb
getAll (collection, query) {
return this.connect().then(db => {
return db.collection(collection).find(query).toArray()

Sorting in mongoose

Alright, this is very wierd but the sort does not work. it does not throw any error but the sort does not work.
try {
properties = await Property.find({}).sort("-minimumPrice");
} catch (err) {
I also tried but it didnt work as well:
try {
properties = await Property.find({}).sort({minimumPrice: "desc"});
} catch (err) {
See here for some decent answers on sorting and
here is some good official docs on mongoose async/await
You should use .exec() with await for better stack traces, the sort can take these values: asc, desc, ascending, descending, 1, and -1.
try {
let properties = await Property.find(query).sort({"minimumPrice": -1}).exec()
} catch (err) {
This is all assuming your query is correct and is retrieving documents to be sorted.
I went through your whole situation and created a test using what you provided.
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var propertySchema = new Schema({
name: String,
minimumPrice: Number
var Property = mongoose.model('Property', propertySchema);
(async function() {
try {
//connect to mongo
await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/testing', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });
//First, delete all properties
await Property.deleteMany({}).exec();
let properties = [];
//Insert 5 properties
for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
properties.push({ name: "property" + i, minimumPrice: Math.round(Math.random() * 10000) });
//Insert all our random properties
await Property.create(properties);
//Now, retrieve all our properties
let sortedProperties = await Property.find({}).sort({ minimumPrice: -1 }).exec();
console.log("sorted", sortedProperties);
} catch (err) {
Database Input:
{ name: 'property1', minimumPrice: 3846 },
{ name: 'property2', minimumPrice: 7910 },
{ name: 'property3', minimumPrice: 7234 },
{ name: 'property4', minimumPrice: 4444 },
{ name: 'property5', minimumPrice: 6366 }
Sorted Output:
name: 'property2',
minimumPrice: 7910
name: 'property3',
minimumPrice: 7234
name: 'property5',
minimumPrice: 6366
name: 'property4',
minimumPrice: 4444,
name: 'property1',
minimumPrice: 3846
You can see the properties come back sorted. Which leads me to assume, somewhere you've inserted your minimumPrice as a string.

When I make db process inside async map function, I can't avoid duplicate

I want to add pallet barcode to palletBarcodes field of record.But there is check for avoid add same palletBarcode.I am using below function. But check is not working inside async map function.
const palletBarcodes = ["TP2","TP2"]
await Promise.all( (palletBarcode) => {
const promise = await this.addPalletBarcode({ transferId, barcode: palletBarcode });
return promise;
async addPalletBarcode({ transferId, barcode, pickerId }) {
const { TransferDataAccess } = this;
const transfer = await TransferDataAccess.getTransfer({ transferId });
if (!transfer) {
throw new TransferNotFoundError();
if (transfer.palletBarcodes.length && transfer.palletBarcodes.includes(barcode)) {
throw new PalletBarcodeAlreadyExistsError({ barcode });
return TransferDataAccess.pushPalletBarcode({ transferId, barcode });
async pushPalletBarcode({ transferId, barcode }) {
const { TransferModel } = this;
return TransferModel
_id: transferId,
$push: {
palletBarcodes: barcode,
Instead of $push use $addToSet. $addToSet will treat your key in document as a set and that will automatically avoid duplicates.
You query would then become -
{ _id: transferId },
{ $addToSet: { palletBarcodes: barcode } }
